7.454, Sum: Moraic Languages
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Mon Mar 25 13:51:34 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-454. Mon Mar 25 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 127
Subject: 7.454, Sum: Moraic Languages
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
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Editor for this issue: dseely at emunix.emich.edu (T. Daniel Seely)
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 10:11:28 +0200
From: s945025 at ipe.tsukuba.ac.jp (Kawagashira Nobuyuki)
Subject: Summary: moraic languages
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 10:11:28 +0200
From: s945025 at ipe.tsukuba.ac.jp (Kawagashira Nobuyuki)
Subject: Summary: moraic languages
Dear subsribers
I posted a query for mora-time languages several months ago.
I am sorry to summarize it late.
I summarized the list of mora-timed languages by contributors.
Thank you very much to the following contributors.
Margaret Hall Dunn dunn at haskins.yale.edu
Tapani Salminen tasalmin at cc.helsinki.fi
Hartmut Haberland hartmut at ruc.dk
Steven Schaufele fcosws at prairienet.org
Kumiko Makihara kumiko at u.washington.edu
Pier Marco Bertinetto bertinet at sns.it
Steven Schaufele wrote:
Sanskrit is a mora-counting language in the same way that Latin and
Classical Greek are.
Short vowels count as 1 mora, long vowels as 2, and any consonant in
the coda (not only nasals) counts as 1 mora.
ra.t.na.m "jewel"
ya.jna.m "sacrifice" (acc.)
pr.thi.vi.i "earth"
sva.pa.tya.sya "handsome"
vi.kra.a.n.ti.m "victorious stride"
The critical distinction is between 1-mora syllables and syllables of
more than one mora; all traditional Sanskrit poetic prosody depends upon
this distinction between `light' and `heavy' syllables. Little attention
is paid to the distinction between 2-mora and 3-mora syllables.
Moraic features are similar to Sanskrit above.
Moraic features are similar to Sanskrit above.
gerai ge.ra.i HLL "well"
lova lo.o.va HLL "bed"
diena di.e.na LLH "afternoon"
rytas ri.i.ta.s HLLL "morning"
ac^iu a.a.Cu.u HLLL "thank you"
labas la.a.ba.s LHLL "good"
lovys lo.o.vi.i.s LLLHL "tub"
vakaras va.a.ka.ra.s LHLLLLL "evening"
SEN-EN se.N.e.N [see~ee~] HLLL one thousand yen
SENNEN se.N.ne.N [see~nee~] HLLL one thousand years
SEIEN se.e.e.N [se::e~] LHHH cheering
SEINEN se.e.ne.N [se:nee~] LHHH adolescent
SEQKEN se.Q.ke.N [se_kee~] LHHH soap ([_] shows silence)
TEQSEN te.Q.se.N [tes:ee~] LHHH iron wire
UMA u.ma [u-ma] LH horse (ordinary)
UMA N.ma [mma] LH horse (colloq., fast speech)
POKEQTO po.ke.Q.to [poke_to] LHLL pocket
ba.la "I will go"
e.la "he/she goes"
a.m.be.sa "where"
ba.ki.u.m "I will do secretly"
bi.ka.tu.po.i.a.i.m.si "they will ask you"
m.se.'u "smoke"
ka.bi.ta.m "wisdom"
m.m.mo.ta "this (bundle)"
la.o.di.la "bush, jungle"
i.si.si.a.si "they stay (in a place)"
i.ka.tu.po.i.a.i.da.si "he asks us"
to.m.mo.ta "people"
I and M. Hall Dunn agree Finnish is mora-timed. But T. Salminen, P. M.
Bertinetto disagree.
This list is not perfect. I will welcome any information about moraness.
Please send email to me. Sincerely.
s945025 at ipe.tsukuba.ac.jp
kawagasr at koryu3.statci.go.jp
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-454.
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