6.154 Confs: DEON '96, AISB-95 WKSHOP (final call)
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Mon Feb 6 05:41:45 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-154. Sun 05 Feb 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 376
Subject: 6.154 Confs: DEON '96, AISB-95 WKSHOP (final call)
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
[Moderators' note: we'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements
to 150 lines, so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider
omitting information useful only to attendees, such as information on
housing, transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.
Thank you for your cooperation.]
Date: Sun, 05 Feb 95 09:23:20 -0500
From: "\"\"Mark A. Brown\"\"" (mabrown at mailbox.syr.edu)
Subject: Call for Papers: DEON '96
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 95 13:40:27 GMT
From: Paul Mc Kevitt (P.McKevitt at dcs.shef.ac.uk)
Date: Sun, 05 Feb 95 09:23:20 -0500
From: "\"\"Mark A. Brown\"\"" (mabrown at mailbox.syr.edu)
Subject: Call for Papers: DEON '96
Lisbon, Portugal, 11-13 January, 1996
Following the success of the first two workshops (DEON'91, Amsterdam,
December 1991, and DEON'94, Oslo, January 1994), it has been agreed to
continue holding workshops at roughly two-year intervals, to promote
research and cooperation in this growing, interdisciplinary area.
The previous workshops have brought together people working on various
aspects of deontic logic and closely related areas of investigation,
and their applications in computer science and public and private
administration. With the third workshop (DEON'96) we propose to broaden
the emphasis slightly, to encourage--even more than in the past--
contributions on the logic of action and its applications, and to
encourage participation by linguists.
The scientific program of the next workshop encompasses four invited
lectures as well as a number of submitted paper presentations, with extensive
opportunities for informal discussion among the participants. Submitted papers
will be published in a volume of Proceedings available at the workshop. The
workshop is open to all those interested, subject to availability of places.
The Program Committee seeks papers concerned with:
(a) any theoretical aspects of deontic logic and language or
(b) any aspects of the applications of deontic logic in computer
science and in public or private administration.
In regard to (a), areas of investigation include, but are not exhausted by,
the following list of areas:
-- formal systems of deontic logic
-- formal systems of logic of action
-- other areas of logic, provided that their connections with deontic logic
are made clear
-- the syntax and/or semantics of normative language and legal language
-- the syntax and/or semantics of imperatives
-- the syntax and/or semantics of the language of action
In regard to (b), the areas of application of deontic logic in computer
science include, but are not necessarily exhausted by, the following list
of interrelated areas:
-- formal representation of legal knowledge and reasoning
-- formal analysis of database integrity constraints
-- formal specification of normative systems, comprising artificial and/or
human components
-- aspects of security
-- formal specification of contracts
-- formal specification of systems for the management of the bureaucratic
-- formal representation of agency and of norm-governed interaction
-- formal representation of power, delegation, authorization and
-- deontic aspects in communication
Authors are invited to submit five hard copies of their papers, written
in English. Submitted papers should be unpublished and present original
work. Papers should be double-spaced and not exceed 20 pages,
and should be sent to one of the two co-chairs of the Program Committee
(see below). Electronic submissions will not be accepted.
Submissions will be judged on significance, originality, quality and
clarity. Reviewing will be blind to the identities of the authors.
This requires that the authors exercise some care not to identify themselves
in their papers. Any artificialities this introduces may be amended
in the camera-ready copy after acceptance.
Each copy of the paper must have a title page, separated from the body of the
paper, including the title of the paper, the names and addresses of all
authors (and, whenever possible, the e-mail address and FAX number), a list of
content areas (see above) and any acknowledgments. The second page should
include the same title, a brief abstract of no more than 10 lines, and the
same list of content areas, but not the names or affiliations of the authors.
This page may include text of the paper.
For more information please contact one of the two co-chairs of the Program
Committee (see below). Please include your name, postal address, and e-mail
and/or FAX address in all communications.
Deadline for submission of papers: May 15, 1995
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 1995
Camera-ready version due: October 1, 1995
Workshop: January 11-13, 1996
The Workshop Proceedings will be available at the workshop itself. It is our
hope that, as in the case of previous workshops, selected papers will also
later be published in a major international journal or by a major
international publisher. More information about this will be sent with the
notification of acceptance.
