7.656, Confs: Symposium on Chinese NPs, Nijmegen
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sat May 4 12:39:59 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-656. Sat May 4 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 506
Subject: 7.656, Confs: Symposium on Chinese NPs, Nijmegen
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dseely at emunix.emich.edu (T. Daniel Seely)
We'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements to 150 lines,
so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider omitting
information useful only to attendees, such as information on housing,
transportation, or rooms and times of sessions. Please do not use
abbreviations or acronyms for your conference unless you explain
them in your text. Many people outside your area of specialization
will not recognize them. Thank you for your cooperation.
Date: Fri, 03 May 1996 10:58:15 +0800
From: hpan at se.cuhk.hk (Pan Hai-Hua)
Subject: Conf. program: Symposium on Chinese NPs (24-25/6/96, Hong Kong)
Date: Fri, 03 May 1996 15:23:10 BST
Subject: Conference Nijmegen June 5-8
Date: Fri, 03 May 1996 10:58:15 +0800
From: hpan at se.cuhk.hk (Pan Hai-Hua)
Subject: Conf. program: Symposium on Chinese NPs (24-25/6/96, Hong Kong)
Conference Program:
Symposium on the Referential Properties
of Chinese Noun Phrases
Hosted by
Linguistic Society of Hong Kong
Department of Chinese, Translation, and Linguistics,
City University of Hong Kong
June 24 - 25, 1996
Venue: Rm B4302, City University of Hong Kong
Day One, 24th, June, Monday
8:30 ~ 9:10 Registration
9:10 ~ 9:30 Opening Ceremony
Morning Sessions
Session One
9:30 ~ 10:00
Bojiang Zhang (Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Hanyu Zenyang Biaoxian Wuzhi Chengfen (How non-referential elements are
expressed in Chinese)
10:00 ~ 10:30
Mary Wu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Meaning and Form: Computing Definite and Uniqueness Readings of Complex Noun
Phrases in Mandarin Chinese
10:30 ~ 11:00
Yan Jiang (HK Polytechnic University)
Haihua Pan (City University of HK)
On the Semantic Content of Noun Phrases
11:00 ~ 11:15 Tea Break
Session Two
11:15 ~ 11:45
Dingxu Shi(HK Polytechnic University)
The Definiteness Requirement on Chinese Subject
11:45 ~ 12:15
Stephen Matthews (University of HK)
Patrizia Pacioni (University of HK)
Specificity and Genericity of NPs in Cantonese and Mandarin
12:15 ~ 12:45
Liejiong Xu (City University of HK)
Limitations on Subjecthood of Numerically Quantified Noun Phrases:
A Pragmatic Approach
12:45 ~ 2:15 Lunch
Afternoon Sessions
Session One
2:15 ~ 2:45
Robert Iljic (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Referential Properties of Nouns Suffixed by -men
2:45 ~ 3:15
Jie Li (University of Saarland)
Predicate Type and The Semantics of Bare NPs in Chinese
3:15 ~ 3:45
Minglang Zhou(University of Oregon)
Bare Nouns in Chinese, Verbal Aspect Readings and Aktionsart
3:45 ~ 4:00 Tea Break
Session Two
4:00 ~ 4:30
Zhengsheng Zhang (San Diego State University)
Aspectual Properties of Definite and Indefinite NPs
4:30 ~ 5:00
Yuru Wu University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
Scope Interpretations of Quantificational Noun Phrases in Mandarin Chinese
5:00 ~ 5:30
Chong-li Zou (Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
The Theory of Generalised Quantifiers and Chinese Quantified Sentences
Day Two, 25th, June, Tuesday
Morning Sessions
Session One
9:00 ~ 9:30
Chunyan Ning (City University of HK)
Toward An Internalistic Theory of (In)definiteness
9:30 ~ 10:00
Feng-hsi Liu (University of Arizona)
Pronouns as Variables in Chinese
10:00 ~ 10:30
Ke Zou (California State University)
Referential Effect and Resultative Verb Compounds in Chinese
10:30 ~ 11:00
Yang Gu (The Chinese University of HK)
On the Post-verbal Duration Phrases in Mandarin Chinese
11:00 ~ 11:15 Tea Break
Session Two
11:15 ~ 11:45
Lai-Shen Cheng (University of California-Irvine)
Rint Sybesma (Leiden University)
Bare NPs and The Functional Structure of NPs
11:45 ~ 12:15
