6.1379, Calls: Lg processing, Ling and poetics

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Tue Oct 10 04:12:26 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-1379. Mon Oct 9 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  297
Subject: 6.1379, Calls: Lg processing, Ling and poetics
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
Date:  Mon, 09 Oct 1995 17:10:23 -0000
From:  amlap at cogsci.ed.ac.uk (amlap conference)
Subject:  Final Call
Date:  Mon, 09 Oct 1995 16:56:10 MST
From:  MAXSTAM at BGEARN.BITNET (Maxim Stamenov)
Subject:       Conference on "Linguistics and Poetics"
Date:  Mon, 09 Oct 1995 17:10:23 -0000
From:  amlap at cogsci.ed.ac.uk (amlap conference)
Subject:  Final Call
			 AMLaP-95 Conference
                Final Call for Paper/Poster Abstracts
			Call for Participation
			  1-2 DECEMBER 1995
			    Sponsored by:
Invited speakers:
    Colin Brown,           Max Planck Institut fur Psycholinguistik
    Charles Clifton, Jr.,  University of Massachussets, Amherst
    Lyn Frazier,           University of Massachussets, Amherst
    Don Mitchell,          University of Exeter
    Mike Tanenhaus,        University of Rochester
We are calling for submissions for the conference on Architectures and
Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP), which will be held in
Edinburgh, on Friday 1 December and Saturday 2 December, 1995. The aim
of this conference is to bring experimental and computational
psycholinguists together to discuss the architectures and mechanisms
of the human language processor, and their empirical consequences.
Submissions concerning experimental findings, formal and computational
models of psychological processes, and theoretical issues are
Deadline for submissions is 18 October 1995.  E-mail submissions (in
plain text) are greatly preferred.  Please send a 400 word abstract to
amlap at cogsci.ed.ac.uk, or if necessary, by post to Matt Crocker,
AMLAP, Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh, 2
Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9LW, or by fax to +44 131 650 4587.
Summaries of data and references can be additional to the main
abstract.  Please indicate if you would rather give a 30 minute talk
or a poster presentation, or either.
Abstracts will be considered by the programme committee: Gerry
Altmann, Holly Branigan, Chuck Clifton, Simon Garrod, Simon
Liversedge, Don Mitchell, and Matt Traxler.  Notification of
acceptance will be sent by 31 October. It is our intention that
selected contributions will be published either in the special issue
of a journal or as an edited book.
Conference Chairs:
   Matt Crocker
   Martin Pickering
The conference will be held at the Carlton Highland Hotel in the
heart of Edinburgh. Registrations fees are shown below and include
attendance of the conference, lunch on both days, and a copy of all
abstracts being presented.
         | by 20 Nov | after 20 Nov
- ----------------------------------
Regular: |  67.50    |   80.00
Student: |  37.50    |   50.00
To register, please send your payment (as outlined below), and a cover
letter stating that you wish to register for the AMLaP-95 conference,
and include your full name, affiliation, address, phone, fax, and
e-mail. Students must also include proof of student status. This
should be sent to:
   Human Communication Research Centre
   2 Buccleuch Place
   Edinburgh, EH8 9LW
   United Kingdom
1. Cheques should be drawn on a British bank in pounds sterling, and
   made payable to "The University of Edinburgh".
2. Direct Transfers should be sent to:
   Edinburgh University Account - 00919680
   Bank of Scotland
   32a Chambers Street
   Sort Code 80-02-24
   Transfers must mention Amlap A/c 265GG00009
3  We are able to accept payment from a variety of credit cards (Visa,
   Mastercard, Switch, and Delta).  Payments made by credit card will
   incur an additional charge of 2% of the total amount due.  If you
   wish to pay by credit card please complete the following form, and
   send it to us by post (we need a real signature):
  Address to which the card is registered:
  Card type: (Visa, MC, Switch, Delta):
  Card number:
  Valid from:          Expiry date:
  Amount due:
  Administration charge (2%):
  Total amount to be charged to card:
1  There is a very limited amount of accommodation available at the
   Edinburgh Staff Club, approximately 5 mins walk to the Carlton
   Highland Hotel. Prices were quoted to me as follows:
   Single -  Mon - Thurs  #41.00
             Fri - Sun    #21.00
   Twin    - Mon - Thurs  #65.00
             Fri - Sun    #36.00
   These must be booked by us, so e-mail <amlap at cogsci> with your
   requirements. Rooms will be booked on a first-come first-served basis.
