6.204 FYI: Forensic list, BLS 21 Schedule, IPPE, WWW
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Mon Feb 13 08:21:23 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-204. Mon 13 Feb 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 232
Subject: 6.204 FYI: Forensic list, BLS 21 Schedule, IPPE, WWW
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 95 11:20
From: SUE BLACKWELL (BLACKWELLSA at vms1.bham.ac.uk)
Subject: Forensic Linguistics List goes automatic!
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 09:03:27 +0300
From:jnamkung at uclink.berkeley.edu (Ju Namkung)
Subject: Corrections to BLS 21 Schedule
Date: Fri, 03 Feb 95 20:10:03 +0900
From: phil-preprints-admin at cogsci.l.chiba-u.ac.jp
Subject: News from the IPPE (30 Jan 95)
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 95 10:46:54 CST
From: goer at mithra-orinst.uchicago.edu (Richard L. Goerwitz)
Subject: Computers in teaching, Stockholm University Ling WWW Server
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 95 11:20
From: SUE BLACKWELL (BLACKWELLSA at vms1.bham.ac.uk)
Subject: Forensic Linguistics List goes automatic!
Content-Length: 1424
FL-LIST is moving to Mailbase in Newcastle.
The new name for the list is "forensic-linguistics". It will now be
possible for list members to deposit and retrieve files, obtain a
list of all members, and suspend and resume their mail automatically.
You can subscribe to the new list NOW by sending the command:
JOIN FORENSIC-LINGUISTICS Your_first_name(s) Your_last_name
to the address:
mailbase at mailbase.ac.uk
When you are added to the list you will automatically be sent an
introductory file giving you more information about using the list
facilities. Please note that Mailbase software is not identical to
Listserv software and so not all Listserv commands will work with it.
If you are a member of the existing FL-LIST, all you have to do is
join the new list as described above. The old FL-LIST will cease to
exist after the end of January 1995.
If you would like more information, send the command:
review forensic-linguistics
to the address:
mailbase at mailbase.ac.uk
-This will give you a list of existing subscribers and a brief
description of the list.
If you have any problems, please email me: blackwellsa at bham.ac.uk.
Here's to a bright new electronic future for Forensic Linguistics ...
See you all on the new list,
Sue Blackwell
University of Birmingham, U.K.
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 09:03:27 +0300
From:jnamkung at uclink.berkeley.edu (Ju Namkung)
Subject: Corrections to BLS 21 Schedule
There are two corrections to the BLS conference program posted earlier. We
apologize for omitting the names of the second author in each instance.
The conference schedule should read:
Saturday, Feb. 18
6:20 Brian F. Bowdle and Gregory Ward, Northwestern U "Generic Demonstratives"
Monday Feb. 20
4:45 Martin Everarert, Utrecht U and Bart Hollebrandse, U. Massachusetts,
"Functional Verbs in Predicate Formation: Event-type Hierarchy and
(Please send correspondence to bls at garnet.berkeley.edu)
Date: Fri, 03 Feb 95 20:10:03 +0900
From: phil-preprints-admin at cogsci.l.chiba-u.ac.jp
Subject: News from the IPPE (30 Jan 95)
News from the IPPE -- 30 Jan 95
The Coordinators, Administrator, and board members of the International
Philosophical Preprint Exchange extend wishes for a happy new year to
all of our loyal users and contributors. We also extend an open
invitation to those philosophers who have not yet visited any of
the IPPE's multiple locations on the Internet to browse our holdings
(currently approximately 100 philosophical papers, plus abstracts and
tables of contents from a continuously increasing number of journals and
book series), as well as to consider submitting working papers, chapters,
To access the IPPE, proceed as follows:
By www: Open the URL http://phil-preprints.L.chiba-u.ac.jp/IPPE.html
By gopher: Use Gopher to go to either apa.oxy.edu or kasey.umkc.edu
By ftp: ftp to either Phil-Preprints.L.Chiba-U.ac.jp, or
By email: Mail to phil-preprints-service at Phil-Preprints.L.Chiba-U.ac.jp
To place a paper or comment on the IPPE: see pub/submissions/README.
If you have questions: send mail to Carolyn Burke at the address
(cburke at nexus.yorku.ca).
Status Report
------------- The IPPE continues to enjoy a rate of access of
approximately 100 users per day at our main site in Japan. Additional
accesses to the many North American and European sites mirroring the
IPPE collection probably exceed this number.
Our World Wide Web service is now fully operational, and supplements the
previous methods of access via Gopher, ftp, and automated email. Watch
this newsletter for announcements of new services soon to be available on
our WWW service (http://phil-preprints.L.chiba-u.ac.jp/IPPE.html).
Call for Volunteers
------------------- The IPPE seeks motivated and enthuiastic volunteers
to assist in the areas of administration, publicity, and technical
support. We especially seek persons able to carry out some or all of
the following tasks:
- liason with the IPPE's international user population of professional
philosophers, graduate students, the editorial staffs of
philosophical journals, and the staffs of other on-line projects
in the humanities and social sciences
- editorial work on the newsletter and publicity materials
- administrative activities (regarding funding, etc.)
- computer support work: UNIX scripting and related activities.
The IPPE Staff
Coordinators: Dr. Syun Tutiya (Chiba University) and Dr. Richard Reiner
(visiting in '95 at the Center for Philosophy of Science,
University of Pittsburgh).
Adminstrator: Carolyn L Burke (CMU).
Board members: Dr. George Gale (U of Missouri, Kansas City), Andrew
Burday (McGill University), Istvan Berkeley (U of
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 95 10:46:54 CST
From: goer at mithra-orinst.uchicago.edu (Richard L. Goerwitz)
Subject: Computers in teaching, Stockholm University Ling WWW Server
After seeing all of the new departmental gophers and WWW pages in
Linguistics, I can't help but inject a plea: Please, everyone, keep
after your local computer support personnel to watch for develop-
ments in the Internet, and especially the Web, that allow represen-
tation of something other than just plain ol' ASCII and ISO 8859-1.
There is no way we can do our work with standards geared purely for
Latin scripts. I know that English is an extremely popular medium
for linguists - especially syntacticians - to work in. But the fact
remains that linguistics is about languages. And there are thousands
of them. And currently only a handful can be deal with fully using
ASCII and/or ISO 8859-1.
So keep aware, ask questions, remind your local computer gurus about
what you need. If they belittle you, or try to push your interests
to the side ("impossible," "to small a constituency," etc.), remind
them of several things:
1) university card catalogs are inherently multilingual, and (at
least in fields other than Computer Science), things written
in languages other than English are important
2) language instruction is one of the biggest uses of computer-
aided instruction (multimedia, etc.) in the modern university
3) the World-Wide Web is supposed to be World-Wide - it is not
the European-Wide or American-Wide Web; it is supposed to be
world-wide - and as such multilingual capabilities are critical
You can think of other points in favor of internationalizing/multi-
lingualizing the Web, I'm sure.
Just keep asking questions, and keep up on new developments. If the
linguistic community doesn't make its needs known, in concert with other
fields requiring good script facilities, the engineers who design HTML
(the mother tongue of the Web) and the various servers and clients will
tend naturally to focus on ASCII/ISO 8859-1, on mathematical symbols,
tables, and other things that are of relevance to them. This is a nat-
ural human tendency.
You don't have to be a guru to help, either.
Richard Goerwitz
goer at midway.uchicago.edu
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-204.
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