7.411, Confs: 2nd Colloquium on Deixis, Typology
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Wed Mar 20 16:41:56 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-411. Wed Mar 20 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 292
Subject: 7.411, Confs: 2nd Colloquium on Deixis, Typology
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
We'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements to 150 lines,
so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider omitting
information useful only to attendees, such as information on housing,
transportation, or rooms and times of sessions. Thank you for your
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 1996 15:58:53 +0100
From: Laurent.Romary at loria.fr (Laurent Romary)
Subject: Reminder - new dates for the 2nd Colloquium on Deixis
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 1996 19:10:04 +0100
From: palek at dec59.ruk.cuni.cz (UVT UK)
Subject: LP96 Conf:Typology
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 1996 15:58:53 +0100
From: Laurent.Romary at loria.fr (Laurent Romary)
Subject: Reminder - new dates for the 2nd Colloquium on Deixis
Dear all,
Following the important strikes which have pertubed many events which
were due to take place last December in France, the 2nd Colloquium on
Deixis has been rescheduled to the 28,29 and 30 March.
You will find the preliminary program, as well as any information
related to the colloquium (in particular an elctrnic registration
form) at the following web address:
Looking forward to seeing you in Nancy.
Laurent Romary
Batiment Loria, B.P.239
F-54506 Vandoeuvre Les Nancy
Tel : 83 59 20 37
Fax : 83 41 30 79
e-mail: romary at loria.fr
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 1996 19:10:04 +0100
From: palek at dec59.ruk.cuni.cz (UVT UK)
Subject: LP96 Conf:Typology
The Department of Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies
The Institute of Phonetic Studies
Faculty of Philosophy and Arts
Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic)
under the auspice of the Rector of Charles University
Professor JUDr. Karel Maly, DrSc.
announce a conference
LP'96: Typology: prototypes, items orderings and universals
August 20-22 1996
This is the third LP (Linguistics and Phonetics) conference of
the two departments within the space of six years. The first
conference was held in 1990, the second in 1994. The term
"item-order" served as the central theme of the LP'96 Conference.
It was used to designate any linguistic unit such as the phone-
me, morpheme, syllable, word, word-form, phrase, clause or sen-
tence. The primary aim of LP'96 is to contribute to the clari-
fication of the role of item order in linguistic typology and
its interrelationship with other typological means.
Topics will focus among other on following questions:
1) What are the basic building blocks of linguistic types?
What parameters differentiate language from other phenomena?
The topic includes among other: Biological, genetic and philo-
sophical aspects of linguistic universals; function-form appro-
ach to typology; the role of comparison of acoustic and percep-
tion phenomena in both natural and synthetic speech signals;
internal and external phonetic values; kinds of iconicity/
isomorphism/ economy at individual levels of linguistic analysis;
markedness of item-orderings (e.g. is it meaningful to
differentiate fixed and free word-order according to the
dichotomy unmarked-marked?)
2) Which factors are relevant for classification of languages?
The topic includes among other: the processses of reduction and
clustering of linguistic phenomena; substruction of linguistic
3) What is the foundation of typology as a linguistic discip-
line? What kinds of typologies exist?
The topic includes among other: traditional typologies (morpho-
logical, syntactic, semantic), cognitive typologies (configura-
tional vs non-configurational languages, Baker's incorporation,
mirror principles, kinds of raising, etc.), classification of
typologies (parameters)
4) Is linguistic typology only a theoretical discipline or has
it consequences for linguistic application?
The topic includes: consequences for language teaching, for
linguistic databases, for development of text-editors, for mul-
tilingual communication and multimedia in www in contrast with
monolingual communication, etc.
