February 1995 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Feb 1 02:02:48 UTC 1995
Ending: Tue Feb 28 17:54:26 UTC 1995
Messages: 189
- 6.132 Innateness
The Linguist List
- 6.133 Qs: Ryukyu, Attitudes toward data, Capitalization, Invented lang
The Linguist List
- 6.134 Comparative Method
The Linguist List
- 6.135 Qs: Alliteration, Portuguese grammar, MLA, Barney Frank error
The Linguist List
- 6.136 Language and species
The Linguist List
- 6.137 IPA
The Linguist List
- 6.138 FYI: Computers in teaching, Stockholm University Ling WWW Server
The Linguist List
- 6.139 Words that are their own opposites
The Linguist List
- 6.140 Jobs: Lang acquisition, Applied ling, Socioling, ESL
The Linguist List
- 6.141 Dr. Shiro Hattori
The Linguist List
- 6.142 Qs: French, Turkic corpora, Discourse analysis, String-talk
The Linguist List
- 6.143 Confs: KRUSE Symposium, 4th Manchester Postgraduate
The Linguist List
- 6.144 Confs: African Linguistics Conference, EACL SIGDAT
The Linguist List
- 6.145 Confs: 6th ASIS SIG/CR, Computational logic applications
The Linguist List
- 6.146 Sum: Sycophant and Sign of the fig
The Linguist List
- 6.147 Qs: Applied texts, Realizational, Arabic, Unpublished papers
The Linguist List
- 6.148 Qs: Cheb, Object suffixes on verbs, Jobs in NLP, Tagging French
The Linguist List
- 6.149 Qs: Latvian, Sign singing, Mother-infant interaction, Amerind
The Linguist List
- 6.150 Calls: Language origin, Tilburg Conference on OT, Celtic
The Linguist List
- 6.151 Jobs: LSA Institute, MSU Syntax, Scandinavian, Computational
The Linguist List
- 6.162 Calls: Systemic workshop, GALA '95, Optimality in syntax
The Linguist List
- 6.163 Confs: Salford seminars, WCCFL Predication Workshop
The Linguist List
- 6.152 BAAL Book Prize 1995
The Linguist List
- 6.153 Confs: Translation theory, Spanish for native speakers
The Linguist List
- 6.154 Confs: DEON '96, AISB-95 WKSHOP (final call)
The Linguist List
- 6.155 Confs: Programs for WCCFL XIV and CSP conference
The Linguist List
- 6.156 Confs: Program for AISB-95 Sheffield
The Linguist List
- 6.157 Confs: Gala 95, Conference in Thessaloniki
The Linguist List
- 6.158 Qs: Mouth as metaphor, Move-XP, Syllabification, Cecilia Falk
The Linguist List
- 6.159 Qs: Pluperfect, Oral history, China's minority groups, Word
The Linguist List
- 6.160 Qs: Japanese discourse, French "rapide", NLP & MT
The Linguist List
- 6.161 Qs: Cree, New Guinea language, Karcevskij, Dick Armey
The Linguist List
- 6.164 Qs: Text, Spontaneous speech, Didactics, Speaking in tongues
The Linguist List
- 6.165 Jobs: Phonology & Morphology, English, Chinese, Generative ling
The Linguist List
- 6.166 IPA
The Linguist List
- 6.167 Words that are their own opposites
The Linguist List
- 6.168 Comparative Method, Speech Error
The Linguist List
- 6.169 Fun: A semiotic view of WIN and DOS? for your musement...
