6.155 Confs: Programs for WCCFL XIV and CSP conference
The Linguist List
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Mon Feb 6 06:42:13 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-155. Mon 06 Feb 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 367
Subject: 6.155 Confs: Programs for WCCFL XIV and CSP conference
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
[Moderators' note: we'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements
to 150 lines, so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider
omitting information useful only to attendees, such as information on
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Thank you for your cooperation.]
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 11:26:22 -0800 (PST)
From: Hajime Hoji (wccfl at mizar.usc.edu)
Subject: WCCFL XIV Program
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 1995 10:59:25 GMT
From: K.M.Jaszczolt at bton.ac.uk
Subject: CSP conference programme
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 11:26:22 -0800 (PST)
From: Hajime Hoji (wccfl at mizar.usc.edu)
Subject: WCCFL XIV Program
WCCFL XIV University of Southern California, Los Angeles
March 10-12, 1995
FRIDAY, March 10
9:15-9:30 WELCOME
9:30-10:00 Piroska Csuri (Brandeis University)
"DRT and the two types of Anaphora"
10:00-10:30 Virginia Brennan (Vanderbilt University)
"Tag Questions in Discourse"
10:45-11:15 Mireille Tremblay (UQAM) "Empty prepositions and UG"
11:15-11:45 Yuji Takano (UC-Irvine) "VP-Internal Oject Shift"
11:45-12:15 Masanori Nakamura (McGill University)
"Theme Extraction in Bantu Applicatives
1:30-2:00 Jongho Jun (UCLA) "Place assimilation as the result of conflicting
Perceptual and Articulatory Constraints"
2:00-2:30 Edward Flemming (UCLA) "Evidence for Constraints on Contrasts"
2:30-3:00 Hubert Truckenbrodt (MIT) "A prosodic Constraint on extraposition
and the syntax-phonology mapping"
3:15-3:45 Andre Meinunger (Forderungsgesellschaft Wissenschaftliche)
"Focus Relations and Weak Islands"
3:45-4:15 Daniel Buring (Univ. zu Koln) and Katharina Hartmann (Univ.
Frankfurt) "Extraposition, Quantifier Raising, and Association
with Focus"
4:15-4:45 Jenny Doetjes and Martin Honcoop (Leiden University) "Eventual
Objects & Scopal Islands"
5:15-5:45 Diana Cresti (MIT) "Economy and the Scope of Amount Phrases"
5:45-6:15 Christine Tellier and Daniel Valois (Univ de Montreal) "Agreement
and Extraction out of DP"
6:15-6:45 Keun-Won Sohn (Univ of Connecticut) "Scope Interpretation without
Rigidity Condition"
SATURDAY, March 11
9:00-9:30 Ruriko Kawashima (MIT) and Hisatsugu Kitahara (Princeton Univ.)
"On the Definition of Move: Strict Cyclicity Revisited"
9:30-10:00 Roumyana Izvorski (Univ. of Pennsylvania) "A Solution to the
Subcomparative Paradox"
10:00-10:30 Andreas Kathol and Carl Pollard (Ohio State Univ.) "Wh-Extraction
in German Subordinate Clauses"
10:45-11:15 Satoshi Tomioka (Univ. of Mass., Amherst) "Donkey Pronouns and
Sloppy Identity in VP ellipsis"
11:15-11:45 Helen de Hoop and Jaume Sola (Univ of Groningen) "Determiners,
context sets, and focus"
11:45-12:15 Soowon Kim and James Lyle (Univ. of Washington) "Parasitic gaps,
multiple questions, and VP ellipsis"
1:30-2:00 Knut Tarld Taraldsen (Univ. of Tromso) "Case, subject-orientation
and agreement in Icelandic and Faroese"
2:00-2:30 Kevin Russell and Charlotte Reinholtz (Univ. of Manitoba)
"Hierarchical Structure in a Non-Configurational Language"
2:30-3:00 Marco Haverkort (Univ. of Kansas)
"Minimal and Maximal Clitics: A Typology"
3:15-3:45 Eugene Buckley (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
"Constraint Domains in Kashaya"
3:45-4:15 Abigail R. Kaun (Univ. of Iowa)
"Harmony as Alignment in Shuluun Hoh"
4:15-4:45 Orhan Orgun (UC-Berkeley) "Correspondence and Identity Constraints
in two-level Optimality Theory"
5:15-5:45 Elly van Gelderen (Groningen Univ.) "Restraining Functional
