6.187 Announcements: 7th summer school in logic, lg, and information
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sat Feb 11 03:11:07 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-187. Fri 10 Feb 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 397
Subject: 6.187 Announcements: 7th summer school in logic, lg, and information
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 95 09:50:58 GMT
From: kathrine at gilcub.es (kathrine Wenham)
Subject: esslli
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 95 09:50:58 GMT
From: kathrine at gilcub.es (kathrine Wenham)
Subject: esslli
Barcelona, August 14-25 1995
For More Information Contact:
Avda. Vallvidrera 25
08017 Barcelona
Fax +43 3 2054656
Tlf +43 3 2033597
E-mail esslli95 at gilcub.es
The Summer School
The Seventh European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information will be
held at the Biology Faculty of Barcelona University from August 14th to 25th.
The School is organized under the auspices of the European Foundation of Logic,
Language and Information (Folli), jointly by Universitat de Barcelona,
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, and
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.
The previous Summer Schools took place at Rijks universiteit Groningen in the
Netherlands in1989, at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium in 1990,
at the Universitat Saarlandes, Saarbrucken in Germany in 1991, at the
University of Essex Colchester in the United Kingdomin 1992, at the Faculdade
de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa in Portugal in 1993, and at the Copenhagen
Business School in Denmark in 1994. For these Schools financial support was
derived from a variety of sources, including the Commision of the European
Community, through the ERASMUS programme and the DG XIII, Research Networks,
National Research Councils, and industrial sponsors.
The same kind of support is expected for the 1995 School.
The main focus of the Summer School is the interface between logic, linguistics
and computation, where it concerns the modelling of human linguistic and
cognitive abilities. The 1995 School programme will include courses, workshops,
and symposia covering a variety of topics within six areas of interest: Logic,
Language, Computation, Logic and Computation, Computation and Language,
Language and Logic.
Courses will be cast at both introductory and advanced levels. Introductory
courses are designed to familiarize students with new fields and do not
presuppose any background knowledge, while advanced courses are designed to
allow participants to acquire more specialized expertise in areas they are
already familiar with. Workshops will be chaired by an expert in ther field and
will provide an opportunity for PhD students and other young researchers to
present their work and gain informed feedback and useful contacts.
Symposia will typically consist of a series of presentations on a timely topic
by people active in the relevant areas. Both workshops and symposia are
intended to encourage collaboration and cross fertilization of ideas by
stimulatingin-depth discussion of issues which are at the forefront of current
research in the field. There will also be a series of
invited evening lecturers by well-known experts in their field.
There will be accomodation available. More information will appear in following
Algebraic Semantics for Natural Language
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Godehard Link
Affiliation(s): Institut fur Philosophie,
Logik und Wissenschaftstheorie (IPLW)
Universitat Munchen
E-mail: glink at cis.uni-muenchen.de
Type: Introductory
Formal Forays into Language
Name of Lecturers: Jan van Eijck and Jan Jaspars
Affiliation(s): CWI, Amsterdam and OTS, Utrecht
E-mail: jve at cwi.nl /jaspars at cwi.nl
Type: Introductory
The Dynamics of Structure
Name of Lecturer(s): C. Vermeulen, A. Visser
Affiliation(s): Department of Philosophy
E-mail: Albert.Visser at phil.ruu.nl, Kees.Vermeulen at phil.ruu.nl
Type: Advanced
Nearness and Syntactic Influence Spheres
Name of Lecturer: Marcus Kracht
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, FU Berlin
E-mail: kracht at math.fu-berlin.de
Type: Advanced
Feature Logics and Infinitary Descriptions
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Bill Keller
Affiliation(s): School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of
E-mail: billk at cogs.susx.ac.uk
Type: Advanced
A Mathematical Theory of Language Learnability
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Dick de Jongh and Makoto Kanazawa
Affiliation(s):Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,University of
Amsterdam Department of Cognitive and Information Sciences, Faculty of Letters,
Chiba University
E-mail: dickdj at fwi.uva.nl and kanazawa at CogSci.L.chiba-u.ac.jp
Type: Advanced
Complex Part Structures and Natural Language
Name of Lecturer: Friederike Moltman
Affiliation: Dept of Philosophy, City University of New York (CUNY)
E-Mail: ISAGC at CUNYVM.bitnet
Type: Advanced
Properties and Types
Name of Organizer: Chris Fox
Affiliation: Department of Computer Science University of Essex
E-mail: foxcj at essex.ac.uk
Type: Workshop
Formal epistemology
Name of Organizer: Hans Rott
Affiliation(s): University of Konstanz
E-mail: pirott at nyx.uni-konstanz.de
Type: Workshop
Underspecification in computational semantics
Name of Organizer: Robin Cooper and Massimo Poesio (FraCaS)
Affiliation(s): University of Edinburgh
E-mail: {cooper,poesio}@cogsci.ed.ac.uk
Type: Symposium
Introduction to Modal Logic
Name of Lecturer: Ramon Jansana
Affiliation: Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science,
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.
