7.529, Confs: Chicago Ling Society 32, DIALOGUE'96 (schedule)

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Wed Apr 10 21:49:03 UTC 1996

LINGUIST List:  Vol-7-529. Wed Apr 10 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  452
Subject: 7.529, Confs: Chicago Ling Society 32, DIALOGUE'96 (schedule)
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
We'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements to 150 lines,
so that we can post more than 1 per issue.  Please consider omitting
information useful only to attendees, such as information on housing,
transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.  Thank you for your
Date:  Mon, 08 Apr 1996 11:56:14 CDT
From:  cls at sapir.uchicago.edu (Chicago Linguistic Society)
Subject:  Chicago Linguistic Society 32
Date:  Sat, 06 Apr 1996 07:21:47 +0400
From:  sharoff at mx.iki.rssi.ru (Serge Sharoff)
Subject:  DIALOGUE'96, The Schedule
Date:  Mon, 08 Apr 1996 11:56:14 CDT
From:  cls at sapir.uchicago.edu (Chicago Linguistic Society)
Subject:  Chicago Linguistic Society 32
Chicago Linguistic Society Thirty-second Annual Meeting
April 11-13, 1996
Judd Hall, 5835 Kimbark Avenue
Final Schedule
8:30	Registration
9:00	Mike Ziolkowski, Peter Viechnicki, Karen Landahl (U of
	The Supraformant Hypothesis and the Acoustic Structure
	of Norwegian Vowels
9:30	Jabier Elorrieta (University of Texas, Austin)
	A Typology of ConsonantsU Effects on Vowel Height
10:00	Susan Garrett (University of Pennsylvania)
	Another Look at Spanish Stress and Syllable Structure
10:30	Gorka Elordieta and Mara Carreira (U of Southern
	California and California State University, Long Beach)
	An Optimality Theoretic Approach to Spanish
	Diminutive Formation
11:00	Soohee June Kim (University of Washington)
	Title TBA
11:30	Jessica P. Weinberg (University of Arizona)
	Stress and Intra-Paradigm Correspondence in Luiseo
12:00	LUNCH
1:00	Alice Harris (Vanderbilt University)
	Extension in Diachronic Syntax and Morphology
2:00	Etsuyo Yuasa (University of Chicago)
	Categorial Mismatch: An Autolexical Account of Formal
	Nouns in Japanese
2:30	Marta Lujan and Claudia Parodi (U of Texas, Austin and
	Clitic-Doubling and the Acquisition of Subject Agreement
	in Spanish
3:00	Youngjun Jang and Il-Kon Kim (Harvard University/Hanyang
	and Harvard University)
	Nwuku TwhoU and Mweus TwhatU in Korean
3:30	Rajesh Bhatt and Elena Anagnosto Poulo (U of Pennsylvania
	and Tilburg University)
	Object Shift and Specificity: Evidence from Ko-Phrases
	in Hindi
4:00	Gunsoo Lee (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
	Referentiality and Weak Crossover
4:30	H. Paul Manning (University of Chicago)
	What Welsh Relatives are Really Like
7:00	Masayoshi Shibatani (UCLA/Kobe University)
	Benefactive Constructions: A schema-based approach
8:00	Roumyana Izvorski (University of Pennsylvania)
	Multiple Wh-fronting in Correlatives
8:30	Alexis Dimitriadis (University of Pennsylvania)
	When Pro-Drop Languages Don't: Overt Pronominal Subjects
	and Information Content
9:00	Yasuhiro Shirai (Carnegie Mellon U and Daito Bunka
	Does accomplishment always have duration? The Dowty-Van
	Valin system vs. the Smith system of inherent aspect
9:30	Minglang Zhou (University of Oregon)
	Bidirectionality of Grammaticalization: Evidence from
	Classical Chinese
10:00	Kenneth S. Olson (U of Chicago and Summer Institute of
	A Comparative Study of Banda, With a New Internal
	Synchronic 	Classification
10:30	David A Peterson (UC-Berkeley)
	Bantu Objects and the Drift Towards Primary Objectivity
11:00	Arto Anttila and Young-Mee Yu Cho (Stanford University)
	Optimal Change
11:30	Gregory D. S. Anderson (University of Chicago)
	On Structural-Functional Paradoxes and RHypericonicityS in
12:00	LUNCH
1:00	Joseph Paul Stemberger (University of Minnesota)
	The Scope of the Theory: Where Does RBeyondS Lie?
