[Lingtyp] Interviewing teachers of endangered or revitalised languages for a BA project

Stef Spronck sspronck at mailbox.org
Wed Jan 10 15:29:26 UTC 2024

Dear all,
On behalf of a student doing a final BA project in Language and communication at Utrecht University, I am looking for people who have been involved in teaching an endangered, minority, or revitalised language. The student hopes to interview language teachers about their experiences and particularly seeks to understand how teaching an endangered or revitalised language might differ from other language teaching contexts, how teachers see their roles and responsibilities towards their students and what kind of support they feel they are lacking from, e.g., (other) academics working with endangered language communities or training programmes.
If you have personal experience that might be relevant for this project or have collaborated with passionate community language teachers, thank you very much in advance for replying to this message (off-list).
Thank you,
Dr. Stef Spronck,
Lecturer in Language & communication at Utrecht University,
Postdoctoral researcher in Indigenous studies at the University of Helsinki.
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