6.546 Confs: Morphology, syntax and phonology, Formal Ling Society
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Wed Apr 12 19:12:12 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-546. Wed 12 Apr 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 381
Subject: 6.546 Confs: Morphology, syntax and phonology, Formal Ling Society
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
[Moderators' note: we'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements
to 150 lines, so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider
omitting information useful only to attendees, such as information on
housing, transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.
Thank you for your cooperation.]
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 23:57:05 -0700
From: pmfarrell at ucdavis.edu
Subject: Conference
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 00:25:37 -0500 (EST)
From: FLSM VI (flsm1995 at indiana.edu)
Subject: Conference Announcement
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 23:57:05 -0700
From: pmfarrell at ucdavis.edu
Subject: Conference
Conference on Morphology
and its
Relation to Syntax and Phonology
University of California, Davis
May 5 - 7, 1995
The Linguistics Program at UC Davis is hosting a small workshop-style
conference on the Place of Morphology in the Grammar on May 5-7, 1995. The
motivation for having the conference is quite simple. In the past twenty
years, numerous different proposals have been made concerning the role of
morphology in the grammar and its interactions with syntax and phonology.
Given the centrality of the study of morphology to linguistics, and given
the recent increase in publications in this area, it seems an appropriate
time to gather together some of the people who have been working on these
topics to see if there are areas where we can agree on at least some of the
properties that morphological rules and structures share or do not share
with those in other components.
The first day of the conference will be devoted to morphology-syntax
issues, with the second day devoted to morphology-phonology issues,
although it is hoped that some of the issues will spill over across these
general topic areas in ways that will be productive for the overall aim of
the workshop. On the third day, we will be spending time on broader
questions which may not have been addressed directly in the earlier
sessions, or which participants wish to return to for further examination.
In this way, we are hoping to provide an environment in which researchers
from various theoretical frameworks, and with differing interests in
morphology, can try to sort out some of the outstanding problems that we
face in morphology today.
Conference Schedule:
Friday, May 5
8:45am Opening Remarks
9:00am Rochelle Lieber, University of New Hampshire
"The suffix -ize in English: Implications for Morphology"
9:45am Commentator: Patrick Farrell, University of California, Davis
10:15am Discussion
10:30am Break
10:45am Hagit Borer, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
and Hebrew University
"Passive Without Theta Grids"
11:30am Commentator: Andrew Spencer, University of Essex
12:00pm Discussion
12:15pm Lunch
1:45pm Peter Sells, Stanford University
"The Functions of Voice Markers in the Philippine Languages"
2:30pm Commentator: Margaret Speas, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
3:00pm Discussion
3:15pm Break
3:30pm Jerrold Sadock, University of Chicago
"The Autonomous Nature of Compounding"
4:15pm Commentator: Mark Baker, McGill University
4:45pm Discussion
Saturday, May 6
9:00am Moira Yip, UC Irvine
"Identity Avoidance in Phonology and Morphology"
9:45am Commentator: Diane Brentari, University of California, Davis
10:15am Discussion
10:30 Break
10:45am Rolf Noyer, Brown University
"Impoverishment Theory and Morphosyntactic Markedness"
11:30am Commentator: Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy, University of Canterbury
12:00pm Discussion
12:15pm Lunch
1:45pm David Perlmutter, University of California, San Diego
"A Grammar Can Explain Allomorphy"
2:30pm Commentator: Rich Janda, University of Chicago
3:00pm Discussion
3:15pm Break
3:30pm Sharon Inkelas and Orhan Orgun, University of California, Berkeley
"Level (Non)ordering in Recursive Morphology: Evidence
from Turkish"
4:15pm Commentator: Greg Stump, University of Kentucky
4:45pm Discussion
Sunday, May 7
9:15am Mark Aronoff, State University of New York, Stony Brook
General Commentary on Morphology and Phonology
9:45am Steven Lapointe, University of California, Davis
General Commentary on Morphology and Syntax
10:15am Break
10:30am General Discussion
11:30am End
Since the purpose of the meeting is to allow participants to talk freely
about the issues that will be explored, we have tried to include sufficient
time for general discussion periods, both during the paper and commentary
sessions and at the end. To further this goal, speakers are submitting
drafts of their papers in advance so that all the participants will be able
to study the full set of papers beforehand and will be in a solid position
to comment on them and interact fully in the discussions at the workshop.
the person listed below IN ADVANCE, so that we can do the following:
(a) obtain an accurate count of the number of people who will be
attending, and
(b) arrange to send you, for a nominal fee, the packet of papers and
discussant comments so that you will be able to participate fully in the
For further details, please contact:
Patrick Farrell
Linguistics Program
University California
Davis, CA 95616
phone: (916) 752-4543, 752-9933
e-mail: pmfarrell at ucdavis.edu
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 00:25:37 -0500 (EST)
From: FLSM VI (flsm1995 at indiana.edu)
Subject: Conference Announcement
* FLSM VI *{*
* Formal Linguistics Society of Mid-America Conference VI {
* *=20
FLSM VI will be held at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN from
May 19th- May 21st. Program schedule, registration form, and other
information follows:
Friday, May 19, 1995
1:00: Registration opens
1:45: Opening Remarks
2:00-2:30: "Children's Subject Case Marking: =20
Evidence for Case-Related Functional Projections in Early
German" =20
-Carson Sch=81tze (M.I.T.)
