May 1996 Archives by date
Starting: Wed May 1 19:36:43 UTC 1996
Ending: Fri May 31 22:13:42 UTC 1996
Messages: 164
- 7.640, Jobs: Research asst at SAFRAN project, Syntax at U of Michigan
The Linguist List
- 7.641, Jobs: Japanese, Ling dept at the U of Rochester
The Linguist List
- 7.642, Qs: Bilingual corpora, E-mail, Spanglish, Dative subjects
The Linguist List
- 7.643, FYI: Studentships at ITRI Brighton, Bilingual list, Quechua
The Linguist List
- 7.644, Misc: Lang and movies, English textbooks in ling
The Linguist List
- 7.645, Confs: Yiddish, Computational Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.646, FYI: Autumn School Comp Ling,NLLIA pages,Teach in Japan
The Linguist List
- 7.647, Jobs: Translator Eng/Portuguese,Dir.Lang Cent. Hong Kong
The Linguist List
- 7.648, Disc: Language and Movies
The Linguist List
- 7.649, Jobs: U. of Stuttgart/German Linguistics, UCLA Jobs/Temporary
The Linguist List
- 7.650, Qs: Summer School,Software,Definition,Emoticons,Phonations
The Linguist List
- 7.651, Calls: Ling Assoc. Great Britain, Cognitive Science Sofia
The Linguist List
- 7.652, Calls: LINGUIST Binding Theory Conference
The Linguist List
- 7.653, Jobs: Spanish ling, PhDs, One-year, Cornell
The Linguist List
- 7.654, Sum: "terrible" emphasis
The Linguist List
- 7.655, Calls: KONVENS-Workshop, California Linguistic Notes
The Linguist List
- 7.656, Confs: Symposium on Chinese NPs, Nijmegen
The Linguist List
- 7.657, Sum: Judgments vs performance
The Linguist List
- 7.658, Qs: Gossip, Course, German, Millenium, Software
The Linguist List
- 7.659, FYI: SLRF Proposal, Resources, Corrections
The Linguist List
- 7.660, Disc: Ungrammaticality
The Linguist List
- 7.661, Disc: Grammatical Gender
The Linguist List
- 7.662, Disc: "terrible" emphasis, Thou and You, Lg-Movies
The Linguist List
- 7.663, Jobs: Corrected announcement-UCLA
The Linguist List
- 7.664, Qs: Referentiality, Millenium, Yiddish, Maldives
The Linguist List
- 7.665, Sum: Utterances
The Linguist List
- 7.666, FYI: Digital Resources, Malagasy, Student exchange
The Linguist List
- 7.667, Calls: ICCPOL'97 call, Workshop on NLP
The Linguist List
- 7.668, Disc: Lg-movies, Millenium, Grammatical gender
The Linguist List
- 7.669, Qs: Syntax, Grammar, Control, Sanskrit
The Linguist List
- 7.670, Confs: Lg diversity/cognitive rep., Chinese ling (1996 NACCL8)
The Linguist List
- 7.671, Jobs: Computational ling, Lexicographer jobs in Pittsburgh
The Linguist List
- 7.672, FYI: Web Page, Survey, Job closing date
The Linguist List
- 7.673, Qs: Discourse, "-y", English, HPSG, Communication
The Linguist List
- 7.674, Jobs: Natural Language Processing, German, Spanish
The Linguist List
- 7.675, Confs: Thought and Language, Semantics & Ling Theory
The Linguist List
- 7.676, Confs: Natural Language Processing
The Linguist List
- 7.677, Qs: Influence of English, Pragmatics, IE list, ESL Survey
The Linguist List
- 7.678, Calls: Engl/Islam, Cognitive Science of Natural Lang Processing
The Linguist List
- 7.679, Qs: Loan-words, Drama and DA, Translation
The Linguist List
- 7.680, Misc: The millenium, ESL
The Linguist List
- 7.681, Sum: Internet/Superhighway
The Linguist List
- 7.682, FYI: Congreso Lenguas Mayas, PhD studentship, Span mailing-list
The Linguist List
- 7.683, Jobs: Research Fellow in speech or Language processing
The Linguist List
- 7.684, Jobs: Adjunct Lecturer position, Jobs in Taiwan
The Linguist List
- 7.685, FYI: PhD Scholarship at U. of Aarhus, Denmark
The Linguist List
- 7.686, Confs: Formal Linguistics (FLSM VII), Finno-Ugric Conf
The Linguist List
- 7.687, Qs: Syntactic typology, E-mail in Yiddish, Etymology of streak
The Linguist List
- 7.688, FYI: Research studentships in Speech Science, U. of Sheffield
The Linguist List
- 7.689, Calls: Semiotics, Computational Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.690, Qs: E-mail,"Streak", Applied, Dative/Essive, Discourse
The Linguist List
- 7.691, Disc: Syntactic Typology
The Linguist List
- 7.692, Qs: Niger-Congo, 'sit'/'stand,' Russian, Gender in Korean
The Linguist List
- 7.693, Confs: Children and theory; Nootka
The Linguist List
- 7.694, Confs: English as an Asian Language
The Linguist List
- 7.695, Confs: Corpora; Information-Theoretic Approaches
The Linguist List
- 7.696, Confs: Language Origins; Inside NPs
The Linguist List
- 7.697, Calls: NLP, Girona Summer Workshop, Central Romance
The Linguist List
- 7.698, Calls: Logical aspects of Computational ling.; Optimality
The Linguist List
