March 1996 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Mar 1 01:31:49 UTC 1996
Ending: Sun Mar 31 19:36:01 UTC 1996
Messages: 175
- 7.317, Books: Dictionaries, Semantics, Syntax and Morphology
The Linguist List
- 7.318, Books: Creative Writing, Phonetics & Phonology, Isolate lgs
The Linguist List
- 7.319, FYI: Predoctoral Fellowship, Zhonghua, Telecommunications
The Linguist List
- 7.320, All: In Memoriam Francis J. Whitfield
The Linguist List
- 7.321, Qs: Trade Names,Intonational Contours,Peripheral Coordinators
The Linguist List
- 7.322, Confs: Student Conference in Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.323, All: LINGUIST Fellowship
The Linguist List
- 7.324, Calls: Georgetown Ling Society, Constraints in Optimality
The Linguist List
- 7.325, Qs: M Newbrook, Spoken Engl grammar, Learning disorders/aphasia
The Linguist List
- 7.326, Books: Philosophy of lg, Historical lx, 2nd lg acquisition
The Linguist List
- 7.327, FYI: Ph.D. Studentships
The Linguist List
- 7.328, Qs: Asian-American Speech, Serbo-Croatian Corpora,
The Linguist List
- 7.329, FYI: Translation Tools - Call for tenders by the EU
The Linguist List
- 7.330, TOC: Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.331, Books: Toronto Working Papers In Linguistics Dissertations
The Linguist List
- 7.332, Confs: Yuen Ren Society, 2nd Lang Research Forum
The Linguist List
- 7.333, Confs: Lang acquisition (GALA 1997), Northwest Ling Conference
The Linguist List
- 7.334, Calls: European Summer School in Logic,Lang & Information
The Linguist List
- 7.335, FYI: New WWW Site in Taiwan, Journal of Slavic Ling Page
The Linguist List
- 7.336, FYI: Linguistics Journals from Blackwell Publishers
The Linguist List
- 7.337, TOC: UCI Working Papers in Linguistics 1
The Linguist List
- 7.338, Sum: Grammatical Number
The Linguist List
- 7.339, FYI: Dutch Graduate School in Linguistics - Summer School
The Linguist List
- 7.340, Sum: Orientational Metaphors
The Linguist List
- 7.341, Sum: Prescriptivism
The Linguist List
- 7.342, Qs: Machine translation, Pre IP heads, Usage of MUST
The Linguist List
- 7.343, Confs: American Oriental Society, PALA '96, Comp. implicature
The Linguist List
- 7.344, Calls: Generative Grammar, Pacific Ancient & Modern Lang.
The Linguist List
- 7.345, Sum: Fishman References on English-only
The Linguist List
- 7.346, Jobs: Lecturership in Applied Japanese Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.347, FYI: Computational Ling Patent Issues, New mailing list
The Linguist List
- 7.348, Sum: "Truth"-intensifers
The Linguist List
- 7.349, FYI: Historical Ling Methodology, Journals Listserver
The Linguist List
- 7.350, Sum: Parallel Text Analysis
The Linguist List
- 7.351, Qs: Email, Software, NWAV, Intonation
The Linguist List
- 7.352, Disc: Intensifiers
The Linguist List
- 7.353, Disc: Bilingualism
The Linguist List
- 7.354, FYI: Grants, Simposio Internacional, Sociolinguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.355, Calls: Multilingual text processing, Generative grammar
The Linguist List
- 7.356, Jobs: MT Language Developers: Portuguese, German
The Linguist List
- 7.357, Jobs: Oxford Text Archive, Tenure Track at Sun Yat-Sen U.
