October 1995 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Oct 1 18:53:40 UTC 1995
Ending: Tue Oct 31 23:55:33 UTC 1995
Messages: 190
- 6.1333, Sum: Teaching Stress
The Linguist List
- 6.1334, Disc: English Numerals, Language and Dialect
The Linguist List
- 6.1335, FYI: Language in the Judicial Process, Ling and Phonetics
The Linguist List
- 6.1336, FYI: Zhonghua Scholarship, Studentships in Speech Synthesis
The Linguist List
- 6.1337, Qs: Case, Address, Head & Chest register
The Linguist List
- 6.1338, Sum: Phonology textbooks
The Linguist List
- 6.1339, Qs: Post-grad courses, Naolanese, Navajo writing system
The Linguist List
- 6.1340, FYI: Searching linguist list back issues
The Linguist List
- 6.1341, Sum: Linguistic Human Rights
The Linguist List
- 6.1342, Disc: Languages With No Between-word Delimiters
The Linguist List
- 6.1343, Jobs: Position in Computational Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1344, FYI: New Database, Chinese and Oriental Languages Information
The Linguist List
- 6.1345, Qs: Icelandic,Dictionary,Cantonese Upgrades/Crossgrades
The Linguist List
- 6.1346, Qs: Corpus, Errata for "Typology & Universals", CLS Info
The Linguist List
- 6.1347, Confs: NLPRS'95
The Linguist List
- 6.1347, Sum: Spanish verb forms, Part II
The Linguist List
- 6.1348, Jobs: Computational Ling, Spanish - Second Lg Acquisition
The Linguist List
- 6.1349, Books: Lang Acquisition, NLP, General Ling
The Linguist List
- 6.1350, Disc: Teaching Stress, Teaching as a Prestigious Occupation?
The Linguist List
- 6.1351, Calls: Specifiers, Morphology workshop
The Linguist List
- 6.1352, Calls: Theoretical and descriptive ling, Sign lg (TILSR 1996)
The Linguist List
- 6.1353, Calls: Afroasiatic lgs, Revised ACM DL '96
The Linguist List
- 6.1354, Qs: Semantics Text,SOUNDEX,Linguistic Insecurity
The Linguist List
- 6.1355, Qs: Korean Sentences, Chinese Family Names, Lakhota
The Linguist List
- 6.1356, FYI: WWW Conf List, URL 3rd CONTRAGRAM, Boston U. Conference
The Linguist List
- 6.1357, Disc: Language and Dialect
The Linguist List
- 6.1358, Jobs: Germanic Langs, Arabic, Translation, NLP
The Linguist List
- 6.1359, Sum: Multiple Etymological Sources
The Linguist List
- 6.1360, Qs: Language of Flowers, Writing Systems,Data Software
The Linguist List
- 6.1361, Improved LINGUIST World Wide Web Resources
The Linguist List
- 6.1362, Confs: Workshop on Limits of Syntax, DIGS 4th Conference
The Linguist List
- 6.1363, Calls: WCCFL XV
The Linguist List
- 6.1364, Qs: Recordings, Dysphasia, Narrative, Chechen-Eng
The Linguist List
- 6.1365, Qs: Ethnic terms, Buenos dias, Korean, Vowel Shift
The Linguist List
- 6.1366, Sum: Russian acquisition references
The Linguist List
- 6.1367, Jobs: Psycholing, Anthro/African-amer Studies
The Linguist List
- 6.1368, Calls: Afroasiatic Lgs, Network-Based Lg Teaching
The Linguist List
- 6.1369, Sum: Creeping reflexives
The Linguist List
- 6.1370, Sum: Runyankore
The Linguist List
- 6.1371, Calls: Sociolinguistics Symposium 11
The Linguist List
- 6.1372, FYI: Online training seminar, PBS series on ling
The Linguist List
- 6.1373, Disc: Self-censorship on the list, Cheating?
