7.545, Confs: Kentucky, Symposium, COLING-96
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sat Apr 13 15:01:35 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-545. Sat Apr 13 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 356
Subject: 7.545, Confs: Kentucky, Symposium, COLING-96
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dseely at emunix.emich.edu (T. Daniel Seely)
We'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements to 150 lines,
so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider omitting
information useful only to attendees, such as information on housing,
transportation, or rooms and times of sessions. Thank you for your
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 08:54:52 EDT
From: ENG101 at UKCC.uky.edu (Greg Stump)
Subject: Kentucky Foreign Language Conference Program
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 11:07:33 -0000
From: pb at harar.unice.fr (Philippe Blache)
Subject: La Communication ecrite en Mediterranee
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 16:59:03 -0000
From: col96 at cst.ku.dk (COLING96-administrator)
Subject: COLING-96 Reg. Form
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 08:54:52 EDT
From: ENG101 at UKCC.uky.edu (Greg Stump)
Subject: Kentucky Foreign Language Conference Program
The following is the program of linguistics sessions at this spring's
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference.
New Student Center, Room 203
Organized by: Greg Stump and Anna Bosch
Chaired by: Linda McManness, Baylor University
9:00 Language Typology and the Distribution of Voiced Obstruents in Old
Fernando Martinez-Gil, Ohio State University
9:30 Intervocalic [b] in Arbizu Basque and the Nature of "Iberian"
Jose Ignacio Hualde, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
10:00 Quantity (In)Sensitive Trochees: The Uneven Foot in Italian
and French
Barbara E. Bullock, Pennsylvania State University
10:30 CodaCond, NoCoda and Geminate Integrity in Ponapean
Chang-Kook Suh, University of Arizona
11:00 Nominalizing Suffixes Associated with Consonantal Alternation in
Spanish Morphophonology
Regina Morin, Georgetown University
11:30 Expressive Language in Tamil: Evidence for a Word Class
Caroline Wiltshire, University of Florida, Gainesville
Convergence Creole v. Normativism: Contact-Induced Change, Standard
Languages, Sociocultural Identity, and the _Drang nach Normen_
Mark R.V. Southern, University of Texas, Austin
New Student Center, Room 203
Organized by: Greg Stump
Chaired by: Caroline Wiltshire, University of Florida-Gainesville
2:00 Category Conversion and Functional Restriction (one-hour paper)
Arnold M. Zqicky, Ohio State University and Stanford University
3:00 A Minimalist Approach to the Genitive of Negation in Russian
Brian Lindsey, Southern Illinois University
3:30 Agreement and Case across Categories in Arabic (one-hour paper)
M.A. Mohammed, University of Florida
4:30 Complex Object-Participle Agreement in Old Catalan and Old Spanish
Stanford Carmack (University of California, Santa Barbara)
5:00 Case and Government of Lexical Subjects in Spanish Infinitival
Linda McManness, Baylor University
5:30-6:30 Linguistics Social Hour
New Student Center, Room 203
Organized by: Greg Stump and Anna Bosch
Chaired by: Shizuko Tomoda, Central Connecticut State University
9:00 What if the Italian Relative Pronoun _che_ Is Not, After All,
a Relative Pronoun?
Joseph Davis, University of Kentucky
9:30 A Feature-Based Account of Long-Distance Anaphora
Hyeran Lee, University of Florida
10:00 Towards a Theory of Abstract Pronominals (one-hour paper)
German F. Westphal, University of Maryland
Richard C. DeArmond, Simon Fraser University
Pragmatics or Syntax?: The Case of the Japanese Reflexive Pronoun
Sonoko Sakakibara, Vassar College
11:30 Sigma Phrase and the Syntax of Verb Phrase Ellipsis
Luis Lopez, Miami University
12:00 V-Movement in Non-Native Spanish
Marcelino Marcos, Lakeland Community College
New Student Center, Room 203
Organized by: Greg Stump and Anna Bosch
Chaired by: Barbara E. Bullock, Pennsylvania State University
2:00 Epistemic Conversational Backgrounds are Indexical
Virginia Brennan, Vanderbilt University
2:30 The Modal Verb _E_ in Taiwanese
Jen-i Li, University of Arizona
3:00 Mode vs Modalities in French and Spanish Statements
Caroline Foullioux, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
E. de Vicente, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
3:30 Tense Forms Alternation in an Atomic Bomb Witness's Storytelling
and Its Effect on Involvement (one-hour paper)
Shizuko Tomoda, Central Connecticut State University
4:30 Syntactic Features in Agrammatism
Monica Eszter Sanchez, Brock University
5:00 Lexical Access versus Online Derivation in the Processing of