The Linguist List
- 7.358, Sum: Regarding Free-/Shareware Font Editors
The Linguist List
- 7.359, Sum: Grammatical number (addenda)
The Linguist List
- 7.360, FYI: Language Engineering in Edinburgh
The Linguist List
- 7.361, Confs: Native American langs, Gesture and language
The Linguist List
- 7.362, Calls: Austronesian Formal Ling, Scandinavian Conf of Ling
The Linguist List
- 7.363, FYI: Ling & statistics, Formalism/Functionalism, Comp ling
The Linguist List
- 7.364, Qs: Learning tones, PS files, Front rounded vowels
The Linguist List
- 7.365, Qs: Nicknames, Bulu, Hoey, Swedish, Syntax
The Linguist List
- 7.366, Jobs: ESL/EFL teaching position in Korea
The Linguist List
- 7.367, Disc: Intensifiers, Re: 7.352
The Linguist List
- 7.368, Available for Review: Books Available
The Linguist List
- 7.369, Calls: Lg Processing, Speech Technology, Dialect
The Linguist List
- 7.370, Jobs: Computational, Socio- or Psycholing
The Linguist List
- 7.371, Sum: Computerize Dialect Dictionary
The Linguist List
- 7.372, Qs: Modality, Chinese Texts, Phonological Theory
The Linguist List
- 7.373, FYI: Chicago Ling Society, Ling and Statistics, Ling Typology
The Linguist List
- 7.374, Disc: Intensifiers
The Linguist List
- 7.375, Qs: Basque coronal fricatives, French <y>, Length of words
The Linguist List
- 7.376, Qs: Occitan & Gascon, Pinker, Adjective ordering in English
The Linguist List
- 7.377, Sum: Pre-IP heads
The Linguist List
- 7.378, Sum: Number-names
The Linguist List
- 7.379, Confs: Cognitive Science Conf (CogSci96)
The Linguist List
- 7.380, Confs: ACM Conf on Assistive Technologies
The Linguist List
- 7.381, Confs: FIU Creoles Conf, Communication of Gender
The Linguist List
- 7.382, Jobs: Applied ling, Theoretical ling
The Linguist List
- 7.383, Confs: Aston corpus seminar, SALSA IV tent. schedule
The Linguist List
- 7.384, Qs: Brit. tags, Non-word words, ASL in the AAE community
The Linguist List
- 7.385, Qs: Biblical Hebrew, SLA data, Bilingual software
The Linguist List
- 7.386, Qs: Software for teaching Span, Span syntax, Austronesian
The Linguist List
- 7.387, Sum: Correction: Linguage Attitude Summary
The Linguist List
- 7.388, Sum: Peripheral Coordinators
The Linguist List
- 7.389, Qs: Research in Text Theory,Theoretical/Appl Lx,Grammaticality
The Linguist List
- 7.390, Qs: Netiquette, Isolating Amerindian language, Billion
The Linguist List
- 7.391, FYI: Lx Catalog Available, English Dialect Information Exchange
The Linguist List
- 7.392, Jobs: Faculty Position in American Sign Language
The Linguist List
- 7.393, Qs: Causatives, Mystery phrases, Modals language search
The Linguist List
- 7.394, Books: Semantics, Computational Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.395, Qs: Grammatical gender&feminism, Acronyms, Catalan
The Linguist List
- 7.396, Calls: American Dialect Society, Athapaskan, TESOL Journal
The Linguist List
- 7.397, Confs: Language Rights, TEI Workshop
The Linguist List
- 7.398, Jobs: Leave replacement positions: Phonology, Syntax
The Linguist List
- 7.399, Qs: Senoufo, Chinese mind, French translations needed
The Linguist List
- 7.400, Review: Daniels & Bright The World's Writing Systems
The Linguist List
- 7.401, Disc: Peripheral Coordinators
The Linguist List
- 7.402, Qs: Theatrical accents, Economy & Minimalism, Advertising
The Linguist List
- 7.403, Sum: Ethnocentrism
The Linguist List
- 7.404, Qs: Statiscal methods, Kantian adjectives, Susan Schaller
The Linguist List
- 7.405, Qs:Pragmatics,Early notions of proto-lg,Information lg barriers
The Linguist List
- 7.406, Qs: Ruth King, Acronyms, linguistics Dictionary
The Linguist List
- 7.408, Calls: English & Islam, Ling anthropology
The Linguist List
- 7.407, FYI: CSLI Publications, Tense Reference Web Page, LSA dues
The Linguist List
- 7.409, Calls: Generative ling (ConSOLE 5), Lang development
The Linguist List
- 7.410, Confs: Teaching and Lang Corpora 96
The Linguist List
- 7.411, Confs: 2nd Colloquium on Deixis, Typology
The Linguist List
- 7.412, Confs: Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Lang II
The Linguist List
- 7.413, Jobs: Historian, Film Researcher, EFL, Romance philology
The Linguist List
- Subject: 7.414, Jobs: Three Lecturers in Lx at Leeds, Post-Doc at MIT
The Linguist List
- 7.415, FYI: Humor Studies Seminar, O-Hayo Sensei, Japanese Conf
The Linguist List
- 7.416, FYI: Australian Linguistic Institute, European Summer School
The Linguist List
- 7.417, FYI: Language Expo '96, NSF Grants, Zhonghua Scholarship
The Linguist List
- 7.418, FYI: Ruth Meltzer Fellowship
The Linguist List
- 7.419, Disc: Grammatical gender and feminism
The Linguist List
- 7.420, Jobs: NLP, English Lx, Second Lg Acquisition/ESL
The Linguist List
- 7.421, FYI: Studentship in Lg Engineering, Intensive Maya Course
The Linguist List
- 7.422, Sum: Classifiers in Vietnamese Narrative Discourse
The Linguist List
- 7.423, Sum: Research in Text Theory
The Linguist List
