6.604, FYI: European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Thu Apr 27 23:08:23 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-604. Sun 23 Apr 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 256
Subject: 6.604, FYI: European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Assoc. Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
               Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
               Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Moderators' Note:  There was a major failure of a Listserv gateway, and
large numbers of LINGUIST subscribers did not receive this message. We
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Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 13:21:06 GMT
From: kathrine at gilcub.es (Ms. Kathrine Wenham)
Subject: please include in list
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 13:21:06 GMT
From: kathrine at gilcub.es (Ms. Kathrine Wenham)
Subject: please include in list
Barcelona, August 14-25 1995
For More Information Contact:
Avda. Vallvidrera 25
08017 Barcelona
Fax +34 3 2054656
E-mail esslli95 at gilcub.es
The Summer School
The Seventh European Summer School in Logic, Language and
Information will be held at the Biology Faculty of Barcelona
University from August 14th to 25th. The School is organized
under the auspices of the European Foundation of Logic,
Language and Information (Folli), jointly by Universitat de
Barcelona, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Universitat Autonoma
de Barcelona, and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.
The previous Summer Schools took place at Rijks universiteit
Groningen in the Netherlands in 1989, at the Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven in Belgium in 1990, at the Universitat
Saarlandes, Saarbrucken in Germany in 1991, at the
University of Essex Colchester in the United Kingdomin 1992,
at the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa in
Portugal in 1993, and at the Copenhagen Business School in
Denmark in 1994. For these Schools financial support was
derived from a variety of sources, including the Commision
of the European Community, through the ERASMUS programme and
the DG XIII, Research Networks, National Research Councils,
and industrial sponsors. The same kind of support
is expected for the 1995 School.
The main focus of the Summer School is the interface between
logic, linguistics and computation, where it concerns the
modelling of human linguistic and cognitive abilities.  The
1995 School programme will include courses, workshops, and
symposia covering a variety of topics within six areas
of interest: Logic, Language, Computation, Logic and
Computation, Computation and Language, Language and Logic.
Courses will be cast at both introductory and advanced levels.
Introductory courses are designed to familiarize students
with new fields and do not presuppose any background knowledge,
while advanced courses are designed to allow participants to
acquire more specialized expertise in areas they are already
familiar with. Workshops will be chaired by an expert in the
field and will provide an opportunity for PhD students and other
young researchers to present their work and gain informed feedback
and useful contacts.  Symposia will typically consist of a series
of presentations on a timely topic by people active in the
relevant areas. Both workshops and symposia are intended to
encourage collaboration and cross fertilization of ideas by
stimulatingin-depth discussion of issues which are at the
forefront of current research in the field. There will also be
a series of invited evening lecturers by well-known experts
in their field.
Logic and Language: G Link, J van Eijck, J Jaspars, A Visser,
C.Vermeulen, M Kracht, B Keller, M Kanazawa, D de Jongh,
F Moltmann, C Fox, H Rott, R Cooper, M Poesio.
Logic: R Jansana, I Hodkinson, J Flum, P Blackburn, M de Rijke,
Y de Venema, J Font, K Devlin.
Computation and Logic: D Basin, S Mathews, F Baader, G Koestler,
H Barringer, D Gabbay, C Brink, L Wallen, M Marx, S Mikulas,
F Baader, K Schlecta.
Computation: C Paulin-Mohring, N Jones, L Meertens, S Peyton-Jones,
B Haglund.
Language and Computation: E Stabler, M Johnson, R Bod, R Scha,
M Moortgat, M Dalrymple, R Kaplan, B Carpenter, G Morrill,
V Abrusci, R Dale, M Ellison, F Verdejo, R Kempson.
Language: P Miller, J Bresnan, H Verkuyl, H Clahsen, D Oehrle,
J Doerre,S Manandhar, A Zaenen, L Sadler.