Jose Carmo Mark Brown
Dept. of Mathematics Dept. of Philosophy
Instituto Superior Tecnico Syracuse University
Av. Rovisco Pais 541 Hall of Languages
1096 Lisboa Codex Syracuse, NY 13244-1170
Portugal USA
e-mail: jcc at inesc.pt e-mail: mabrown at mailbox.syr.edu
telephone: 351-1-8417141 telephone: 315-443-2536
fax: 351-91-230243 fax: 315-443-5675
Frederic Cuppens (ONERA-CERT, Toulouse) Jose Fiadeiro (FCUL, Lisbon)
Risto Hilpinen (U of Turku) John Horty (U of Maryland)
John-Jules Meyer (Utrecht U, Holland) Henry Prakken (Free University)
Martin Sadler (Hewlett-Packard, Bristol) Giovanni Sartor (U of Bologna, Italy)
Krister Segerberg (U of Uppsala, Sweden) Kazimierz Swirydowicz (Poznan U)
Richmond Thomason (U of Pittsburgh, USA) Roel Wieringa (Free University)
Tom Maibaum (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, UK)
Jose Fiadeiro (Portugal)
Nuel Belnap (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
Brian Chellas (University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada)
Andrew Jones (University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway)
Marek Sergot (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, UK)
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 95 13:40:27 GMT
From: Paul Mc Kevitt (P.McKevitt at dcs.shef.ac.uk)
April 3rd/4th 1995 at the
The Tenth Biennial Conference on AI and Cognitive Science (AISB-95)
(Theme: Hybrid Problems, Hybrid Solutions)
Halifax Hall, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England
(Monday 3rd -- Friday 7th April 1995)
Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour
Chair: Sean O Nuallain Co-Chair: Paul Mc Kevitt
Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland & Department of Computer Science
National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada University of Sheffield, England
John Barnden (New Mexico State U) Istvan Berkeley (U of Alberta)
Mike Brady (Oxford) Harry Bunt (ITK, Netherlands)
Peter Carruthers (U of Sheffield) Daniel Dennett (Tufts University)
Eric Dietrich (SUNY Binghamton) Jerry Feldman (ICSI, UC Berkeley)
John Frisby (U of Sheffield) Stevan Harnad (U of Southampton)
James Martin (U of CO/Boulder) John Macnamara (McGill University)
Mike McTear (U's of Ulster/Koblenz) Ryuichi Oka (RWC P, Tsukuba, Japan)
Jordan Pollack (Ohio State U) Zenon Pylyshyn (Rutgers)
Ronan Reilly (University College) Roger Schank (ILS, Northwestern, USA)
NNoel Sharkey (U of Sheffield) Walther v.Hahn (University of Hamburg)
Yorick Wilks (U of Sheffield)
The assumption underlying this workshop is that Cognitive Science (CS)
is in crisis. The crisis manifests itself, as exemplified by the
recent Buffalo summer institute, in a complete lack of consensus among
even the biggest names in the field on whether CS has or indeed should
have a clearly identifiable focus of study; the issue of identifying
this focus is a separate and more difficult one. Though academic
programs in CS have in general settled into a pattern compatible with
classical computationalist CS (Pylyshyn 1984, Von Eckardt 1993),
including the relegation from focal consideration of consciousness,
affect and social factors, two fronts have been opened on this
classical position.
The first front is well-publicised and highly visible. Both Searle
(1992) and Edelman (1992) refuse to grant any special status to
information-processing in explanation of mental process. In contrast,
they argue, we should focus on Neuroscience on the one hand and
Consciousness on the other. The other front is ultimately the more
compelling one. It consists of those researchers from inside CS who
are currently working on consciousness, affect and social factors and
do not see any incompatibility between this research and their vision
of CS, which is that of a Science of Mind (see Dennett 1993, O
Nuallain (in press) and Mc Kevitt and Partridge 1991, Mc Kevitt and
Guo 1994).
Dennett, D. (1993) Review of John Searle's "The Rediscovery of the
Mind". The Journal of Philosophy 1993, pp 193-205
Edelman, G.(1992) Bright Air, Brilliant Fire. Basic Books
Mc Kevitt, P. and D. Partridge (1991) Problem description and
hypothesis testing in Artificial Intelligence In ``Artificial
Intelligence and Cognitive Science '90'', Springer-Verlag British
Computer Society Workshop Series, McTear, Michael and Norman Creaney
(Eds.), 26-47, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Also, in
Proceedings of the Third Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence
and Cognitive Science (AI/CS-90), University of Ulster at Jordanstown,
Northern Ireland, EU, September and as Technical Report 224,
Department of Computer Science, University of Exeter, GB- EX4 4PT,
Exeter, England, EU, September, 1991.
Mc Kevitt, P. and Guo, Cheng-ming (1995) From Chinese rooms to Irish
rooms: new words on visions for language. Artificial Intelligence
Review Vol. 8. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer-Academic Publishers.
(unabridged version) First published: International Workshop on
Directions of Lexical Research, August, 1994, Beijing, China.
O Nuallain, S (in press) The Search for Mind: a new foundation for
CS. Norwood: Ablex
Pylyshyn, Z.(1984) Computation and Cognition. MIT Press
Searle, J (1992) The rediscovery of the mind. MIT Press.
Von Eckardt, B. (1993) What is Cognitive Science? MIT Press
The tension which riddles current CS can therefore be stated thus: CS,
which gained its initial capital by adopting the computational
metaphor, is being constrained by this metaphor as it attempts to
become an encompassing Science of Mind. Papers are invited for this
workshop which:
* Address the central tension
* Propose an overall framework for CS (as attempted, inter alia,
by O Nuallain (in press))
* Explicate the relations between the disciplines which comprise CS.