The Linguist List
- 6.170 Confs: WCCFL XIV program, CogSci95 Summer School in Sofia
The Linguist List
- 6.171 Confs: SLRF 95, Spanish for Native Speakers (2nd call)
The Linguist List
- 6.172 Qs: Articles, Yoshihiro Masuya, Function words, Vowel-shifts
The Linguist List
- 6.173 Qs: Citing e-texts, References in Slavic lg, Slow Spanish accent
The Linguist List
- 6.174 Sum: French prefixes, Central Asian chickens
The Linguist List
- 6.175 Sum: Register in the pre-school age
The Linguist List
- 6.176 Sum: C gemination (syntactic)
The Linguist List
- 6.177 Confs: Linguistic Databases, SECOL registration and program
The Linguist List
- 6.178 Confs: Tbilisi symposium, Optimality theory workshop
The Linguist List
- 6.179 Confs: Lexicomatique & dictionnairique, IWPT'95 announcement
The Linguist List
- 6.180 Confs: Computational section ISFC95, IATL call for abstracts
The Linguist List
- 6.181 Qs: French course, LaTex on PC, Ellipses, Assessments
The Linguist List
- 6.182 New Books: Phonology & Phonetics, Pragmatics, East Asian langs
The Linguist List
The Linguist List
- 6.184 TOC: LEXIKOS 4
The Linguist List
- 6.185 IPA
The Linguist List
- 6.186 Announcements: Arabic lg inst, MA Scandinavian ling, Fulbright
The Linguist List
- 6.187 Announcements: 7th summer school in logic, lg, and information
The Linguist List
- 6.188 Zhou Zumo (Zhou1 Zu3-mo2)
The Linguist List
- 6.189 Innateness/ Language & Species
The Linguist List
- 6.190 Jobs: Ling/Second lang acquisition, English as a foreign lang
The Linguist List
- 6.191 Words that are their own opposites
The Linguist List
- LINGUIST How-To's Feb 11, 1995 (REV)
The Linguist List
- 6.192 Latvia's language policy
The Linguist List
- 6.193 Qs: Arabic, Cuba, Socioling, Controlled lg for technical writing
The Linguist List
- 6.194 Sum: Numbering sentences & cross referencing Word
The Linguist List
- 6.195 Sum: References on non-human language
The Linguist List
- 6.196 Qs: Pronominals/verbals, Dictionaries, NL interface, Frenchville
The Linguist List
- 6.197 Qs: ESL curriculum, Palindromes, Summer opportunities
The Linguist List
- 6.198 Qs: Nasal palatals, Articles, Summer Confs/Wrkshops, Old Spanish
The Linguist List
- 6.199 IPA
The Linguist List
- 6.200 Humour: Optimal artificial languages
The Linguist List
- 6.201 Origin of sycophant
The Linguist List
- 6.202 Confs: IALL '95 at Notre Dame, Spanish Presession GURT program
The Linguist List
- 6.203 FYI: Endangered languages, International Sign Linguistics Asso.
The Linguist List
- 6.204 FYI: Forensic list, BLS 21 Schedule, IPPE, WWW
The Linguist List
- 6.205 FYI: Appalachian idioms, Wrong LCTL gopher path, WWW servers
The Linguist List
- 6.206 FYI: Dictionary, GLSA, Book proposals, Graduate program
The Linguist List
- 6.207 Confs: Developments in Discourse Analysis (GLS 1995)
The Linguist List
- 6.208 Confs: American Dialect Society, Interfaces in Phonology
The Linguist List
- 6.209 Words that are their own opposites, cont.
