7.11, Confs: Digital Libraries
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Wed Jan 3 03:55:46 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-11. Tue Jan 2 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 577
Subject: 7.11, Confs: Digital Libraries
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Anthony M. Aristar)
We'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements to 150 lines,
so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider omitting
information useful only to attendees, such as information on housing,
transportation, or rooms and times of sessions. Thank you for your
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 1995 19:41:08 PST
From: inouye-a at garnet.berkeley.edu (Alan Inouye)
Subject: LONG: DL96 Adv Pgm
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 1995 19:41:08 PST
From: inouye-a at garnet.berkeley.edu (Alan Inouye)
Subject: LONG: DL96 Adv Pgm
March 20-23, 1996
Hyatt Regency
Bethesda, Maryland USA
Welcome to DL '96! Digital libraries meld the storage and retrieval power
of computing, the communication capabilities of electronic networking, and
the structures and practices of physical libraries and archives. Much of
the excitement related to digital libraries comes as a result of the
interactions among disparate communities of scholars coming together to
address common problems of information organization, access, and use.
This meeting builds on two conferences held in Texas in 1994 and 1995 and
initiates a series of ACM-sponsored research conferences devoted to
digital library research and development.
Gary Marchionini
Digital Libraries '96 is sponsored by ACM through SIGIR and SIGLINK.
Other ACM SIGs have joined in cooperation, including SIGAda, SIGART,
In-cooperation sponsors include:
ASIS (American Society for Information Science)
CNI (Coalition for Networked Information)
D-Lib (Digital Library Forum)
IEEE CS (IEEE Computer Society)
KSI (Knowledge Systems Incorporated)
LITA (Library and Information Technology Association)
LoC (Library of Congress)
NAL (National Agricultural Library)
NLM (National Library of Medicine)
SLA (Special Libraries Association)
February 5, 1996 --- Advance registration ends
March 20, 1996 --- DL `96 Tutorials
March 21-22, 1996 --- DL `96 Technical Program
March 23, 1996 --- DL `96 Workshops
o Featured Speakers
Opening Plenary Session Thursday, March 21, 8:00-9:30 am
Dr. Barry M. Leiner, Assistant Director, Information Technology Office,
Advanced Research Projects Agency
"Interoperability Issues in Digital Libraries"
Dr. Leiner is a Senior Scientist with the Universities Space Research
Association. He is currently on loan to the Advanced Research Projects
Agency, where he is Assistant Director of the Information Technology
Office, responsible for the area of Networked Systems. This area is
developing the information technologies required to support widely
distributed operation. Particular areas of focus are mobile information
systems, high performance networking, and the technologies required to
facilitate distributed applications that exploit the emerging ubiquitous
network environment.
Banquet Speaker Thursday, March 21, 7:00-9:30 pm
Ann S. Okerson, Associate University Librarian, Yale University
"How Will We Know When It Is a Library?"
After 15 years of academic library and library management experience,
particularly in serials and collections development, several years in the
commercial sector, and service as a senior program officer for the
Association of Research Libraries as its Director, Office of Scientific
& Academic Publishing, Ms. Okerson became Associate University Librarian
at Yale in September 1995, with responsibilities including making digital
collections available.
o Tutorials
Wednesday, March 20, 1996
12:30 to 3:00 pm
1A. Information Retrieval and Hypertext
Edward A. Fox, Virginia Tech
Robert Akscyn, Knowledge Systems, Inc
An introductory to intermediate tutorial intended for
those desiring an introduction to information retrieval (IR)
and hypertext (HT), which provides a background for: digital
libraries as well as work in: content-based retrieval,
hypermedia, networked information, educational courseware,
and related technologies.
12:30 to 3:00 pm
1B. Foundations of the Organization of Information
Elaine Svenonius, University of California, Los Angeles
A brief introduction to the foundations of Information
Organization, which will cover:
a) Principles which have been used to guide the design of
systems for organizing information
b) Examples of methods that have been used in the design of such
systems, with a particular emphasis on automated methods
c) current issues and problems in designing systems for
organizing information in very large online databases.