2:30-3:00: "Evidence for To Raising to AgrSo"
-Madelyn Kissock (Harvard University)
3:00-3:30: "'Affect' in Binding and Coreference" =20
-Yoshihisa Kitagawa (Indiana University)
3:30-3:50 Short Break
3:50-4:20: "A Gestural Analysis of Epenthesis in
Scottish Gaelic" =20
-Anna Bosch (University of Kentucky)
4:20-4:50: "MAX in Tonal Transfer"=20
-Akinbiyi Akinlabi (Rutgers University)
4:50-5:20 "Lhasa Vowel Harmony: Evidence for [HI] and
-Don Salting (Indiana University)
5:20-7:30 Dinner Break
7:30-8:30 "TBA"=20
-Michael Kenstowicz (M.I.T.)
8:30-10:00 Reception
Saturday, May 20, 1995{9:00-9:30: "Reciprocals and Island Effects"=20
-Yoichi Miyamoto (Ohio University)
9:30-10:00: "Arbitrary Null Objects and
Imperfectivity" =20
-Margaret Salome & Sonia Marvenda (University of Washington)
10:00-10:30: "Semantic and Pragmatic Conditions on
Movement: Evidence from Spanish"
-Maria Luisa Jimenez (Georgetown University)
10:30-10:50 Short Break
10:50-11:20: "Lexical Rerankings of Constraints in
Dutch Word Stress"=20
-Dominique Nouveau (University of Utrecht)=20
11:20-11:50: "SV, [Voice] and Coda Constraints"=20
-Takako Kawasaki (McGill University)
11:50-12:20: "Syllabification & Consonant Cluster
Simplification in Korean"=20
-Minsu Shim (Indiana University)
12:20-2:00 Lunch Break
2:00-2:30: "Why Traces are Not Pronounced" =20
-Jairo Nunes (University of Maryland)
2:30-3:00: "Convergent Evidence for the Structure of
Determiner Phrases in ASL"=20
-Benjamin Bahan (Boston University), Judy Kegl (Rutgers),
Dawn Maclaughlin (Boston Univ.) and Carol Neidle (Boston
3:00-3:30: "What Does the Morphology of Operators
Look Like? A Formal Analysis of ASL 'Brow-Raise'"=20
-Ronnie Wilbur (Purdue University)
3:30-3:50 Short Break
3:50-4:20: "Exploded IP and the English Imperative"=20
-Eric Potsdam (U. of California -Santa Cruz)
4:20-4:50: "Overt and LF Object Positions in
-Jeffrey Runner (University of Rochester)=20
4:50-5:20: "On Definiteness: More Evidence for a
Partitive Approach"=20
-Kuo-ming Sung (Lawrence University)
5:20 Business Meeting
7:30-8:30 "Last Resort"=20
-Howard Lasnik (University of Connecticut)=20
8:30-11:00 Party
Sunday, May 21, 1995
9:00-9:30: "Korean and English Floated Quantifiers
as Evidence for Event Semantics"=20
-Eun-Joo Kwak (Brown University)=20
9:30-10:00: "Two Mechanisms for the Licensing of
Negative Indefinites"=20
-Anastasia Giannakidou (Univ. of Groningen) & Josep Quer
(Univ. of Utrecht) =20
10:00-10:30: "Comparatives, Indices, and Scope"=20
-Christopher Kennedy (U. of California-Santa Cruz)
10:30-10:50 Short Break
10:50-11:20: "Pragmatics-Only Account of the
Japanese Reflexive Pronoun 'Zibun'"=20
-Sonoko Sakakibara (University of Illinois at
11:20-12:20: "Aspectual Adverbs and Their Anaphoric
-Alice ter Meulen (Indiana University)
12:20-2:00 Lunch Break
2:00-2:30: "Chichewa Stative Constructions and the
Autonomy of Syntax"=20
-Stanley Dubinsky & Silvester Ron Simango (University of
South Carolina)=20
2:30-3:00: "Gapping in English and Japanese"=20
-Jun Abe (Toyo Women's College) & Hiroto Hoshi (University
of London)
3:00-3:30: "Deriving the Post-Verbal Construction in
Japanese and Korean"=20
-Lizanne Kaiser (Yale University)
****End of Conference***
NAME: _____________________________________
PHONE: (_____)_____________________________
FAX: (_____)_____________________________
AFFILIATION: ____________________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________________
____________________________________ =20
E-MAIL: ____________________________________
STATUS (check one): student____ non-student_____
FEE: students non-students =20
up to May 1st: $15 $20 =20
at the conference $20 $25
Personal checks (USA only), money orders and cashier's checks can
be made to: "Linguistics Conference"
Accommodation: We have reserved 30 rooms in the following motel:
Motel 6 location: 1800 N. Walnut St., Bloomington, IN 47408, USA=20
phone: (812) 332.08.20 rates (by # of people): two - $35.99;
three-$38.99; four-$41.99 (all + tax)
IMPORTANT: Priority reservations should be reserved by April 19th.
