6.512 FYI: Quantitative ling association, Amsterdam summer school

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Wed Apr 5 16:23:54 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-512. Wed 05 Apr 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 170
Subject: 6.512 FYI: Quantitative ling association, Amsterdam summer school
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
               Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
               Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
               Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 09:38:40 +0200 (MSZ)
From: koehler at ldv01.Uni-Trier.DE (Reinhard Koehler)
Subject: International Quantitative Linguistics Association (IQLA)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 11:45:24 GMT+0100
From: Jan Don (Jan.Don at LET.RUU.NL)
Subject: announcement LOT summerschool Amsterdam
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 09:38:40 +0200 (MSZ)
From: koehler at ldv01.Uni-Trier.DE (Reinhard Koehler)
Subject: International Quantitative Linguistics Association (IQLA)
About the International Quantitative Linguistics Association (IQLA):
On the occasion of the Second International Conference on Quantitative
Linguistics, QUALICO-2, which was held in Moscow, Russia, at Moscow State
University, in September 1994, the International Quantitative Linguistics
Association (IQLA) was founded.
The purpose of the IQLA is to promote the development of theoretical and
applied quantitative linguistics and to stimulate worldwide communication
of scientists working in these fields. In order to realize these
objectives, the Association publishes a newsletter, holds international
conferences, establishes chapters, and sponsors other activities consistent
with its objectives.
At present, the IQLA Council consists of:
R. Koehler, University of Trier, Trier, Germany (President);
A. Polikarpov, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (Vice-President);
S. Embleton, York University, Toronto, Canada (Treasurer);
P. Schmidt, University of Trier, Trier, Germany (Secretary-General);
N. Dar^cuk, O.O. Potebnya Institute of Linguistics, Kiev, Ukraine;
Ju. Krylov, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University,
St. Petersburg, Russia;
A. ^Sajkevi^c, Institute of Russian Language,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia;
G. Sil'nickij, Smolensk Pedagogical Institute, Smolensk, Russia
(Council Members at large).
The IQLA Founding Assembly voted for the Journal of Quantitative
Linguistics to be the official organ of the Association:
   The Journal of Quantitative Linguistics
   Swets & Zeitlinger, P.O. Box 825,
   NL-2160 SZ Lisse, The Netherlands
IQLA membership includes subscription to The Journal of Quantitative
 Linguistics. The actual IQLA  annual fees are:
   60 US $ (including JQL) for non-student memebers
   20 US $ for students
  200 US $ (including JQL) for institutions
(special fees for former Socialist countries and developing countries)
For further information on the IQLA, please contact:
IQLA, Universitdt Trier, FB II, LDV, D-54286 Trier, Germany
e-mail: koehler at ldv01.Uni-Trier.de
For further information on The Journal of Quantitative Linguistics,
please contact the above address.
Contributions to JQL should be sent to:
         Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kvhler, Universitdt Trier, FB II, LDV,
         D-54286 Trier, Germany (Editor)
         e-mail: koehler at ldv01.Uni-Trier.de
or to:   The Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, Editorial Office,
         Swets & Zeitlinger /SPS
         P.O. Box 164, NL-2170 SZ Sassenheim, The Netherlands
or       The Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, Editorial Office,
         Swets & Zeitlinger /SPS
         P.O. Box 613, Royersford, PA 19468, USA
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 11:45:24 GMT+0100
From: Jan Don (Jan.Don at LET.RUU.NL)
Subject: announcement LOT summerschool Amsterdam
Content-Length: 2662
        Program LOT-Summerschool 1995
          University of Amsterdam
        June 12 -15  & 19-23 1995
The Dutch Graduate School in Linguistics (LOT) invites you
to participate in the Summerschool which will be held in June 1995
at the University of Amsterdam.
The following courses will be given:
First Week:
E. Clark (Stanford)
        First Language Acquisition
L. Oversteegen, Spooren (Tilburg) & Sanders (Utrecht)
        Discourse Relations: Temporal, Causal and Contrastive
C. de Groot & D. Bakker (Amsterdam)
        Syntax in Functional Grammar
A. Goldberg (San Diego)
        Construction Grammar
F. Hinskens & R.van Hout (Nijmegen/Tilburg)
        Language Variation
R. Schoonen (Amsterdam)
        Methods and Techniques of Empirical Research
M. Rooth (Stuttgart)
        Corpus Methods for Theoretical Linguists
R. Heim (MIT)
        Syntax-Semantics Interface:  Ellipsis
P. Werth (Amsterdam)
        Text Worlds: Representing Conceptual Space in Discourse
Second Week:
G. Piggott (Montreal/Leyden)
        Syllable Structure and Segmental Licensing
M. Brody (London/Budapest)
        Minimalist Theory: Properties of Chains
S. Thomason (Pittsburgh)
        Language Contact and Language Change
S. Anderson (Yale)
        The Morphology-Syntax Interface
J.R. Hayes (Carnegie Mellon University)
        Motivation and Affect in Writing
L. Boves (Nijmegen)
        Spoken Language Dialogue Systems
R. Kager (Utrecht)
        Prosody and the Phonology-Morphology Interface
A. Neeleman (Utrecht)
        Flexibility in Syntax
Snoeck Henkemans/Van Rees (Amsterdam)
        The Analysis of Argumentative Discourse
Course descriptions and enrollment forms will be sent by E-mail on request.
Enrollment forms should be returned before 1 May.
Costs: 350,= DFL. per week (approx. $200).
Further information/enrollment:
        E-mail: lot at let.ruu.nl
        Phone: 31-30-536006
        Fax: 31-30-536000
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-512.

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