3:30 - 6:00 pm
2A. Z39.50 Tutorial
Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress
Clifford Lynch, University of California
Z39.50 is an international standard client/server protocol
for information retrieval. Z39.50-1992 is widely implemented,
primarily for access to bibliographic databases. Z39.50-1995
is significantly richer and addresses search and retrieval of
digital objects. Work is in progress to define a "Z39.50
Profile for the Access to Digital Collections". The Z39.50
tutorial will describe the background and history of Z39.50,
its model, functionality, and technical aspects, and
illustrate how Z39.50 addresses problems of access to digital
3:30 - 6:00 pm
2B. Documents and Digital Libraries
David M. Levy, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
This tutorial will offer a conceptual framework that
highlights the inseparable relationship between document
technologies and social purpose (or use). Topics will
include: (1) digital documents: how they are similar to and
different from paper documents; (2) document genre as the
nexus of form, content, and use; (3) the fixity of documents:
how documents fix communication in a medium; (4) documents
and change (fluidity); (5) how fixity and fluidity are
orchestrated by genre; (6) the medium (in)dependence of
documents. The framework will be applied to analyze one or
more current issues, such as the future of cataloging.
o Technical Program
Wednesday, March 20
- -----------------
7:00-9:00 Reception (included with registration)
Thursday, March 21
- ----------------
7:00-8:00 Breakfast (included with registration)
8:00-9:30 Opening Plenary Session
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Barry M. Leiner, Assistant Director,
Information Technology Office, Advanced Research Projects Agency
"Interoperability Issues in Digital Libraries"
9:30-10:30 Paper Session 1: Multimedia Digital Libraries
Chair: Cliff McKnight, Loughborough University, UK
"Building a Digital Library: The Perseus Project as a Case Study
in the Humanities"
Gregory Crane, Tufts University
"Towards the Digital Music Library: Tune Retrieval from Acoustic Input"
Rodger J. McNab, Lloyd A. Smith, Ian H. Witten, Clare L. Henderson,
and Sally Jo Cunningham
University of Waikato, New Zealand
"VISION: A Digital Video Library"
Wei Li, Susan Gauch, John Gauch, and Kok Meng Pua
University of Kansas
10:30-11:00 Break
D-Lib Working Session 1A: Metadata to Describe Information in Digital
Terence R. Smith, University of California, Santa Barbara
D-Lib Working Session 1B: User Needs Assessment and Evaluation
Nancy A. Van House, University of California, Berkeley
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:15 Paper Session 2: Library and Information Science Perspectives
Chair: David Levy, Xerox PARC
"The Role of Intermediary Services in Emerging Digital Libraries"
Allen Brewer, Wei Ding, Karla Hahn, and Anita Komlodi
University of Maryland, College Park
"Toward the Bibliographic Control of Works: Derivative Bibliographic
Relationships in an Online Union Catalog"
Gregory H. Leazer, University of California, Los Angeles
Richard P. Smiraglia, Long Island University
D-Lib Working Session 2A: Social Aspects of Digital Libraries
Christine L. Borgman, University of California, Los Angeles
D-Lib Working Session 2B: Repository Interactions
William L. Scherlis, Carnegie Mellon University
3:30-4:00 Break
4:00-5:00 Paper Session 3: Human-Computer Interaction: Browsing and
Chair: Catherine Marshall, Texas A&M University
"Graphical Table of Contents"
Xia Lin
University of Kentucky, Lexington
"Visual Relevance Analysis"
Nikos Pediotakis and Mountaz Zizi
Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, CNRS-URA410, Univ. Paris-sud, France
"A Browsing Tool of Multi-lingual Documents for Users without
Multi-lingual Fonts"
Tetsuo Sakaguchi, Akira Maeda, Takehisa Fujita, Shigeo Sugimoto,
and Koichi Tabata
University of Library and Information Science, Ibaraki, Japan
5:00-7:00 Posters
To be announced
7:00-9:30 Banquet
Banquet Speaker: Ann S. Okerson, Associate University Librarian,
Yale University
"How Will We Know When It Is a Library?"