The Linguist List
- 6.1374, Calls: Relevance workshop, Computational ling
The Linguist List
- 6.1375, Confs: Chinese dialectology
The Linguist List
- 6.1376, Sum: Case-marked expletives
The Linguist List
- 6.1377, Sum: Strange if-clauses
The Linguist List
- 6.1378, Calls: Computational ling, Discourse/cultural studies
The Linguist List
- 6.1379, Calls: Lg processing, Ling and poetics
The Linguist List
- 6.1380, Jobs: Applied Ling & TESOL, Syntax, Applied Ling, Eng & French
The Linguist List
- 6.1381, Disc: Linguistic Human Rights
The Linguist List
- 6.1382, Jobs: Focus Syntax, NLP, Phonology/Phonetics
The Linguist List
- 6.1383, Books: NLP, Cognitive Science, Phonetics&Phonology
The Linguist List
- 6.1384, Qs: Catalan Society, Syllable Frequency, Accent Improvement, SLA
The Linguist List
- 6.1385, FYI: Hybrid Models List, Tense/Aspect part.II, Soundex, TESL
The Linguist List
- 6.1386, Confs: Workshop web site, Clausal architecture
The Linguist List
- 6.1387, Sum: Applied linguistics texts
The Linguist List
- 6.1388, Sum: Semantics texts
The Linguist List
- 6.1389, Qs: Verbal Compounding,Historical Data Sets,Reflexives
The Linguist List
- 6.1390, Disc: Self-Censorship on the LIST, Cheating
The Linguist List
- 6.1391, Disc: Cheating
The Linguist List
- 6.1392, Jobs: Romance languages, Phonetics/Phonology, Korean
The Linguist List
- 6.1393, Disc: Self-censorship
The Linguist List
- 6.1394, Disc: Language and Dialect
The Linguist List
- 6.1395, Disc: Between-word Delimiters
The Linguist List
- 6.1396, Calls: Colloquim on Generative Grammar
The Linguist List
- 6.1397, Jobs: Second Lang Acquisition, Phonology, Formal Semantics
The Linguist List
- 6.1398, FYI: Zhonghua Scholarship, THE SEARCH FOR MIND/Seminar series
The Linguist List
- 6.1399, Sum: Reference Grammars
The Linguist List
- 6.1400, FYI: NELS on WWW, List On South Asian Ling, Translator's page
The Linguist List
- 6.1401, FYI: U.S. Congessional hearings on Official-English bills
The Linguist List
- 6.1402, FYI: New list, Web page, LJP information
The Linguist List
- 6.1403, Confs: BU conference on language development
The Linguist List
- 6.1404, Disc: Self-censorship, Cheating
The Linguist List
- 6.1405, Sum: Mothers in trees
The Linguist List
- 6.1406, Qs: Punctuation, Lg-I list, Uh-huh, Lg planning, Resumptive
The Linguist List
- 6.1407, Calls: CUNY Sentence processing, Pan-Asiatic 96
The Linguist List
- 6.1408, Disc: Language and Dialect, Linguistic Human Rights
The Linguist List
- 6.1409, Jobs: Germantic Ling, Socioling/Spanish, Korean
The Linguist List
- 6.1410, Qs: Stops in coda position, Nebrija, Kwakwala
The Linguist List
- 6.1411, Sum: Pinyin on Macintosh
The Linguist List
- 6.1412, Qs: Grammar, Viable, Anaphora, Chinese, Fonts
The Linguist List
- 6.1413, Jobs: Applied linguistics at U. of Utah
The Linguist List
- 6.1414, FYI: ALFAL, Foreign accent
The Linguist List
- 6.1415, Calls: Pan-Asia, ECAI, SCIL
The Linguist List
- 6.1416, Calls: Romance lgs, Chinese ling
The Linguist List
- 6.1417, Qs: Thai grammar, Bantu, Compounds, Generic you
The Linguist List
- 6.1418, Jobs: Spanish at New Mexico, Ling at Montclair State
The Linguist List
- 6.1419, Sum: Mesopotamian star/constellation names
The Linguist List
- 6.1420, Jobs: Phonetics; Phonetics/phonology, semantics, syntax
The Linguist List
- 6.1421, FYI: European Language Resources Association (ELRA) Update
The Linguist List
- 6.1422, Misc: Delimiters, Ling&Prescriptivism, Double Positives
The Linguist List
- 6.1423, Disc: Response to suggestions