Wei-tien D. Tsai (National Tsing Hua University)
Subject Specificity, Raising Modals, and Extended Mapping Hypothesis
12:15 ~ 12:45
Yuanjian He (Chinese University of HK)
More Observations on The Indefinite Use of Wh-Words In Chinese
12:45 ~ 2:15 Lunch
Afternoon Sessions
Parallel One: On "dou" Quantification
Session One
2:15 ~ 2:45
Shi-Zhe Huang (University of Pennsylvania)
Unexpected Definiteness Effect and The Function of "dou"
2:45 ~ 3:15
Ning Zhang (University of Toronto)
On Eventuality Quantifier "dou"
3:15 ~ 3:45
Yan Jiang (HK Polytechnic University)
"dou" as a Procedural Interpreter
3:45 ~ 4:00 Tea Break
Session Two
4:00 ~ 4:30
Sui-Sang Mok (University of California-San Diego)
Randall Rose (University of California-San Diego)
The Semantics and Pragmatics of "dou": A Non-Quantificational Account
4:30 ~ 5:00
Shu-ing Shyu (National Sun Yat-Sen University)
A Type of Universally Quantified NPs
5:00 ~ 5:30
Tzong-Hong Lin(National Tsing Hua University)
On "ge" and Other Related Problems
End of Parallel One
Parallel Two: Discourse Studies
2:15 ~ 2:45
David C S Li (City University of HK)
Conflict Between Syntax and Pragmatics: Expressing Indefinite Reference in
Cantonese News Stories on TV
2:45 ~ 3:15
Dongying Wu (HK Polytechnic University)
Mingliang Hu (Bowdoin College)
Discourse Manipulable Participant and NP Reiteration in Chinese News Discourse
3:15 ~ 3:45
Jonathan Webster (City University of HK)
Semantic Properties of Thematic Noun Phrases in Chinese
End of Parallel Two
3:45 ~ 4:00 Tea Break
Parallel Three: NP Reference and Related Issues
4:00 ~ 4:30
Mei Fang (Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Fei Shizhi Daici 'ta', `zhe' yu Kouyu zhong de Huati hua (Non-substantive
pronouns `ta', `zhe' and topicalization in spontaneous speech)
4:30 ~ 5:00
Binfu Lu (University of Southern California)
Referentiality and Word Order in Chinese NP
5:00 ~ 5:30
Hongming Zhang (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Accessibility of Referentiality/Non-Referentiality to Phonology -- Evidence
from Tone Sandhi in Wuming Chuang
End of Parallel Three
Hotel information
Here is the hotel information on 5 of the most economical hotels in
Hong Kong. The first four are conveniently located. Caritas Bianchi
Lodge, YMCA Tsimshatsui, YMCA Waterloo Rd are within walking distance
from the MTR station. There is a mini-bus route going from Anne Black
Guest House to MTR station (Mongkok). (The exchange rate to US dollars
is USD $1 : HKD$ 7.8.)
a) Anne Black (YWCA) Guest House
5, Man Fuk Rd.
Ho Man Tin, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Phone: (852)-2713-9211
Fax: (852)-2761-1269
Daily rates (inc. service charge):
Single room (w/ shared bath): HK$ 385
Single room (w/ bath): HK$ 605
double room (w/ shared bath): HK$ 520
double room (w/ bath): HK$ 726
b) Caritas Bianchi Lodge
4, Cliff Rd.
Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Phone: (852)-2388-1111
fax: (852)-2770-6669
Daily rates (inc. breakfast)
Single room (w/ bath): HK$ 650 (plus 10% service charge)
Double room (w/ bath): HK$ 750 (plus 10% service charge)
c) YMCA hotel
41 Salisbury Rd.
Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Phone: (852)-2369-2211
fax: (852)-2739-9315
Daily rates:
Single (w/bath): HK$ 800 (plus 10% service charge)
Double (w/bath): HK$ 945 or 1155 (plus 10% service charge)
23 Waterloo Rd.
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone: (852)-2771-9111
fax: (852)-2771-5238
Daily rates:
single and double (w/bath) HK$ 880 (inc. service charge)
e) Chinese University of Hong Kong Guest House
(accessible by train, in the suburbs; booking must be made through CUHK staff;
please contact Thomas Lee at thomasLee at cuhk.edu.hk)
phone: (852)-26036411; 2603-6422; fax: (852)-2603-5272
(accessible by train, in the suburbs; booking must be done through
CUHK staff)
Daily rates:
single/twin (w/bath) HK$ 650
twin (w/ shared bath) HK$ 400
Traffic Information
By KCR (train) or MTR (subway)
Get off at Kowloon tong and look for Exit C. City University is right
opposite the train/subway station.
