[Lingtyp] Three-year PhD position (2024–2027) on comparative Bantu (socio-)linguistics

Annemarie Verkerk annemarie.verkerk at uni-saarland.de
Sun Jan 7 20:23:28 UTC 2024

  --- apologies for cross-posting ---

Three-year PhD position (2024–2027) on comparative Bantu 

Weseek applications for a three-year doctoral position in linguistic 
typology, to prepare a cumulative dissertation on the topic of variation 
in Bantu gender systems and its link to socio-linguistic environments. 
The selected candidate will be based at Saarland University, Germany.

Deadline for applying: 31st January 2024

Start of contract: 1st May 2024

End of contract: 30th April 2027

SocioBaGS is an international consortium funded by the ANR-DFG funding 
scheme for the Humanities and Social Sciences and coordinated by 
Francesca Di Garbo (Aix-Marseille université – CNRS Parole et Langage) 
and Annemarie Verkerk (Saarland University). The project investigates 
variation and change in the nominal classification systems of the Bantu 
languages by comparing changes that occur in Bantu languages in contact 
with non-Bantu and Bantu languages. A detailed project description can 
be found here: https://tinyurl.com/mudhxxx9

     Job requirements and responsibilities:


    Þ The successful candidate will write a cumulative dissertation on
    the topic of comparative Bantu gender systems within the context of
    the SocioBaGS project


    Þ They will take on course-work where needed in order to improve
    their research and/or language skills;


    Þ They will present their findings to national and international


    Þ They will be a pro-active project member and participate with
    minor roles in other activities related to the project.




    Þ The successful candidate has a master's degree in general
    linguistics, African linguistics, or linguistic typology; or is
    close to obtaining such a degree;


    Þ They will have excellent research skills (independent, motivated,
    a keen eye for detail and a passion for learning) as well as good
    interpersonal skills (communicative, happy to work in a
    collaborative manner);


    Þ Beneficial for acceptance is experience in linguistic typology,
    comparative and descriptive Bantu linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    quantitative methods/statistics for the language sciences, and/or
    fieldwork (in Africa or elsewhere);


    Þ They should read, write, and speak English of the highest academic


    Þ Valuable but not mandatory for applying are language skills in any
    Bantu or other sub-Saharan language, French, or German.

    If you wish to apply:

    Please send your application to annemarie.verkerk at uni-saarland.de
    before the 31st January 2024. Your application should contain:

    Þ CV


    Þ Motivation letter


    Þ Relevant example of academic writing: term paper, thesis chapter,
    published work (if any)


    Þ Two academic (or relevant professional) reference letters
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