6.279 FYI: Scholarchips in ling at York, Graduate studies at Edinburgh
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Thu Feb 23 01:06:18 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-279. Wed 22 Feb 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 219
Subject: 6.279 FYI: Scholarchips in ling at York, Graduate studies at Edinburgh
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 14:35:29 +0000 (GMT)
From: J Local (lang4 at tmphost.york.ac.uk)
Subject: Scholarships in phonetics/linguistics at York
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 95 14:30:17 GMT
From: Ellen Bard (ellen at ling.edinburgh.ac.uk)
Subject: graduate study in linguistics at U. of Edinburgh
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 14:35:29 +0000 (GMT)
From: J Local (lang4 at tmphost.york.ac.uk)
Subject: Scholarships in phonetics/linguistics at York
*Research Scholarships in Linguistics*
available from October 1995
Department of Language and Linguistic Science
University of York
*Two studentships worth fees and 36,000 p.a.
*One scholarship worth fees and 31,200 p.a.
These awards are open to EU students who apply for MPhil or DPhil registration.
One award can be held within any area of research within the department. Two
will be given in specific areas within department's reseach profile: In
Phonetics/Phonology (specifically for work in the formal modelling of
phonetic interpretation in declarative prosodic phonology; or the modelling
of voice source characteristics for personalized speech synthesis). In
syntax/Semantics (specifically for work related to theories of functional
categories; the syntax/semantics interface; or monostratal models of
Award holders will be required to undertake up to sixty-six hours teaching
each year as a condition of their grant. We also run a taught MA course in
linguistics, and award holders will have the opportunity to follow some or
all of this course as preparation for their MPhil/DPhil work
The Prospectus gives further details of MA, MPhil and DPhil programmes
(including the possibility of part time study). For a Prospectus, further
details of awards, and application forms write to: graduate office,
University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD, England. Closing date 31 March
**Research in the Department of Language and Linguistic Science**
Our principle research areas are: Phonetics and Phonology with a series of
major research contracts in speech synthesis we form an international centre
of excellence in the fields of speech synthesis and declarative phonology.
Linguistic Theory especially syntax and phonology. Structure and history of
languages particularly in the fields of syntax, word formation and phonology.
Study of language in its social context particularly bilingualism, problems
of standardization, and the analysis of conversation.
**Research degrees offered within the department**
MA in Linguistics (by research) One year full time
MPhil in Linguistics Two years full time
DPhil in Linguistics Three years full time
You can apply directly for one of these research degrees submitting a
proposal within the department's research profile; or
You can apply for the MA in Linguistics and follow a taught course lasting
two terms to give you a good grounding in descriptive and Theoretical
Linguistics, Sociolinguistics and Psycholinguistics with choice of options.
Then apply for transfer to MPhil,putting forward a research proposal on some
suitable topic. After a further year's work, you may wish to take the MPhil,
or you may apply for transfer to DPhil.
We do not normally admit students directly into our DPhil programme. We want
to ensure that students have the appropriate background both in knowledge of
linguistics and in research methodology before they are finally committed to
such an ambitious progra mme. So we normally require initial registration for
MA/MPhil with subsequent transfer to higher degrees on the basis of progress.