Option A
Residencia Raimon de Penyafort
Raimon de Penyafort is a students residence hall that only has
single rooms. Showers and toilets are on the floor. Full board
and cleaning is included in the price.
The Residence Hall is near the venue of the Summer School so you
will not need to get public transport.
For making a reservation you have to pay 50% when you register
and another 50% before June the 30th. If you wish to pay the full
amount when you register you may do so.
Option B
Studios in Gracia
There is a limited number of studios, this is double rooms with a
bathroom and self-catering facilities. You need to get public
transport for getting to the Summer School.
The price is for 14 nights per persone in a shared studio. If you
book a room here and you do not wish to provide your own food,
catering facilities are provided near the venue of the Summer School.
There is no cleaning service. Reservation conditions are the same
as in option A.
Opition C
For those who have not reserved a room in option A or B, we have
contacted a number of hotels that have offered special prices to
the Summer School participants.
If you choose this alternative, we will make the reservation for
you. You will have to send a deposit of 10.000 pesetas and once
you get here you will pay the rest that is due to the hotel. The
prices are for bread and breakfust and include tax.
Hotel Bonanova Park.
This hotel is a standard two star hotel. It is very near the Summer
School and well communicated with the center of the city.
Hotel Caledonia.
The hotel is located in the center of the city, near Plaza
Universitat. You need to use public transport for getting to
the Summer School.
Option A............  4.500 Spanish Pesetas per night fullboard
Option B............ 32.000 Ptas. for 14 nights
Option C
 -Bonanova Park.....Single room ...4.350 Ptas per night b & b
               .....Double room ...5.950 Ptas per night b & b
 -Caledonian  ..... Single room....6.325 Ptas per night b & b
               .....Double room....8.575 Ptas per night b & b
Other arrangements
If you have a place of your own to stay or you want a different
type of accomodation because you are comming as a family or you
simpely have other needs, let us know and we will see what we
can do for you.
We are programming excursions for the weekend and various parties.
We will informe you in due course of these details.
For those of you who are worrying abot the football match,
don't worry. There wouldn't be a Summer School without the
famous -friendly- content.
Type                    Before May  30          After May  30
Students                24.000 Ptas             27.600 Ptas
Visiting Scholar        38.000 Ptas             43.700 Ptas
Industrial Participant  80.000 Ptas             92.000 Ptas
-Students must provide us with evidence of their status (photocopy
of students card or equivalent)
-Registration includes Folli annual membership fee.
All payments have to be made in Spanish Pesetas to Fundacio Bosch
Gimpera, ESSLLI'95.
No registration or accomodation reservation will be confirmed until
we reseive the payment.
You can either pay us by
a/ Bank transfer to the account number 0200326711 of the 'Caixa de
Catalunya', Agency No. 0088, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 592, 08007
B/ Confirmed check.
Our address is:
Avda. Vallvidrera 25
E-08017 Barcelona
Fax +34 3 205.46.56
Please remember that it will not be you whom will be reading this
form so try and make it as clear as possible
Only use one form per participant
Mr or Ms
Family name
First name
Postal Address
Are you a member of Folli? Yes  No
Will you be attending the 'Conference on Formal Grammars' (12-13 August)?
Arrival date______________   Departure date________________
Will you be wanting a Summer School T-shirt? If so, what
size (XXL,XL,L,M,S)? How many do you think you will want?
What courses do you think you will be attending?________________
This information is only so we can have an idea of the number of
students there will be in each lecture. By no means it engages
you later on. Please use the course number and not the title or
the name of the lecturer.
Payment Summary
-Registration fee...............................                 Ptas.
-Accomodation (Type   ..........................                 Ptas.
                        Total ammount                            Ptas.
I have sent a Bank Transfer/Confirmed check of ..................Ptas to
Fundacio Bosch Gimpera, ESSLLI'95.
If you have any questions or would like further information don't
hesitate contacting us.
We are waiting to welcome you in Barcelona.
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-604.

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