6.267 Confs: Sentence Processing Conference - Schedule
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Wed Feb 22 12:11:47 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-267. Wed 22 Feb 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 325
Subject: 6.267 Confs: Sentence Processing Conference - Schedule
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 10:23:01 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Sentence Processing Conference - Schedule
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 10:23:01 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Sentence Processing Conference - Schedule
The Eighth Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing
March 16-18, 1995
Radisson Hotel, 6555 E. Speedway, Tucson, AZ
Sponsors: University of Arizona (Cognitive Science Program, Dept. of
Psychology, Dept. of Linguistics, Dean's Office (Social and
Behavioral Sciences), Social and Behavioral Sciences Research
Institute), Institute for Research in Cognitive Science at the University
of Pennsylvania, University of Rochester.
The Special Session on Prosodic Effects on Parsing is sponsored by NSF.
Thursday, March 16
Registration 8:15-8:45
8:45 Welcoming remarks
9:00 Brian McElree & Teresa Griffith (U.Cal, Irvine)
Constraints on filling gaps: a time-course analysis.
9:25 Lewis Shapiro (Florida Atlantic U.) Arild Hestvik (U. of
Stuttgart) & Kim Luscher (Florida Atlantic U.)
An on-line analysis of VP-ellipsis: Syntactic
reconstruction and semantic influence.
9:50 Tracy Love & David Swinney (UCSD)
On the nature of the search in coreferential processing.
10:15 Kevin Peterson, Anthony Sanford, & Linda Moxey (U. Glasgow)
Anaphoric reference to differentially focused subsets of a
quantified noun-phrase.
10:40 coffee break
11:10 Neal Pearlmutter, Kathryn Bock, and Susan Garnsey (U.
Subject-Verb Agreement Processes in Sentence Comprehension.
11:35 Christine Sevald and Susan Garnsey (U. Illinois)
Safe syntax: Encapsulation of number-marking information in
sentence comprehension.
12:00 Celia Jakubowicz and Ch. Faussart (CNRS)
Agreement phenomena in the processing of spoken French.
12:25 Janet Nicol (U.Arizona)
Effects of clausal structure on subject-verb agreement
12:50 lunch break
2:00 Don Mitchell (U.Exeter), Fernando Cuetos (U.Oviedo),
Martin Corley (U.Exeter) and Marc Brysbaert (U.Leuven)
The linguistic tuning hypothesis: further corpus and
experimental evidence.
2:25 Edward Gibson, Carson Schutze, and Ariel Salomon (MIT)
The relationship between the frequency and the perceived
complexity of linguistic structure.
2:50 Suzanne Stevenson (Rutgers)
Reconciling constraint-based and structure-based
explanations of syntactic preferences.
3:15 coffee break
3:45 John Trueswell (U. Penn)
The role of lexical frequency in syntactic ambiguity
4:10 Curt Burgess & Kevin Lund (U.Cal, Riverside)
Extraction of high-dimensional semantics from large corpora
and human syntactic processing constraints.
4:35 Uli H. Frauenfelder (U. Geneva), Alain Content (ULB,
Bruxelles), Jean-Philippe Goldman & Christine Meunier (U.
Comparative sublexical statistics: The processing units
5:30-7:00 - Poster Session I
Friday, March 17
Special Session on Prosodic Influences on Parsing (titles
to be announced)
8:30 Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel & Alice Turk
9:10 Wayne Murray & Sheila Watt
9:45 Shari Speer (Northeastern U)
10:15 Fernanda Ferreira (MSU)
10:45 coffee break
11:15 Nicholas Nagel (UCSD) & Lewis Shapiro (Florida Atlantic U)
Prosodic influences on the processing of attachment
11:45 Tadahisa Kondo (NTT Basic Research Labs) & Reiko Mazuka
(Duke U.)
Prosodic planning while reading aloud: On-line examination
of Japanese sentences.
12:15 Merrill Garrett (U.Arizona) and Roger Wales (U. Melbourne)
Commentary and Panel Discussion
1:00 lunch break
2:15 Cyma Van Petten (U.Arizona), Jill Weckerly (UCSD), Heather
McIsaac (UBC), and Marta Kutas (UCSD)
The impact of working memory capacity on the use of lexical
and sentence-level semantic context: Event-related brain
potential evidence.
2:40 Catherine Harris (Boston U)
A corpora-based approach to sense-selection and contextual
3:05 Janet Dean Fodor (CUNY), Weijia Ni (Haskins), Stephen Crain
(U.Maryland) & Donald Shankweiler (U.Connecticut)
Tasks and timing in the perception of linguistic anomaly.
3:30 coffee break
4:00 Kathleen Eberhard, Michael Tanenhaus, Michael
Spivey-Knowlton, and Julie Sedivy (U. Rochester).
Investigating the time-course of establishing reference:
Evidence for rapid incremental processing.
4:25 Michael Spivey-Knowlton, Michael Tanenhaus, Julie Sedivy &
Kathleen Eberhard (U. Rochester)
Visual/situational context overrides local preference in
PP-attachment ambiguity.
