[Lingtyp] Intuitions about inclusive time reference

Paolo Ramat paoram at unipv.it
Mon Feb 19 17:45:31 UTC 2024

In his clarifying reply of Febr. 16th  Östen writes " I don't think anyone
used a straightforward future tense or anything equivalent". Nevertheless,
even in a clearly limited time reference as 'today' ,'in a week' , "in a
month" it is possible to have a distinction referring to the speaking
moment.   "Today the shops are closed","Segodnja magaziny zakryty" include
a time span of 24 hours, but
T*oday Mary SUBMIT her grant proposal*
does admit that Mary will submit her proposal after the speaker's utterance
but before 12 p.m.  As I wrote : *Oggi M. invierà *(FUT)* la sua domanda
per la borsa,* whereby *invierà *seems to me a straightforward (near)
future tense.
Many thanks for the interesting discussion !

Prof. Dr. Paolo Ramat
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Socio corrispondente
'Academia Europaea'
'Societas Linguistica Europaea', Honorary Member
Università di Pavia (retired)
Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS Pavia) (retired)

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Il giorno lun 19 feb 2024 alle ore 18:04 Astrid De Wit <
astrid.dewit at uantwerpen.be> ha scritto:

> Dear Östen,
> You're right - it's very difficult to come up with a good elicitation
> technique for this one!
> As for the question you were asking yourself, I just wanted to check
> whether I'm getting this correctly. You're saying that the present tense is
> sometimes used to refer to non-punctual situations as long as these
> situations overlap with the time of speaking, but the English example (I
> must admit I can't say anything about Russian in this case) involves a
> stative situation, right? "Shops are closed today, shops remain closed
> today,..." Even if they are temporary states, these are states nonetheless
> and can therefore be made to coincide with the present, i.e. the time of
> speaking, because they have the sub-interval property. So I don't think
> these examples show that the present is extended in time. But perhaps this
> isn't what you were trying to say, and I misunderstood completely?
> Now that you've given some additional explanation on the kind of context
> you were after (and indeed, with less focus on the source of information),
> I think it would be possible to use a present tense in Dutch and say "Marie
> dient vandaag haar onderzoeksvoorstel in", if you don't know whether or not
> she's already submitted her proposal. But the Dutch present tense is
> aspectually ambiguous - or that's what I would say at least - and can
> therefore refer to situations where, in English for instance, you'd have to
> use a progressive. I'm not a native speaker of English, but the sentence
> "Mary submits her application today" seems less felicitous in this context.
> I would read this as a part of a series of planned events or something
> along those lines ("So, Mary submits her application today, and I do the
> same tomorrow, and then what?"). Almost narrative-like.
> In any case, interesting food for thought - thank you!
> Astrid
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lingtyp <lingtyp-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org> On Behalf Of
> Östen Dahl
> Sent: vrijdag 16 februari 2024 10:46
> To: lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org
> Subject: Re: [Lingtyp] Intuitions about inclusive time reference
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> Many thanks to everyone who has responded to my query!
> The background to my question was that I have been worrying about a
> well-known phenomenon that Astrid De Wit describes as follows in her book
> "The Present Perfective Paradox across Languages": "the assumption that
> there is a cognitive constraint on the alignment of bounded situations in
> their entirety with the time of speaking, and that this constraint is
> linguistically reflected in the fact that is difficult to use present
> perfective constructions with dynamic verbs to report present-time events".
> My problem is that while it seems plausible that one cannot place a
> bounded situation in the present as long as the present, as Aristotle
> claimed, is not extended in time, the present tense in languages such as
> English and Russian can be used about non-punctual time intervals, if they
> include the time of speech, as in "Today the shops are closed" or "Segodnja
> magaziny zakryty". So you might expect that you should in fact be able to
> get perfective presents about events that take place with such an interval.
> But that is rather tricky. It should preferably be a single event, but if
> you speak of a single event taking place today, you will tend to get a past
> or future tense depending on whether it is before or after the time of
> speech, e.g. "Today I got a letter from Mary" or "Today I will write to
> Mary". So the question is: what happens if I don't know the exact time of
> the event? I decided to do my best to construct a situation of that kind.
> I think that at this point, I had better not get into further lengthy
> explanations but just summarize the result of the query (so far).
> Whatever language responses were about, the major tendency was to modify
> the sentence so as to reflect the source of the information, that is,
> either state explicitly that this was something Mary had said or just use a
> form or construction that indicated that this was what had been planned.
> Some respondents also used plain present-referring constructions. I don't
> think anyone used a straightforward future tense or anything equivalent,
> but I may have missed that. - Particularly notable was the use of the past
> tense in Dutch pointed out by Astrid De Wit and Kees Hengeveld.
> Christian Lehmann points out that a simple present tense would be more
> likely if I had not mentioned the source of information. My intention was
> to make the context as clear as possible. However, I think this illustrates
> a general difficulty with  elicitation as a method. If you mention some
> aspect of the context in the instructions, this potentially makes it more
> salient to the respondent than it would be in a natural situation. The
> respondent may feel a need to include it somehow in the response even if
> they would not do so "in real life".
> - Östen
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