[Lingtyp] Intuitions about inclusive time reference

Siva Kalyan sivakalyan.princeton at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 00:49:21 UTC 2024

In English I would render this as “Today Mary was (going) to submit her grant proposal”.

In (colloquial) Tamil, it would be something like the following:

Mary iṉṉiki grant proposal submit paṇ-ṟa-t-āka iru-nt-ā(ḷ)
Mary today grant proposal submit do-PRS-NMLZ-as be-PST-3SG.F


> On 15 Feb 2024, at 7:29 am, Östen Dahl <oesten at ling.su.se> wrote:
> I would like to ask for intuitions about the following, in one or more languages that you are acquainted with.
> Suppose your colleague Mary said on Monday: "Tomorrow I'm going to submit my grant proposal." Now it's about noon on Tuesday, and you have no idea whatsoever of the time of the realization of her intention. Maybe she did it in the morning, maybe she'll wait until midnight, and maybe she's just doing it right now. How would you express the sentence below in your language(s), replacing SUBMIT by a suitable verb form? The idea is that you should try to use a maximally simple and natural formulation without excluding any possibility.
> Today Mary SUBMIT her grant proposal
> All comments are welcome.
> Thanks in advance!
> - Östen
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