7.1752, Calls: Lake Erie Teachers of Japanese, Genetic Programming-97
linguist at linguistlist.org
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Dec 11 00:57:16 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1752. Tue Dec 10 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 7.1752, Calls: Lake Erie Teachers of Japanese, Genetic Programming-97
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>
Review Editor: Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editor: Sue Robinson <sue at linguistlist.org>
Technical Editor: Ron Reck <ron at linguistlist.org>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at linguistlist.org>
Editor for this issue: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms for your conference
unless you explain them in your text. Many people outside your
area of specialization will not recognize them. Thank you for
your cooperation.
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 13:03:10 -0500 (EST)
From: yukijohn at umich.edu (Yuki Johnson)
Subject: Lake Erie Teachers of Japanese
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 96 7:28:07 PST
From: John Koza <koza at CS.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: CFP for Genetic Programming-97
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 13:03:10 -0500 (EST)
From: yukijohn at umich.edu (Yuki Johnson)
Subject: Lake Erie Teachers of Japanese
Second Call:
The Ninth Annual
Lake Erie Teachers of Japanese Conference
The University of Michigan
April 5 - 6, 1997
"Proficiency" in Japanese Language Teaching:
Current Issues in Theory and Practice
Abstracts can be submitted for 20 minute talks (followed by 10
minutes for discussion) concerned with proficiency in Japanese
language teaching from theoretical or practical perspectives.
Throughout the conference, we intend to look at the pros and cons
of proficiency oriented instruction. We welcome papers
addressing issues in reading, speaking, listening, and/or writing
skill(s) related to proficiency-based instruction as well as
testing proficiency. Abstracts should outline the main points of
the presentation, describing any results or techniques to be
presented, and indicate why the work is significant.
Keynote speaker:
Professor Theodore V. Higgs, Chairman of the Department of
Spanish and Portuguese at San Diego State University will open
the conference with a keynote address on oral performance
Please submit three copies of a one-page, anonymous abstract
(approximately 500 words) along with a separate information sheet,
including your name, title of the paper, affiliation, address,
tel/fax/e-mail, and special equipment necessary for the presentation.
Please do not send abstracts by e-mail.
Also, on-line registration is now available. To register please see
the University of Michigan Japanese Language home page at:
The deadline for receipt of abstracts is January 10, 1997.
Send abstracts to: Yuki Johnson
University of Michigan
Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
3070 Frieze Bldg., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285.
Phone: (313) 647-2091
Fax: (313) 647-0157
If you are not currently on the Lake Erie Teachers of Japanese
Conference mailing list, and wish to have information on the
conference mailed to you, please send an e-mail message to:
yukijohn at umich.edu
Yuki Johnson, Ph.D. E-mail: yukijohn at umich.edu
Director of Japanese Phone: 313-647-2091
University of Michigan Fax: 313-647-0157
Asian Languages and Cultures
3091 Frieze Bldg. Office Hours: T&Th 1-2
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Eudora $B$J$iF|K\8l$G$I$&$>!#(B $BM35*%8%g%s%=%s(B
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 96 7:28:07 PST
From: John Koza <koza at CS.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: CFP for Genetic Programming-97
Genetic Programming 1997 Conference (GP-97)
July 13 - 16 (Sunday - Wednesday), 1997
Fairchild Auditorium - Stanford University - Stanford, California
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Papewr Submission Deadline: Wednesday, January 8, 1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
In cooperation with American Association for Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM),
SIGART, and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
WWW FOR GP-97: http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~koza/gp97.html
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Genetic programming is an automatic programming technique for
evolving computer programs that solve (or approximately solve)
problems. Starting with a primordial ooze of thousands of
randomly created computer programs, a population of programs is
progressively evolved over many generations using the Darwinian
principle of survival of the fittest, a sexual recombination
operation, and occasional mutation.
