[Lingtyp] Looking for two terms

John Peterson jpeterson at isfas.uni-kiel.de
Wed Jan 31 10:47:02 UTC 2024

Many thanks to all who responded to my query on the two case names on 
and offline. I will go with _elative_ and _selective_.

I think part of the reason I originally rejected the term _elative_ is 
that I was looking for parallel names for the two cases, but that does 
not seem feasible here. I especially liked Chris Lasse's suggestion of 
_selective _which seems to go back to Beáta Wagner-Nagy's grammar (2019) 
of Nganasan where it marks a unit which is selected out of a set of two. 
Both differ of course what the markers I am describing - I don't know of 
other languages in which the elative can only be used attributively, and 
Wagner-Nagy's selective is not a case marker and only for sets of two, 
but these two will serve their purpose fine!

Many thanks once again!

Am 30.01.2024 20:03, schrieb Christian Lehmann:

> Dear John,
> I concur with Chris that a traditionally established term for case #2 
> is elative and that it is more difficult to find a term for #1. The 
> structural problem in finding or coining a latinate term is probably 
> that it is all but excluded to combine two Latin prepositions at the 
> start of one such term. One way out is to base the term on a different 
> verb than Lat. _ferre_ (-> _lative_), as Chris also suggests. Available 
> terms include _separative_ and _asportative_. Neither of these fits 
> exactly the function that you describe, unless the inessive + genitive 
> turns out to also indicate a separating movement or one of carrying a 
> thing away. _Extractive_ would also be possible.
> Needless to say, a place to look for possible established terms is in 
> grammars of Uralic languages.
> Best,
> Christian --
> Prof. em. Dr. Christian Lehmann
> Rudolfstr. 4
> 99092 Erfurt
> Deutschland
> Tel.:
> +49/361/2113417
> E-Post:
> christianw_lehmann at arcor.de
> Web:
> https://www.christianlehmann.eu
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John Peterson
Linguistik und Phonetik (ISFAS)
Leibnizstr. 10
D-24118 Kiel

Tel.: (+49) (0)431-880 2414
Fax: (+49) (0)431-880 7405


"Nós temos duas vidas e a segunda começa quando você percebe que você só 
tem uma…" (Mário de Andrade)
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