July 1995 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jul 2 19:45:09 UTC 1995
Ending: Mon Jul 31 06:01:06 UTC 1995
Messages: 111
- 6.918, TOC: Quaderni del Laboratorio di Linguistica
The Linguist List
- 6.919, Disc: He/She
The Linguist List
- 6.920, Confs: Computers and humanities, Human-computer interaction
The Linguist List
- 6.921, Jobs: Eng and German at Keio U in Japan, Semantics in Israel
The Linguist List
- 6.922, Qs: Spanish corpora, Future tense, Chomsky, Stats on linguists
The Linguist List
- 6.923, Sum: Chomsky on letting the theory choose
The Linguist List
- 6.924, Qs: German future, Petese, Would you, Quaderni
The Linguist List
- 6.925, Review: Arboreal for Windows
The Linguist List
- 6.926, FYI: New Newsletter on Judicial Process, OTS Publications
The Linguist List
- 6.927, Qs: Stop systems, Sp corpora, Sri Lanka in Sp, Chinese prgm
The Linguist List
- 6.928, Calls: World Englishes, Symbolic logic
The Linguist List
- 6.929, Calls: Chinese computing, Language rights
The Linguist List
- 6.930, FYI: Comp ling summer school, URL for 2nd lg research forum
The Linguist List
- 6.931, Jobs: Research at SEU of UCL, Semantics at U of Illinois
The Linguist List
- 6.932, Sum: Donnellan complete citation
The Linguist List
- 6.933, Misc: English only, A footnote on banning of German
The Linguist List
- 6.934, TOC: Functions of Lang
The Linguist List
- 6.935, TOC: Legal Philosophy and Legal Theory
The Linguist List
- 6.936, TOC: Pragmatics and Cognition
The Linguist List
- 6.937, TOC: Dhumbadji
The Linguist List
- 6.938, FYI: Free Copy of _Mind and Lang_
The Linguist List
- 6.939, Qs: Proper names, Child lg acquisition, 1997 ICL
The Linguist List
- 6.940, Jobs: ESL positions in Virginia and Sainte-Foy (Quibec) Canada
The Linguist List
- 6.941, Jobs: Two EFL positions at Kyushu Inst of Tech
The Linguist List
- 6.942, Sum: Palindromes-3
The Linguist List
- 6.943, Disc: Non-decimal counting systems
The Linguist List
- 6.944, FYI: Books for review, Grad fellowships for Ph.D. program
The Linguist List
- 6.945, Confs: Historical ling (12th ICHL), Futures of Scots
The Linguist List
- 6.946, Qs: Bimodal electronic dict, Mood use, Spanish
The Linguist List
- 6.947, FYI: New gene and Indo-Europeans, Australian lgs
The Linguist List
- 6.948, Sum: Nonreferential NP's in English
The Linguist List
- 6.949, Misc: Chomsky, Ling in science fiction, Banning of German
The Linguist List
- 6.950, Calls: Formal ling, Native American lgs
The Linguist List
- 6.951, Disc: Genes and Indo-European
The Linguist List
- 6.952, Qs: Tourette's, Acronyms, SRG-Slavic, English to Dutch
The Linguist List
- 6.953, Disc: Non-decimal systems
The Linguist List
- 6.954, Qs: Morphological process, Chinese, Etymology, Email address
The Linguist List
- 6.955, Disc: English only
The Linguist List
- 6.956, Calls: Cognitive linguistics, Generative syntax
The Linguist List
- 6.957, Qs: Ph.D programs, Singapore, Syllabus, Homophones, Baseball
The Linguist List
- 6.958, Confs: Parsing technologies (IWPT'95)
The Linguist List
- 6.959, Disc: He/She
The Linguist List
- 6.960, Sum: Buccalization
The Linguist List
- 6.961, Jobs: Research in NLP Project, Arabic/Semitic ling
The Linguist List
- 6.962, Jobs: Nagoya U of Commerce and Business Ad
The Linguist List
- 6.963, Confs: Natural lg processing (RANLP)
The Linguist List
- 6.964, Disc: Parameter of aspect
The Linguist List
- 6.965, Sum: Tok Masta - an addition to summary
The Linguist List
- 6.966, Books: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.967, Disc: English only
The Linguist List
- 6.968, Calls: Cognitive ling, Translation studies
The Linguist List
- 6.969, Calls: Referential properties of Chinese NP, Formal reasoning
The Linguist List
- 6.970, Calls: Conceptual structure, Lexicography
The Linguist List
- 6.971, Confs: Colloque de Syntaxe et Semantique, Computational ling
The Linguist List
- 6.972, Confs: Program for Tilburg Conf
The Linguist List
