6.1327, Calls: Human Cognitive Processing, Sign Lang Research
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Fri Sep 29 07:38:30 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-1327. Fri Sep 29 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 290
Subject: 6.1327, Calls: Human Cognitive Processing, Sign Lang Research
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: lveselin at emunix.emich.edu (Ljuba Veselinova)
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 14:08:41 BST
From: nuyts at uia.ua.ac.be ("Jan.Nuyts")
Subject: announcement of series
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 12:22:27 EDT
From: d126244 at nobel.si.uqam.ca (Chris Miller)
Subject: TISLR 1996 Call for papers
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 14:08:41 BST
From: nuyts at uia.ua.ac.be ("Jan.Nuyts")
Subject: announcement of series
*** Call for unpublished manuscripts ***
- monographs or collected volumes -
*** for a new book series ***
An interdisciplinary series
on language and other mental faculties
Marcelo Dascal (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Raymond Gibbs (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz)
Jan Nuyts (Univ. of Antwerp)
Editorial address:
Jan Nuyts
University of Antwerp, Linguistics (GER)
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Wilrijk, Belgium
e-mail: nuyts at uia.ua.ac.be
Board of Advisory Editors:
Wallace Chafe (Linguistics, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara);
Philip Cohen (AI, Oregon Grad. Inst. of Science & Technology);
Antonio Damasio (Neurolinguistics, Univ. of Iowa);
David McNeill (Psychology, Univ. of Chicago);
Eric Pederson (Cogn. Anthropology, MPI f. Psycholinguistics);
Francois Recanati (Philosophy, CREA);
Benny Shanon (Psychology, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem);
Lokedra Shastri (AI, Univ. of California, Berkeley);
Dan Slobin (Psychology, Univ. of California, Berkeley);
Paul Thagard (Philosophy, Univ. of Waterloo).
John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia
Aim & Scope
HUMAN COGNITIVE PROCESSING aims to be a forum for
interdisciplinary research on the cognitive structure and processing
of language and its anchoring in the human cognitive or mental
systems in general. It aims to publish high quality manuscripts
which address problems related to the nature and organization of
the cognitive or mental systems and processes involved in speaking
and understanding natural language, and the relationship of these
systems and processes to other domains of human cognition,
including general conceptual or knowledge systems and processes
(the language and thought issue), and other perceptual or behavioral
systems such as vision and non-verbal behavior (e.g. gesture, sign
language). 'Cognition' and 'Mind' should be taken in their broadest
sense, not only including the domain of rationality, but also
dimensions such as emotion and the unconscious. The series is not
bound to any theoretical paradigm or discipline: it is open to any
type of approach to the above questions (methodologically and
theoretically) and to research from any discipline concerned with
them, including (but not restricted to) different branches of
psychology, artificial intelligence and computer science, cognitive
anthropology, linguistics, philosophy and neuroscience. HUMAN
COGNITIVE PROCESSING especially welcomes research which
makes an explicit attempt to cross the boundaries of these
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 12:22:27 EDT
From: d126244 at nobel.si.uqam.ca (Chris Miller)
Subject: TISLR 1996 Call for papers
Call for papers/Appel de communications
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
18-22 June/juin, 1996
Sponsored by/Parraine par :
Universite du Quebec a Montreal, McGill University
(Version francaise plus bas)
Abstracts are invited for the Fifth International Conference on
Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research to be held in Montreal
June 18-20, 1996. The conference is co-sponsored by McGill
University and Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM); all meetings
will take place at UQAM. Submissions are invited on any aspect of
research and theory about sign language including, for example,
linguistic structure, language acquisition, bilingualism,
psycholinguistic and neuropsychological processing, gesture/sign
relations, language evolution and contact, the social context of sign,
and research methodology (including transcription and coding
systems, and computer-based data management and networking).
Presentations may be made in any of the four official languages of
the conference: ASL, LSQ, French and English. Abstracts may be
submitted in French or English.
Presentation modes will be research symposia, plenary session papers,
posters, and
special interest workshops. (Preference will be given to symposia
and poster submissions.)
=====> Research symposia will be 2 hours and consist of 3 or 4 research
papers on a given topic followed by a discussion paper and general
discussion. Organizers of symposia should submit a 150-word abstract
summarizing the topic and goals of the symposium along with a 250-word
abstract for each research paper.
=====> Plenary session papers will be 20 minutes with 10 minutes for
discussion and poster sessions will be 2 hours. Paper and poster authors
should submit a 250-word abstract.
=====> Workshop sessions will be 90 minutes and geared toward a special
interest topic. Workshop organizers should submit a 250-word abstract
stating the workshop topic, goals, intended audience, and method (e.g.,
discussion, hands-on, etc.).