2:00	Robert Knippen (University of Chicago)
	Against the Notion that Names Refer Directly
2:30	Xu Liejiong (City of Hong Kong University)
	Construction and Destruction of Theories by Data:
	A Case Study
3:00	coffee break
3:30	Mike Ziolkowski (University of Chicago)
	Post-Projected Reanalysis...
4:00	Arthur Merin (IMS, University of Stuttgart)
	Formal Semantic Theory and Diachronic Data: A Case Study
	in Grammaticalization
4:30	Jerrold Sadock (University of Chicago)
	PIFL: The Principle of the Irrelevance of Facts of
7:00	Hans Aarsleff (Princeton University)
	Facts, Fiction, and Opinion in the History of Linguistics
8:00	Rodolfo Celis (University of Chicago)
	Linguistics and Biology: A Xenogamous Relationship?
8:30	TBA
9:00	Xuan Zhou (SUNY at Stony Brook)
	The Interaction of the Mandarin Aspectual Particles Guo,
	Le, and	Zhe
9:30	Bettty J. Birner (Northwestern University)
	Form and Function in English by-Phrase Passives
10::00	Jacques Lamarche (University of Quebec, Montreal)
	Aspectual Deicticity
10:30	Rebecca S. Wheeler (Weber State University)
	Will the Real Search Verbs Please Stand Up
11:00	Frederike van der Leek (University of Amsterdam)
	The English Conative: A Compositional Account
11:30	Geofferey J. Huck (University of Chicago Press)
	Gerundive Modifiers in English and Korean
12:00	LUNCH
1:00	James D. McCawley
	Acceptability Judgments in the Teaching and Doing of Syntax
2:00	Adi M. Hastings (University of Chicago)
	Defining RLanguageS and RDialectS in the Linguistic Survey
	of India
2:30	Gillian Sankoff (University of Pennsylvania)
	Questionable Evidence in Native Competence
3:00	Richard Cameron (University of Illinois, Chicago)
	Accessibility Theory and Specificity of Reference in Spanish
3:30	Martin Everaert and Koenraad Kuiper (Utrecht University and
	University of Canterbury, NZ)
	Theory and Data in Idiom Research
4:00	Michael Krauss (University of Alaska)
	Title TBA
7:00	William Labov (University of Pennsylvania)
	When Intuitions Fail	
7:30	Siri G. Tuttle and Ellen Kaisse (University of Washington)
	Tone Loss in Minto (Lower Tanana) Athabaskan
8:00	Olga P. Vorobyova (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
	and Kiev Linguistic University)
	Linguistic Signals of Addressee-Orientation in the Source and
	Target Literary Text: A Comparative Study
9:00	PARTY! Ida Noyes West Lounge, 1212 East 59th Street
See our Web page for individual abstracts
http://humanities.uchicago.edu /humanities/cls/
For more information: cls at sapir.uchicago.edu
Date:  Sat, 06 Apr 1996 07:21:47 +0400
From:  sharoff at mx.iki.rssi.ru (Serge Sharoff)
Subject:  DIALOGUE'96, The Schedule
  International Conference on computational linguistics and its
DIALOGUE'96, an international workshop on computational linguistics
and its applications, will take place May 4-9, 1996 in the scientific
park Puschino (100 km from Moscow). The conference title means that it
is a meeting place for a dialogue
a) between researchers from different fields that are related to
   computational linguistics (linguists, computer scientists, cognitive
   scientists, psychologists);
b) between researchers from the former USSR and from the international
   community in computational linguistics.
Puschino is a scientific park that has been developed in the 70s for
the biology-oriented research. The town is located in the picturesque
place on the bank of Oka river (a tributary of Volga) and is
surrounded by forests.  Conference will take place in the Institute of
Proteins. All attendees will live in the hotel "Puschino". The
registration fee for the conference is 150,000 Russian rubles (about
$30). One place in a double room at the hotel costs 75,000 Russian
rubles ($15), single occupation of the double room costs 136,000
($27). These prices are tentative due to inflation in Russia, however,
their dollar equivalent will remain relatively stable. All fees will
be paid on site.
The registration will be held at the Russian Institute of Artificial
Intelligence located in Moscow at Chernyakhovsky St., 9, room 331
during May 4 from 9.30 a.m. till 11.30 a.m. Late participants will be
registered during the conference in Puschino.
Daily expense on food in Puschino is approximately $15 - 30. We
suggest you to exchange the relevant amount of rubles and cash your
credit cards in Moscow before you travel to Puschino.
