6.493 Confs: Southeast Asian Ling Society 5, Student Conf in Ling 7
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Mon Apr 3 07:18:20 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-493. Mon 03 Apr 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 483
Subject: 6.493 Confs: Southeast Asian Ling Society 5, Student Conf in Ling 7
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
[Moderators' note: we'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements
to 150 lines, so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider
omitting information useful only to attendees, such as information on
housing, transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.
Thank you for your cooperation.]
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 16:20:03 -0700 (MST)
From: "Pat E. Perez" (PATEP at CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU)
Subject: SEALS V Program
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 95 09:01:28 EST
From: Carole Tenny Boster (TENNY at UConnVM.UConn.Edu)
Subject: SCIL7 conference--registration/housing/program info.
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 16:20:03 -0700 (MST)
From: "Pat E. Perez" (PATEP at CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU)
Subject: SEALS V Program
Program, May 19-21, 1995
Hotel Park, Tucson, Arizona
E-mail Inquiries should be directed to: shobs at ccit.arizona.edu
7:00 Registration and coffee
8:00 Opening remarks by Martha Ratliff
8:20 Christina Hvitfeldt & Gloria Poedjosoedarmo
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Language Use and Identity across Generations in Singapore
8:40 Peter Sercombe, Delal University, Brunei
Linguistic And Cultural Adaptation Among the Penan of Brunei
9:00 Norman Zide, University of Chicago
Three New Munda Scripts
9:20 Der-Hwa V. Rau, Jean Chang, Boryle Fu, Rose Huang, Joanna Lin,
Ariel Pai, and Ammy Wang, Providence University, Taiwan
A Study of Yami Language Shift
9:40 C. T. Dorji, London School of Economics and Royal Institute of
Management, Thimphu, Bhutan
Literacy and Bilingual Education in Bhutan
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 Rita C. Simpson, University of Michigan and Panit Boonyawatana,
Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Gender Differences in Pronouns of Anger and Apology in Thai
10:40 Shobhana L. Chelliah, University of Arizona
Politeness in Manipuri (Meiteiron)
11:00 Herbert C. Purnell, Biola University
Putting it all together: Components of a secular song in Iu Mien
11:20 Kirk Roger Person, Summer Institute of Linguistics & Payap
University, Thailand
Preaching in the Shade of the Bo Tree: Discourse Considerations
in the Hortatory Speech of the Phra Phayom Kalayano
11:40 Invited Speaker
J. Joseph Errington, Yale University
12:40 Lunch
1:40 Mohd Sallehhudin Abd. Aziz, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Attitudes towards English in Malaysia
2:00 Norshima Mat Awal, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
English Lexical Items in Spoken Malayan
2:20 Gerard Francillon, Universite Joseph-Fourier, Grenoble, France
On Malay Word Formation
2:40 Asim Gunarwan, University of Indonesia
Degrees of Acceptance of Newly Coined Words in the Corpus
Planning of the Indonesian Language
3:00 Coffee Break
MORPHOSYNTAX Chair: Martha Ratliff
3:20 Marian Klamer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Continuative aspect and the nature of the dative clitic in Kambera
3:40 Chun-lin Luo, Providence University, Taiwan
Kavalan Aspectual Markers ti and bun-ti
4:00 Robert Sibarani, Universitas Sumatera Utara & Universitas
Sisisngamangaraja, Medan, Indonesia
Interrogatives in Toba Batak
4:20 Invited Speaker
Peansiri Vongvipanond, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