The Linguist List
- 6.1424, Disc: Self-censorship
The Linguist List
- 6.1425, Sum: Narrative Structure
The Linguist List
- 6.1426, FYI: New List, New Web Page, Link Grammar
The Linguist List
- 6.1427, Confs: Interface between Linguistic Knowledge & Cognition
The Linguist List
- 6.1428, Calls: ASSETS'96 Deadline Near! Language Rights Conference
The Linguist List
- 6.1429, Qs: Stylistic analysis, Premodifying adj, Sp dictionary
The Linguist List
- 6.1430, Jobs: Spanish Phonology
The Linguist List
- 6.1431, Qs: Careers in linguistics, Fromkin & Rodman
The Linguist List
- 6.1432, Disc: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 6.1433, FYI: Third Australian Linguistics Institute Web Page
The Linguist List
- 6.1434, All: LINGUIST Job Listing
The Linguist List
- 6.1435, Jobs: Spanish Linguistics, Generalist
The Linguist List
- 6.1436, All: Gimcrack (column on the Linguist List)
The Linguist List
- 6.1437, Qs: ESL Syllabus,Text Processors,Fingerspelling,Labov
The Linguist List
- 6.1438, Qs: Text wanted, Data acquisition, AGR, Dictionary
The Linguist List
- 6.1439, Disc: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 6.1440, Disc: Creeping reflexives
The Linguist List
- 6.1441, Disc: Self-censorship
The Linguist List
- 6.1442, Jobs: Spanish, 2nd language, Phonology, Testing
The Linguist List
- 6.1443, Calls: Women and lg
The Linguist List
- 6.1444, Confs: Digital resources, Translation
The Linguist List
- 6.1445, FYI: British TV series, African lgs newsgroup
The Linguist List
- 6.1446, Disc: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 6.1447, Sum: Second Language Acquisition & Morphology-Syntax
The Linguist List
- 6.1448, Sum: After you, please.
The Linguist List
- 6.1450, Jobs: Chinese Corpus Postdoc, Psycholinguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1451, Sum: Madam Chairman
The Linguist List
- 6.1452, Calls: Northwest Linguistic Conf, Symposium on Chinese NPs
The Linguist List
- 6.1453, Disc: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 6.1454, Disc: Language/Dialect
The Linguist List
- 6.1455, Qs: Cri du Chat Syndrome,Dictionary Software,Alphabet
The Linguist List
- 6.1456, Qs: Scope, Arabic, Swahili, Y'all
The Linguist List
- 6.1457, Calls: APAHE, AAAI
The Linguist List
- 6.1458, Disc: Self-censorship
The Linguist List
- 6.1459, Disc: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 6.1460, Disc: Language/Dialect
The Linguist List
- 6.1461, Calls: Applied ling, Japanese
The Linguist List
- 6.1462, Jobs: Graduate positions at OTS, Information Retrieval
The Linguist List
- 6.1463, Qs: "Models of Interaction" Survey
The Linguist List
- 6.1464, Disc: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 6.1465, Disc: Language/Dialect
The Linguist List
- 6.1466, FYI: Minimal Information Grammar, New Policy for Confs
The Linguist List
- 6.1467, Review: Gleitman/Landau reviewed by Elsa Lattey
The Linguist List
- 6.1468, Jobs: Lectureship in English Language, Phonology
The Linguist List
- 6.1469, FYI: Comparative Ling in African Languages (re-posting)
The Linguist List
- 6.1470, Disc: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 6.1471, Disc: Self-censorship: Moderators' Response
The Linguist List
- 6.1472, All: Apology
The Linguist List
- 6.1473, All: Conference announcement policy
The Linguist List
- 6.1474, Calls: Socioling, Intl Ling Assoc, 2nd lg acquisition
The Linguist List
- 6.1475, Calls: Korean ling, Spoken lg processing
The Linguist List
- 6.1476, Confs: 10th Pacific Asia Conference
