6.603, Qs: Indoasiatico, Digital audio, Perception verbs, English
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Thu Apr 27 23:06:49 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-603. Sun 23 Apr 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 150
Subject: 6.603, Qs: Indoasiatico, Digital audio, Perception verbs, English
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
[We'd like to remind readers that the responses to queries are usually
best posted to the individual asking the question. That individual is
then strongly encouraged to post a summary to the list. This policy was
instituted to help control the huge volume of mail on LINGUIST; so we
would appreciate your cooperating with it whenever it seems appropriate.]
Moderators' Note: There was a major failure of a Listserv gateway, and
large numbers of LINGUIST subscribers did not receive this message. We
are therefore reposting it to the list. We apologize to those who
receive it twice.
Date: 20 Apr 95 20:50:54 GMT
From: f.martinez at cowan.edu.au (Francisco Martinez)
Subject: Language group query
Date: Thu Apr 20 21:40:37 1995 (GMT + 0530)
From: doctor at parcom.ernet.in
Subject: Digital audio
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 15:47:49 +0100
From: "JOAN RAFEL CUFI" (RAFEL at skywalker.udg.es)
Subject: Perception verbs
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 09:48:06 +0100
From: LarsAnders.Kulbrandstad at hamarlh.no (Lars Anders Kulbrandstad) (Lars Anders
Subject: Query: Course Design: English for Academic Purposes
Date: 20 Apr 95 20:50:54 GMT
From: f.martinez at cowan.edu.au (Francisco Martinez)
Subject: Language group query
Can somebody tell me what the Spanish "indoasiatico" language is in
English? Apparently, it is spoken by 400 million people.
Date: Thu Apr 20 21:40:37 1995 (GMT + 0530)
From: doctor at parcom.ernet.in
Subject: Digital audio
I am sending this request out on behalf of a colleague
of mine who is working on digital audio compression
technology especially in the domain of hardware.
Since it is a new domain, he has very few references
and he would really appreciate if someone could mail
me down for him sites/servers where he can get infor-
mation on the same.
If there are enough of them, I'll post a summary.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Raymond Doctor
doctor at parcom.ernet.in
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 15:47:49 +0100
From: "JOAN RAFEL CUFI" (RAFEL at skywalker.udg.es)
Subject: Perception verbs
I would be grateful if you could supply to me the combinatorial
properties that are possible in sentential complements of perception
verbs, especially "see", in your language(s). I m just asking for
examples and their literal translation into English.
I really appreciate your help.
Send message to: RAFEL at SKYWALKER.UDG.ES
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 09:48:06 +0100
From: LarsAnders.Kulbrandstad at hamarlh.no (Lars Anders Kulbrandstad) (Lars Anders
Subject: Query: Course Design: English for Academic Purposes
A colleague who does not yet have access to the net, has asked me to post
the following query.
Lars Anders Kulbrandstad
Hedmark College
----Forwarded message------
Dear Linguists,
In Norway there is 12 months=B4 compulsory military service for all males
after the age of 19. Many of these young men will later go on to higher
education at one of Norway=B4s universities or colleges and would like to us=
their off-duty hours in the armed forces to prepare for later studies. For
many subjects a great deal of the syllabus will be in English, and though
the standard of English in Norway is generally high, it is often a hard
step from the EFL books of the high school up to the standard books written
in English and used for higher studies at college and university level -
whether the subject of study is physics or geography, politics or history,
medicine or anthropology, .....or whatever.
My college (Hamar College of Education) has therefore been asked to devise
a general course in English for this group of students to improve their
English skills. It would have to be _general_ in the sense that it would be
of benefit both to the would-be historian and the would-be psychologist.
Though primarily aimed at improving their reading skills in preparation for
reading _academic English_, it should also give them the chance to improve
their spoken English.
We envisage the course as lasting about 90-120 hours and containing a
linguisitic element and a cultural element. The first part would have
varied texts with corresponding language exercises; the second would
perhaps consist of longer texts of literary or cultural value, newspaper
articles and other examples of unsimplified English of the same degree of
difficulty as they might later be reading in their special areas of study.
Since we have no experience of designing a course of this nature we would
like to ask internet users if they have any advice to give us. We would be
particularly pleased to hear if you have any suggestions for a basic
course-book with texts and exercises, but any other suggestions would be
gratefully accepted.
Standards of FL learning differ greatly from country to country, and it may
be difficult for you to think of the correct level. What is best to keep in
mind is that the next step for this group of students will be to read the
=ECtechnical=EE literature of their special subjects in standard unsimplified
English, without too many tears or frustrations!
Ian Watering
Lecturer in English
Hamar College of Education
e-mail: lak at hamarlh.no
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-603.
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