April 1996 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Apr 2 05:52:36 UTC 1996
Ending: Tue Apr 30 22:45:14 UTC 1996
Messages: 148
- 7.492, All: 1st On-Line LINGUIST Conference
The Linguist List
- 7.493, Calls: LINGUIST Conf, Geometric & Thematic Structure in Binding
The Linguist List
- 7.494, FYI: New Conference List, The Finite String, LSA nominations
The Linguist List
- 7.495, Confs: Le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN'96)
The Linguist List
- 7.496, Calls: TESOL Journal, Formal grammar
The Linguist List
- 7.497, Sum: Grunts and Groans
The Linguist List
- 7.498, Qs: Conf. in Prague, Japanese, I. Papadopoulos
The Linguist List
- 7.499, Qs: Font for MS Word, LSP phraseology, DAT recordings
The Linguist List
- 7.500, Jobs: Translation:French-Eng,Eng-French, Ling Data Consortium
The Linguist List
- 7.501, Sum: Linguistics for speech therapists
The Linguist List
- 7.502, Calls: Germanic Syntax, Multilingual Text Processing
The Linguist List
- 7.503, Disc: Language & the Movies
The Linguist List
- 7.504, Disc: English Nominals
The Linguist List
- 7.505, Qs: Map Task, Time Expressions, NELS Conference
The Linguist List
- 7.506, Disc: Ungrammatical sentences
The Linguist List
- 7.507, Qs: Language Acquisition, Italian phonology, English
The Linguist List
- 7.508, Confs: Lang contact, Mathematics ling
The Linguist List
- 7.509, Sum: ASL in the African-Amer. Community
The Linguist List
- 7.510, Confs: LFG Conf - Program, Lodging, Registration
The Linguist List
- 7.511, Calls: Siouan conf, Modern Greek ling
The Linguist List
- 7.512, Disc: Economy, Minimalism, and Formalism
The Linguist List
- 7.513, Jobs: Position in Calgary
The Linguist List
- 7.514, FYI: Summer Schools
The Linguist List
- 7.515, Qs: French, Projects, Compounds, Book Search
The Linguist List
- 7.516, Qs: Filipino, Tongan language situation, Linguistic change
The Linguist List
- 7.517, Disc: Economy, Minimalism, and Formalism
The Linguist List
- 7.518, Sum: Statistical methods
The Linguist List
- 7.519, Qs: Italian, Quantifiers, Interruptions, Macro-Siouan
The Linguist List
- 7.520, Calls: Computational Semantics, Japanese/Korean Conf
The Linguist List
- 7.521, Confs: History of Ling, Conceptual Structure
The Linguist List
- 7.522, Disc: Grammatical gender
The Linguist List
- 7.523, Sum: Un-English segment sequences
The Linguist List
- 7.524, FYI: PAMLA deadline, New list, Teaching materials
The Linguist List
- 7.525, Jobs: Position in Italy, Replacement, UNLV
The Linguist List
- 7.526, Qs: Topics, Words, Teaching GB, Search, Web pages
The Linguist List
- 7.527, Confs: International Conf on Chinese Computing 96 (ICCC96)
The Linguist List
- 7.528, Calls: Computational ling (Portuguese), Ling historiography
The Linguist List
- 7.529, Confs: Chicago Ling Society 32, DIALOGUE'96 (schedule)
The Linguist List
- 7.530, Sum: German partial-VP fronting
The Linguist List
- 7.531, Disc: Grammatical gender and feminism, Gender switching
The Linguist List
- 7.532, Sum: Phonology software
The Linguist List
- 7.533, Disc: Economy, Minimalism, Formalism
The Linguist List
- 7.534, Qs: Navajo, Resources, ASL texts, Teaching
The Linguist List
- 7.535, Misc: Ling for speech therapists, Lang & the movies
The Linguist List
- 7.536, Disc: Ungrammatical sentences
The Linguist List
- 7.537, Disc: Grammatical gender
The Linguist List
- 7.538, Sum: Reading after Whorf's "Language, Mind and Reality"
The Linguist List
- 7.539, Confs: 3rd International Conference on HPSG (HPSG 96)
The Linguist List
- 7.540, Confs: Fifth Conf on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 5)
The Linguist List