A theory of serialization in isolative languages
6:00 Reception
8:00 Jerold A. Edmondson, Sezhen Geziben and Michael Filippini,
University of Texas at Arlington
A Cross-lectal study of Tibetan tones: Analysis and representation
8:20 Mark Alves, University of Hawaii at Manoa
A Non-Linear View of Vietnamese Tones
8:40 Kirk Roger Person, Summer Institute of Linguistics & Payap
University, Taiwan
Voice Quality and Tone in several Lao Dialects
9:00 Marybeth Clark, La Jolla, California
Meaningful Tone: Deixis and Anaphora as Prelinguistic Universals
9:20 Adamantios I. Gafos, The Johns Hopkins University
The Morphological System of Temiar: A Case-Study in 'Non-
concatenative' Systems
9:40 Adrian Clynes, Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Interactions of Semantics and Phonology
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 Invited Speaker
Diana Archangeli, University of Arizona
11:20 Business meeting
12:00 Luncheon with address by James Matisoff, UC Berkeley
SYNTAX 1 Chair: Simin Karimi
1:20 J. E. Voskuil, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden
A-Bar Movement and Verbal Morphology in Indonesian
1:40 Charles Randriamasimanana, Massey University, New Zealand
Evidence for Null Subjects in Malagasy
2:00 Rob Pensalfini, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Malagasy Phrase Structure: A Problem for the LCA
2:20 Manideepa Patnaik, Delhi University
Assignment of Cases in Angami Naga under Government
2:40 Coffee Break
SYNTAX 2 Chair: Mary Willie
3:00 Shoichi Iwasaki, UCLA
Causative and Benefactive Constructions in Thai
3:20 F. K. Lehman, University of Illinois
On the use of Dah in Lai Chin Questions and the Operator
Syntax of Functors
3:40 George Bedell, International Christian University, Tokyo
Agreement in Lai
4:00 David Gil, National University of Singapore
Patterns of Polyfunctionality in Noun-Phrase Constructions in
the Languages of Southeast Asia
4:20 Coffee Break
SYNTAX 3 Chair: Dick Demers
4:40 Andrew Gallagher, University of Oregon
An Experimental Study of Indonesian Voice
5:00 Wayan Sidhakarya, University of Oregon
Suffixes -ang and -in as Verbal Case Markings in Balinese
5:20 Genevieve Escure, University of Minnesota
Topic Structures in Native and Nonnative Putonghua
5:40 Michael Ewing & Susanna Cumming, UC Santa Barbara
Relative Clauses in Indonesian Conversation
6:00 Invited Speaker
Scott DeLancey, University of Oregon
Grammaticalization and Syntactic Categories: Southeast Asian Evidence
8:00 Paul K. Benedict, Ormond Beach, Florida
Hmong-Mien Kinship terms
8:20 Ji Yong Xing, Guanxi Teachers University, P.R.C.
On Measures for Nouns in Miao-Yao Languages
8:40 Subhrangsu Indraruna, Bangkok, Thailand
Indo-Aryan Prefixes in Thai
9:00 Wu Tie-ping, Beijing Normal University
Evolution of Value Forms as Reflected in Chinese and other Languages
9:20 Coffee Break
9:40 Martha Ratliff, Wayne State University
The Reconstruction of Proto-Hmong-Mien Liquids
10:00 James Matisoff, UC, Berkeley
Primary and Secondary Laryngeal Initials in Sino-Tibetan
10:20 W. Wilfred Schuhmacher, Risoe National Laboratory, Gadstrup, Denmark
Proto-Austronesian Monosyllabic Roots and Long Range Comparison
10:40 Jerold A. Edmonson, University of Texas at Arlington,
Chang Yiming, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,
U Tun Aye, Myitkyina College, Myanmar,
Daw Ah Nang, University of Mandalay, Myanmar
Shan Today
11:00 Joseph C. Finney, Monterey, California
The Yap Language: Whence and How?
11:20 Fatima Awe Chuchu, Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Isophones in the Tutong Language
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 95 09:01:28 EST
From: Carole Tenny Boster (TENNY at UConnVM.UConn.Edu)
Subject: SCIL7 conference--registration/housing/program info.