2  Accommodation is also available at the Carlton Highland Hotel, the
   conference venue. This is one of Edinburgh's top hotels, and we
   have arranged a special conference rate of #65 B&B single
   occupancy, per night. To book a room contact the hotel directly,
   and mention the AMLaP conference:
   The Carlton Highland Hotel
   North Bridge, Edinburgh EH1
   Phone: +44 131 556 7277
     Fax: +44 131 556 2691
3  Finally, there are numerous B&Bs in Edinburgh, for those seeking less
   expensive accommodation. We can provide some suggestions upon
   request, but please check the Web page first for details if possible.
A further call for participation and announcement of the programme
will appear in a subsequent announcement. Also keep an eye on our
Web-page at the URL given below.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
email: amlap at cogsci.ed.ac.uk
Date:  Mon, 09 Oct 1995 16:56:10 MST
From:  MAXSTAM at BGEARN.BITNET (Maxim Stamenov)
Subject:       Conference on "Linguistics and Poetics"
First Announcement and Call for Papers
International Symposium "Linguistics and Poetics"
              (in honor of Roman Jakobson)
May 24-26, 1996, Sofia, BULGARIA
Organizers: Academic Slavic Society, Sofia University, Institute for Bulgarian
Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sponsored by: Open Society Foundation
Program Committee: Prof.Dr. Lili Lashkova,  Prof.Dr. Dina Stanisheva, Prof.Dr.
Nikola Georgiev, Prof.Dr. Ruselina Nitzolova, Prof.Dr. Maxim Stamenov, Dr.
Iskra Likomanova, Jordanka Trifonova, Dr. Marieta Tzvetkova .
Objective:  the aim of the symposium will be to discuss some of the most
seminal contributions of Roman Jakobson to the fields of linguistics and
poetics. They include (but are not limited to) an analysis of the relationships
between signirier/signified and structure/function in the comprehension and
production of different types of texts, the hierarchies of language functions
in written and oral texts of different type, the strategies for selection and
combination of language units in the text, the aspects of the poetics of
morphology and syntax, etc., in the context of the interdisciplinary
investigations of text production, comprehension, and interpretation at the
end of the XXth century.
 Preliminary list of invited speakers:
Catherine Rudin (USA)
Ricardo Picchio (Italy)
Rosanna Benacchio (Italy)
Alexander Bondarko (Russia)
Frantisek Danes (Czech Republic)
Boris Norman (Bialorussia)
Ludmila Uhlirova (Czech Republic)
Karl Gutschmidt (Germany)
Languages: all Slavic languages, English and German.
Deadline for submission of paper abstracts: February 29, 1996 .
Submission requirements: The abstracts (in hard copy only) of approx. 200 words
in four copies with the title and  author's name and affiliation, should be
sent to the organizers at the postal address given below by the deadline of
February 29, 1996. The notification of acceptance will reach the  authors of
accepted papers not later than March 15, 1996.
Fees: The regular conference fee is 20 USD. The fee is waived for the
participants from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
Accommodation: Hotel accommodation (single room) is available at 40 USD
(breakfast included); double room - 25 USD per person (breakfast included).
Postal address: Iskra Likomanova,  Institute for Bulgarian Language,
Shipchenski Prohod 52, bl. 17, Sofia 1113, BULGARIA
E-mail: iskra at bgearn.bitnet and maxstam at bgearn.bitnet;
Fax: 00359-2-463589 Sofia University, Prof. Lili Lashkova.
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-1379.

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