The first annual genetic programming conference in 1996 featured
15 tutorials, 2 invited speakers, 3 parallel tracks, 73 papers,
and 17 poster papers in proceedings book, and 27 late-breaking
papers in a separate book distributed to conference attendees,
and 288 attendees. A description of GP-96 appears in the October
1996 issue of Scientific American
(http://www.sciam.com/WEB/1096issue/1096techbus3.html). This
second annual conference in 1997 reflects the rapid growth of
this field in which over 600 technical papers have been published
since 1992. For August 5, 1996 article in E. E. Times on GP-96
conference and August 12, 1996 article in E. E Times on John
Holland's invited speech at GP-96, go to
Topics at the Second Annual Genetic Programming Conference to be
held on July 13 - 16 (Sunday - Wednesday), 1997 at Stanford
University include, but are not limited to, applications of
genetic programming, theoretical foundations of genetic
programming, implementation issues, technique extensions,
cellular encoding, evolvable hardware, evolvable machine language
programs, automated evolution of program architecture, evolution
and use of mental models, automatic programming of multi-agent
strategies, distributed artificial intelligence,
auto-parallelization of algorithms, automated circuit synthesis,
automatic programming of cellular automata, induction, system
identification, control, automated design, data and image
compression, image analysis, pattern recognition, molecular
biology applications, grammar induction, and parallelization.
Papers describing recent developments are also solicited in the
following additional areas: genetic algorithms, classifier
systems, evolutionary programming and evolution strategies,
artificial life and evolutionary robotics, DNA computing, and
evolvable hardware.
- Susumu Ohno, Ben Horowitz Chair of Distinguished Scientist in
Theoretical Biology, Beckman Research Institute
- David B. Fogel, Natural Selection Inc.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
The main focus of the conference (and most of the papers) will be
on genetic programming. In addition, papers describing recent
developments in the closely related areas will be reviewed and
selected by special program committees appointed and supervised
by the following special program chairs.
- - Genetic Algorithms: Kalyanmoy Deb, Indian Inst of Tech -
Kanpur, India
- - Classifier Systems: Rick L. Riolo, University of Michigan
- - Evolutionary Programming and Evolution Strategies: David
B. Fogel, Natural Selection Inc, San Diego
- - Artificial Life and Evolutionary Robotics: Marco Dorigo,
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
- - DNA Computing: Max Garzon, University of Memphis
- - Evolvable Hardware: Hitoshi Iba, Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Sunday July 13 - 9:15 AM - 11:30 AM
- - Genetic Algorithms - David E. Goldberg, University of
Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
- - Evolvable Hardware - Tetsuya Higuchi - Electrotechnical
Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan
- - Program Growth Control in Genetic Programming - Byoung-Tak
Zhang, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea and Hitoshi Iba,
Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan
- - Introduction to Genetic Programming - John Koza, Stanford
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Sunday July 13 - 1:00 PM - 3: 15 PM
- - Evolutionary Algorithms for Computer-Aided Design of
Integrated Circuits - Rolf Drechsler - Albert-Ludwigs-University,
Freiburg, Germany
- - Self-Replicating Systems in Cellular Space Models - Jason
Lohn - Stanford University
- - Simulated Evolution of Models - Jeanine Graf - University of
- - Advanced Genetic Programming - John Koza, Stanford University
Sunday July 13 - 3:45 PM - 6 PM
- - Evolutionary Programming and Evolution Strategies - David
Fogel, University of California, San Diego
- - Genetic Programming Representations - Astro Teller - Carnegie
Mellon University
- - Design of Electrical Circuits using Genetic Programming
- David Andre University of California - Berkeley and Forrest H
Bennett III - Stanford University
- - Genetic Programming with Linear Genomes - Wolfgang Banzhaf,
University of Dortmund, Germany -
Tuesday July 15 - 3:25 PM - 5:40 PM - - Neural Networks - Bernard
Widrow, Stanford University - - Machine Learning - Pat Langley,
Institute for the Study of Learning and Expertise - - Molecular
Biology for Computer Scientists - Russ B. Altman, Stanford
University -
Tuesday July 15 - 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM - - DNA Computing - Russell
Deaton and Randy C. Murphy - University of Memphis - -
Evolutionary Robotics - Vasant Honavar - Iowa State University -
- Cellular Programming: Evolution Of Parallel Cellular Machines -
Moshe Sipper - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne -
- Machine Language Genetic Programming - Peter Nordin DaCapo AB,
Sweden -
GENERAL CHAIR: John Koza, Stanford University PUBLICITY CHAIR:
Patrick Tufts, Brandeis University EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: David
Andre, Forrest H Bennett III, Jason Lohn -
home page on the World Wide Web:
http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~koza/gp97.html E- MAIL:
gp at aaai.org. PHONE: 415-328-3123. FAX: 415-321-4457. The
conference is operated by Genetic Programming Conferences,
Inc. (a California not-for- profit corporation). -
http://www-cs- faculty.stanford.edu/~koza/. -
Hotel information: Numerous local hotels within a short distance
of Stanford University are listed at the GP-97 home page.