5:30-7:00 Poster Session II
Saturday, March 18
9:25 Richard Lewis (Princeton)
A theory of grammatical but unacceptable embeddings.
9:50 Maria Babyonyshev (MIT)
Processing inherently and structurally cased DPs
10:15 Patrick Sturt & Matthew Crocker (Edinburgh)
Monotonic parsing and reanalysis.
10:40 coffee break
11:10 Julie E. Boland (OSU)
Understanding how they "saw her duck": Homographs in
coherent text.
11:35 A. D. Friederici (MPI and Freie U.), A. Mecklinger, K.
Steinhauer & A. Hahne (Freie U.)
Processing violations of syntactic structure versus
violations of syntactic preferences: Evidence from ERP
12:00 Susan Garnsey, Neal Pearlmutter, Elizabeth Myers
(U.Illinois), & Maryellen MacDonald (USC)
The relative contributions of verb bias and plausibility to
the comprehension of temporarily ambiguous sentences.
12:25 Lars Konieczny, Barbara Hemforth, & Christoph Scheepers
PP- and NP-attachment preferences differ according to
verb-placement in German sentences.
12:50 lunch break
2:00 Edith Kaan & Laurie Stowe (U. of Groningen)
Non-local subcategorization violations: The effect of
distance and memory span.
2:25 Colin Brown, Peter Hagoort, & Wietske Vonk (MPI)
On-line sentence processing: Parsing preferences revealed
by brain responses.
2:50 Marica De Vincenzi (National Research Council Roma)
Syntactic analysis in sentence comprehension: Effects of
dependency types and grammatical constraints.
3:15 coffee break
3:45 Martin Pickering (U. Glasgow), Holly Branigan (U.
Edinburgh), Simon Liversedge (U. Nottingham), Andrew
Stewart (U. Sussex), Thomas Urbach, & Ashley Myler
(Washington and Lee U.)
Exploring Syntactic Priming
4:10 Michael Anes, Fernanda Ferreira, & John Henderson (MSU)
Parallel structure effects in reading and listening.
4:35 Kathleen Ahrens & David Swinney (UCSD)
On the integration of verbs into sentential contexts: The
effect of participant-role complexity in sentence
Conference Organizers: Janet Nicol, Ken Forster, and Merrill Garrett
Abstract Review Committee: Andrew Barss, Tom Bever, Tom Cornell, Ken
Forster, Susan Garnsey, Merrill Garrett, Louann Gerken, Ted Gibson,
Wayne Murray, Janet Nicol, David Swinney, Gabriella Vigliocco
Hotel Information:
The conference hotel is the Radisson Suite Hotel, 6555 E Speedway,
Tucson, AZ, 85710. Tel: (602) 721-7100 Reservations can be made
through Radisson's national system at 800-333-3333. Be sure to
mention the CUNY Sentence Processing Conference when making your
reservations. Reservations made after February 15 will not be at the
conference rate.
How to get to the conference:
1) Landing in Tucson
A taxi cab from the airport to the Radisson will cost about $20.
(this estimate came from Yellow Cab).
Bus. The Arizona Stage Coach costs about $10. Interested persons
should collect their luggage and then go to the Arizona StageCoach
desk on the baggage level of the airport next to Hertz car rentals.
No reservation required to go from the airport to the hotel, but a
reservation IS required to go to the airport. A reservation may be
made at the airport, or by calling the following number: (602)
Transportation for the handicapped to and from the Tucson Airport is
available through Handicar. Reservations should be made in advance
(602 881-3391). The cost is $25.00 each way. Upon arrival,
passengers should call Handicar to verify that the flight has come
in. Passengers bring one other person with them at no extra charge.
2) Landing in Phoenix
The Arizona Shuttle Service is a bus service that runs from the Sky
Harbor Airport in Phoenix to a location near the Radisson (5350 E.
Speedway). The cost is $19.00 each way. Departures from the airport
are every hour on the half hour from 5:30 am to 11:30 pm and from
Tucson, every hour on the hour from 4:00 am. to 9:00 pm. The trip
takes approximately 2 hours. Call (800) 888-2749 for further
3) Driving to Tucson. Coming from north or west, take the Speedway
exit from I-10. Coming from the east, take the Kolb exit from I-10
(Exit 275). The Radisson is on the north side of Speedway, just east
of Wilmot.
Pre-Registration Form
Please pre-register. Fees may be paid with check or money order
payable to: Sentence Processing Conference. We urge you to
pre-register as soon as possible, but will accept pre-registration
through March 15. Send payment to the following address:
Sentence Processing Conference
Psychology 312
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
Student Non-Student
Preregistration: $10 $35
On-Site: $20 $40
Name: _________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________
STUDENTS! There may be (limited) funds to assist student travel. If
you are a registered student, you are eligible to receive some
funding, if such funds are available. If you wish to apply, send us
the following information before March 1: Your name, affiliation,
year, and participation in the conference (e.g., you are a second
author on a poster). Your advisor should verify your student status.
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-267.
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