[Lingtyp] Non-TAME verbal categories

Adam James Ross Tallman ajrtallman at utexas.edu
Tue Jun 11 15:59:32 UTC 2024

Hello all,

This is question for teaching purposes. I'm teaching a course on TAME
categories. I wanted to give a lecture discussing "other categories" that
are not always covered by TAME. Here is what I have thus far:

•Temporal remoteness
•Associated motion
•Associated posture

Any other suggestions to add to this list would be helpful, leads to
literature would be even better.

Note, that by non-TAME I don't mean to imply that these categories couldn't
be lumped in with tense, aspect, modality or evidentiality (pluractionality
is probably a type of aspect) ... just that people have talked about these
as grammatical categories in their own right and they are not
stereotypically discussed in the context of TAME. Actually the fun cases
are those where there is some literature arguing that the category is
really just some subpart of TAME (e.g. N. Hall on mirativity), because
reviewing this literature (+counter arguments) helps reinforce
understanding of the TAME concepts.



Adam J.R. Tallman
Post-doctoral Researcher
Friedrich Schiller Universität
Department of English Studies
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