Because of other events held in the area during the summer,
attendees are urged to make their arrangements for accomodations
early. For your convenience, AAAI has reserved a block of rooms
at the Holiday Inn-Palo Alto Hotel, 625 El Camino Real, Palo
Alto, CA 94301, Phone: 800-874-3516 or 415-328-2800, FAX:
415-327-7362. Make your reservations directly with the Holiday
Inn before June 28, 1997 for the GP-97 rate rate of $99 single
and $109 double. In addition, AAAI has reserved a block of rooms
at the Stanford Terrace Inn, 531 Stanford Avenue, Palo Alto, CA
94306, Phone: 800-729-0332 or 415-857-0333, FAX: 415-857-0343.
Make your reservations directly with the Stanford Terrace Inn
before June 11, 1997. There is a free Stanford University
shuttle (called Marguerite) that stops near both of these hotels
(and various other hotels, the train station, and Palo Alto
locations). -
University Housing information: A limited number of spaces are
available at Stanford University housing on a
first-come-first-served basis. The final deadline for University
housing applications is June 13, 1997. See the GP-97 WWW home
page for a university housing application form. -
TRAVEL INFORMATION: Stanford University is near Palo Alto in
Northern California and is about 40 miles south of San Francisco.
Stanford is about 25 miles south of the San Francisco
International Airport and about 25 miles north of San Jose
International Airport. Oakland airport is about 45 miles away.
Conventions in America has arranged special GP-97 airline and car
rental discounts. For travel between July 10 - 20, 1997,
American Airlines can save you 5% on lowest applicable fares or
10% off lowest unrestricted coah fares, with 7-day advance
purchases. Some restrictions apply. Hertz is offering special
low conference rates with unlimited free mileage. Please contact
Conventions in America concerning "Group #428" at 1-800-929-4242;
or phone 619-678-3600; or FAX 619-678-3699 or e-mail
scltravel at cgl.com.If you call American Airlines direct at
800-433-1790, ask for "Index #S9485." If you call Hertz direct
at 800-654-2240, ask for "CV #24250." See the GP-97 WWW home
page for additional details. -
STUDENT TRAVEL GRANTS: See the GP-97 home page on the World Wide
Web: http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~koza/gp97.html.
