April 1995 Archives by subject
Starting: Sat Apr 1 07:11:19 UTC 1995
Ending: Sun Apr 30 20:01:48 UTC 1995
Messages: 158
- 6.481 Sum: Language and Religion
The Linguist List
- 6.482 Varieties of English - classification problems
The Linguist List
- 6.483 Sum: Mystery Languages
The Linguist List
- 6.484 Rev: Between Worlds (Karttunen)
The Linguist List
- 6.485 TOC: Glot International
The Linguist List
- 6.486 Words that are their own opposites
The Linguist List
- 6.487 Sum: Heaviness Hierarchy
The Linguist List
- 6.488 FYI: Ass. for the History of Lg on WWW, New Corpus, GASLA 95
The Linguist List
- 6.489 Sum: Social Aspects of Orthography
The Linguist List
- 6.490 German Affricates
The Linguist List
- 6.491 Confs: Workshop on connectionist-symbolic integration
The Linguist List
- 6.492 Confs: Forensic linguistics, Mathematical modelling
The Linguist List
- 6.493 Confs: Southeast Asian Ling Society 5, Student Conf in Ling 7
The Linguist List
- 6.494 Confs: Question re GASLA, GLOW 1995, Aphasiology
The Linguist List
- 6.495 Calls: Computational ling, Language acquisition (Reminder)
The Linguist List
- 6.496 Qs: Tarahumara, Whistling lg, Florida lgs, Sturtevant quote
The Linguist List
- 6.497 Qs: Habere/avoir, Ling as a career, Syntax, Dipthongization
The Linguist List
- 6.498 Confs: Slavic workshop, SEALS V hotel info
The Linguist List
- 6.499 Jobs: Japanese, Grammatical Analyst (English)
The Linguist List
- 6.500 Whatever happened to HAD /'D?
The Linguist List
- 6.501 Linguistics in science fiction
The Linguist List
- 6.502 Qs: Phd programs, Portuguese, Software, Russian studies
The Linguist List
- 6.503 Qs: Online journals, Qur'an, Vietnamese and Thai, SSP
The Linguist List
- 6.504 Calls: Mathematical models of natural language
The Linguist List
- 6.505 Comparative method
The Linguist List
- 6.506 Comparative method
The Linguist List
- 6.507 Fun: Connidities: CONNected IDIomatic ambiguiTIES
The Linguist List
- 6.508 Sum: Aum Shinri Kyo
The Linguist List
- 6.509 Language policy
The Linguist List
- 6.510 Sum: References on speech acts
The Linguist List
- 6.511 Qs: E-types, Reverse dictionaries, Compounds, German as L2
The Linguist List
- 6.512 FYI: Quantitative ling association, Amsterdam summer school
The Linguist List
- 6.513 Amsterdam colloquium, FTP address correction for GALA'95
The Linguist List
- 6.514 Calls: Typology, Derivational residue in phonology
The Linguist List
- 6.515 Qs: Phrasal verbs, Balanced sentences, Bantu, Japanese/Korean
The Linguist List
- 6.516 Fun: British Rahls, Wessex Institute of Technology
The Linguist List
- 6.517 Sum: Cantonese tones
The Linguist List
- 6.518 Sum: Kind of, sort of
The Linguist List
- 6.519 Sum: English compound noun corpora
The Linguist List
- 6.520 Sum: Sturtevant on lying & the origin of language
The Linguist List
- 6.521 Sum: More on Aum
The Linguist List
- 6.522 Words that are their own opposites
The Linguist List
- 6.523 Jobs: Chinese, English, MT, Chinese, Deixis, Ling Anthropology
The Linguist List
- 6.524 German Affricates
The Linguist List
- 6.525 Social Aspects of Orthography, Ling in Science Fiction
The Linguist List
- 6.526 Sum: American pronunciation
The Linguist List
- 6.527 Against Initialization
The Linguist List
- 6.528 Aum Shinri Kyo
The Linguist List
- 6.529 FYI: Summer Schools in Cogn. Science, Comp Ling, German Lang
The Linguist List
- 6.530 German Affricates
The Linguist List
- 6.531 Words that are their opposites
The Linguist List
- 6.532 Language Policy
The Linguist List
- 6.533 Linguistics in Science Fiction
The Linguist List
- 6.534 Language and Religion
The Linguist List
- 6.535 Calls: Language and Consciousness, Acquisition of Spanish
The Linguist List
- 6.536 Confs: Comp Ling, Slavic Ling
The Linguist List
- 6.537 Qs: Minimalism, Rap music, Tiwi, Software for diagramming
The Linguist List
- 6.538 Confs: South Slavonic, Natural language processing
The Linguist List
- 6.539 Qs: Vietnamese, Use of "many a...", Official lg, Tati & Talysh
The Linguist List
- 6.540 Jobs: Lang & Cognition, English, Chinese, Modern Langs
The Linguist List
- 6.541 Qs: Talk-shows, Tok Masta, Ibn Fadlan manuscript, Possessives
The Linguist List
- 6.542 Confs: Negation conference in Ottawa, New Guinea lgs/linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.543 Confs: GLOW 95 preregistration, Optimality in Syntax workshop
The Linguist List
- 6.544 Qs: Phrasal verbs, Interdentalized laterals, Etymologies
The Linguist List
- 6.545 Confs: Australian Ling Inst, Parsing technologies at IWPT'95,
The Linguist List
- 6.546 Confs: Morphology, syntax and phonology, Formal Ling Society
The Linguist List
- 6.547 Qs: Transitive/intransitive verbs, Czenglish, English /r/
The Linguist List
- 6.548 FYI: Mod Old Norse, EXCHANGE, Textual Studies, Moscow Ling J.
