7.347, FYI: Computational Ling Patent Issues, New mailing list

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Tue Mar 5 17:23:38 UTC 1996

LINGUIST List:  Vol-7-347. Tue Mar 5 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  163
Subject: 7.347, FYI: Computational Ling Patent Issues, New mailing list
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: lveselin at emunix.emich.edu (Ljuba Veselinova)
Date:  Sun, 02 Apr 1995 18:31:45 CDT
From:  cardinal!btolin at buzzard.attmail.com (btolin)
Subject:  Computational Linguistics Patent Issues!
Date:  Sun, 03 Mar 1996 19:57:48 +0200
From:  raczy at univ-lille3.fr (Damien Raczy)
Subject:  New mailing list:<fisc at univ-lille3.fr>
Date:  Sun, 02 Apr 1995 18:31:45 CDT
From:  cardinal!btolin at buzzard.attmail.com (btolin)
Subject:  Computational Linguistics Patent Issues!
                     FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Toltran Ltd. of Barrington, Illinois has just been granted United
States Patent No. 5,490,061. This patent covers advanced technology
and is the first to use the concept of Chaos in a computational
linguistics setting.
The patent is particularly important now due to the ever-expanding use
of search engines on the Internet, and has numerous applications in
the fields of data warehousing, database searching and the related
problem of language translation. The database match or query problem
widely encountered in language translation lookups is just a small
subset of the general search problem in English or any language, and
this was used as the demonstration case. The sophisticated
morphological analysis is to be considered a breakthrough in its
field, and the search engine algorithms are adaptable to almost every
conceivable type of use, such as worldwide web browsers, real-time
satellite transmission translations, OCR, speech recognition systems
and natural-language-to- computer-language CASE tools.
The technology is an offshoot of Toltran's previously-issued patent
no.  4,864,503, which introduces previously unattained accuracy in
translation via its object-oriented modular design, in which languages
are considered source or destination modules and all feed through a
hub-and-spoke system. This allows code reuse, along with greatly
reduced database and program size. The inventor, a computational
linguist, polyglot and systems engineer, was listed in several
editions of "Who's Who In America". The company with its intellectual
property porfolio is currently seeking an acquisition scenario.
The patent is entitled, "Improved Translation System Utilizing A
Morphological Stripping Process To Reduce Words To Their Root
Configuration To Produce Reduction Of Database Size". A more detailed
company and technology profile may be found at this website:
Please reply to Stanley Tolin (email): stolin at mail.flnet.com
                              (fax):   941-387-0235
                              (voice): 941-387-0195
Date:  Sun, 03 Mar 1996 19:57:48 +0200
From:  raczy at univ-lille3.fr (Damien Raczy)
Subject:  New mailing list:<fisc at univ-lille3.fr>
        This list <fisc at univ-lille3.fr> posts every week many compiled
job ads. These are mainly european (but not only) postdocs, jobs and
grants, all related to cognitive science and young cognitive
There is also a free DISCUSSION list related to the subject:
<fisc-d at univ-lille3.fr>
To subscribe send a mail to:
         to : listserv at univ-lille3.fr
         subject : (null)
         message : SUBSCRIBE fisc
(and/or) message : SUBSCRIBE fisc-d
To post an ad, just send it to Damien Raczy <raczy at univ-lille3.fr> who
will incorporate it in the weekly compilation.
To get the complete post of the 02/02/96 via e-mail, ask me.
        Damien Raczy
Damien Raczy <raczy at univ-lille3.fr>      ***
* FISC : Financial grants and Jobs for Young Cognitive Scientists
        http://l3mc18.univ-lille3.fr/fisc/      (in french)
* French Cognitive Science Association
        http://www.mines.u-nancy.fr/~arc/       (english/french)
        ***   subjects of ads distributed via
        ***   fisc at univ-lille3.fr
        ***   POST OF 03/02/96
1 - predoc/postdoc positions in Munich: modeling cognitive algorithms
2 - Fribourg : Research Position in Natural Langugae Processing
3 - Natural Language Research and Development--GMD-KONTEXT, Darmstadt
4 - Minguistics Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowships at Northwestern University
5 - one-year position in phonology
6 - Programmer, Natural Language Processing
7 - Neural Computing Research Programmer post
8 - graduate student position at the CS-department Berlin
9 - Professeur, Psychologie du travail, Zurich
10 - Postdoc, Recepteurs en neurosciences, Elf-Sanofi, USA
11 - lectureship in psychology
12 - PhD / postdoc openings - MPI for Psycholinguistics
13 - Student Placement Usability group
14 - HD: US Computer Science Position
15 - Positions in Psychology - new WWW page!
16 - Proposition de bourse de these (informatique, Rennes)
17 - Allocations de recherche MENESR (short)
19 - CMU, US-PA: Research Programmer Position
20 - postdoctoral fellowships in Language Communication & Brain
21 - Professional Employment Opportunity English as a Secong Language (ESL)
22 - University of Copenhagen,  position in Hebrew
23 - Research Fellowship: Cognitive Modelling
24 - Post doc Human Computer Interaction for the Internet
25 - Advanced MSc in Human Computer Interaction
26 - Pre- and Postdoctoral positions at Max Planck Institute for
Psychological studies
27 - LINGUIST Fellowship
28 - research studentships, Speech Science various areas
Damien Raczy                               | - labo : (33) 76 57 45 71
Universite Charles de Gaulle, Lille III    | - fax : (33) 20 41 63 24
UFR de Psychologie, LABACOLIL              | - phone perso : (33) 76 43 43 90
BP 149, F-59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq,France   | - email : raczy at univ-lille3.fr
INRIA Rhone-Alpes, Projet SHERPA,
ZIRST - 655, avenue de l'Europe, 38330 Montbonnot Saint-Martin FRANCE
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-347.

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