Deadline for applications is March 19, 1997. See the GP-97 WWW
home page for student travel grant application form. -
Stanford University home page at http://www.stanford.edu/, the
Hyperion Guide at http://www.hyperion.com/ba/sfbay.html; the Palo
Alto weekly at http://www.service.com/PAW/home.html; the
California Virtual Tourist at
and the Yahoo Guide of San Francisco at
concurrent with the 45th Anniversary meeting of the Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) on July 14-18, 1997 at
Stanford University (http://www.siam.org). GP-97 comes just
after the IEEE International Symposium on Computational
Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA-97) on July 10 -
11, 1997 in Monterey, California (90 miles from Stanford
University) and the IEEE 8th International Conference on Advanced
Robotics (ICAR-97) on July 5 - 9, 1997 in Monterey
Other non-California conferences of interest include AAAI-97 on
July 27-31, 1997 in Providence, Rhode Island
(http://www.aaai.org/); ICGA-97 on July 20-23, 1997 in East
Lansing, Michigan (http://isl.cps.msu.edu/GA/icga97); European
Artificial Life Conference on July 28-31, 1997 in Brighton,
England (http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/ecal97/); and IJCAI-97 on
August 26-29, 1997 in Nagoya, Japan (http://www.aaai.org/). -
MEMBERSHIP IN THE ACM, AAAI, or SIAM: For information about ACM
membership, go to http://www.acm.org/; for SIGART,
http://sigart.acm.org/; for AAAI http://www.aaai.org/; and for
SIAM, http://www.siam.org. There is a discount on GP-97
registration fees for members of ACM, SIGART, AAAI, and SIAM. -
SUBMITTING PAPERS: The deadline for arrival at the physical mail
address below of eight (8) paper copies of each submitted paper
is Wednesday, January 8, 1997. Papers are to be in
single-spaced, 10-point type on 8 1/2" x 11" paper with 1" margin
at top and 3/4" margin at left, right, and bottom. Note that
this new format for submitted papers is intended to resemble that
for the final camera-ready GP-97 papers. A4 paper may be used,
but not e-mail or fax. Papers are to contain ALL of the
following 9 items, within a maximum total of 9 pages, IN THIS
ORDER: (1) the paper's category (chosen from one of the following
seven alternatives: genetic programming, genetic algorithms,
classifier systems, evolutionary programming and evolution
strategies, artificial life and evolutionary robotics, DNA
computing, or evolvable hardware), (2) title of paper, (3) author
name(s), (4) author physical address(es), (5) author e-mail
address(es), (6) author phone number(s), (7) a 50-200 word
abstract of the paper, (8) the text of the paper (including all
figures, tables, acknowledgments, and appendices, if any), and
(9) bibliography. Review criteria will include significance of
the work, novelty, sufficiency of information to permit
replication (if applicable), clarity, and writing quality. The
first-named author (or other designated corresponding author)
will be notified of acceptance or rejection within approximately
six weeks after the paper submission deadline. The style of the
camera-ready paper will be announced, but will be similar to that
of the GP-96 Conference. Different numbers of pages will
probably be allocated to various accepted papers (e.g., at GP-96,
there were 9-page papers, 6-page papers, and 1-page poster papers
in the proceedings book). The deadline for final camera-ready
version of accepted papers will be announced and will be
approximately three weeks after notification of acceptance.
Proceedings books will be distributed at the conference (and, if
requested, mailed at no extra charge by 2-day priority mail to
registered conference attendees with U.S. addresses about two
weeks prior to the conference). By submitting a paper, the
author(s) agree that they will submit a final revised
camera-ready version of their accepted paper and that at least
one author will register, attend, and present each accepted and
published paper at the conference. -
ADDRESSES FOR GP-97: GP-97 Conference, c/o American Association
for Artificial Intelligence, 445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA
94025. PHONE: 415- 328-3123. FAX: 415-321-4457. E-MAIL:
gp at aaai.org. WWW FOR AAAI: http://www.aaai.org/. WWW FOR GP-97:
http://www-cs- faculty.stanford.edu/~koza/gp97.html -
July 13 - 16 (Sunday - Wednesday), 1997 at Stanford University
First Name ________________ Last Name _____________
Affiliation _________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________
City _______________________ State/Province _________
Zip/Postal Code ______________ Country _______________
Daytime telephone __________________________________
E-Mail address _____________________________________
Conference registration fee includes admission to all conference
sessions and events, one copy of conference proceedings book,
attendance at 5 tutorials of your choice, syllabus books for your
5 tutorials, Sunday night welcoming wine and cheese reception,
Monday night conference dinner reception, one copy of a book of
late-breaking papers, the conference T-shirt, 4 box lunches, and
coffee breaks.
Conference proceedings will be mailed to registered attendees
with U.S. mailing addresses via 2-day U.S. priority mail about 1
- 2 weeks prior to the conference at no extra charge (at
addressee's risk). If you are uncertain as to whether you will
be at the above address at that time or DO NOT WANT your
proceedings mailed to you at the above address for any other
reason, your copy of the proceedings will be held for you at the
conference registration desk if you check here ___.