You may reach Puschino by bus (bus station at metro Yugo-Zapadnaya,
bus no. 359 leaving to Puschino, it'll take you there in 2 hours). We
are going to organize a bus transfer from the Russian Institute of
Artificial Intelligence after the registration ( departure 11.30 a.m.,
May 4).
Addresses for all correspondence:
e-mail: dialog at artint.msk.su
        Russian Institute of Artificial Intelligence
        P.O.Box 111, Moscow,
        103001, Russia.
Phone: +7-(095) 152-05-61 (Russian Institute of Artificial Intelligence,
                           Serge Sharoff)
Please, share this information letter with people you think it may
Preliminary schedule
Opening ceremony        16.00, May 4
Welcome party           19.30, May 4
Farewell party          20.00, May 8
Closing ceremony        13.00, May 9
Morning session          9.30 - 13.30
Afternoon session       15.00 - 18.30
Evening session/Discussion 20.30 - ...
Demonstration of implemented systems is possible during sessions
(IBM-PCs with DOS/Windows will be provided).
Average duration of a talk: 20 min plus 10 min of discussions.
Interpretation of talks in Russian will be provided.
May 4
Formal models of language, Part 1
In Russian:
M.Kronhaus, "Word formation analysis in a linguistic model"
V.Plungyan, I.Shoshitayshvili, "Formal description of grammatic
categories: database "Verbum"
In English:
T.Amghar, B.Levrat, "Using Classes of Objects, Polymorphism and some
other Object Oriented Programming Paradigms in the modelization of
D.Tugwell, "A State-Transition Model of Language"
May 5
Morning: Discourse and text structure
In Russian:
E.Borissova, "Communicative organization of linear and
 non-linear texts"
E.Breido, E.Hartung, "Problems of a linguistic investigation of
A.A. Kibrik, "Modelling multifactorial processes: referential
 device selection in Russian narrative discourse"
Yu.Martemyanov, "Small scale narratives: problems of their generation
 and understanding"
A.Rafaeva, "A description of the structure of fairy tales"
V.Smirensky, "Cognitive representation of script narrative schemata"
In English:
I.Fischer &  M.Keil, "Representing Phraseologisms with Discourse
 Representation Theory"
I.Kanellos, M-S.Nguyen, F.Riviere, X.Simon, "Interpretational Semantics
 in application: Textual semantic analysis on isotopic considerations"
May 5
Afternoon: Models of communication and interaction
In Russian:
E.Dobrushina, "When YES and No mean the same"
N.Kigai, "Some Aspects of the User-Designer Dialogue on the Design of an
 Individual Base of Knowledge"
M.Koit, "Towards development of a model of dialogue"
P.Parshin, "Idiopolitical discourse"
I.Tsverava, "Modelling of Communicative-intentional Structure of
 the Dialogue for the Sphere of Professional Communication"
In English:
O.Simonova, "A typology of explanations in intelligent systems"
S.Ziesche, "Processes of Information Structuring within
 Language Production"
May 5
Evening: Development of lingware: Academy and Industry (discussion)
May 6
Morning - Afternoon: Formal models of language, Part 2
In Russian:
N.Isakadze, "Syntactic analyses of noun phrases in Russian in terms of
 contemporary generative grammar"
G.Lezin, K.Boyarsky, A.Popova, "Systematisation of information:
 semantic text coding"
O. Nevzorova, "Inductive approach to construction of model of a
 grammatic gender"
V.Polakov, "Representation of meaning of utterances in the multiple
 aspect model of meaning"
L.Sokolova, S.Sharoff, "Interlingua for multilingual generation"
V.Solovyev, "Applicative grammar of child language"
In English:
J.M.Alvarenga, "Restrictions in sublanguages"
E.Brison, "Mixing Syntactic Semantic And Pragmatic Data In A
 Comprehension System"
K.Czuba, A.Kupsc, M.Marciniak, A.Przepiorkowski, "Towards an
 HPSG Analysis of Polish"
M.Ghenima, "Morpho-syntactic parsing of arabic language based
 on the Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG) formalism"
G.Koch, "A Rigoristic and Automated Analysis of a Scientific Abstract"
N.Vazov, "A System for Identification of Aspectual and Temporal
 Values in French"
May 6
Evening: Phonetics
In Russian:
S.Kodzasov, "Intonation as an indicator of actual speech event"
L.Zakharov, "Text transcription for speech synthesis and analysis