- 7.424, Qs: Russian case, Nasals, Peregrinisme
The Linguist List
- 7.425, Qs: Word-final consonant clusters, Maledicta, Japanese
The Linguist List
- 7.426, Confs: Women & Language, LFG
The Linguist List
- 7.427, Calls: Machine Translation, Semantic Lexicons
The Linguist List
- 7.428, Qs: IPA, Vulgarity, Azerbaijani, Tex-Mex,Film,V+P
The Linguist List
- 7.429, Disc: Grammatical gender
The Linguist List
- 7.430, Jobs: HTML publisher, Machine Translation
The Linguist List
- 7.431, Sum: Discussion of French clitic pronoun Y
The Linguist List
- 7.432, FYI: Linguistic Data Consortium, V Simposio Internacional
The Linguist List
- 7.433, TOC: Archivio Glottologico Italiano (special issue)
The Linguist List
- 7.434, Calls: 5th International Conference on Narrative
The Linguist List
- 7.435, Calls: Japanese ling, International Congress of Ling
The Linguist List
- 7.436, Confs: Multilinguality in the Lexicon
The Linguist List
- 7.437, Sum: Correction: Language Attitude Summary
The Linguist List
- 7.438, Qs: Qiang in Northern Sichuan, Dyslexia, N Cartagena
The Linguist List
- 7.439, Sum: LLBA
The Linguist List
- 7.440, Disc: Bright & Daniels review, Economy
The Linguist List
- 7.441, Qs: Product text, English/French, Clitics, Anthropology
The Linguist List
- 7.442, Sum: Trade Names
The Linguist List
- 7.443, Confs: Student Conference in Linguistics 8
The Linguist List
- 7.444, Qs: Modality, Schlie, Polysemy, Book location
The Linguist List
- 7.445, Sum: Teaching English Grammar
The Linguist List
- 7.446, TOC: Dhumbadji! 2.3
The Linguist List
- 7.447, Qs: Literacy acquisition, Mayan, Morpheme storage in the brain
The Linguist List
- 7.448, Confs: Germanic Linguistics Conference
The Linguist List
- 7.449, FYI: IPA, Grant Information
The Linguist List
- 7.450, Qs: Adverb?, Grunts, Galicismos, Syntax book
The Linguist List
- 7.451, Sum: Billion
The Linguist List
- 7.452, TOC: Issues in Applied Linguistics (issue on Discourse&SLA)
The Linguist List
- 7.453, Qs: Software, Bilinguals, Syntax, Subliminal
The Linguist List
- 7.454, Sum: Moraic Languages
The Linguist List
- 7.455, Sum: German Orthography reform
The Linguist List
- 7.456, Jobs: Communication Studies
The Linguist List
- 7.457, Confs: Inside NPs Conference
The Linguist List
- 7.458, Disc: Economy, Minimalism, and Formalism
The Linguist List
- 7.459, TOC: American J. of Germanic Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.460, Jobs:Visiting,Applied,Romanische Philologie/Sprachwissenschaft
The Linguist List
- 7.461, Confs: Fourth Phonology Meeting, Manchester
The Linguist List
- 7.462, Qs: World/Light, Lg of Advertising, Dutch 2nd-person pronouns
The Linguist List
- 7.463, FYI: Correction to SCIL8 Schedule,New Journal,New LDC Release
The Linguist List
- 7.464, Sum: "MUST"
The Linguist List
- 7.465, FYI: Endangered languages documentation mailbox
The Linguist List
- 7.466, Sum: Linguistics Dictionary
The Linguist List
- 7.467, Disc: Economy, Minimalism, and Formalism
The Linguist List
- 7.468, All: LINGUIST Fellowship (Last Call)
The Linguist List
- 7.469, Qs: Grammatical words, Syllabification, Speech therapy
The Linguist List
- 7.470, Sum: MUST
The Linguist List
- 7.471, Calls: Second Language Writing
The Linguist List
- 7.472, Confs: Northwest Linguistics Conference
The Linguist List
- 7.473, Jobs: Linguist in Eng Dept, Japanese Specialist, Syntax
The Linguist List
- 7.474, Qs: Dates, C Harmony, Discussant, -ing, Bilingualism
The Linguist List
- 7.475, Sum: Intonation in English of Cantonese and Mandarin speakers
The Linguist List
- 7.476, FYI: New Web site, Database system down-time, LG-SHIFT
The Linguist List
- 7.477, Qs: Spanish, Films/Videos, Bibliogrpahy on Theme/Topic
The Linguist List
- 7.478, FYI: 3rd Australian Linguistic Institute
The Linguist List
- 7.479, Qs: J.R. Firth's quotation, Hiberno-English, Wh-Movement
The Linguist List
- 7.480, Confs: Slavic ling, Austronesian formal ling
The Linguist List
- 7.481, Qs: Ordinal numerals, Philippines, Sapir-Whorf, Thou and you
The Linguist List
- 7.482, Disc: Economy, Minimalism, and Formalism
The Linguist List
- 7.483, FYI: New Web Page (metaphor), East European lg courses
The Linguist List
- 7.484, Misc: Ungrammatical sentences, Gender switching
The Linguist List
- 7.485, Sum: Language & the Movies
The Linguist List
- 7.486, Disc: English_attrib_nominals (Re: Sum: Tradenames)
The Linguist List
- 7.487, Qs: Akan, The symbol [D], French-American cross-talk, German
The Linguist List
- 7.488, Disc: Literary Acquisition, Mora-counting
The Linguist List
- 7.489, Disc: Economy, Minimalism, and Formalism
The Linguist List
- 7.490, Calls: Knowledge representation and reasoning (KR'96)
The Linguist List
- 7.491, Calls: Breadth & Depth of Sematic Lexicons (Extension)
The Linguist List
Last message date:
Sun Mar 31 19:36:01 UTC 1996
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 07:45:35 UTC 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).