Tell them that you are with the (FLSM) linguistics conference.
Motel 6 is located nine blocks north and ten blocks east of the
conference building, and is a five minute bus ride or 20 minute
walk to the conference site. Bus schedules will be available at the
conference. In addition, a limited amount of "crash space" will be
available with students at Indiana University. Please send
inquiries about this directly to FLSM VI.=20
Directions: Conference is at 201 N. Rose St. in the Wright
Education Bldg. auditorium.
by CAR: -coming SOUTH: at Indianapolis, get on I-465 south. Take
Rt.37 south to Bloomington. Approx. 45 miles to exit on College
Avenue in Bloomington.=20
-to Motel 6: drive south on College Ave. (one-way) until 17th St.
Take a left & again the next left onto Walnut St. (one-way). You
are heading north again, Motel 6 will be on your right-hand side,
before the Denny's. =20
-to conference site: continue driving south to 10th st. Take a left
and drive until Jordan Ave. Take a right and drive until 7th st.
Take a left (the Education building is on your right) & drive until
Rose St., take a right & there you are.
-coming NORTH from Louisville: take Rt. 37 north; take the Walnut
St. exit and drive north and proceed as above.
-coming WEST or EAST: either, go to Indianapolis and proceed as
above or: =20
-on Rt. 46 coming west: Rt. 46 turns into 3rd St. through
Bloomington, take 3rd St. until Jordan Ave. and proceed as above.=20
-46 coming east: Rt. 46 crosses College St. (before Denny's),
proceed as above.
AIR: There are airline services at Bloomington's Monroe County
Airport, but it may be best to fly into Indianapolis.=20
BUS: Greyhound buses run several times a day between downtown
Indianapolis and Bloomington.
* from the airport and bus stations:=20
Yellow Cab Inc. (812) 339.97.44
Please write for further information about parking on Campus.
Inquiries to: email: flsm1995 at indiana.edu; fax: (812)855.53.63;
phone: (812) 855.94.03 snail mail: FLSM VI Committee, Department
of Linguistics, 322 Memorial Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington,
IN 47405 U.S.A.
Other Bloomington Hotels:
Century Suites: 300 S.R. 446 (812) 336.77.77
Comfort Inn: 1722 N. Walnut (812) 339.19.19
Days Inn: S.R. 46 & College Ave. (812) 336.09.05=20
Dowtown Motel: 509 N. College Ave. (812) 336.68.81
Econo Lodge: 4501 E. 3rd St. (812) 332.21.41
Grant Street Inn: 310 N. Grant St. (812) 334.23.53
Hampton Inn: 2100 N Walnut St. (812) 334.21.00
Holiday Inn: 1710 Kinser Pike (812) 334.32.52
IU Memorial Union: on campus (812) 856.63.81
Scholar's Inn: 801 N. College Ave. (812) 332.18.92
Travel Lodge: 2615 E. 3rd. St. (812) 339.61.91
Selection of Bloomington Restaurants:
Afghan Cuisine: 2522 E. 10th St. 339.19.48
Bear's Place: 1316 E. 3rd St. 339.34.60
Chez Nous: 416 E. 4th St. 323.89.62
Crazy Horse: 214 W. Kirkwood Ave. 336.88.77
Ekimae Japanese Restaurant: 825 N.Walnut 334.16.61
Irish Lion: 212 W. Kirkwood Ave. 336.90.76
Laughing Planet Cafe: 322 E.Kirkwood Ave. 323.22.33
Leslie's Italian Villa: 206 N.Walnut 336.58.22
Mother Bear's Pizza: 1428 E. 3rd St. 332.44.95
Nick's English Hut: 423 E. Kirkwood Ave. 332.40.40
Snow Lion: 1500 E. 3rd St. 336.08.35
Trojan Horse: 100 E. Kirkwood Ave. 332.11.01
Other Useful Numbers:
American Trailways Bus Station: 535 N. Walnut. (812) 332.15.22
Monroe County Airport: 972 S. Kirby (812) 825.54.06
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-546.
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