E-mail:jansana at cerber.ub.es
Type: Introductory
Temporal Logic
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Ian Hodkinson
Affiliation(s): Imperial College London
E-mail: imh at doc.ic.ac.uk
Type: Advanced
Descriptive Complexity Theory
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Flum, Joerg
Affiliation(s): Mathematisches Institut, Universitaet Freiburg,
E-mail: flum at sun1.ruf.uni-freiburg.de
Type: Advanced
Algebraizations of sentential logics
Name of Lecturer: Josep Maria Font
Affiliation: Faculty of Mathematics, University of Barcelona
E-mail: font at cerber.mat.ub.es
Type: Advanced
Some new trends in Algebraic Logic
Name of Organizer: Josep Maria Font
Affiliation: Faculty of Mathematics, University of Barcelona
E-mail: font at cerber.mat.ub.es
Type: Workshop
Advanced Modal Logic
Name of Lecturers: Patrick Blackburn, Maarten de Rijke and Y de Venema.
Affiliation: Patrick Blackburn, (Universitat des Saarlandes, Saarbrucken),
Maarten de Rijke (CWI, Amsterdam), and Yde Venema (Vrije Universiteit,
E-mail: patrick at coli.uni-sb.de, Maarten.de.Rijke at cwi.nl and yde at cs.vu.nl
Situation Theory with Applications
Name of Organizer: Keith Devlin
Affiliations: Saint Mary's College of California, Moraga, and CSLI, Stanford.
E-mail: devlin at stmarys-ca.edu
Type: Symposium
Logical Frameworks
Name: D. Basin, S. Mathews (Saarbruecken)
E-mail: basin at mpi-sb.mpg.de and sean at mpi-sb.mpg.de
Type: Introductory
Knowledge Representation and Logic
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Franz Baader
Affiliation(s): LuFG Theoretische Informatik RWTH Aachen
E-mail: baader at informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Type: Introductory
Deductive Database
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Gerhard Koestler
Affiliation(s): Universitaet Augsburg
E-mail: koestler at uni-augsburg.de
Type: Introductory
Programming with Temporal Logic
Name: Howard Barringer and Dov Gabbay
Affiliation(s):The University of Manchester Imperial College of Science,
Technology and Medicine
E-mail:howard at man.cs.ac.uk and dg at doc.ic.ac.uk
Type: Advanced
Power Structures and Program Semantics
Name of Lecturer: Chris Brink.
Affiliation: Mathematics Department, University of Cape Town.
Email: cbrink at maths.uct.ac.za.
Type: Advanced.
Automated Deduction in Non-Classical Logics
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Lincoln A. Wallen
Affiliation(s): Oxford University
E-mail: lincoln.wallen at comlab.ox.ac.uk
Type: Advanced
How to tame you logic?
Maarten Marx:
University of Amsterdam
E-mail: marx at ccsom.uva.nl
Szabolcs Mikulas
Logic Graduate School
E-mail: mikulas at fwi.uva.nl
E-mail: h3762mik at ella.hu
Type: Advanced
Expressive Nonmonotonic Reasoning (NMR)
Name: Franz Baader
Affiliation(s): LuFG Theoretische Informatik, RWTH Aachen
E-mail: baader at informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Name: Karl Schlechta
Affiliation(s): Laboratoire d'Informatique de Marseille, URA CNRS 178 Universite
de Provence.