- 6.973, Qs: UN corpus, Cognitive gr, Arabic software, XBM bitmaps
The Linguist List
- 6.974, Qs: Pres/descriptive, Acq of control, Ling intuition, Word/WP
The Linguist List
- 6.975, Qs: Semantics textbook, Alternative Q, Bilingualism, Walloon
The Linguist List
- 6.976, Disc: He/She
The Linguist List
- 6.977, Sum: Spanish corpora
The Linguist List
- 6.978, Jobs: Japanese and Chinese at U of Otago
The Linguist List
- 6.979, Jobs: Post-doctoral fellowships in Munich and at Bar-Ilan U
The Linguist List
- 6.980, FYI: Intl Jour Corpus Ling, URL for Assoc for the History of Lg
The Linguist List
- 6.981, Misc: Counting systems, Symbol K in baseball, Banning of German
The Linguist List
- 6.982, Calls: CUNY/sentence processing, Natural lang processing,
The Linguist List
- 6.983, Disc: Linguistic separatism
The Linguist List
- 6.984, Qs: Preserving field recordings, Computer support for hist ling
The Linguist List
- 6.985, Sum: Had better
The Linguist List
- 6.986, FYI: National Science Foundation
The Linguist List
- 6.987, Qs: Ling programs, Chomsky, E Scatton, Repetition, Case studies
The Linguist List
- 6.988, Jobs: African lgs, Eastern Indonesian specialist
The Linguist List
- 6.989, Sum: Glosses with LATEX
The Linguist List
- 6.990, Sum: Recursos para el espanol (spanish resources)
The Linguist List
- 6.991, Confs: Japanese/Korean Ling
The Linguist List
- 6.992, Disc: English only
The Linguist List
- 6.993, Jobs: Nagoya U (note: email contact and other corrections)
The Linguist List
- 6.994, Qs: Citation index, Ling relativity, Voiced sentence, if-clause
The Linguist List
- 6.995, FYI: Finding Email Addresses
The Linguist List
- 6.996, Confs: Optionality Workshop
The Linguist List
- 6.997, Confs: Linguistic Typology
The Linguist List
- 6.998, Summaries: Subcategorization Frames
The Linguist List
- 6.999, Calls: Computers & Texts No. 10
The Linguist List
- 6.1000, Jobs: ESL in Japan
The Linguist List
- 6.1000, Confs: Computers and Teaching in the Humanities
The Linguist List
- 6.1001, Sum: Sri Lanka
The Linguist List
- Linguistics Association of Great Britain
The Linguist List
- 6.1003, Sum: Are most people bilingual?
The Linguist List
- 6.1004, FYI: Univ. of Mich. Phonetics Training Tools
The Linguist List
- 6.1005, Sum: Japanese historical linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1006, Qs: Medical discourse, English trans of idioms
The Linguist List
- 6.1007, Misc: He/She, English only (bilingualism), German lg ban
The Linguist List
- 6.1008, Confs: Language and Legislation
The Linguist List
- 6.1009, Calls: Historischen Sprachwissenschaft
The Linguist List
- 6.1010, Jobs: Research Studentship in Phonetics
The Linguist List
- 6.1011, Sum: Word Processors for Linguists
The Linguist List
- 6.1012, TOC: University of Maryland Working Papers
The Linguist List
- 6.1013, Jobs: Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1014, FYI: Korean Software for Macintosh, IATL Proceedings
The Linguist List
- 6.1015, Jobs: Syntax, Phonetics/Phonology
The Linguist List
- 6.1016, Qs: IPA, 'Vowelless' lgs, Provencal, Citing email
The Linguist List
- 6.1017, Sum: Metathesis
The Linguist List
- 6.1018, Sum: A (formerly) productive morphological process?
The Linguist List
- 6.1019, FYI: New WWW-Server in Germany
The Linguist List
- 6.1020, Calls: AISB96 Call for Workshop Proposals
The Linguist List
- 6.1021, Confs: RANLP'95 Program
The Linguist List
- 6.1022, Jobs: Speech and lg processing
The Linguist List
- 6.1023, Misc: Verner's Law, He/She, Bilingualism, German lg ban
The Linguist List
- 6.1024, TOC: Journal of Pragmatics
The Linguist List
- 6.1025, Books: Optimality, Irish Syntax, Morphology
The Linguist List
- 6.1026, TOC: Quaderni del Laboratorio di Linguistica
The Linguist List
- 6.1027, Qs: Dialect samples, IBM sound software
The Linguist List
Last message date:
Mon Jul 31 06:01:06 UTC 1995
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 07:45:34 UTC 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).