The Linguist List
- 6.210 Sum: Citing e-texts
The Linguist List
- 6.211 Sum: Written signs in speech
The Linguist List
- 6.212 C gemination, Speech error
The Linguist List
- 6.213 TOC: Functions of Language
The Linguist List
- 6.214 FYI: Dependency Grammar
The Linguist List
- 6.215 Comparative Method
The Linguist List
- 6.216 Sum: Conversation over noisy channels, Didactics of linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.217 Sum: Multimodal references
The Linguist List
- 6.218 Qs: Complementizers, Proportional, Pseudocleft, Speech rate
The Linguist List
- 6.219 Qs: Primary verbs, ASL dict, Verb frequency, Proto-Iroquoian
The Linguist List
- 6.220 Qs: Greek pronoun, Verbal parody, Vietnamese & Thai, THERM
The Linguist List
- 6.221 Sum: Progressive with future time reference
The Linguist List
- 6.222 Calls: M/MLA, Study of Technical Language, ROCLING VIII
The Linguist List
The Linguist List
- 6.224 Calls: ALASA 95 - Second and final call for papers
The Linguist List
- 6.225 Confs: Twelfth International Conf on Historical Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.226 Confs: LERN95 Update
The Linguist List
- 6.227 Confs: Chinese Dialect Fieldwork, History of Mandarin Panel
The Linguist List
- 6.228 Confs: International Sign Linguistics Association
The Linguist List
- 6.229 Confs: European ACL Tutorials 1995
The Linguist List
- 6.230 Sum: Buy, Markers of hostile language
The Linguist List
- 6.231 Qs: Brazil/Brasil, Classroom interaction, WWW sites, Clitics
The Linguist List
- 6.232 Qs: Foreign lgs in ads, Comparative lit, Stress bibliography
The Linguist List
- 6.233 Qs: Gender concord, If/whether, Synaesthesia, SA English
The Linguist List
- 6.234 Words that are their own opposites
The Linguist List
- 6.235 Sum: Object affixes
The Linguist List
- 6.236 Sum: Languages which have lost their articles
The Linguist List
- 6.237 Sum: Replies to comments about "risk"
The Linguist List
- 6.238 FYI: Lg lists on WWW, MIT Web page, SUSANNE, New English program
The Linguist List
- 6.239 Qs: Chinese software, Help with names, Topicalization, Scanners
The Linguist List
- 6.240 Qs: Gender marking, Yakut, Phonetic dictionaries, Kyrgyz
The Linguist List
- 6.241 IPA
The Linguist List
- 6.242 Jobs: Researcher in Japanese grammar, Dean U of Hawaii at Monoa
The Linguist List
- 6.243 Multimodal references
The Linguist List
- 6.244 Words that are their own opposites
The Linguist List
- 6.245 Qs: Language teaching lists, Soundex code, Metathesis
The Linguist List
- 6.246 Sum: If any/if anything
The Linguist List
- 6.247 TOC: Sprachtypologie & Universalienforschung (STUF)
The Linguist List
- 6.248 Latvian Language Policy
The Linguist List
- 6.249 Dick Armey's slip and correction
The Linguist List
- 6.250 Language & Species, DNA and Natural Language
The Linguist List
- 6.251 Progressive with future time reference
The Linguist List
- 6.252 FYI: Referencing example numbers in Word Perfect
The Linguist List
- 6.253 Words that are their own opposites
The Linguist List
- 6.254 Consonant Insertion
The Linguist List
- 6.255 Dick Armey's slip and correction
The Linguist List
- 6.256 Sum: NLP jobs
The Linguist List
- 6.257 Sum: Sign-singing
The Linguist List
- 6.259 Confs: 19th Penn Colloquium, SAALA in Stellenbosch SA
The Linguist List
- 6.260 Confs: 5th International Pragmatics, ROCLING VIII
The Linguist List
- 6.261 Qs: Syntax text, Phon variation, Wolof insertion, Syllabi
The Linguist List
- 6.262 Confs: 4th Manchester University Postgraduate, AFLA preliminary
The Linguist List
- 6.263 Qs: Esperanto, Corpus typology, English number, CLARIFICATION
The Linguist List
- 6.264 TOC: Glot International
The Linguist List
- 6.265 IPA
The Linguist List
- 6.266 FYI: Dependency grammar, South African confs, BISFAI
The Linguist List
- 6.267 Confs: Sentence Processing Conference - Schedule