Student Conference in Linguistics, VII
University of Connecticut, Storrs
April 8-9, 1995
8:00 - 9:00 Registration and Breakfast
9:00 - 9:15 Opening Remarks
Session 1: Semantics I
9:15 - 9:55 Elena Herburger, USC Focus Structures Quantification over Events
9:55 - 10:35 Andre Meinunger, FAS, Berlin Focus Relations and Weak Islands
10:35 -10:45 Break
Session 2: Discourse/Language Acquisition
10:45 - 11:25 Piroska Csuri, Brandeis Residual DRSUs and Theory of Anaphora
11:25 - 12:05 Sjoukje van der Wal, University of Groningen What is negative
to the child? Evidence from the Acquisition of NPIs
12:05 - 1:30 Lunch Break
Session 3: Syntax I
1:30 - 2:10 Masanori Nakamura, McGill University Wh-Disagreement
2:10 - 2:50 Rajesh Bhatt & Roumyana Izvorski, UPENN Implicit Arguments and
2:50 - 3:30 Hidekazu Tanaka, McGill Reconstruction and Chain Uniformity
3:30 - 3:40 Break
Session 4: Phonology
3:40 - 4:20 Ruben van de Vijver, Vrije Get Your Feet Out of Here
4:20 - 5:00 Sechang Lee, USC Obstruent Unreleasing and Tensification
in Korean
5:00 - 5:40 Takako Kawasaki, McGill Voicing Underspecification in Optimality
6:30-Midnight Dinner Party
SUNDAY, April 9
8:00-9:00 Registration and Breakfast
Session 5: Syntax II
9:00 - 9:40 Keiko Muromatsu, University of Maryland Integrals and Spatials:
Two Types of Existentials in Japanese
9:40 - 10:20 Dae-ho Chung & Hong-Keun Park, USC
An Indirect Question Analysis of Korean $/" Quantifiers
10:20 - 11:00 Roumyana Slabakova, McGill University Slavic SE and Aspect
11:00 - 11:10 Break
Session 6: Semantics II
11:10 - 11:50 Stefan Engelberg, Wuppertal Event Structure and Verb Arguments
11:50 - 12:30 Ellen Thompson, University of Maryland
The Syntactic Representation of Aktionsart
12:30 - 2:00 Lunch Break
Session 7: Syntax III
2:00 - 2:40 Norvin Richards, MIT The Principle of Minimal Compliance
2:40 - 3:20 Uli Sauerland, MIT The Lemmings Theory of Case
3:20 - 4:00 Roumyana Izvorski, UPENN The Empty Category in Subcomparatives
Hong-Keun Park, USC Quantification in English and Japanese/Korean: A-
movment/Scrambling as a Fake QR
Marc van Oostendorp, Tilburg University
Root Controlled Vowel Harmony and Segment Integrity
On-Campus: We have reserved some rooms on campus in Whitney Hall. They
cost $15.50 per night, or $12 if you bring your own towels and bedding
linen. Call (203)-486-2697 (between 3-10pm 7 days a week) for more
information. Please reserve early; especially for the second option. You
must indicate that you are attending the Linguistics conference.
Payment must be cash or traveler's check. Check-in is between 3pm
and 10pm.
Off-Campus: The only real hotel in town is the Best Western; it is on rte 195
in Mansfield (the town UConn is in) on the WRTD bus line to UConn (and
next to the mall). Conference rates are $45.50 for a single (Queen bed)
and $55.50 for a double (two double beds). You must reserve your room
before March 30 to get this rate. Call (203) 423-8451.
For a more elegant stay, also on Rte 195 in Mansfield is the
Altnaveigh Inn (957 Storrs Rd). Prices range from $38-55 for a single,
$45-60 for a double; there are only 6 rooms, so reserve early. The
Altnaveigh is also a nice restaurant. Call (203) 429-4490.
Crash Space: Conference participants who will not be able to stay at a hotel
may request 'crash space', which may only amount to floor space in a
student's dorm room. Please complete and return the attached 'crash
space request form' as soon as possible and before March 20.