- -----------------------------------
- -----------------------------------
Postmarked by May 1, 1997
Student - ACM, SIAM or AAAI Member - $195
Regular - ACM, SIAM, or AAAI Member - $395
Student - Non-member - $215
Regular - Non-member - $215
- -----------------------------------
Postmarked after May 1, 1997 but before June 19, 1997 - Add $50
- -----------------------------------
Postmarked after June 19, 1997 or on-site - Add $100
- -----------------------------------
Member Number:
ACM # ___________ SIAM # _________ AAAI # _________
Students must send legible proof of full-time student status.
- -----------------------------------
Stanford Parking Permits ($5 per day). Number of days ___ Total $_____
- -----------------------------------
Grand Total (enter appropriate amount) $ _____________
- -----------------------------------
___ Check or money order made payable to "AAAI" (in U.S. funds)
___ Mastercard ___ Visa ___ American Express
Credit card number __________________________________________
Expiration Date _________
Signature ____________________________________________
- -----------------------------------
T-Shirt Size: ___ small ___ medium ___ large ___ extra-large
- -----------------------------------
TUTORIALS: Check off a box for one tutorial from each of the 6 rows:
Sunday July 13 - 9:15 AM - 11:30 AM
- - Genetic Algorithms
- - Evolvable Hardware
- - Program Growth Control in Genetic Programming
- - Introduction to GP
- -----------------------------------
Sunday July 13 - 1:00 PM - 3: 15 PM
- - Evolutionary Algorithms for Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits
- - Self-Replicating Systems in Cellular Space Models
- - Simulated Evolution of Modelsd
- - Advanced GP
- -----------------------------------
- - Evolutionary Programming and Evolution Strategies
of California, San Diego
- - Genetic Programming Representations
- - Design of Electrical Circuits using Genetic Programming
- - Genetic Programming with Linear Genomes
- -----------------------------------
Tuesday July 15 - 3:25 PM - 5:40 PM
- - Neural Networks
- - Machine Learning
- - Molecular Biology for Computer Scientists
- -----------------------------------
Tuesday July 15 - 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
- - DNA Computinghis
- - Evolutionary Roboticsty
- - Cellular Programming: Evolution Of Parallel Cellular Machines
- - Machine Language Genetic Programming
- -----------------------------------
No refunds will be made; however, we will transfer your
registration to a person you designate upon notification. -
SEND TO: GP-97 Conference, c/o American Association for
Artificial Intelligence, 445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
PHONE: 415-328-3123. FAX: 415-321-4457. E-MAIL: gp at aaai.org.
WWW FOR AAAI: http://www.aaai.org/. WWW FOR GP-97:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Russell J. Abbott --- California State Univ. LA, and The Aerospace Corp.
Hojjat Adeli --- Ohio State University
Enrique Alba --- University de Malaga
Dennis Allison --- Stanford University
Lee Altenberg --- Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
Karthik Balakrishnan --- Iowa State University
Wolfgang Banzhaf --- University of Dortmund, Germany
Rik Belew --- University of California at San Diego
Tommaso F. Bersano-Begey --- University of Michigan
Tobias Blickle --- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Edward B. Boden --- IBM Rochester
Scott Brave --- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Wilker Shane Bruce --- Nova Southeastern University
Bill P. Buckles --- Tulane University
Julian Dorado de la Calle --- University of A Corunha
Shu-Heng Chen --- National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Bastien Chopard --- CUI, University of Geneva
H. Brown Cribbs, III --- University of Alabama
Mark J. Crosbie --- Hewlett Packard
Jason Daida --- University of Michigan
Anthony Deakin --- University of Liverpool
Judith E Devaney --- NIST
Hugo de Garis --- ATR, Kyoto, Japan
Marco Dorigo --- Universite' Libre de Bruxelles
Dimitris C. Dracopoulos --- Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
Rolf Drechsler --- University of Freiburg, Germany
Bertrand Daniel Dunay --- System Dynamics International
