6.1500, Confs: Northeastern Ling Society (NELS)

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Wed Oct 25 18:41:23 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-1500. Wed Oct 25 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  232
Subject: 6.1500, Confs: Northeastern Ling Society (NELS)
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
[Moderators' note:  we'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements
to 150 lines, so that we can post more than 1 per issue.  Please consider
omitting information useful only to attendees, such as information on
housing, transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.  Thank you for
your cooperation.]
Date:  Tue, 24 Oct 1995 10:20:43 EDT
From:  marthajo at MIT.EDU (Martha Jo Mcginnis)
Subject:  NELS announcement
Date:  Tue, 24 Oct 1995 10:20:43 EDT
From:  marthajo at MIT.EDU (Martha Jo Mcginnis)
Subject:  NELS announcement
Here is the final schedule for NELS 26, to be hosted jointly by Harvard and
MIT.  Please check our our WWW page at http://broca.mit.edu/nels.html for more
Registration will be at the location of the talks, and will begin at 8:15 am
on Friday, continuing open on Saturday and Monday.  Just to give you the full
experience of Harvard and MIT, we have arranged a new location for each
day's talk, as well as for the publishers' exhibits.  Friday and Saturday will
be at Harvard, including the talk by keynote speaker Noam Chomsky and the
party at Boylston Hall; Sunday and the Monday workshops will be at MIT.
The business meeting will be at lunchtime on Saturday.
We look forward to seeing you at NELS!
-The NELS 26 Organizing Committee
   *								   *
   *								   *
   *	Friday 2-5, Saturday all day:  Emerson Hall 106, Harvard   *
   *		Sunday all day:  4-149, MIT			   *
   *								   *
                              NELS 26
                  Harvard/MIT, October 27-30, 1995
                       Main Program Schedule
Friday, October 27, 1995
Harvard University Museum 100
9:00     Ur Shlonsky, U. of Geneva
         Subject Agreement and the IP Sandwich
9:30     Daniel Silverman, UCLA
         Optimal and Sub-Optimal Timing Relations Between Stops,
            Vowels and Vocal Fold Spreading
10:00    Carson T. Schuetze, MIT
         Korean "Case Stacking" Isn't: Unifying Non-Case Uses
            of Case Particles
10:30-11:00   Coffee Break
11:00    William Philip and Peter Coopmans, U. of Utrecht
         The Role of Referentiality in the Acquisition of Pronominal
11:30    Jacqueline van Kampen, U. of Utrecht
         PF/LF Convergence in Acquisition
12:00    Charles Reiss, Concordia U.
         Implicational Hierarchies and the Subset Principle in
12:30-2:00    Lunch Break
2:00     Michele Sigler, MIT
         Subject Positions in Armenian
2:30     Hotze Rullmann, U. of Groningen
         Two Types of Negative Polarity Items
3:00     Lea Nash, U. de Paris 8
         The Internal Ergative Subject Hypothesis
3:30-4:00     Coffee Break
4:00     Suzanne Urbanczyk, U. of Massachusetts
         Morphological Templates in Reduplication
4:30     Osamuyi Thompson Stewart, McGill U.
         Adverb Placement and the Structure of Serial Verb
5:00     Jae-Il Yeom, U. of Texas
         Presuppositions as Inducing Various Scope Readings
Saturday, October 28, 1995
Harvard Science Center B
9:00     Paul Portner and Raffaella Zanuttini, Georgetown U.
         The Syntax and Semantics of Scalar Negation: Evidence from
9:30     Jairo Nunes, U. of Maryland/USC
         On Why Traces Cannot Be Phonetically Realized
10:00    Rachel Walker, UC Santa Cruz
         A Third Parameter for Unbounded Stress
10:30-11:00   Coffee Break
11:00    Mark D. Arnold, U. of Maryland
         The History of "Do" under Minimalist Assumptions: An
            Argument for Lexical Insertion at Spell-Out
11:30    Jun Da, U. of Texas
         A Constraint-Based Approach to the Chameleon /r/ in Mandarin
12:00    Brian Potter, UCLA
         Minimalism and the Mirror Principle
12:30-2:00    Lunch Break/
12:30-1:00    Business Meeting
2:00	 Sabine Iatridou and Spyridoula Varlokosta, U. of Pennsylvania
         Pseudoclefts Crosslinguistically
2:30     Eun-Joo Kwak, Brown U.
         The Event Dependency of Plural Individuals
3:00	 Joe Pater, McGill U.