Friday, March 22
- --------------
7:00-8:00 Breakfast (included with registration)
8:00-8:45 Paper Session 4: Human-Computer Interaction: Images and
Spatial Organization
Chair: Su-Shing Chen, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
"User Controlled Overviews of an Image Library: A Case Study of
the Visible Human"
Chris North, Ben Shneiderman, and Catherine Plaisant
University of Maryland, College Park
"A Spatial Approach to Organizing and Locating Digital Libraries and
Their Content"
Jason Orendorf and Charles Kacmar
Florida State University
D-Lib Working Session 3A: Digitization and Conversion
M. Stuart Lynn, University of California, Office of the President
D-Lib Working Session 3B: Naming Objects in the Digital Library
William Y. Arms, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-11:30 Paper Session 5: Documents
Chair: Henry Gladney, IBM Almaden Research Center
"Index Structures for Structured Documents"
Yong Kyu Lee, Seong-Joon Yoo, Kyoungro Yoon, and P. Bruce Berra
Syracuse University
"Toward Active, Extensible, Networked Documents: Multivalent Architecture
and Applications"
Thomas A. Phelps and Robert Wilensky
University of California, Berkeley
"Physical Objects in the Digital Library"
Richard Furuta, Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman III, and
John J. Leggett
Texas A&M University
11:30-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Paper Session 6: Information Retrieval
Chair: Bruce Schatz, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
"Natural Language Information Retrieval In Digital Libraries"
Tomek Strzalkowski, GE Corporate Research & Development
Jose Perez Carballo, Rutgers University
Mihnea Marinescu, New York University
"Interactive Term Suggestion for Users of Digital Libraries: Using
Subject Thesauri and Co-occurrence Lists for Information Retrieval"
Bruce R. Schatz, Eric H. Johnson, and Pauline A. Cochrane,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Hsinchun Chen, University of Arizona
"Information Product Evaluation as Asynchronous Communication in Context:
A Model for Organizational Research"
Lisa D. Murphy
Indiana University
2:00-3:00 Paper Session 7: Document Indexing and Analysis
Chair: Nancy Ide, Vassar College
"Text to Hypertext: Can Clustering Solve the Problem in Digital
Robert B. Kellogg, PRC., Inc., Reston, VA
Madhan Subhas, Virginia Tech
"Indexing Handwriting Using Word Matching"
R. Manmatha, Chengfeng Han, E. M. Riseman, and W. B. Croft
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
"Building a Scalable and Accurate Copy Detection Mechanism"
Narayanan Shivakumar and Hector Garcia-Molina, Stanford University
3:00-3:30 Break
3:30-4:30 Panel: Digital Library Research at the U.S. National Libraries
Representatives from the Library of Congress, National Agricultural Library,
and National Library of Medicine.
D-Lib Working Sessions are based on continuing activities by the working
groups. Before coming to the sessions, conference participants need to
read the working group materials. They are available at:
o Workshops
All workshops are scheduled for Saturday, March 23, from 9:30 am
through 3:30 pm and include a box lunch. Each workshop is intended
for researchers or practitioners with an active interest in the
subject matter.
Workshop A: Text Encoding Initiative
Nancy Ide, Vassar College
Judith Klavans, Columbia University
Jean Veronis, Universite de Provence, France
Please send a brief statement of interest to ide at cs.vassar.edu
if you would like to attend Workshop A.
Workshop B: User Needs Assessment and Evaluation
Ann Bishop, University of Illinois
Nancy Van House, University of California, Berkeley
David Levy, Xerox PARC
People interested in participating in Workshop B should email a
statement of their experience and interest to Nancy Van House
<vanhouse at sims.berkeley.edu> by February 5. Please do not register
for this workshop until you have been invited to attend.
Last Name: _______________________ First Name: __________________
Title: ___________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
City: ___________________ State/Province: ____________________
Country: ____________________ Zip: __________
Telephone:______________________ Fax: _____________________
Email: ________________________________________
Special Needs (e.g., Dietary): ___________________________________
Early registration rates are available only for registrations
received by February 5, 1996. Member rates require your membership
number for ACM or one of the other sponsors below. Full-time student
rates require a copy of your valid student ID.
Member Number: _____________________________________
Student: University: ________________________________
ID Number: ____________________________
The full registration fee includes a copy of the proceedings, a banquet
ticket, breakfast on Thursday and Friday, and an invitation to the
reception. The workshop fee covers a box lunch. One day
registrations do not include banquet tickets nor proceedings.
Proceedings will be available at the conference for $25 each.
Space for tutorials is limited and enrollments will be processed
in the order in which they are received.