But if you already have some qualifications in linguistics you may be
eligible to take an MA by research or be admitted dire ctly to MPhil level
Some recent PhD dissertation topics: Case assignment in Hindi; The nature
of agreement in Spanish; A Categorial Grammar of Spanish word order; Theory
of Phonological representations; Writing Phonological Statements from
Naturally Occuring Talk; Origin and Use of Pitch in Sandawe; Linguis tic
markers of social differentiation in Jamaican Communities; The Acquisition
of Interrogatives in pre-school Chinese Singaporeans; The Modernization of
Swahili Technical Lexis; The categorial status of coverbs in mandarin
Chinese; A Pragmatic study of some particles in Chinese; Focus in Spoken
english; A Conversational Analytic Approach to some Utterance Particles in
Cantonese; Code-switching among Bilingual (Punjabi-English) nursery school
Taught course: MA in Linguistics (by coursework and dissertation). One year
(October to September)
A taught course lasting two terms gives you a good grounding in descriptive
and theoretical linguistics (semantics, syntax, phonology, phonetics)
Sociolinguistics and Psycholinguistics, with a choice of options including
further work in the central area s of linguistics listed above (in such areas
as descriptive semantics, Government-Binding syntax, socio-historical
linguistics) and in such areas as multilingualism, stylistics, cognition and
language acquisiton, topics in the history and structure of sp ecific
languages. Assessment during the taught course is by exercises and essays.A
short dissertation (May to September) leads to your MA. Or you may apply for
transfer to MPhil, later possibly DPhil
* John Local *
* Professor of Phonetics and Linguistics *
* Department of Language and Linguistic Science *
* University of York *
* Heslington *
* YORK YO1 5DD *
* *
* Tel: UK+ 0904 432658 *
* E-mail lang4 at unix.york.ac.uk *
* my URL http://www.york.ac.uk/~lang4 *
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 95 14:30:17 GMT
From: Ellen Bard (ellen at ling.edinburgh.ac.uk)
Subject: graduate study in linguistics at U. of Edinburgh
Content-Length: 5084
About the Department
The Department of Linguistics is part of Edinburgh University's thriving
research community in the areas related to speech and language. The
department includes within it the Centre for Speech Technology Research
and maintains broad collaborations with the Centre for Cognitive Science,
with which it shares some postgraduate teaching, the Human Communication
Research Centre, in which its staff and students participate, and the
Department of Applied Linguistics. The Department of Linguistics
conducts a full programme of undergraduate teaching and an MSc course
which is described below, as well as supervising PhD students. Research
facilities include extensive computing systems, phonetics and
psycholinguistics laboratories, and major library holdings. A number of
research projects are held in the department or jointly with CSTR or
PhD in Linguistics
The department accepts qualified students to do PhD research in both
purely linguistic and interdisciplinary areas. PhD research is expected
to be complete in four years or less. During the initial year, PhD
students may follow components of the MSc course, and training is
available in important research skills. Applicants should have good
Honours degrees (or the equivalent) in linguistics or any related area.
The Department is eligible for ESRC and British Academy Studentships (UK
and EC applicants). Support for non-EC applicants may also be available.
MSc Programme Speech and Language Processing
A one year course assessed by essays and dissertation, the MSc is taught
within the Department of Linguistics and the Centre for Speech Technology
Research. The programme includes training in basic computing skills,
PROLOG, phonetics, phonology, syntax, formal language theory, formal
semantics, pragmatics and discourse analysis, psycholinguistics,
statistics and experimental design, speech signal analysis and
processing, automatic speech recognition and synthesis, computational
linguistics, and machine translation. Application has been made to EPSRC
to continue a quota of advanced course studentships, for which British
and other EC residents with Honours degrees or equivalent experience are
Academic teaching staff
Ronnie Cann formal semantics of natural languages, functional
categories in syntax; Indo-European languages
Ellen Gurman Bard psycholinguistics, perception and production of speech
in dialogue, linguistic intuitions
Caroline Heycock formal syntax; Japanese, German
James Hurford evolution of language, syntax and semantics in
automatic speech recognition; Arabic
Stephen Isard dialogue structure, intonation, automatic speech
synthesis and recognition
Michael Johnson speech technology, intonation, stuttering
Louise Kelly psycholinguistics, acquired language disorders;
D. Robert Ladd prosody, phonological theory, intonation in speech
synthesis; Romanian
Jim Miller spoken and written language, non-standard English;
tense aspect, case; Russian, Bulgarian
Alice Turk experimental articulatory and acoustic phonetics,
speech perception, prosody, phonology/phonetics
APPLICATIONS DEADLINE: 10 March for October entry
contact Mrs. Ethel Jack, Department of Linguistics,
University of Edinburgh,
Adam Ferguson Building, George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LL
(Tel: (0)31-650-3961; E-mail ethel at ling.ed.ac.uk).
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-279.
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