By Car:)From I-84 E or W: Take exit 68; turn (Left for 84W; Right for 84 E)
at the light at ramp end. You will be on rte 195 South; continue for
about 8-9 miles until you cross rte 44. The University campus is on rte
195 about 2 miles after this intersection. To get to the Linguistics dept or
the conference, take a Right (onto Mansfield Road--you will see a pond on the
right) at the fifth light after rte 44. Arjona (conference) is on your Left
just before the intersection of Whitney Road, and Monteith (department) is
across Whitney Rd also on your Left. These two buildings are mirror images of
each other. On the weekend you may park on the street or in parking lots
marked on the UConn map.
)From I-91N: take 15N just outside of Hartford, which will connect you
to I-84E. Follow directions above.
)From I-91S: take 291E North of Hartford to rte I-84E. Follow
directions above.
By any other route: The UConn campus is on state rte 195 between
state routes 44 and 6.
By public transportation:UConn is not in a city; major public transportation
will get you to New Haven, Hartford, Willimantic ('Willi'), or Bradley IA.
Bus: From New Haven:ARROW has a route from New Haven to UConn; it costs $10
each way.Information: 1-800-243-9560. The ride takes about 2 hours. The
schedules for Friday and Sunday are as follows:
Leave New Haven for UConn (UConn Co-op): FRI: 4:35PM 7:30PM
Leave UConn for New Haven: SUN: 12:15PM 3:30PM
PETER PAN has a route from New Haven to Hartford; it costs $9.95
each way. Information: Call 1-800-343-9999. The everyday schedule is
as follows: Leave New Haven for Hartford: 12:30AM; 5:45; 8:00; 10:30; 11:45;
12:50PM; 2:50; 4:50; 6:50PM; 8:10PM
Leave Hartford for New Haven: 8:00AM;10:00; 12:00PM; 3:00; 5:00; 10:15
>From Bradley International Airport: HORIZON Airport Shuttle runs from the
airport to UConn (Whitney Hall or the library), stopping also at the Best
Western and the Altnaveigh; Cost is $15 one way; $25 round trip. You must
call to make reservations (the schedule is erratic): (203) 450-2170 The trip
takes about an hour; schedule is as follows:
Leave Bradley International for UConn: 7:00AM;9:35AM;12:25PM;6:35PM;8:30PM
Leave UConn for Bradley International: 5:35AM; 8:35AM;11:05AM;3:05PM;7:05PM
To get a taxicab to take you from Bradley to UConn, dial 1-800-242-TAXI.
* From Hartford: ARROW has a route from Hartford to UConn; it costs $6 each
way. In Hartford, buy tickets at the Peter Pan desk at Union Station; in
Storrs, buy tickets at the UConn Co-op or from the driver. Information: 1-800-
243-9560. The ride takes 45 minutes. The schedules for Friday and
Sunday (no Saturday run) are as follows:
Leave Union Station for Storrs(UConn Co-op):FRI:6AM;11:10;2:15PM;4:20;5:25;8:25
Leave UConn for Hartford: SUN: 12:15PM 3:30 6:15 9:15
BONANZA has a bus from Hartford to Willimantic; it costs $5 each
way. Information: Call Bev's Newsstand, (203) 456-0440. The everyday
schedule is:)From Hartford to Willimantic: 9:15AM 12:15PM 3:30 5:30
)From Willimantic to Hartford: 10:30AM 2:30PM 4:30 7:30
HORIZON Airport Shuttle runs from Union Station to UConn
(Whitney Hall or the library), stopping also at the Best Western and
the Altnaveigh; Cost is $15 one way; $25 round trip. You must call to
make reservations (the schedule is erratic): (203) 450-2170. The trip
takes about 40 minutes; schedule is as follows:
Leave Hartford for UConn (negotiate for other times if you are a group):
12:45PM 7PM
Leave UConn for Bradley International:
5:35AM 8:35AM 11:05AM 3:05PM 7:05PM
From Willimantic:
WRTD is our local bus system; it runs along rte 195 to connect
Willimantic to the UConn campus and costs $1.20. IT DOES NOT
RUN ON SUNDAY. The bus stops at many places. If you get to
Willimantic by bus you can catch it a block from where your bus left
you, which is across from Bev's Newsstand: The WRTD stop is on Bank
St and Valley St. Call 456-2223 for information. The schedule is as
)From Willi (Bank/Valley) to UConn (Whitney Hall), M-F:
7:10AM 7:43 8:34 10:02 11:30 1:14PM 3:19 5:26
)From Willi (Bank/Valley) to UConn (Whitney Hall), Sat:
11:30AM 1:14PM 2:41 4:40
The local taxicab company is Colchester Cab, (203) 423-5700.