- 7.541, Calls: Catalan studies, Lg assumptions, Theoretical ling
The Linguist List
- 7.542, Jobs: Teaching Eng in Kyushu, Comp ling, Sabbatical replacement
The Linguist List
- 7.543, Qs: Adult lang acq, Dictionary project, Black Eng
The Linguist List
- 7.544, Qs: Possessives, GB theory, Bantu lgs, Donna Hina Honda
The Linguist List
- 7.545, Confs: Kentucky, Symposium, COLING-96
The Linguist List
- 7.546, Disc: German partial-VP fronting, Re: 7.530
The Linguist List
- 7.547, Confs: HPSG '96
The Linguist List
- 7.548, FYI: New list, Web site, cours, Finno-Ugrian sites
The Linguist List
- 7.549, Jobs: Temporary opening--English Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.550, FYI: Grants, Japanese-English MT, Black English--Correction
The Linguist List
- 7.551, Disc: Outline of evolution/emmergence (Was re:Formalism)
The Linguist List
- 7.552, Disc: Ungrammatical sentences
The Linguist List
- 7.553, Sum: Web pages for Intro Ling courses
The Linguist List
- 7.554, Confs: Connectionism, Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft
The Linguist List
- 7.555, Sum: Indian English dictionary
The Linguist List
- 7.556, Jobs: Research Assoc., Comparative Philology at Cambridge
The Linguist List
- 7.557, Disc: Grammatical gender, re: 7.522 & 7.537
The Linguist List
- 7.558, Calls: Comparative Germanic, Applied Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.559, Sum: Slavic roots
The Linguist List
- 7.560, Sum: Qiang
The Linguist List
- 7.561, FYI: Lang Conf List, Labov Lecture, Literacy & spelling reform
The Linguist List
- 7.562, Jobs: Position in Italy/Bolzano, NLP
The Linguist List
- 7.563, Qs: Frequency, Editing, Informant, Syllables, Lithuanian
The Linguist List
- 7.564, Disc: Grammatical Gender
The Linguist List
- 7.565, Disc: Evolution & Linguistics (was formalism)
The Linguist List
The Linguist List
- 7.567, Disc: Ungrammatical sentences, Lang & movies
The Linguist List
- 7.568, Qs: Modals, Quantifiers, Numerals, Verbs, Emphasis
The Linguist List
- 7.569, Jobs: Dean, Language Arts
The Linguist List
- 7.570, Confs: Athabaskan, Salt VI
The Linguist List
- 7.571, FYI: Web page, Project, O-Hayo Sensei, Databases
The Linguist List
- 7.572, Calls: Information retrieval, South Asian lang analysis
The Linguist List
- 7.573, Disc: Grammatical Gender
The Linguist List
- 7.574, Qs: Intro textbook, Human-computer communication, Vocabulary
The Linguist List
- 7.575, Qs: Underspec, Gnerre, Sign Lg, Frequency, Etymologies
The Linguist List
- 7.576, Qs: Marked word order, S Brainard, Adjectival passive
The Linguist List
- 7.577, Disc: Lang & movies, Ungrammatical sentences
The Linguist List
- 7.578, Disc: Gramatical gender and Ungrammatical sentences
The Linguist List
- 7.579, Jobs: Kyrgyz native speaker, Speech and lang processing
The Linguist List
- 7.580, Sum: Introductory linguistics texts
The Linguist List
- 7.581, Sum: [u] for [y] substitution in English/French bilinguals
The Linguist List
- 7.582, Disc: Grammatical Gender
The Linguist List
- 7.583, Sum: Am. English word frequency lists
The Linguist List
- 7.584, FYI: Prof of Year, Russian texts
The Linguist List
- 7.585, Disc: [u] for [y] substitution
The Linguist List
- 7.586, Qs: Courses, Syntax, Turkish, Blocking, Translation
The Linguist List
- 7.587, Sum: Grammatical gender
The Linguist List
- 7.588, TOC: Amsterdam Series in Child Language Development 5
The Linguist List
- 7.589, Calls: Robust parsing workshop, Generative Germanic syntax
The Linguist List
- 7.590, Disc: Grammatical Gender
The Linguist List
- 7.591, Disc: Ungrammatical sentences
The Linguist List
- 7.592, Disc: Grammatical Gender
The Linguist List