Regular and Irregular Spanish Verbs
David Eddington, Middle Tennessee State University
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 11:07:33 -0000
From: pb at harar.unice.fr (Philippe Blache)
Subject: La Communication ecrite en Mediterranee
Subject: Conf: La Communication ecrite en Mediterranee
Le Centre de Recherches en Anthropologie, Communication et Creation
UFR Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines
Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis
l'Asscociation "Alphabets"
organisent les 14 et 15 mai 1996 un colloque international consacre a
Des signes pictographiques a l'alphabet
a la villa Kerylos
Fondation Theodore Reinach de l'Insitut de France
06310 Beaulieu-sur-mer, tel 93010144 fax 93012336
Sections prevues:
1. La pre-ecriture dans la prehistoire mediterraneenne
2. Le croissant fertile, berceau de la naissance de l'ecriture
3. La Mediterranee, lieu de diffusion de l'alphabet
4. Le role de l'ecriture dans la societe contemporaine
Pour obtenir le programme detaille, adressez-vous a:
L'Association Alphabets
La Presidente
Rina Viers
Manoir Belgrano
5 boulevard Edouard VII
0600 Nice
fax 93 53 63 13
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 16:59:03 -0000
From: col96 at cst.ku.dk (COLING96-administrator)
Subject: COLING-96 Reg. Form
Copenhagen, August 5-9, 1996
Copenhagen, August 2-4, 1996
Fill in with block letters or type and return the form together with
your payment to: "COLING-96",c/o DIS Congress Service Copenhagen A/S,
Herlev Ringvej 2 C, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark
Tel.: +45 4492 4492 - Fax: +45 4492 5050
PLEASE NOTE that registration cannot be made by e-mail !!!
- --------------------------------------------------------
PARTICIPANT (Mr.( ) , Ms. ( ) )
Family name: First name(s):
Postal address:
Postal code: City: Country:
Telephone: Fax:
Accompanying Person
Family name: First name(s):
NO. of REGISTRATION FEES until 20/5 after 20/5
persons (in Danish Kroner) DKK DKK DKK
ONLY one participant
per form
1 Participant 3400 3900
or 1 University Employee 2400 2900
or 1 Student(Documentation
must be enclosed) 1400 1900
Accompanying Person 500
Hotel deposit:
Level A,B, DKK 1.100 - -->
Level C DKK 600
Tutorial:Participant 1900 2100
Tutorial:University 1200 1400
Tutorial:Student 700 800
Workshop 100 100
LUNCH during ...
Tutorial 100
Workshops 50
COLING-96 200
SOCIAL EVENTS - Please tick
City Hall Reception,
August 5 yes ( ) no ( ) 0
Excursion to North Zealand,
August 7 435
Conference Dinner,
August 9 yes ( ) no ( ) 0
The City, the Canals and the
Harbour, August 5 (3 hrs.) 185
Royal Copenhagen Tour,
August 8 (4 hrs.) 270
- -----
All payments must be made in Danish Kroner (DKK) and payable to COLING-96,
c/o DIS Congress Service Copenhagen A/S.
Please note that VAT is not added on congress payments in Denmark, and
therefore is not deductable.
Registration or hotel reservation will be confirmed when DIS Congress
Service Copenhagen A/S has received the payment. - Payment must be remitted
as follows:
( ) by banker's draft or cheque drawn on Den Danske Bank
( ) by bank transfer to bank account No. 4180 - 951946 (COLING-96) in
Den Danske Bank, Frederiksberggade 1, DK- 1012 Copenhagen K, Denmark
(Not applicable for payments made in Denmark).
( ) by postal giro transfer to Danish giro account No. 4 02 46 80
( ) by credit card. By my signature I authorize DIS to charge my credit card.
The total amount must be written on the front page in the box
"Total amount".
( ) Eurocard ( ) Master ( ) Visa ( ) Access
( ) AmEx ( ) Diners
Card No.: Expiry date:
Cardholder's name:
Cardholder's signature:
Remember to state Participant's NAME and COLING-96 on all payments!
Hotel Reservation
- ---------------
Arrival date:__________ August 1996 -
Departure date:____________ August 1996
Hotel Single room No. of rooms Double room No. of rooms
Level DKK per night DKK per night
A 900 900
B 625-710 865-900
C 410 525
Prices include service charge, taxes, and breakfast. All rooms are with
bath or shower. The deposit will be deducted from the final hotel bill
when paid by the participant at the hotel. Please note that the Price
Level C hotel is, to some extent, self-service hotel.Triple rooms are
available in Price Level C at the price of DKK 640,- per room per night
incl. breakfast.
If requested please fill in the below:
( ) Yes, we would like to stay in a triple room. Our names are:
- --
I herewith confirm by my signature below that I have read, and am fully
aware of, the cancellation conditions stipulated in the 2nd Circular
and Registration Handbook.
Date:____________ Signature:________________________________________
Remember to make a copy of this form for your own files
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-545.
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