A train into Hartford will leave you at Union Station; see bus
information above to get to UConn.
A train to New Haven will leave you at the New Haven train
station, which is also the bus station for all buses except Peter Pan.
See bus information above. You will need to take a taxi between the
train/bus station and the Peter Pan bus station. Yellow Cab's phone
number is 777-7777.
Pre-Registration Form
To receive the pre-registration discount, this form and a
check payable to TLinguistics Club at UConnU must be received
by Monday, March 20. Registration forms received after the deadline
will be processed at the on-site fee. We regret that we are unable to
refund fees to registrants who cannot attend.
The conference fee includes: entrance to all sessions, a
registration packet, two breakfasts, coffee and doughnut
breaks, and both an Italian dinner and a dance party (with
refreshments and a live band) on Saturday night, April 8.
Please check the appropriate box:
___ Student $15 (on site: $20)
___ Faculty: $25 (on site: $30)
Mailing Address:_____________________
Zip/Postal code_____________________Country________________________
We plan to have two sign language interpreters for all talks if
anyone indicates such an interest. Please check this box and return
these forms before March 20 if you would like an interpreter.
____ I would like a sign language interpreter.
"Crash Space" Request Form
Please return by March 20
We will be able to accommodate a limited number of conference
participants in our homes, given sufficient notice. Please return this
completed form as soon as possible if you will need a place to sleep
during the conference weekend.
1. I am ___ female ___ male
2. ___ I am willing to stay with a person of the opposite sex.
3. ____I smoke; ___ I would be willing to stay where I could not
___ I don't smoke; ___ I would be willing to stay where others
4. I can bring my own ____ towel, ___ sleeping bag, ___ pillow.
5. ____ I will have my own car.
____ I will need rides to and from the conference.
6. I am allergic to (pets, smoke, etc) :___________________________________
7. I will need crash space on ___ Friday ___ Saturday night(s).
8. Other special needs____________________________________________________
Name ________________________________________
Email address ________________________________
Phone ________________________________________
please return to:
UConn Linguistics Dept
341 Mansfield Rd, U-145
Storrs, CT 06269-1145
by March 20.
Please reserve your SCIL VII (100% cotton) T-shirts now! Their unique
design captures the essence of life on the rural Storrs campus of UConn.
You will treasure them for decades. They make great gift items, too.
T-shirts are available in blue, purple, light grey, and white; and in
adult sizes S, M, L, and XL (SIZES RUN SMALL-- we recommend L or
XL). They cost $10 each if you order them now; but they will cost at
least $12 at the conference. Your T-shirt will be waiting for you when
you arrive.
Please reserve for (your name) _________________________________:
(How many) ______ Tshirt(s) in size _______ and color _________
cost $_________
(How many) ______ Tshirt(s) in size _______ and color _________
cost $_________
TOTAL COST $_____________
Please enclose payment with check payable to Ling Club at UConn
and mail to:
UConn Linguistics Department
341 Mansfield Rd, U-145
Storrs, CT 06269-1145
Office use only
Check no.
Significant Others (spouses, girl/boyfriends, etc) of registered
SCIL VII conference participants may attend the dinner and
party on April 8 for a fee of $10 for adults (kids are free).
I would like to bring _____ adult guests and _____ children to the
SCIL VII dinner and party on April 8.
Price per adult: $10 (kids free) TOTAL _______________
Please return to:
UConn Linguistics Department
341 Mansfield Rd, U-145
Storrs, CT 06269-1145
office use only:
check no._____
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-493.
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