E-mail: ks at gyptis.univ-mrs.fr
Type: workshop
Logical Formalisms for Planning, Plan Recognition, and Plan Modification
Dr. Susanne Biundo
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
email: biundo at dfki.uni-sb.de
Type: Workshop
Methods for Constructing and Manipulating Logical Systems
Prof. Dov M GABBAY
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
EMAIL: dg at doc.ic.ac.uk
SUBJECT Logic Engineering : Labelled Deductive Systems,and computer support for
studying logics
Type: Symposium
Partial evaluation
Name of Lecturer(s): Neil Jones
Affiliation(s): DIKU, University of Copenhagen
E-Mail: neil at diku.dk
Type: Introductory
Interactive development of proofs and programs
Name of Lecturer(s): Christine Paulin-Mohring
Affiliation(s): LIP-CNRS URA 1398-Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
E-mail: Christine.Paulin at lip.ens-lyon.fr
Type: Advanced
Implementation of functional programming languages
Name of Lecturer(s): Simon Peyton Jones
Affiliation(s): Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
E-mail: simonpj at dcs.gla.ac.uk
Type: Advanced
Formalizing and implementing syntactic theories
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Edward Stabler and Mark Johnson
Affiliation(s): Edward Stabler, UCLA and Mark Johnson, Brown University
E-mail: stabler at cognet.ucla.edu and mj at cs.brown.edu
Type: Introductory
Corpus-Based Models of Language Processing
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Rens Bod and Remko Scha
Affiliation(s): University of Amsterdam Institute for Logic, Language and
Department of Computational Linguistics
E-mail: rens at alf.let.uva.nl
scha at alf.let.uva.nl
Type: Introductory
Automated deduction for logics of linguistic resources
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Michael Moortgat
Affiliation(s): Research Institute for Language and Speech (OTS)
E-mail: moortgat at let.ruu.nl
Type: Advanced
Topics in Lexical-Functional Grammar
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Ronald Kaplan and Mary Dalrymple
Affiliation(s): Xerox PARC
E-mail: kaplan at parc.xerox.com ; dalrymple at parc.xerox.com
Type: Advanced
Categorial Syntax and Semantics
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Bob Carpenter* and Glyn Morrill**
Affiliation(s): Philosophy Department, Carnegie Mellon University*
Department of Computer Systems and Languages, Polytechnic University of
E-mail: carp at lcl.cmu.edu* and morrill at lsi.upc.es**
Type: Advanced
Lambek Calculus and Linear Logic
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): V. Michele ABRUSCI
Affiliation(s): Universitat di Roma La Sapienza
Dipartimento di Studi Filosofici ed Epistemologici
E-mail: abrusci at sci.uniroma1.it
Type: Advanced
Natural Language Generation
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Robert Dale
Affiliation(s): Microsoft Institute of Advanced Software Technology
E-mail: rdale at microsoft.com
Type: Advanced
Formal and Computational Phonology
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): T. Mark Ellison
Affiliation(s): University of Edinburgh
(till January, then INESC, Lisbon)
E-mail: marke at cogsci.ed.ac.uk
Type: Workshop
The Computational Lexicon
Name Organizer: M.Felisa Verdejo
Affiliation(s): Universidad Nacional Educacion a Distancia
E-mail: felisa at horacio.dieec.uned.es
Type: Workshop
Proof Theory, Labelled Deduction and Natural Language
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Professor Ruth Kempson
Affiliation(s): School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London
E-mail:kempson at clus1.ulcc.ac.uk
Type: Symposium
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Philip H. Miller
Affiliation(s): Universite' de Lille 3
E-mail: pmiller at ulb.ac.be
Type: Introductory
Phrase Structure Typology and LFG
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Joan Bresnan
Affiliation(s): Stanford University
E-mail: bresnan at csli.stanford.edu
Type: Advanced
Aspectuality and Event Structure
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Henk Verkuyl
Affiliation(s): Utrecht University OTS
E-mail: verkuyl at let.ruu.nl
Type: Introductory
The Acquisition of Syntax and Morphology
Name of Lecturer: Harald Clahsen
Affiliation: Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex
E-mail: harald at essex.ac.uk
Type: Advanced
Prosody, information, and grammatical architecture
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Dick Oehrle
Affiliation(s): Department of Linguistics, University of Arizona
E-mail: oehrle at convx1.ccit.arizona.edu
Type: Advanced
Constraint Based Formalisms and Grammar Writing
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Jochen Doerre and Suresh Manandhar
Affiliation(s): University of Stuttgart and University of Edinburgh
E-mail: Suresh.Manandhar at ed.ac.uk
Jochen.Doerre at ims.uni-stuttgart.de
Argument Structure and Linking Theory
Name of Lecturer(s)/Organizer(s): Annie Zaenen (*) and Louisa Sadler (**)
Affiliation(s):(*) Rank Xerox Research Centre and (**) University of Essex
E-mail:(*) Annie.Zaenen at xerox.fr and (**) louisa at essex.ac.uk
Type: Symposium
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-187.
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