Early Late Early Late Full Time
TUTORIALS (Wednesday, March 20)
___1A IR&Hyprtxt 12:30-3:00 $150 $200 $180 $230 $100
___1B Info Org " " " " " "
___2A Z39.50 3:30-6:00 " " " " "
___2B Docs & DL " " " " " "
REGISTRATION (Thursday & Friday, March 21-22)
___Full Registration $240 $280 $280 $320 $100
___One Day Registration $155 $175 $175 $175 $100
WORKSHOPS (Saturday, March 23)
___A Text Encoding $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50
___B User Needs Assessment " " " " "
Extra Banquet tickets @ $50 each X # ____ = $_____
TOTAL FEES $________
Registration fees must accompany registration and be paid in full
in U.S. funds. If payment is made by check or money order, make
payable to ACM/DL96.
Enclose your Check or Money Order, or
Please charge to my: AMEX VISA MasterCard
Credit Card Number: __________________________________________
Expires: _____________
Cardholder Signature:___________________________________________
Refund Policy: Refund requests must be received in writing by
February 12, 1996. Refunds are subject to a $25 processing fee.
Refunds will be issued six to eight weeks after the conference.
ACM DL '96
University of Maryland
College of Library and Information Services
Hornbake Library Building, Room 4105
College Park, MD 20742-4345
Email: acmdl-96 at umail.umd.edu
Fax: 301-314-9145
Registrations submitted via email or fax must include complete credit
card billing information.
The registration desk at the conference will be open on
Wednesday, March 20 from 11:00 am until 7:00 pm
Thursday, March 21 from 6:30 am until 6:30 pm
Friday, March 22 from 6:30 am until 5:00 pm
Saturday, March 23 from 8:00 am until noon
The conference hotel is the
Hyatt Regency Bethesda
One Bethesda Metro Center
Bethesda, MD 20614
Voice: 800-233-1234 or 301-657-1234
Fax: 301-657-6453 Telex: 6716016
Room rates: $113.00 single or double, $133 triple, $153 quad.
Subject to 5% sales tax plus 7% occupancy tax.
You must reserve your room by February 20 to qualify for the
conference rates.
Discounted airfares (domestic and international) are available on TWA and
US Air by making your travel reservations through Omega World Travel and
mentioning ACM Digital Libraries '96.
Phone: 800-229-6634 (office hours: 8am-6pm EST)
Fax: 301-345-8090 Email: omega at umdacc.umd.edu
Hotel parking is $10/day. Public parking is available nearby for $6/day
and metered parking is also available for 50 cents/hour.
Special needs can be accommodated at the hotel.
Getting to the Hotel:
>>From Baltimore-Washington Airport (BWI)
Airport Connection (301-441-1345) $25 first passenger
Taxi (about $45, one hour)
Royal Airport Shuttle (800-653-0888) $27 first passenger
SuperShuttle (800-809-7080) $21
>>From Dulles International Airport
Royal Airport Shuttle (800-653-0888) $17 first passenger
Taxi (about $35, one hour)
>>From National Airport
Royal Airport Shuttle (800-653-0888) $17 first passenger
Taxi (about $25, one hour)
Metro (under $4)
Both MARC and Amtrak trains connect with the Metro.
MARC 800-325-7245
Amtrak 800-872-7245
Driving: The hotel is 2.5 miles inside the Capital Beltway (Route 495)
on Wisconsin Avenue (Route 355).
Conference Chair: Gary Marchionini, University of Maryland
Program Chair: Ed Fox, Virginia Tech
Treasurer: Larry Fitzpatrick, Open Text Corporation
Registration: Linda Hill, University of Maryland & CESDIS
Publicity: Nancy Van House, UC Berkeley
Local Arrangements: Lida Larsen, University of Maryland
Tutorials: Edie Rasmussen, University of Pittsburgh
Workshops: Maria Zemankova, National Science Foundation
Panels: Charles Kacmar, Florida State University
Posters: Beth Davis-Brown, Library of Congress
Conference Evaluation: Phil Doty, University of Texas
Industry Liaison: Roberta Rand, National Agricultural Library
Organizing Committee: Bill Arms, Corp. for National Research Initiatives
Richard Furuta, Texas A&M University
Ed Fox, Virginia Tech
David Levy, Xerox PARC
Gary Marchionini, University of Maryland
Further information is available at: http://fox.cs.vt.edu/DL96/ or
contact Linda Hill, Registration Chair, email: lhill at cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-11.
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