The Linguist List
- 6.1477, Qs: Mandarin, Tonal variation, Articles&Time Expressions
The Linguist List
- 6.1478, Disc: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 6.1479, Qs: Phoneme segmentation,Spanish Conf, GB, Field ling software
The Linguist List
- 6.1480, Qs: Parentheticals, Looking for Slovakists
The Linguist List
- 6.1481, Qs: Translating Syntax,The Paston Letters,GB-style parsers
The Linguist List
- 6.1482, Sum: Impossibly, Impossibility
The Linguist List
- 6.1483, Qs: Machine-readable dict.,Coordination,False Cognates
The Linguist List
- 6.1484, Jobs: ESL, Spanish
The Linguist List
- 6.1485, Sum: Can't / must not / mustn't
The Linguist List
- 6.1486, Disc: Language and Dialect, Linguistic Human Rights
The Linguist List
- 6.1487, Sum: Y'all
The Linguist List
- 6.1488, Sum: Oronyms
The Linguist List
- 6.1489, Disc: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 6.1490, Jobs: Language and Linguistics, Language Technology
The Linguist List
- 6.1491, Qs: LI style on WWW, NACAL Mailing List, Binary Comparison
The Linguist List
- 6.1492, Disc: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 6.1493, Sum: Historical Data Sets
The Linguist List
- 6.1494, Jobs: Position in SLA theory, Applied Ling, Phonology
The Linguist List
- 6.1495, Confs: Natural lg processing
The Linguist List
- 6.1496, Confs: Romance ling, Systemic functional ling (JASFL)
The Linguist List
- 6.1497, Calls: Lg acquisition, Sign ling
The Linguist List
- 6.1498, Calls: Digital resources for the humanities
The Linguist List
- 6.1499, Confs: Tenth Amsterdam Colloquium (preliminary program)
The Linguist List
- 6.1500, Confs: Northeastern Ling Society (NELS)
The Linguist List
- 6.1501, Qs: Chinese, Eng/Japanese, Indexing programs, Perception tests
The Linguist List
- 6.1502, Qs: Free Word Order,L2 Learning Strategies,Modern Hebrew
The Linguist List
- 6.1503, Disc: Language and Dialect
The Linguist List
- 6.1504, Disc: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 6.1505, Confs: Workshop on Final Heads,BU Language Development
The Linguist List
- 6.1506, Sum: Historical Data Sets (2nd Summary)
The Linguist List
- 6.1507, Disc: Self-censorship; Query Justification
The Linguist List
- 6.1508, Jobs: Applied Ling and Asian Langs, Generalist
The Linguist List
- 6.1509, FYI: HPSG Grammars, PhD in Ling, Lang & Law, Grad Position
The Linguist List
- 6.1510, Misc: Oronyms, Mothers in trees
The Linguist List
- 6.1511, Calls: Specifiers, Germanic syntax newsletter
The Linguist List
- 6.1512, FYI: IPA on the Web, UC Irvine URL, Benjamins online catalogue
The Linguist List
- 6.1513, FYI: Instituto da Lingua Galega, Bitrans Version 2
The Linguist List
- 6.1514, FYI: Zhonghua scholarship, New electronic list
The Linguist List
- 6.1515, Disc: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 6.1516, Disc: Language and Dialect
The Linguist List
- 6.1517, Books: Text Encoding Initiative
The Linguist List
- 6.1518, Disc: Literacy (was _Language & Dialect_), Free Word Order
The Linguist List
- 6.1519, FYI: NLP Software, Field Ling Software, Minority Langs on WWW
The Linguist List
- 6.1520, Qs: IPA, 'Subati', Umlaut, Computer-Mediated Communication
The Linguist List
- 6.1521, Jobs: History of Eng/Applied Ling, NLP, Cognitive Science
The Linguist List
- 6.1522, FYI: WWW pages, Colloquium
The Linguist List
Last message date:
Tue Oct 31 23:55:33 UTC 1995
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 07:45:34 UTC 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).