The Linguist List
- 6.549 Sum: Three argument verbs
The Linguist List
- 6.550 Qs: Various structures, Pronouns, Ergativity, Reference search
The Linguist List
- 6.551 Language and Religion
The Linguist List
- 6.552 Sum: Modality
The Linguist List
- 6.553 Sum: Spontaneous Nasalisation
The Linguist List
- 6.554 Language Policy
The Linguist List
- 6.555 Sum: Cheb & [+foreign]
The Linguist List
- 6.556 Words that are their opposites
The Linguist List
- 6.557 New Books: Amerind Lgs, General Ling, Semitic Lgs, Translation
The Linguist List
- 6.558 Confs: Revised preliminary program for SIGIR-95
The Linguist List
- 6.559 Qs: Literature search, Nepali, Hist of @ sign, Vowels after [hw]
The Linguist List
- 6.560 Qs: GB parser, Functionalist school, CAI in Fr, Lg acquisition
The Linguist List
- 6.561 Calls: Formal/psycholinguistics, Optionality
The Linguist List
- 6.562 Qs: Textbooks, Grad programs, English dialects, Universals
The Linguist List
- 6.563 Help for LINGUIST
The Linguist List
- 6.564 Jobs: Summer jobs for undergrads, European Lang Resourses Ass.
The Linguist List
- 6.565 Aum
The Linguist List
- 6.566 Qs: Computing kinship terms, CAI lg learning,'d', Coronal vowels
The Linguist List
- 6.567 Sum: Statistics on conjugations
The Linguist List
- 6.568 Confs: Phonology workshop, Optimality in Syntax address
The Linguist List
- 6.569 Qs: IBM ads, [+foreign] pronunciations, Deep structure
The Linguist List
- 6.570 FYI: TESOL summer institute, Linguistic journal in Moscow
The Linguist List
- 6.571 FYI: Web search facility, Yamada Language Center
The Linguist List
- 6.572 Comparative method
The Linguist List
- 6.573 Qs: References, Russian speakers, Japanese Sign Lg, E-mail sign
The Linguist List
- 6.574 Qs: Hong Kong Eng, NP/Agreement complementarity, Homophones
The Linguist List
- 6.575 Calls: Constraint-based formalisms, Theoretical linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.576 Varia: Lang in Scince Fiction, Lang & Religion, Kind-of
The Linguist List
- 6.577 New Books: Romance Ling, Lang Contact, Semantics, Syntax
The Linguist List
- 6.578 Sum: Correct references on lang development
The Linguist List
- 6.579 About Modern Old Norse ...