Organizing Committee:
Frantisek Danes (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Osamu Fujimura (The Ohio-State University)
Laura A. Janda (The University of North Carolina at Chapell Hill)
Premysl Janota (Charles University, Prague)
Helena Kurzova (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Jiri V. Neustupny (Osaka University)
Pavel Novak (Charles University, Prague)
Bohumil Palek (Charles University, Prague) - chairman
Ewa Willim (Jagellonian University, Poland)
Keynote speakers:
Comrie B. (University of Southern California, Los Angeles) The
numeral systems
Osamu Fujimura (State University, Ohio) Syllable features and
Ramat Paolo (University of Pavia) On classifying languages
Seiler Hansjakob (University of Cologne) On the present state
of language universals reseach
Shibatani M. (Kobe University, Japan) Voice parameters
Special session: Typology and genetic and areal comparison
chairmans: K.H.Schmidt and H. Kurzova
Session papers:
Andor Jozsef (Janus Pannonius University, Pecs) Prototypes and
the lexical representation of verbs of jumping
Blazek Vaclav (Masaryk University Brno) The ethymological analysis
of numerals and its typological implications
Boguslawski A. (Warsaw University) Negation raising with want
Bourdin Philippe (York University, Toronto) Towards a princip-
led reappraisal of the sourse/goal contrast in a crosslinguist-
ic perspective
Casad G. (University of Northern Carolina at Chapell Hill) Ma-
ny Goofs
Corver Norbert and Hen van Riemsdijk (Universsity of Amster-
dam) The position of the head and the domain of scrambling
Cysouw Michael (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen) Metagramma-
Dik Bakker (University of Amsterdam) Flexibility, consistency
and consequence in word-order patterns
Drossard Werner (University of Cologne) Polysythesis and poly-
synthetic languages in a comparative perspective
Durst-Andersen Per Durst (Copenhagen) Towards a theory of lin-
guistic supertypes
Eguzkitza Andolina (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain) Basque markers of
Ehala Martin (Tallinn Pedagogical University) Chance and ne-
cessity in word-order typology
Gatiatullina, Zaituna (Kazan Pedagogical University) Typological
analysis of the lexico-grammatical structures of English and Kazan
Honti L. (University of Gronningen) Zur Frage nach dem zusam-
menhang zwischen der Wortfolge und der Abfolge von Suffixen
Hoskovec Tomas (Charles University, Prague) Le temps comme ca-
tegorie verbale et la reconstruction de l'indoeuropeen
Huumo Tuomas (University of Turku) Word order and the inter-
pretation of bound domains in existential vs locative structu-
Job Michael (Marburg University) Indoeuropean and Caucasian: genetic
and areal aspects)
Kirsanov N. (St Petersburg) A language to describe the morpho-
logy of artificial and natural languages
Koktova E. (Academy of Sciences, Prague) Word order and typo-
Koptjevskaja Tamm M. (Stockholm University) Possessive Nos and
their patterns of polysemy: a cross linguistic study
Krasina E. (Moscow University) The dichotomy of unmarked
- marked word-order in Russian sentences of characterisation
and existence
Marion Krause (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena) The inter-
action of lexical and prosodic markers of epistemic modality
Kurzova Helena (Southbohemian University) Defining Central Eu-
ropean Type
Kuteva Tania (University of Cologne) Indefinite Articles: Ge-
nesis and typology
Luraghi Silvia (3rd University of Rome) The typology of null
arguments in the Ancient Indo-European languages
Nekvapil J. (Charles University, Prague) Item orderings in
Novak P, Nebesky L. (Charles University, Prague) Different
degrees of word order engagement in syntax
Paleeva T.I. Moscow) Iconicity/isomorphism in the accentual
structure of word-formation chain in Russian
Palek B. (Charles University, Prague) Conceptual frame of item
ordering in typology
Podlesskaya Vera I. (University of South California) Typology
of clause linkage: Grammatical marking in conditional construc-
Roberts E, Wyn (Simon Fraser University, Canada) Recursion.
linear order, and the classification of linguistic units
Rylov A., Chizdenko V. (Minsk) Speaker recognition system for
a forensic phonetic expertise
Sadykova Aida (Kazan Pedagogical University) Typological Stydy of
the semantic component of noun composites of two unrelated languages -
English and Kazan Tatar
Sgall Petr (Charles University, Prague) Foundations of langua-
ge types
Sabrsula Jan (Ostrava University) Formations pr=E9morphologiques
analytiques dans le latin flexionnel
Tallerman Magie (Durham ) Item ordering and markedness in
Willim Ewa (Jagellonian University of Cracow) On N movement in
Polish NPs
Zubkova L.G. (Moscow University) The whole-systemic aproach to
the phonological typology of a word
Surname: First name: Middle name:
Mailing address:
Zip: Country:
Phone: Fax: E-mail:
The title of the submitted paper:
Accompanying persons:
Conference fee: 60$ (includes Abstracts, Proceedings,refreshments,
conference materials)
Students: 40$
Prices: Hotel's A*de Luxe from $ 200 up (Diplomat, Forum, Palace,
Atrium. etc)
Cheaper hotels from $20 up 100$
Student hotels: $ 10-12
(The student hotel appartment's have their own bathrooms. They are
usually situated 20 minutes from the downtown, using municipal
transport. Transport 6 Crowns)
Hotel A* de Luxe have to be booked by travel agencies. Student hotels
can be booked by the Organizing Committee.
Should you want us to arrange your accommodation, please, contact
us immediately.
The abstracts of papers will be available at the conference,the
deadline for mailing of abstracts is April 30.1996
Programme of the Conference will be distributed at the beginning of
June. Updated information concerning LP'96 Programme, accommodation,
etc. is at
Contact address:
e-mail: palek at ruk.cuni.cz or
palek at ff.cuni.cz
or by mail: Bohumil Palek
Department of Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies
2, Jan Palach Sq., 116 38 Prague 1, Czech Republic
phone: (xx422) 24491 524
fax (xx422) 24491588
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-411.
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