 in Russian"
V.Mikhaylov, "Perception and automatic recognition of speech"
M.Malkovsky, I.Volkova, V.Pilschikov, V.Abramov, I.Golovin,
 P.Blagoveschensky, "NL-processor in a speech recognition system"
May 7
Morning - Afternoon: Semantics
In Russian:
T.Agranat, "Classes of Russian adjectives"
A.Baranov, D.Dobrovolsky, "Idiom: the structure of the category"
I.Kobozeva, "How we describe the space we see: types and ranks
 of objects"
G.Kustova, "Implicative potential of the meaning and semantic
N.Leontyeva, "About the Validity of Textual Structures"
N.Loukachevitch, "Disambiguation of terms during automatic indexing"
O.Lashevskaja, "Number and Space (on Semantics of Russian
 Substantive Number)"
M.Mikheev, "The kinds of modality distinguishable in the Data
 Base of the political texts upon revealing the opinions"
E.Paducheva, "Towards a semantic invariant of lexical derivation"
R.Rozina, "Speech Components in the Meaning of Verbs of Possession"
S.Semenova, "Recognition of parameter values in the text: algorithmic
 and lexicographic aspects of the problem"
V.M.Trub, "A description of various semantic functions of sentences
 with the adverbial predicate NEL'ZYA"
E.Uryson, "Meaning of Russian action nouns: remains of Russian
 primitive model of the world"
M.Filipenko, "About aspectually relevant adverbial expressions".
In English:
T.Androussenko, "Knowledges Within Thesauri: The Form And The Content"
May 7
Evening: Linguistic Theory (roundtable)
In Russian:
V.Borschev, "Natural language as mathematics"
A.E. Kibrik, "Linguistic truths and linguistic delusions"
N.Pertsov, "On paradoxes of linguistic concepts and terminology"
May 8
Morning: Computational morphology
In Russian:
I.Bolshakov, A.Gelbukh, "Separate representation of word combinations
 for singular and plural number of nouns"
M.Kanovich, Z.Shalyapina, "Russian inflexion and elementary
 word-building in a model of Russian morphological generation"
N.Pertsova, "On determining derivational meanings in Russian"
In English:
S.Sheremetyeva and S.Nirenburg, "Computational Morphology with a
 Minimum of Acquisition Effort"
M.Vilares Ferro, J.Granna Gil, F.Cacheda Seijo, "Verification
 of morphological analyzers"
May 8, Afternoon; May 9, Morning: Applied systems
In Russian:
G.Andrienko, N.Andrienko, "IRIS - an intellectual system for visual
 analysis of information"
K.Anisimovich, V.Selegey, "On significance of linguistic technologies
 in polylanguage text optical recognition"
J.Anoshkina, V.Semenova, F.Elkateb, C.Fluhr, D.Schmit, "Extension
 of the European Multilingual Information Retrieval (EMIR) technology
 to the Russian language"
I.Aredova, A.Zaslonko, G.Khakhalin, "The linguistic processing of
 NL-text in programme shell of Tolmach machine translation system"
M.Malkovsky, I.Volkova, V.Pilschikov, V.Abramov, I.Golovin,
 P.Blagoveschensky, "NL-processor in a speech recognition system"
L.Mitjushin, "On a system for correcting agreement errors"
L.Modina, Z.Shalyapina, "Principles for analysis of Japanese texts
 and model of Japanese lexical and morphological systems"
K.Plaksin, "System for commercial information extraction "The Answer"
D.Sulejmanov, R.Shafigullin, "Morphological corrector for Tatar texts
In English:
S.Nirenburg, K.Mahesh, E.Viegas, S.Beale, V.Raskin, B.Onyshkevych,
 "Technological and Conceptual Tools for Lexical Knowledge Acquisition"
E.Pogosyan, "On a transparent presentation  of written English syntax"
V.Strohmeyer, "Pedagogical Grammar Goes Iconic: A Visual Display of
 Sentence Level Transformations"
 Alexander S. Narin'yani, Program Chair (Russian Institute of
 Artificial Intelligence)
 Christian Boitet       (Grenoble University)
 Alexander E. Kibrik    (Moscow State University)
 Igor A. Mel'chuk       (Montreal University)
 Dmitrij A. Pospelov    (Computer Center of Russian Academy of Sciences)
 Haldur Oim             (Tartu University)
 Natalya I. Laufer, (Russian Institute of Artificial Intelligence)
 Priscilla Rasmussen (Rutgers University, USA)
 Serge A. Sharoff, (Russian Institute of Artificial Intelligence)
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-529.

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