6.930, FYI: Comp ling summer school, URL for 2nd lg research forum

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Wed Jul 5 17:42:08 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-930. Wed Jul 5 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  251
Subject: 6.930, FYI: Comp ling summer school, URL for 2nd lg research forum
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Assoc. Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
               Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
               Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
Date:  Mon, 03 Jul 1995 22:10:41 -0000
From:  nicolas at aisb.ed.ac.uk (Nicolas Nicolov               )
Subject:  Comp Ling Summer School
Date:  Mon, 03 Jul 1995 17:00:25 CDT
From:  mrs4 at cornell.edu (M. RAFAEL SALABERRY)
Subject:  information about SLRF 95 in the WWW
Date:  Mon, 03 Jul 1995 22:10:41 -0000
From:  nicolas at aisb.ed.ac.uk (Nicolas Nicolov               )
Subject:  Comp Ling Summer School
* Please post:
                   International Summer School
                      Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria
DATES:    9 - 13 Sept 1995 (arrival 8 Sept)
Tzigov Chark is a beautiful resort in the Rhodope Mountains on the
shore of Batak Lake. Tzigov Chark is 150km from Sofia, the capital of
A. Joshi        (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
                Lexicalized tree-adjoining grammars
J. Tsujii       (UMIST, Manchester, UK)
                Knowledge acquisition from corpora
J. Haller       (IAI, Saarbrucken, Germany)
                Unification-based Machine Translation
J. Schutz       (IAI, Saarbrucken, Germany)
                Language Engineering
J. Hutchins     (University of East Anglia, UK)
                Machine translation: history, current status and
                possible future developments
W. von Hahn     (University of Hamburg, Germany)
                Knowledge-based Machine Aided Translation
Y. Matsumoto    (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
                Lexical knowledge acquisition
A. Ramsey       (University College Dublin)
                Interpretation in context
Key-sun Choi    (KAIST, Taejon, Korea)
                English-to-Korean Machine Translation
R. Delmonte     (University of Venice, Italy)
                Referring expressions in sublanguages
C. Martin-Vide  (Universidad Rovira i Virgilli, Tarragona, Spain)
                Grammar systems
R. Mitkov       (IAI Saarbruecken/University of Hamburg/
                Institute of Mathematics-Sofia)
                Anaphora resolution in Natural Language Processing and
                Machine Translation
Zaharin Yusoff  (University Sains Malaysia)
                Preliminary title: Language Engineering in South-East Asia
Ruslan Mitkov    IAI Saarbruecken/Univ. of Hamburg/Inst. of Mathematics-Sofia
Manfred Kudlek   University of Hamburg, Germany
Michael Zock     LIMSI, France
Nikolai Nikolov  Incoma, Bulgaria
Victoria Arranz  CCL, UMIST, Manchester, UK
Nicolas Nicolov  Dept. of AI, University of Edinburgh, UK
   For further information please contact:
   Nicolas Nicolov <nicolas at edinburgh.aisb.ac.uk> or
   Prof. Ruslan Mitkov <mitkov at informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
The summer school will take place in Hotel "Orpheus", Tzigov Chark,
which accomodates up to 50 participants. We have chosen a small and cosy
conference hotel to create a better and friendlier working and social
environment: however this implies restrictions on the availability of
single rooms and participants will be normally offered to share 2-bed
rooms. Those interested in attending the summer school are encouraged
to register as early as possible.
Tzigov Chark is situated on the shore of the beautiful Batak Lake in the
Western Rhodope mountains and is 150km from Sofia, the capital
of Bulgaria. The local organisers will provide a daily shuttle bus/
conference taxi from Sofia airport to the summer school location
at an inexpensive rate. Sofia is easily accessible by plane from most
major European cities (e.g. daily flights or several flights per week
from London, Frankfurt, Paris, Zurich, Vienna and other European
cities). There are also direct flights to Sofia from North America
(New York, Toronto) and Asia (Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur).
In order to enable the local organisers to plan the shuttle service
efficiently, please contact Victoria Arranz <victoria at ccl.umist.ac.uk>
with details about your journey (arrival/departure time and date) at
least 2 weeks before you leave for the summer school.
The summer school participants are also invited to take part in the
which will take  place immediately after the summer school in the
same hotel. Further information about the conference can be
obtained from: Prof. R. Mitkov <mitkov at informatik.uni-hamburg.de> or
Nicolas Nicolov <nicolas at aisb.edinburgh.ac.uk> or you can have a
look at the conference WWW page at URL:
Registration fee bank transfers (kindly note that the
bank processing charges are at the expense of the participants)
can be made to the following bank accounts used by the Bulgarian
Association for Mathematical and Computational Linguistics
(please state as written below):
1. Account No 00710 756 of First Private Bank PLS, Bulgaria
   account held with AMEX
   for onward credit to First Private Bank, Shoumen branch - Nikolai Nikolov
   Account USD 95079620 4 1 002560 1 4
2. Account N0 36015992 of First Private Bank PLS, Bulgaria
   account held with CITIBANK New York
   for onward credit to First Private Bank, Shoumen branch - Nikolai Nikolov
   Account USD 95079620 4 1 00 2560 1 4
Kindly note that registration after 1st August will incur a surcharge
of 30 USD.
                   International Summer School
                         REGISTRATION FORM
Name:           ________________________________________________
Affiliation:    ________________________________________________
Address:        ________________________________________________
Telephone:      ______________________________
Fax:            ______________________________
e-mail:         ______________________________
Date of bank transfer. . . :        1995
Bank transfer reference No : ___________
To bank account. . . . . . : ___________   see above for details
Registration Fee . . . . . : ___________   150 USD for industrial participants
                                           110 USD for academic staff
                                            80 USD for students
Accommodation + half-board : ___________
(30 USD per day per person)
Specify days - Sept 1995 . : [ ] 8, [ ] 9, [ ] 10, [ ] 11, [ ] 12
Additional charge for
late registration  . . . . :  30 USD (after 1 August)
===========================  ===========
TOTAL Amount in USD sent . : ___________
Email your registration forms to:
Nicolas Nicolov <nicolas at aisb.edinburgh.ac.uk>
Date:  Mon, 03 Jul 1995 17:00:25 CDT
From:  mrs4 at cornell.edu (M. RAFAEL SALABERRY)
Subject:  information about SLRF 95 in the WWW
Anyone interested in receiving updated information about SLRF 95 (Second
Language Research Forum) will find it in the following web address:
The information in that site will be updated every two weeks.
If you want to contact the SLRF 95 organizers write to:
slrf95 at cornell.edu
Rafael Salaberry
323 Morrill Hall
Modern Languages and Linguistics
Cornell University
e-mail: mrs4 @cornell.edu
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-930.

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