Categories: the Case of Auxiliaries and Participles"
5:45-6:15 Renate Musan (MIT)
"Present/Past incompatibilites with tenses and modifiers"
6:15-6:45 Sabine Iatridou (Univ. of Pennsylvania) "To Have and Have not:
Participial Agreement and the lack thereof"SUNDAY, March 12
SUNDAY, March 10
9:00-9:30 Maria Uribe-Etxebarria (UC-Irvine) "Levels of Representation and
Negative Polarity Item Licensing"
9:30-10:00 Jong-Bok Kim and Ivan Sag (Stanford Univ.) "Parametric Differences
between English and French Negation: A Non-derivational
10:00-10:30 Utpal Lahiri (UC-Irvine) "On Negative Polarity Items in Hindi"
10:45-11:15 Plipip Spaelti (UC-Santa Cruz)
"A Constraint-based Theory of Reduplication Patterns"
11:15-11:45 Amy Fountain (Univ. of Arizona)
"Constraint Violability and Western Apache Syllabification"
11:45-12:15 Ayako Tsuchida (Cornell Univ.) "English loans in Japanese:
Constraints in loanword phonology"
12:30-1:00 Teun Hoekstra (Leiden University) and Nina Hyams (UCLA) "The
Syntax and Interpretation of `Dropped' Categories in Child
Language. A Unified Account"
1:00-1:30 Carson Schutze (MIT) "Evidence for Case-Related Functional
Projections in Early German"
Ad Neeleman (Utrecht Univ.) "PP-Complements and LF Theta-Role Discharge"
Mengistu Amerber (McGill Univ.) "The Transitivity of Verbs of SAYING revisited"
James Lyle (Univ. of Washington) "Split Ergativity and NP-Movement"
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 1995 10:59:25 GMT
From: K.M.Jaszczolt at bton.ac.uk
Subject: CSP conference programme
Content-Length: 15928
University of Brighton, 6-9 April 1995
Thursday, 6 April 1995
1.00-2.00 LUNCH
Session A
2.00-2.50 Gregory Ward (Northwestern University, Evanston)
'English There-Sentences and Italian Subject Postposing'
2.50-3.40 Betty J. Birner (Pennsylvania) and Shahrzad Mahootian
(Northeastern Illinois) 'Functional Constraints on Inversion in
English and Farsi'
Session B
2.00-2.50 Anna Espunya (Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) 'The Realisation of the
Semantic Operator PROG (Progressive) in English and Romance Lgs
2.50-3.40 Takashi Suzuki (Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan)
'The Progressive in English and Japanese'
Session C
2.00-2.50 Ronny Boogart (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) 'The Past Tense
in English and Dutch: Discourse Level Implications of an
Aspectual Distinction'
2.50-3.40 Louise Cornelis (Utrecht) 'English and Dutch: The Passive
3.40-4.00 TEA
Session A
4.00-4.50 Catherine Nickerson (Nijmegen) and Francesca Bargiela
(Nottingham Trent) 'At the Intersection Between Grammar and
Pragmatics: A Contrastive Study of Personal Pronouns and Other
Forms of Address in Dutch and Italian'
4.50-5.40 Thierry Martiny (Namur) 'Forms of Address in French and Dutch:
A Sociopragmatic Approach'
Session B
4.00-4.50 Kathleen Connors and Benoit Oulette (Montr al) 'Describing
the Meanings of French Pronominal-Verbal Constructions
for Students of French-English Translation'
4.50-5.40 Deborah D.K. Ruuskanen (Vaasa) 'The Effect of Pragmatic
Factors on the Definition of Equivalence in Translation'
Session C
4.00-4.50 Jim Miller (Edinburgh) 'The Map Task and the Typology of Focus'
4.50-5.40 Guowen Huang and Robin P. Fawcett (U of Wales, Cardiff) 'A
Functional Approach to 'Focussing' Constructions in English and
5.40-6.40 PLENARY SESSION: Ferenc Kiefer (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
'Situational Utterances'
7.00-8.00 DINNER
Friday, 7 April 1995
7.30-8.30 BREAKFAST
8.30-9.30 PLENARY SESSION: Rob van der Sandt (Nijmegen)
'Domain Restriction'
Session A
9.30-10.20 Peter Abel and M rta Maleczki (Attila J zsef U, Szeged)
'A Dynamic Approach to Specificity'
10.20-11.10 Brendan S. Gillon (McGill, Montreal) 'Collective and
Distributive Readings of English Plural Noun Phrases'
Session B
