6.584 Calls: Cultural studies, Natural language processing
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Wed Apr 19 16:30:49 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-584. Wed 19 Apr 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 274
Subject: 6.584 Calls: Cultural studies, Natural language processing
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Assoc. Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 1995 18:44:58 +0300 (EET DST)
From: ICSC konferenssi (iscsmail at uta.fi)
Subject: Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 95 17:22:24 0900
From: Kang-Hyuk Lee (khlee at ether.tamu.edu)
Subject: CFP: NLPRS '95
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 1995 18:44:58 +0300 (EET DST)
From: ICSC konferenssi (iscsmail at uta.fi)
Subject: Call for Papers
An International Conference
July 1-4, 1996, Tampere, Finland
Cultural studies is not a one-way street between the centre and
peripheries. Rather, it is a crossroads, a meeting point in
between different centres, disciplines and intellectual
movements. People in many countries and with different
backgrounds have worked their way to the crossroads
independently. They have made contacts, exchanged views and
gained inspiration from each other in pursuing their goals.
The vitality of cultural studies depends on a continuous
traffic through this crossroads. Therefore the conference
organizers invite people with different geographical,
disciplinary and theoretical backgrounds together to share their
ideas. We encourage international participation from a wide range
of research areas.
The conference is organized by the Department of Sociology
and Social Psychology, University of Tampere, and Network
Cultural Studies. The organizing committee represents several
universities and disciplines.
Organizing committee International advisory board
Pertti Alasuutari (chair) Ien Ang (Australia)
Marko Valo (secretary) Jostein Gripsrud (Norway)
Pirkkoliisa Ahponen Lawrence Grossberg (USA)
Katarina Eskola Kim Schroder (Denmark)
Pasi Falk
Marja-Liisa Honkasalo
Eeva Jokinen
Mikko Lehtonen
Kaisu Rattya
Matti Savolainen
Annika Suoninen
Soile Veijola
Ien Ang * Pasi Falk * Paul Gilroy * Jostein Gripsrud *
Jaber F. Gubrium * Lawrence Grossberg * Eeva Jokinen *
Sonia Livingstone * Anssi Perakyla * Kim Schroder * Soile Veijola
As you will see below, many people have already volunteered to
organize sessions on a wide variety of topics, but there is still
the opportunity to add to the list. So please complete the
preliminary abstract form if you would like to give a paper or
offer to organize a session. There will also be a book
exhibition, and publishers are requested to contact the
The second announcement and invitation programme, including
more information about the conference, its side-events, and a
registration form will be available in September. At this stage
we assume that the conference fee - including lunch and coffee -
will be about 1000 FIM ($210) and hotel accommodation double $70
and single $60 (with breakfast included).
The Conference will be held in Tampere Hall that is the
largest congress and concert centre in the Scandinavia. Opposite
to the University of Tampere, Tampere Hall is within easy walking
distance from the centre of the city and its many services. The
unique architecture clearly reflects the activities for which the
building was built: conferences, exhibitions, concerts and
Anthropology and Cultural Studies: Influences and Differences
Body in Society
Cultural Studies and Space
Cultural Encounters in Mediterranean
Cultural Approaches to Education
Diaries and Everyday Life
Encountering with Otherness in Cultural Border-Crossings
Ethnography and Reception: Dilemmas in Qualitative Audience
Feminist and Cultural Approaches to Tourism
History and Theory of Cultural Studies
(Inter)Net Cultures and New Information Technology
Life Stories in European Comparative Perspective
Media Culture in the Everyday Life of Children and Youth
New Genders: The Decay of Heterosexuality
Post-Socialism and Cultural Reorganization
Risk and Culture
Social Theory and Semiotics
Study of Institutional Discourse
The Culture of Cities
The Narrative Construction of Life Stories
Voluntary Associations as Cultures
Youth Culture
To make sure you will receive the Invitation Programme and the
registation form and to ascertain a speedy decision on your
proposed paper, would you kindly return the reply form before
August 31, 1995.
Please send me the Invitation Programme
I would like to organize a session on:
I would like to present a paper at the session on:
Preliminary Abstract (No more than 100 words, please type, or
send a separate sheet):
Please complete and return to: Crossroads in Cultural Studies,
University of Tampere, Department of Sociology and Social
Psychology, P.O. Box 607, FIN-33101, Tampere, Finland;
tel: +358 31 2156949, +358 31 368 1848; fax: +358 31 2156 080;
e-mail: iscsmail at uta.fi.
This document is also made available in gopher and WWW (World
Wide Web) -systems. You can always find the updated version from
the following addresses:
* with WWW-browser (for example Lynx, Mosaic, NetScape) use the
following URL (Universal Resource Locator):
* with GOPHER you can execute the following command:
gopher -p 1/information_in_english/university/Departments/sosio_sosiopsyk/
culture vuokko.uta.fi 70
or if the command above fails, connect your gopher to address:
vuokko.uta.fi 70 and follow the path starting by: "16. Information in English/"
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 95 17:22:24 0900
From: Kang-Hyuk Lee (khlee at ether.tamu.edu)
Subject: CFP: NLPRS '95
Third Natural Language Processing
Pacific-Rim Symposium
Seoul, Korea
December 4-6, 1995
NLPRS'95, which will be held from December 4-6, 1995 in Seoul, Korea, is
the third forums to bring together NLP researchers in the Pacific-Rim area
for scientific exchange and presentation. The program will include tutorials,
invited talks, and demonstrations as well as tracks for paper and video
TOPICS OF INTEREST: Submissions are solicited on original and previously
unpublished research in all aspects of NLP, including, but not limited to:
phonetics generation
phonology parsing
morphology machine(-aided)translation
syntax linguistic models of natural language
semantics natural language interface and dialog systems
pragmatics language-oriented information retrieval
discourse corpus-based language modelling
PAPER SUBMISSION: Papers of no longer than 6 pages in the double-column
conference format should be submitted by 20th June, 1995. We strongly
encourage papers to be electronically submitted. In this case, they should
be in either LaTeX format or plain text, and should be emailed to :
nlprs95 at cair.kaist.ac.kr
If electronic submission is not possible, three hard copies of the paper
should be sent to:
Mr. J.M. KIM
NLPRS'95 Secretariat
Foreign Tourist Dept II
Hanjin Travel Service Co.,Ltd.(Conference Agency)
132-4, 1-ka, Bongrae-dong, Chung-ku,
100-161, Seoul, Korea
Phone:+82-2-726-5540, Fax:+82-2-773-1623
DEADLINES: Paper Submission: June 20, 1995
Notification of Acceptance: August 30, 1995
Camera Ready Copy Due: September 30, 1995
Hotel Sofitel Ambassador is designated for the Symposium accommodation.
Room rate is specially reduced as US$100.-/night approximately for single,
double or twin type. The above rate includes 10% service charge & 10% VAT,
but it does not include breakfast. Hotel reservation should be made through
the Secretariat.
The WWW version of this CFP is also avaiable at:
Kang-Hyuk Lee, Ph.D
Senior Researcher
System Development Department
Korea R&D Information Center (KORDIC)
Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
E-mail: khlee at stissbs.kordic.re.kr
Phone: +82-42-822-9875
Fax: +82-42-822-1974
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-584.
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