3:30-4:00     Coffee Break
4:00-5:30     Invited Speaker: Noam Chomsky, MIT
              The Minimalist Program
6:30-11:30	Party
		(at Ticknor Lounge in Boylston Hall, Harvard)
Sunday, October 29, 1995
MIT 10-250
9:30     Eric Reuland, U. of Utrecht
         Pronouns and Features
10:00    Roumyana Izvorski, U. of Pennsylvania
         The Syntax and Semantics of Correlative Proforms
10:30-11:00   Coffee Break
11:00    Christopher Kennedy, UC Santa Cruz
         Antecedent Contained Deletion and the Syntax of Quantification
11:30    Ronald Sprouse, UC Berkeley
         Vowels that "Borrow" Moras: Geminates and Weight in OT
12:00    Gertjan Postma and Johan Rooryck, U. of Leiden
         Modality and Possession in NP's
12:30-2:00    Lunch Break
2:00     Jose Camacho and Liliana Sanchez, USC
         Three Types of Conjunction
2:30     Kristin Hanson, U. of British Columbia
         Quantitative Meter in English
3:00     Danny Fox and Uli Sauerland, MIT
	 Illusive Scope of Universal Quantifiers
3:30-4:00     Coffee Break
4:00     Jason Merchant, UC Santa Cruz
         Object Scrambling and Quantifier Float in German
4:30     Mark S. Hewitt, Brandeis U. and Megan J. Crowhurst,
     		U. of North Carolina
         Conjunctive Constraints and Templates
5:00     James McCloskey, UC Santa Cruz
         Wh-Movement and Quantifier Float in an Irish English
Phonology:	Sylvia Zetterstrand, Harvard U.
		High Vocoids in Turkana
Semantics:    	Christine Brisson, Rutgers U.
		Distributivity, Asymmetry, and "Both"
Syntax:	  (1)	Richard Campbell, Oakland U.
     		One(s): The Lonely Number
	  (2)	Jila Ghomeshi and Elizabeth Ritter, U. of Toronto and
	        	U. of Calgary
		Binding, Possessives and the Structure of DP
Monday, October 30, 1995
MIT Vannevar Bush Room, 10-105
9:00	 Stephen Crain, Weijia Ni and Donald Shankweiler,
		Haskins Laboratories
	 Meaning and Modularity
9:30	Markus Bader, Josef Bayer, Jens-Max Hopf and Michael Meng,
		Friedrich Schiller Universitaet Jena
	Case-Assignment in Processing German Verb-Final Clauses
10:00	Colin Phillips, MIT
	Right-Association:  A Single Strategy for Structural Parsing
10:30-10:45	Coffee break
10:45	Simon P. Liversedge, U. of Nottingham
	Processing Arguments and Adjuncts in Null, Felicitous, and
		Infelicitous Contexts
11:15	Edward Gibson, MIT (invited speaker)
	Processing Center-Embedded and Self-Embedded Structures
	in English and Japanese
12:15-12:30	Snack break
12:30	Shelia Kennison, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst
	The Role of Verb-Specific Lexical Information in Syntactic
		Ambiguity Resolution
1:00	Julie Sedivy, Michael Tanenhaus, Michael Spivey-Knowlton,
		Kathleen, Eberhard, Greg Carlson, U. of Rochester
	Using Contrast Sets in the On-Line Processing of Contrastive Focus
	Paola Merlo, U. of Geneva, and Suzanne Stevenson, Rutgers U.,
	Differential Difficulty of Reduced Relative Clauses: A Structural
		Complexity Account
MIT Marlar Lounge, 37-252
9:00	Andrew Garrett, UC Berkeley
	Prosodic and Syntactic Structures in Wackernagl's Law
9:30	Charles Reiss, Concordia U.
	Phonological and Lexical Allomorphy
10:00	Roumyana Izvorski
	From Old Church Slavonic to Modern Bulgarian:  Clitic Placement &
		Phrase Structure Change
10:30-10:45	Coffee break
10:45	Mark Hale, Concordia U.
	Prosodic Structure, Syntax, and Meter in the Language of the Rigveda
11:15	Calvert Watkins, Harvard U. (invited speaker)
12:15-12:30	Snack break
12:30	Joseph Eska, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State U.
	Gestures, Allegro-Speech Phenomena, and Epenthesis in Hispano-Celtic
1:00	Ans van Kemenade, HIL/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
	Negation and Second-Position Phenomena
	Antonia Androutsopoulou and Manuel Espanol-Echevarria, UCLA
	Case Attraction in Classical Greek Relative Clauses
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-1500.

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