9.30-10.20 Maria Kuc (School of Slavonic/East European Studies, London)
'Polish Spatial Prefixes and English Adverbial and Prepositional
Particles as Two Ways of Conveying Spatial Information'
10.20-11.10 Joachim Grabowski (Mannheim) 'The Prepositional Inventory of
Languages: A Factor that Affects Comprehension of Spatial
Session C
9.30-10.20 Villy Rouchota (UCL) 'A Relevance-theoretic Account of the
Attributive and the Referential Interpretation of Indefinite
Descriptions: Evidence from English and Modern Greek'
10.20-11.10 Robyn Carston and Eun-Ju Noh (UCL)
'Metalinguistic Negation Is Descriptive Negation'
11.10-11.30 COFFEE
11.30-12.30 PLENARY SESSION: Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (L dz)
'Cross-linguistic and Language Specific Aspects of Semantic Prosody'
12.30-2.00 LUNCH
Session A
2.00-2.50 Tania Kuteva (Sofia/Cologne) Pragmaticalization in Pragmatic
2.50-3.40 Juana I. Mar n-Arrese (Madrid) 'To Die, to Sleep'
Session B
2.00-2.50 Jadwiga Linde-Usiekniewicz (Warsaw) 'Size and Shape of Parts of
the Human Body as Described by Polish and English Adjectives
and Adverbs'
2.50-3.40 Natalia Tronenko (Oxford) 'Aspectual Structure of Russian and
English Idioms'
Session C
2.00-2.50 Jutta Frense and Paul Bennett (UMIST)
'Verb Alternations and Semantic Classes in English and German'
2.50-3.40 Mohammed Dabir-Moghaddam (Tehran)
'Semantics of Compound Verbs in Persian'
3.40-4.00 TEA
Session A
4.00-4.50 Masako K. Hiraga(U of the Air, Japan) and Joan M. Turner
(Goldsmiths College, London) 'Differing Perceptions of Face in
British and Japanese Academic Settings'
4.50-5.40 Francesca Bargiela and Sandra Harris (Nottingham Trent) 'Inter-
ruptive' Strategies in British and Italian Management Meetings'
5.40-6.30 Yu Ren Dong (Georgia) 'Talking Across Languages: Pragmatic
Failures in Chinese Speakers' Conversations With Americans'
Session B
4.00-4.50 Karin Aijmer (Lund) 'Epistemic Modality in a Swedish-English
Contrastive Perspective'
4.50-5.40 Raf Salkie (Brighton) 'Modality in French and English:
A Corpus-Based Approach'
5.40-6.30 Richard Matthews (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet, Freiburg)'Could,
might, should, ought vs. koennte, duerfte, sollte, muesste'
Session C
4.00-4.50 Stuart Kent(Brighton) and Jeremy Pitt(Imperial College, London)
'Feature-Based and Model-Based Semantics for English, French
and German Verb Phrases'
4.50-5.40 M rta Maleczki (Attila J zsef University, Szeged)
'Semantic Relationships Between Verbs and Their Arguments'
5.40-6.30 Filip Devos and Bart Defrancq (Gent) 'Contrastive Verb Valency
and Conceptual Structures in the Verbal Lexicon'
(no dinner: an opportunity to visit Brighton restaurants)
Saturday, 8 April 1995
7.30-8.30 BREAKFAST
8.30-9.30 PLENARY SESSION: R.R.K. Hartmann (Exeter)'Contrastive
Textology and Corpus Linguistics: On the Value of
Parallel Texts'
Session A
9.30-10.20 Judy Delin (Stirling), Tony Hartley (Brighton) and Donia Scott
(Brighton) 'Getting at Pragmatic Distinctions: Contrastive
Pragmatics in the Instructions Domain'
10.20-11.10 Susana Murcia-Bielsa (Cordoba) and Judy Delin (Stirling)
'Factors in Syntactic Choice: Expressing Purpose and Direction
in English and Spanish Instructions'
Session B
9.30-10.20 Senko K. Maynard (Rutgers) 'Contrastive Rhetoric: A Case of
Nominalization in Japanese and English Discourse'
10.20-11.10 Suzuko Nishihara and Tomoyo Shibahara (National Language
Research Institute, Tokyo) 'Rhetorical Contrast in Newspaper
Reports: Asahi Shinbun and the International Herald Tribune'
Session C
9.30-10.20 Berna Hendriks (Nijmegen) 'The Use of Request Strategies by
Dutch Learners of English'
10.20-11.10 Rob Le Pair (Nijmegen) 'Spanish Request Strategies: A
Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Perspective'
11.10-11.30 COFFEE
11.30-12.30 PLENARY SESSION: Bruce Fraser, tba
12.30-2.00 LUNCH
Session A