The Linguist List
- 6.580 Words that are their own opposites
The Linguist List
- 6.581 Confs: Final Program for Chicago Linguistic Society 31
The Linguist List
- 6.582 Qs: Greek corpus, L1 acq, Prague conf, Accusative marking
The Linguist List
- 6.583 Qs: Ergativity, Journal, Academie Francaise, Parallel corpora
The Linguist List
- 6.584 Calls: Cultural studies, Natural language processing
The Linguist List
- 6.585 Calls: Computational linguistics, Software systems
The Linguist List
- 6.586 Sum: Ergativity in French
The Linguist List
- 6.587 Jobs: Postdoc in NLP, Fullbright Chair, Computational Ling
The Linguist List
- 6.588 Confs: Programs for TMI95 and UC Berkeley symposium
The Linguist List
- 6.589 Qs: Zoroastrianism, Relevance theory, Algonquian
The Linguist List
- 6.590 Qs: Mystery lg, Colors in Native American lgs, Survey
The Linguist List
- 6.591 Calls: Natural language processing, Second lg acquisition
The Linguist List
- 6.592 Calls: Slavic lgs, Computational ling and Chinese lg processing
The Linguist List
- 6.593 FYI: Yiddish summer program, Multilingual PC directory on WWW
The Linguist List
- 6.594, Language and Religion
The Linguist List
- 6.595, About Modern Old Norse ...
The Linguist List
- 6.596, Sum: Possessives
The Linguist List
- 6.597, FYI: Woodrow Wilson Fellowships, New MA degrees, Summer School
The Linguist List
- 6.598, Sum: Relativizer/Interrogative Question
The Linguist List
- 6.599, Qs: KWIC, Ergativity, NLP and Lang Extinction, Hide-N-Seek
The Linguist List
- 6.600, Affricates
The Linguist List
- 6.600, Affricates
The Linguist List
- 6.601, Jobs: Hindi, Vietnamese, Thai, Computational Grammarians, NLP
The Linguist List
- 6.601, Jobs: Hindi, Vietnamese, Thai, Computational Grammarians, NLP
The Linguist List
- 6.602, FYI: TERM LIST, Austronesian langs list, Ethnologue
The Linguist List
- 6.602, FYI: TERM LIST, Austronesian langs list, Ethnologue
The Linguist List
- 6.603, Qs: Indoasiatico, Digital audio, Perception verbs, English
The Linguist List
- 6.603, Qs: Indoasiatico, Digital audio, Perception verbs, English
The Linguist List
- 6.604, FYI: European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information
The Linguist List
- 6.604, FYI: European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information
The Linguist List
- 6.605, Jobs: French; Phonology
The Linguist List
- 6.605, Jobs: French; Phonology
The Linguist List
- 6.606, Jobs: SLA, Text generation
The Linguist List
- 6.606, Jobs: SLA, Text generation
The Linguist List
- 6.607 Sum: Spontaneous Speech
The Linguist List
- 6.607 Sum: Spontaneous Speech
The Linguist List
- 6.608, Qs: Stimulus, Muscogee, PP, Urdu
The Linguist List
- 6.608, Qs: Stimulus, Muscogee, PP, Urdu
The Linguist List
- 6.609 FYI: German as official language of the US
The Linguist List
- 6.610, Affricates
The Linguist List
- 6.611, Calls: Symposium on Spanish Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.612, Calls: Eastern States Conference on Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.613, Confs: Natural language Understanding and Logic Programming
The Linguist List
- 6.614, Nostratic, Linguistic Society of Korea, Language development
The Linguist List
- 6.615, Calls: Clausal architecture, Speech under stress
The Linguist List
- 6.616, Qs: Passives, English (-) French trans, Bilingualism
The Linguist List
- 6.617, Confs: Twente workshop, Student Conf in Linguistics (SCIL)
The Linguist List
- 6.618, Qs: Schwidetzky, IPA font, Phonological rules, Mod Hebrew
The Linguist List
- 6.619, Sum: Burmese
The Linguist List
- 6.620, "The Parameter of Aspect": Author's response
The Linguist List
- 6.621, Official Language of the USA
The Linguist List
- 6.622, Confs: International Conference on Historical Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.623, Calls: Newsletter for lang and law, Germanic syntax newsletter
The Linguist List
- 6.624, Qs: Conf location, Forensic ling, Med textdata, Foreign lg ed.
The Linguist List
- 6.625, Qs: Lithuanian phonology, Greek VOT values, Parser results
The Linguist List
- 6.626, Calls: Diachronic syntax, Comparative Germanic syntax
The Linguist List
- 6.627, Qs: German marking, Telephone lg, Comp/etymology, 1952 project
The Linguist List
- 6.628, Qs: New idioms, Database package, AL/ESL conf, Ergativity
The Linguist List
- 6.629, Affricates
The Linguist List
Last message date:
Sun Apr 30 20:01:48 UTC 1995
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 07:45:33 UTC 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).