>>From Kai Tak Airport
1. Airbus No. 7 (A7) runs every 10 minutes between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m.
from the airport to Kowloon tong. The bus terminal is at Exit A(2)
of the Kowloon tong MTR station. Walk through the subway station to
reach Exit C. The fare is HK$6.70.
2. Taxi fare from the Airport to City University is approximately HK$40,
equivalent to US$5.
Preregistration Form
Symposium on Referential Properties of Chinese Noun Phrases
June 24-25, 1996
Name: Mr./Mrs./Miss/Dr./Prof.
___________________________________________ Chinese _______________________
First Middle Last Name
Affiliation: _________________________________________________________________
Department Institution
Mailing Address: check one ____ Institutional address
____ Home address
Telephones: ___________________________ E-mail: _____________________________
FAX: ________________________________
Payment enclosed: check one ______ HK$300 /US$35 (student)
______ HK$500/US$65 (non-student)
(inclusive of teas, one reception, one dinner, and a Symposium packet)
Please make your check or money order payable to Linguistic Society of Hong
Kong, and return completed form to:
Dr. Tim D. X. Shi
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Education
Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Tel.: (852)-2766-7440
FAX: (852)-2334-0185
E-mail: ctdshi at hkpucc.polyu.edu.hk
Check here _____ Sex: ____ if you desire a crash space (Priority will be
given to students).
Date: Fri, 03 May 1996 15:23:10 BST
Subject: Conference Nijmegen June 5-8
3rd International Conference
Special topic: Brain research in speech production
June 5-8, 1996
University of Nijmegen
Dept. of Voice and Speech Pathology
Institute of Otorhinolaryngology
University Hospital Nijmegen
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Keynote addresses:
R. Kent Speech motor models and developments in neuro-
physiological science: New perspectives
J. Lauter Ins and outs of brain imaging techniques in
speech production
P. Fox Modelling to speech motor system from neuro-imaging
P. Indefrey PET research in speech and language production
B. Gordon Speech and language research with electrical brain
P. Hagoort Possibilities of event related potential research
on speech production
W. Webster Principles of brain organization related to late-
ralization of language and speech motor functions
in normal speakers and stutterers
V. Gracco A neuromotor perspective on speech production
L. Goldstein The gestural phonology model
A. Meyer Towards a theory of phonetic encoding in language
M. McClean Functional components of the motor system: An
approach to understanding the mechanisms of speech
S. Barlow Neuronal group selection and emergent orofacial
motor control
Furthermore, there will be a number of papers and poster presentations
from leading research units on a large variety of topics related to
speech motor production, neuro-imaging in speech and language
research, and developmental aspects in speech production.
The conference is organized by the Department of Voice and Speech
Pathology of the Institute of Otorhinolaryngology of the University
Hospital Nijmegen in close co-operation with:
- NICI (Nijmegen Institute of Cognition and Information)
- Interfacultary Research Unit for Language and Speech of the
University of Nijmegen
- Institute of Medical Psychology of University Hospital Nijmegen
Registration fees: NGL 595
This includes program booklet with abstracts, welcome party, lunch
buffets, coffee/tea, dinner party on Friday evening in Doorneburg
Castle, farewell cocktail, bustransfer from the conference center to
the hotel.
As after the previous conference proceedings will be published by
Elsevier Science Publishers in Excerpta Medica International Congress
Series. The proceedings can be ordered only in advance at the
registration form or during the conference for a pre-subscription
price of NGL 155. Because of the limited edition booksellers' price
after the conference will be about NGL 275.
**Contact for further information**
Conference Agency University of Nijmegen
c/o Mrs. Mary Bluyssen
PO Box 9111
6500 HN Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31.24.361.2184
Fax: +31.24.356.7956
E-mail: M.Bluyssen at buro.kun.nl
The organizing committee
Herman F.M. Peters, Ph.D.
Wouter Hulstijn, Ph.D.
Pascal H.H.M. van Lieshout, Ph.D.
(End information)
Dr. Pascal H.H.M. van Lieshout E-mail: LIESHOUT at NICI.KUN.NL
(Mo, Tu, Fri) (We, Thu)
NICI AND ENT-clinic, Dept. of Voice & Speech Disorders
P.O. Box 9104 P.O. Box 9101
6500 HE Nijmegen 6500 HB Nijmegen
The Netherlands The Netherlands
+31 (24)3615508 +31 (24)3614817
+31 (24)3616066 (fax) +31 (24)3565401 (fax)
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-656.
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