The Linguist List
- 6.268 Calls: FORMAL GRAMMAR
The Linguist List
- 6.269 Qs: Netese, Old Armenian, Shanghainese & Hokkien, Reviews
The Linguist List
- 6.270 Sum: Verbal/pronominal feature differences
The Linguist List
- 6.271 Confs: 2nd International Conf on Communication in the Workplace
The Linguist List
- 6.272 Calls: III National Linguistics Conference (MEXICO)
The Linguist List
- 6.273 Qs: German text corpora, Phonotactics, Fonts
The Linguist List
- 6.274 Confs: Celtic Languages Learning Conference
The Linguist List
- 6.258 Linguistic Human rights (Latvia's language policy)
The Linguist List
- 6.275 Summary and Query: First names of authors
The Linguist List
- 6.276 Qs: E-mail addresses, Automatic extracting, MesoAmerican
The Linguist List
- 6.277 Dick Armey's slip and correction
The Linguist List
- 6.278 Jobs: Applied ling, Lang acquisition, Forensics, TESOL
The Linguist List
- 6.279 FYI: Scholarchips in ling at York, Graduate studies at Edinburgh
The Linguist List
- 6.280 Sum: About E. H. Tuttle
The Linguist List
- 6.281 Object Affixes
The Linguist List
- 6.282 Sum: ASL dictionary on CD-ROM
The Linguist List
- 6.283 TOC: Journal of Pragmatics
The Linguist List
- 6.284 Jobs: Linguists in Bolivia, Natural Language Engineering
The Linguist List
- 6.285 Confs: Rice U Symposium, LabPhon V
The Linguist List
- 6.286 Confs: Forensic Linguistics, Congreso espanol de America
The Linguist List
- 6.287 Qs: Annual meetings, Syntactic diagrams, Word lists, Jargon
The Linguist List
- 6.288 Qs: Linguistic Songs, Surv
The Linguist List
- 6.289 Qs: Appearance of words, Shanghaihua, Discontinuous Constituency
The Linguist List
- 6.290 Sum: Grasshopper Mind
The Linguist List
- 6.291 FYI: Software for an experimental MT system
The Linguist List
- 6.292 Language Policy
The Linguist List
- 6.293 Words that are their own opposites
The Linguist List
- 6.294 New Books: Discourse, Pragmatics, Syntax
The Linguist List
- 6.295 New Books: Language Acquisition, Phonetics & Phonology
The Linguist List
- 6.296 Jobs: Speech Perception, Syntax, Computational ling, Japanese
The Linguist List
- 6.297 Qs: References/discourse description, Vietnamese font, Quichua
The Linguist List
- 6.298 Qs: Ergativity, Tutor, Bound copulas, Modality and negation
The Linguist List
- 6.299 Qs: [bijvo], Common ground, Deixis, Obj-subj verb inflection
The Linguist List
- 6.300 Sum: Function Words
The Linguist List
- 6.301 Calls: Narrative, Corpus-Based Approaches to Dialogue Modelling
The Linguist List
- 6.302 FYI:Software for an experimental MT, How to Subscribe to AI-Jobs
The Linguist List
- 6.303 Sum: Language/Linguistics-related WWW sites
The Linguist List
- 6.304 Sum: Discussion of human and non-human language
The Linguist List
- 6.305 Focus systems and Middle Egyptian
The Linguist List
- 6.306 Language Policy
The Linguist List
- 6.307 Confs: Email addr 2nd ICCW (correction), GURT Presession on CMDA
The Linguist List
- 6.308 Qs: Engineering writing, AILA, Informal com, Narrative
The Linguist List
- 6.309 Sum Obligatory affixes
The Linguist List
- 6.310 Sum: Talking on the net, Web Sites on FTP
The Linguist List
- 6.311 Sum: Discourse textbooks
The Linguist List
- 6.312 Sum: Progressive with future time reference
The Linguist List
- 6.313 Qs: Pouldaff, Colorless green ideas, Dictionary, Neg in Hebrew
The Linguist List
- 6.314 Calls: Swahili dictionary, RECENT ADVANCES IN NLP
The Linguist List
- 6.315 Calls: Workshop on Optionality
The Linguist List
- 6.316 Confs: Approaches to Dialogue Modelling, EACL SIGDAT WORKSHOP
The Linguist List
The Linguist List
- 6.318 Calls: Sixth JK Conference
The Linguist List
- 6.319 TOC: Journal of Pragmatics
The Linguist List
Last message date:
Tue Feb 28 17:54:26 UTC 1995
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 07:45:32 UTC 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).