2.00-2.50 Lena Ekberg (Lund) 'Vertical and Horizontal Paths in Swedish
and Icelandic'
2.50-3.40 Elisabetta Fava (Padova) 'The Relevance of Semantics and
Pragmatics in Controlling Linguistic Stipulations:A Contrastive
Analysis of Some Properties of Semifactive Assertive Predicates
Session B
2.00-2.50 William McClure (Durham) 'Japanese Aspect and the Structure of
2.50-3.40 Tomomi Nimura(SOAS,London) 'English and Japanese Demonstratives
: A Contrastive Analysis of L2 Acquisition'
Session C
2.00-2.50 Laura Chao-chih Liao(Feng Chia, Taichung) and Mary I. Bresnahan
(Michigan State) 'A Contrastive Pragmatic Study on American
English and Mandarin Refusal Maxims and Strategies'
2.50-3.40 Victoria Escandell-Vidal(UNED) 'Politeness in Relevance Theory'
3.40-4.00 TEA
Session A
4.00-4.50 Laurie Anderson (Siena) 'Discourse Markers in Spoken English
and Italian'
4.50-5.40 Kerstin Fischer and Martina Drescher (Bielefeld)
'Methods for the Description of Discourse Particles'
5.40-6.30 Thorstein Fretheim (Trondheim) and Ildik Vasko
(Eotvos L r nd,Budapest) 'Lexical Properties and Pragmatic
Implications of Some Markers of Temporal Succession and
Simultaneity: A Contrastive Analysis of Hungarian, Norwegian
and English'
Session B
4.00-4.50 Seiko Fujii (Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
'Semantics and Pragmatics of Concessive Conditionals in
Japanese and English'
4.50-5.40 Masako Ueda (Brown University, Providence)
'Discourse-semantic Functions of the Subjunctive Mood in Czech
and Russian Conditional Sentences'
5.40-6.30 Jacqueline Visconti (Reading)
'On English and Italian Complex Conditional Connectors:
Matching Features and Implicatures in Defining Semanto-
Pragmatic Equivalence'
Session C
4.00-4.50 Christopher J. Conlan (U of Technology, Perth, Australia) tba
4.50-5.40 Brigitte Planken (Catholic University, Nijmegen)
'Politeness Phenomena in Sales Negotiations'
5.40-6.30 Keiko Tanaka (Oxford) 'Politeness in Japanese and English'
7.00-8.00 DINNER
8.30-10.00 tba
Sunday, 9 April 1995
7.30-8.30 BREAKFAST
8.30-9.30 PLENARY SESSION: Jef Verschueren (Antwerp)
'A Pragmatic Methodology for Contrastive Ideology Research'
Session A
9.30-10.20 L szl Hunyadi (Lajos Kossuth, Debrecen)
'The Logical Function of Phonetic Form'
10,20-11.10 Enric Vallduvi (Edinburgh)
'Realisation of Information Structure Across Languages'
Session B
9.30-10.20 Chungmin Lee (Seoul)
'Negative Polarity Items in Korean and English'
10.20-11.10 Torsten Leuschner (Freie Universitat Berlin/Universitaire
Instelling Antwerpen) ' 'Ever' and Universal Quantifiers of
Time: Observations From Some Germanic Languages'
Session C
9.30-10.20 Susan George (Centro Linguistico d'Ateneo, Camerino)
'Rational Objectivism vs. Emotional Pressure in English and
Italian Texts'
10.20-11.10 Jocelyne Vincent-Marrelli (IUO, Naples) 'Are We Missing Links
Between Language, Culture and Disciplines?'
11.10-11.30 COFFEE
Session A
11.30-12.20 Jan van Voorst (Montr al) 'Some Systematic Differences
Between the Dutch and English Transitive Construction'
12.20-13.10 Mayumi Masuko (International Christian University)
'Expressing Adversity'
Session B
11.30-12.20 Jon Mills (Luton) 'A Comparison of the Semantic Values of
Middle Cornish Leff and Dorn with Modern English Hand and Fist'
12.20-13.10 Montse Moreno-Zazo(Barcelona) 'The Spanish Verbs ser and estar:
"Transitory" versus "Permanent" '
Session C
11.30-12.20 Saeko Fukushima (Tsuru)
'Request Strategies in British English and Japanese'
12.20-1.10 Anna Ciliberti(Siena)'Repetition in Native/Non-Native Discourse
1.10-2.10 LUNCH
For information regarding registration and accomodations, contact:
Katarzyna Jaszczolt, The Language Centre, University of Brighton, Falmer,
Brighton BN1 9PH, United Kingdom
tel (44)01273 643336; fax (44)01273 690710; Email KMJ at bton.ac.uk
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-155.
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