6.102 Jobs: Chairs in ling and in English lang, ESL/EFL, College ESL
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Wed Jan 25 17:03:41 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-102. Wed 25 Jan 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 226
Subject: 6.102 Jobs: Chairs in ling and in English lang, ESL/EFL, College ESL
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 16:43:03 MET
From: "Hans Arndt" (LINHA at hum.aau.dk)
Subject: Chair in linguistics
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 17:26:33 MET
From: "Hans Arndt" (LINHA at hum.aau.dk)
Subject: Chair of English language
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 14:13:42 MST
From: li_rbh at lewis.umt.edu
Subject: ESL JOBS
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 95 23:12:59 EST
From: Alan Huffman (AAHNY at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU)
Subject: Job announcement: College ESL
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 16:43:03 MET
From: "Hans Arndt" (LINHA at hum.aau.dk)
Subject: Chair in linguistics
Chair in Linguistics, Aarhus University, Denmark
Applications are invited for a permanent position as full professor
of linguistics, at the Department of Linguistics, Aarhus University,
tenable from Dec.1, 1995, or as soon as possible thereafter.
Applicants are required to be able to document:
(1) broad knowledge of modern linguistic theory and analysis;
(2) experience with work on a range of languages;
(3) original international-standard research work within one or
more fields, particularly research that links empirical studies and
theory development;
(4) experience with project management and, if possible, teamwork;
(5) teaching qualifications and experience.
The appointee will be required to take part in all types of
activities: research, teaching, and administration. The appointee
will further be required to contribute to academic cooperation with
other departments. Acquaintance with Danish is an advantage but not
a condition; non-Danish-speaking applicants are required to undertake
to learn Danish within a reasonably short period (a year or two).
The language of instruction is Danish, but English, Swedish, or
Norwegian is acceptable during the initial period.
The annual salary is at present approx. DKK 474.000, including an
obligatory pension fund contribution of approx. 36.000.
The application should be marked 1994-211/1-15, and addressed to
the Rector, Aarhus University, Journalkontoret, DK-8000 Aarhus C,
Denmark. _Closing date: April 18, 1995._
Documentation of qualifications (three copies if possible)
should not be enclosed but sent separately to the Department of
Linguistics, Aarhus University, Building 327, DK-8000 Aarhus C,
Denmark. The documentation should be marked as above, and should
(a) Publications and other written material which are submitted
as particularly relevant for the application;
(b) a complete list of publications and other work, with an
indication of which items are submitted as particularly relevant;
(c) a curriculum vitae, including details of teaching and
administrative experience, as well as research projects;
(d) copies of academic diplomas, documentation of teaching
qualifications, and documentation of Danish proficiency if relevant.
Applications are evaluated by a special selection committee, whose
recommendation is confidential, but will be sent to all
applicants. The selection committee has the right to request further
material from applicants. Material sent on computer discs will not
be considered.
For further information about the post or the department, please
contact Hans Arndt, Head of Department, tel.: (45) 8942 2146, fax:
(45) 8619 1699, e-mail: linha at hum.aau.dk (postal address as above).
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 17:26:33 MET
From: "Hans Arndt" (LINHA at hum.aau.dk)
Subject: Chair of English language
Chair of English Language
The University of Aarhus, Denmark, invites applications for a chair
in the Description of Modern English, tenable from December 1, 1995,
or as soon as possible thereafter.
The aim of the chair is to develop and strengthen the language
research profile of the Department of English. Considerable
international-standard original research in the description of modern
English is required, and experience with management of research
projects will be an advantage. Candidates must also have extensive
teaching experience at university level in the different language
disciplines taught at the department. Other things being equal,
candidates who are proficient in Danish will be preferred.
Active involvement in all aspects of the work at the department
will be required. Candidates who do not speak Danish will therefore
be expected to learn enough Danish to be able to take part in the
full work of the department within one year. Both men and women are
encouraged to apply.
The letter of application (marked 1994-211/1-14) should be addressed
to the Rector, and sent to the University of Aarhus, Journalkontoret,
Ndr. Ringgade 1, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. _Closing date: April 18,
The following material (marked as above, and in three copies if
possible) should be sent directly to the Department of English
(address below):
(a) curriculum vitae, including details of teaching and
administrative experience and research;
(b) list of publications and other relevant academic production
complete with all bibliographical information. Please indicate
clearly on the list which items are being submitted with the
(c) the written material which the applicant is submitting
(theses, publications, etc.) as indicated on list (b);
(d) copies of academic diplomas, documentation of teaching
experience, and documentation of Danish language proficiency if
The selection committee reserves the right to request further material
for consideration. Material sent on computer discs will not be
Annual salary approx. DKK 474.000, including a pension fund
contribution of approx. 36.000.
Before applying, potential candidates are invited to seek further
information about the department and the post from Karl-Heinz
Westarp, Head of Department, Department of English, University of
Aarhus, Building 326, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. Tel.: (45) 8942
2145; fax: (45) 8619 1699; e-mail: engkhw at hum.aau.dk
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 14:13:42 MST
From: li_rbh at lewis.umt.edu
Subject: ESL JOBS
ESL/EFL Intership Program
The Soros Foundation announces a renewal of its ESL/EFL internship
program in Eastern Europe for the 1995-96 academic year. Host schools will
arrange for free housing and provide an instructor-level salary in local
currency for 80 fellows to Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania,
Moldova, Poland, Romania, The Slovak Republic, and Ukraine (Kazakhstan,
Kurguzstan, and Slovenia may be added). The Foundation will pay a $2000
travel allowance, a $400 book allowance, a $3000 hard currency supplement,
and provide Western health insurance.
Fellows will teach English in local gymnasia or teacher training
colleges or universities. MA in Applied Linguistics or related field
preferred. TESL qualifications are required. Direct letters of interest to:
Prof. Robert Hausmann
Soros English Teaching Program
Linguistics Program, The University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812
Tel: 406-243-4751; fax: 406-243-4076
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 95 23:12:59 EST
From: Alan Huffman (AAHNY at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU)
Subject: Job announcement: College ESL
The New York City Technical College of the City University of New
York seeks candidates for TWO full-time, tenure-track positions
in College English as a Second Language at the rank of Assistant
Professor. The requirements are:
* Ph.D. in TESOL, Language Education, Functional or Applied
Linguistics, or a closely related field
* Competence to teach all areas of college ESL writing,
speech, and reading
* At least three years of teaching experience in secondary
or college ESL or related areas
* Discourse- / text-based orientation to the teaching of
grammar and writing
* Experience with a multicultural student body; knowledge
of diverse cultures and of one or more languages other
than English
Candidates will be further evaluated for:
* Demonstrated excellence in teaching
* Knowledge of innovative and varied teaching methodologies
and the use of educational technology
* Ability to guide students through CUNY writing and read-
ing certification exams
* Commitment to college and community service, professional
development, and academic scholarship.
These positions will begin in September 1995. Screening of can-
didates will begin immediately and continue until the positions
are filled. Salaries are dependent on experience and qualifica-
tions. The minimum CUNY salary for an Assistant Professor is
Send resume and cover letter to:
Dean Thomas M. Carroll
Office of Human Resources
New York City Technical College
300 Jay Street
Namm 321
Brooklyn, New York 11201
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-102.
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