* Relate educational experiences in the field
* Describe research outside the framework of classical
computationalist CS in the context of an alternative framework
* Promote a single logico-mathematical formalism as a theory of
Mind (as attempted by Harmony theory)
* Disagree with the premise of the workshop
Other relevant topics include:
* Classical vs. neuroscience representations
* Consciousness vs. Non-consciousness
* Dictated vs. emergent behaviour
* A life/Computational intelligence/Genetic algorithms/Connectionism
* Holism and the move towards Zen integration
The workshop will focus on three themes:
* What is the domain of Cognitive Science ?
* Classic computationalism and its limitations
* Neuroscience and Consciousness
Our intention is to have as much discussion as possible during the
workshop and to stress panel sessions and discussion rather than
having formal paper presentations. The workshop will consist of
half-hour presentations, with 15 minutes for discussion at the end of
each presentation and other discussion sessions. A plenary session at
the end will attempt to resolve the themes emerging from the different
We hope to have an attendance between 25-50 people at the workshop.
Given the urgency of the topic, we expect it to be of interest not
only to scientists in the AI/Cognitive Science (CS) area, but also to
those in other of the sciences of mind who are curious about CS. We
envisage researchers from Edinburgh, Leeds, York, Sheffield and Sussex
attending from within England and many overseas visitors as the
Conference Programme is looking very international.
Papers of not more than 8 pages should be submitted by electronic mail
(preferably uuencoded compressed postscript) to Sean O Nuallain at the
E-mail address(es) given below. If you cannot submit your paper by
E-mail please submit three copies by snail mail.
*******Submission Deadline: February 13th 1995
*******Notification Date: February 25th 1995
*******Camera ready Copy: March 10th 1995
Workshop notes/preprints will be published. If there is sufficient
interest we will publish a book on the workshop possibly with the
American Artificial Intelligence Association (AAAI) Press.
Sean O Nuallain Phone: 1-613-990-0113
((Before Dec 23:)) E-mail: sean at ai.iit.nrc.ca
Knowledge Systems Lab, FaX: 1-613-95271521
Institute for Information Technology,
National Research Council,
Montreal Road, Ottawa
Canada K1A OR6
((After Dec 23:))
Dublin City University, E-mail: onuallains at dcu.ie
IRL- Dublin 9, Dublin FaX: 353-1-7045442
Ireland, EU Phone: 353-1-7045237
WWW: http://www.compapp.dcu.ie
Ftp: ftp.vax1.dcu.ie
Dr. Robert Gaizauskas E-mail: robertg at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Department of Computer Science WWW: http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/
University of Sheffield WWW: http://www.shef.ac.uk/
211 Portobello Street Ftp: ftp.dcs.shef.ac.uk
Regent Court FaX: +44 (0) 114 278-0972
Sheffield S1 4DP Phone: +44 (0) 114 282-5572
Paul Mc Kevitt E-mail: p.mckevitt at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Department of Computer Science WWW: http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/
Regent Court WWW: http://www.shef.ac.uk/
211 Portobello Street Ftp: ftp.dcs.shef.ac.uk
University of Sheffield FaX: +44 (0) 114-278-0972
GB- S1 4DP, Sheffield Phone: +44 (0) 114-282-5572(Office)
England, UK, EU. 282-5596(Lab.)
Alison White Email: alisonw at cogs.susx.ac.uk
AISB Executive Office WWW: http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/aisb
Cognitive and Computing Sciences (COGS) Ftp: ftp.cogs.susx.ac.uk/pub/aisb
University of Sussex Tel: +44 (0) 1273 678448
Falmer, Brighton Fax: +44 (0) 1273 671320
England, UK, BN1 9QH
Gill Wells, Email: g.wells at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Administrative Assistant, AISB-95, Fax: +44 (0) 114-278-0972
Department of Computer Science, Phone: +44 (0) 114-282-5590
Regent Court,
211 Portobello Street,
University of Sheffield,
GB- S1 4DP, Sheffield,
Email: aisb95 at dcs.shef.ac.uk (for auto responses)
WWW: http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/aisb95 [Sheffield Computer Science]
Ftp: ftp.dcs.shef.ac.uk (cd aisb95)
WWW: http://www.shef.ac.uk/ [Sheffield Computing Services]
Ftp: ftp.shef.ac.uk (cd aisb95)
WWW: http://ijcai.org/) [IJCAI-95, MONTREAL]
WWW: http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/aisb [AISB SOCIETY SUSSEX]
Ftp: ftp.cogs.susx.ac.uk/pub/aisb
The venue for registration and all conference events is:
Halifax Hall of Residence, FaX: +44 (0) 114-266-3898
Endcliffe Vale Road, Tel: +44 (0) 114-266-3506 (24 hour porter)
GB- S10 5DF, Sheffield, Tel: +44 (0) 114-266-4196 (manager)
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-154.
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