Garett Dworman --- The Wharton School
Andrew N. Edmonds --- Science in Finance Ltd., UK
H.H. Ehrenburg --- CWI, The Netherlands
Rodolfo Faglia --- Universit di Brescia, Italy
Gabriel J. Ferrer --- University of Virginia
Nicholas Flann --- Utah State University
Terry Fogarty --- Napier University
James A. Foster --- University of Idaho
Frank D. Francone --- FRISEC
Adam P. Fraser --- University of Salford
Matthias Fuchs --- University of Kaiserslautern
Alex S. Fukunaga --- Jet Propulsion Lab, California Inst. of Tech
Chris Gathercole --- University of Edinburgh
Erol Gelenbe --- Duke University
Jonathan Gibbs --- University of California, Santa Cruz
Erik D. Goodman --- Michigan State University
Frederic Gruau --- CWI Amsterdam and COGS Sussex University
Richard Hampo --- Ford Research Laboratory
Simon Handley --- Stanford University
Thomas D. Haynes --- University of Tulsa
Hitoshi Hemmi --- ATR, Kyoto, Japan
Hugo G Hiden --- Newcastle University
Vasant Honavar --- Iowa State University
Brian Howley --- Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space
Lorenz Huelsbergen --- Lucent Technologies
Hitoshi Iba --- Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan
Christian Jacob --- University of Erlangen, Germany
Hugues Juille --- Brandeis University
Martin A. Keane --- Econometrics
Maarten Keijzer --- Cap Volmac, Adaptive Systems bv.
Robert E. Keller --- Dortmund University
Simon Kent --- Brunel University
Steven O. Kimbrough --- University of Pennsylvania
Leslie A.Kuhn --- Michigan State University
Ibrahim Kuscu --- University of Sussex
James D. Laing --- The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
W. B. Langdon --- University of Birmingham
K.S. Leung --- Chinese University of Hong Kong
David Levine --- The Boeing Company
Sean Luke --- University of Maryland at College Park
Sidney R Maxwell III --- Applied Microsystems, Inc
Nicholas Freitag McPhee --- University of Minnesota, Morris
Zbigniew Michalewicz --- University of North Carolina
David Montana --- BBN System and Technologies
Gary Montague --- University of Newcastle
Byung-Ro Moon --- DT Research Lab, LG Semicon Co., Ltd.
Brian Mulloy --- University of Michigan
Peter Nordin --- DaCapo AB, Sweden
Howard Oakley --- Institute of Naval Medicine, UK
Peter C. Olsen --- Department of Defense
Franz Oppacher --- Carleton University, Ottawa
Una-May O`Reilly --- Artificial Intelligence Lab, MIT
Mouloud Oussaidene --- Universite de Geneve
Michael Papka --- Argonne National Laboratory
Alejandro Pazos --- University of A Corunha
Frederick Petry --- Tulane University
Riccardo Poli --- University of Birmingham
Carlos Cotta Porras --- University of Malaga
Bill Punch --- Michigan State University
Adil Qureshi --- University College London
Simon Raik --- Monash University
Robert A. Richards --- Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Antonino Santos del Riego --- University of A Corunha
Justinian P. Rosca --- University of Rochester
Peter Ross --- University of Edinburgh
Conor Ryan --- University of Limerick, Ireland
Tae-wan Ryu --- University of Houston
Yuji Sato --- HitachiCentral Reseach Laboratories
Robert Savit --- University of Michigan
Dale A. Schoenefeld --- University of Tulsa
Gregory Seront --- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Eric V. Siegel --- Columbia University
Terence Soule --- University of Idaho
Kilian Stoffel --- University of Maryland
Walter Alden Tackett --- Neuromedia
Astro Teller --- Carnegie Mellon University
Adrian Thompson --- University of Sussex, UK
Siegfried Voessner --- Stanford University
Patrick Tufts --- Brandeis University
Marshall S. Veach --- Stanford University
Thomas Wagner --- Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Germany
Roger L. Wainwright --- University of Tulsa
Paul Walsh --- University College Cork
Mark Wineberg --- Carleton University
P. A. Whigham --- CSIRO Division of Water Resources, Australia
Darrell Whitley --- Colorado State University
Mark J. Willis --- University of Newcastle, UK
Man Leung Wong --- Hong Kong Baptist University
Yasuo Yonezawa --- Ibaraki University
Byoung-Tak Zhang --- Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
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