- 7.593, Calls: Ling Assoc of Southwest, TISLR 5 in Montreal (urgent)
The Linguist List
- 7.594, Sum: Bias-Free/Non-Discriminatory Language
The Linguist List
- 7.595, FYI: LATTICE lang links, On-line directory of ling confs
The Linguist List
- 7.596, Sum: Use of MUST + HAVE + participle
The Linguist List
- 7.597, Confs: Italian Ling, Nat Lang, Explorations du Lexique
The Linguist List
- 7.598, Jobs: Spanish Ling at Ohio State, Japanese at U Mich
The Linguist List
- 7.599, Sum: Thou and You
The Linguist List
- 7.600, Sum: "their" for "his/her", Spanish Online Dictionary
The Linguist List
- 7.601, Calls: GALA 97 (Lg Acq), ESCOL 96
The Linguist List
- 7.602, Confs: BCN Workshop on Conflicting Constraints
The Linguist List
- 7.603, Confs: Computational Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.604, Jobs: Lecturer in Danish Ling, ESL Lab Supervisor
The Linguist List
- 7.605, Qs: Journals, Glottalic, C.Lehmann, Nordic,Swahili
The Linguist List
- 7.606, Qs: Finno-Ugrists,Citing On-Line, Superhighway
The Linguist List
- 7.607, Qs: Anaphora, Lang Census Figures, Trilingualism
The Linguist List
- 7.608, Disc: Lang & movies, Phonology, Citing
The Linguist List
- 7.609, FYI: Foundation for Endangered Languages, and its Newsletter
The Linguist List
- 7.610, Jobs: Lectureship in Italian, Technical job at Georgia
The Linguist List
- 7.611, FYI: BKL Spring Meeting, Renaissance Lx Archive, Frisian
The Linguist List
- 7.612, FYI: Logic Course on the Internet
The Linguist List
- 7.613, Disc: Grammatical Gender
The Linguist List
- 7.614, Qs: Texts,Modals,Job Survey,Spanish,Uncertainty,Discourse
The Linguist List
- 7.615, Calls: Western Conf., Seoul Phonetics, Student Conf.
The Linguist List
- 7.616, Confs: Student Conference in Computational Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.617, Qs: Yue, Floating Quantifiers, TESOL, Websites
The Linguist List
- 7.618, Calls: Natural Language[Extended Deadline],AAAI
The Linguist List
- 7.619, Jobs: Visiting Position in Phonology, Speech Technology and NLP
The Linguist List
- 7.620, Sum: English Textbooks in Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.621, Disc: Ungrammatical sentences, Optimality Theory & Phonology
The Linguist List
- 7.622, Jobs: Pycholinguistics/pragmatics, Ling at Kobe City, Japanese
The Linguist List
- 7.623, Sum: Germanic versus Romance properties of English words
The Linguist List
- 7.624, Qs: English Textbooks, Conjunction, Agency
The Linguist List
- 7.625, Jobs: Language instructor (University of Durham)
The Linguist List
- 7.626, Disc: Ungrammaticality
The Linguist List
- 7.627, Disc: Value of editing vs. research
The Linguist List
- 7.628, Calls: Bilingualism Conference, Generative Lx
The Linguist List
- 7.629, Jobs: Job at Kobe City University, Japan
The Linguist List
- 7.630, FYI: Web Site on Speaking Chinese, "Translation and Culture"
The Linguist List
- 7.631, Disc: Value of Editing vs. Research
The Linguist List
- 7.632, Disc: English Textbooks
The Linguist List
- 7.633, Disc: Ungrammaticality
The Linguist List
- 7.634, Qs: Quechua, Nasal Phoneme, Font, Portuguese, Syntax Key
The Linguist List
- 7.635, Sum: Language and Violence
The Linguist List
- 7.636, Calls: Agent-Oriented Approaches to Knowledge Engineering
The Linguist List
- 7.637, Calls: Phonology, Comparative grammar, OV/VO
The Linguist List
- 7.638, Jobs: Visiting position in semantics, University of Vienna
The Linguist List
- 7.639, Confs: Cognitive Science Society
The Linguist List
Last message date:
Tue Apr 30 22:45:14 UTC 1996
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 07:45:36 UTC 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).