Submissions will be accepted by mail or e-mail (e-mail submissions
are encouraged; no fax submissions will be accepted). Because
submissions will be considered anonymously, each submission must
begin with author and address information separate from the abstract.
If submitting by email, please adhere to the following format:
Title of presentation:
Author(s) and affiliation(s):
Postal address:
Telephone and fax number(s):
E-mail address:
(3 blank lines)
Title of presentation:
Research area:
Presentation mode: (symposium, plenary session paper, poster or workshop)
If submitting by regular mail, please include the first block
(title/author/address information) on a separate cover sheet and the second
block (title, research area and presentation mode) on the abstract sheet
itself. For each submission, mail 5 copies of title and abstract and 1 copy
of the cover sheet to:
McGill University
1226 Pine Avenue West
Montreal, Quebec
Send all e-mail submissions to: cxcc at musica.mcgill.ca
Mailed submissions must be postmarked by November 15, 1995
E-mail submissions must be received by December 1, 1995
On sollicite des resumes pour le Cinquieme Congres International sur les
Questions Theoriques en Recherche sur les Langues Signees, qui aura lieu a
Montreal les 18-20 juin, 1996. Le congres est parraine conjointement par
l'Universite McGill et l'Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM); toutes les
rencontres se derouleront a l'UQAM. On invite des soumissions sur tout
aspect de la recherche et de la theorie concernant les langues signees
dont, par exemple, la structure linguistique; l'acquisition du langage; le
bilinguisme; le traitement psycholinguistique et neuropsychologique; les
liens entre les gestes et les signes; le changement linguistique et contact
entre langues; le contexte social des langues signees; et la methodologie
de la recherche (dont les systemes de transcription et d'encodage ainsi que
la gestion informatisee des donnees et la mise en reseau des ressources
Les communications peuvent etre presentees dans l'une des quatre langues
du congres : ASL, LSQ, francais et anglais. Les resumes seront acceptes en
francais ou en anglais.
Les modes de presentation comprendront des symposiums de recherche; des
communications orales/signees; des affiches et des ateliers sur des themes
=====> Les symposiums de recherche se derouleront dans des seances de deux
heures : chaque seance comportera trois ou quatre communications sur des
recherches sur un theme donne suivies d'un resume des communications et
d'une discussion generale. Les organisateurs de symposiums devront
soumettre un resume de 150 mots qui porte sur le theme et les objectifs du
symposium ainsi qu'un resume de 250 mots pour chaque communication de
=====> Chaque communication dans les seances plenieres durera 20 minutes
et sera suivie d'une periode de 10 minutes pour discussion. Les seances
d'affiches auront une duree de deux heures. Les auteurs de communications
et d'affiches devront soumettre un resume de 250 mots.
=====> Les ateliers auront lieu dans des seances de 90 minutes et seront
consacres a un theme d'interet particulier. Les organisateurs d'un atelier
sont pries de soumettre un resume de 150 mots qui porte sur le theme et les
objectifs de l'atelier ainsi que le public vise et le mode de presentation
(e.g., discussion, participation pratique etc.).
Les soumissions seront acceptees par voie de courrier ou courrier
electronique (nous encourageons la soumission par courrier electronique;
les soumissions par fax ne seront pas acceptees).
Les soumissions seront evaluees de facon anonyme, les informations sur les
auteur(e)s et leur adresse devront donc etre inscrites separement du
Si vous envoyez votre resume par courrier electronique, priere de suivre ce
format :
Titre de la communication :
Auteur(e)(s) et affiliation(s) :
Addresse postale :
Telephone et fax :
Adresse de courrier electronique :
(3 lignes blanches)
Titre de la communication :
Domaine de recherche :
Mode de presentation : (symposium, communication en session pleniere,
affiche ou atelier)
Resume :
Si vous soumettez votre resume par la poste, priere d'inscrire le premier
bloc d'informations (titre/auteur(e)(s)/adresse(s)) sur une feuille
d'informations supplementaires; inscrire le second bloc (titre, domaine de
recherche et mode de presentation) sur la feuille du resume. Pour chaque
soumission, envoyer 5 exemplaires du resume et un exemplaire de la feuille
d'informations supplementaires a :
Universite McGill
1226 ouest, Avenue des Pins
Montreal (Quebec)
Envoyer les soumissions par courrier electronique a : cxcc at musica.mcgill.ca
Les soumissions envoyees par la poste doivent porter un cachet avant ou en
date du :
15 novembre, 1995
Les soumissions par courrier electronique doivent nous parvenir au plus
tard le :
1 decembre, 1995
Denis Bouchard, UQAM
Charlene Chamberlain, McGill
Colette Dubuisson, UQAM
James MacDougall, McGill
Rachel Mayberry, McGill
Chris Miller, UQAM
Jill Morford, McGill
Astrid Vercaingne-Menard, UQAM
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-1327.
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