- 7.699, Disc: Syntactic Typology
The Linguist List
- 7.700, Jobs: Post-doc at Rochester; ESL
The Linguist List
- 7.701, Qs: Comparison, Cree, London Jewish Speech, Spanish
The Linguist List
- 7.702, Sum: to
The Linguist List
- 7.703, Sum: Warsh-Warshington
The Linguist List
- 7.704, Sum: Language in Recipes
The Linguist List
- 7.705, Sum: German as a Foreign Language
The Linguist List
- 7.706, Disc: Ungrammatical Sentences
The Linguist List
- 7.707, Disc: Foreign languages in dreams
The Linguist List
- 7.708, Sum: Terminology of children's games
The Linguist List
- 7.709, FYI: Phonetic Association; Computational Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.710, Calls: Romance Lgs, Literacy, Cognitive Science (CogSci96)
The Linguist List
- LINGUIST How-To's: May 14, 1996 (REV)
The Linguist List
- 7.711, Sum: English textbooks
The Linguist List
- 7.712, Sum: Questions on HPSG
The Linguist List
- 7.713, Calls: Information Retrieval, Computational Processing
The Linguist List
- 7.714, Sum: French translations needed
The Linguist List
- 7.715, Jobs: Computational Linguist For Text-To-Speech Synthesis
The Linguist List
- 7.716, Disc: Ungrammaticality
The Linguist List
- 7.717, Disc: Foreign languages in dreams
The Linguist List
- 7.718, Sum: -y in English
The Linguist List
- 7.719, FYI: Release, Resources, Expedition, Grammar, Update
The Linguist List
- 7.720, Disc: Languages in dreams, Typology, Millennium
The Linguist List
- 7.721, Sum: Iearning vs. innateness of binding principle
The Linguist List
- 7.722, Sum: Literary Pragmatics
The Linguist List
- 7.723, Qs: Teach,Hyrdrocephalic,Software,Mokita,Lists,Verbs
The Linguist List
- 7.724, Qs: Terms, Regional, Hungarian, French, -lects
The Linguist List
- 7.725, Qs: Cherokee, Programs,Lg origin,multiling,Unknown lg
The Linguist List
- 7.726, Qs: Neural, Strong Vs, Multilingual, Dictionary, Army
The Linguist List
- 7.727, FYI: Finite-State Techniques in NLP, Summer School
The Linguist List
- 7.728, Qs: Text, Dictionary, Book, SLA, Pragmatics
The Linguist List
- 7.729, Disc: Language in dreams
The Linguist List
- 7.730, Qs: Address, Pubs, Paraling, Bugwords, Dictionary
The Linguist List
- 7.731, FYI: Fulbright Scholar Program
The Linguist List
- 7.732, Disc: Millennium, Influence of English
The Linguist List
- 7.733, TOC: Proceedings volumes
The Linguist List
- 7.734, Disc: Linguistic Society of America & Political Correctness
The Linguist List
- 7.735, Confs: Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.736, Disc: Languages in dreams, Millennium
The Linguist List
- 7.737, Calls: Society for Pidgin and Creole Languages
The Linguist List
- 7.738, Jobs: Applied Linguistics, Chair at U. of Copenhagen
The Linguist List
- 7.739, Qs: Phoneme, Thai, Spelling, Address, References
The Linguist List
- 7.740, Sum: Foreign languages in dreams
The Linguist List
- 7.741, Qs: Syntax, Dictionary, English, Variation, Survey
The Linguist List
- 7.742, Disc: Language in dreams
The Linguist List
- 7.743, Disc: Un?bom?er, -y in English
The Linguist List
- 7.744, Jobs: Research Assistant/Associate position
The Linguist List
- 7.745, FYI: Editor, Fellowship
The Linguist List
- 7.746, Calls: NELS
The Linguist List
- 7.747, TOC: Anthropological Linguistics, vol. 38, no. 1
The Linguist List
The Linguist List
- 7.749, Disc: Linguistic Society of America & Political Correctness
The Linguist List
- 7.750, TOC: GALA 1995 Proceedings
The Linguist List
- 7.751, TOC: Davis Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 5 (1996)
The Linguist List
- 7.752 , Books: Amerindian Lgs, Malayo-Polynisian Lgs, Ling Theory
The Linguist List
- 7.753, Books: Lg Acquisition, Second Lg Acquisition
The Linguist List
- 7.754, Books: Syntax, Logic & Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.755, Books: Text, Speech and Language Technology (New Series)
The Linguist List
- 7.756, TOC: Proceedings of the 1995 Eastern States Conference on Lx
The Linguist List
- 7.757, TOC: Yearbook Language and Cognition 5
The Linguist List
- 7.758, Confs: Language + Vision, Discourse Anaphora
The Linguist List
- 7.759, Books: Linguistic Theory, Applied Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.760, FYI: PhD Studentship: Linguistics and Computing
The Linguist List
- 7.761, Confs: Spatial Expressions, Semantic Lexicons
The Linguist List
- 7.762, FYI: Esperanto courses in USA summer 1996
The Linguist List
- 7.763, Disc: Linguistic Society of America & Political Correctness
The Linguist List
- 7.764, Qs: Prolog,Address,Search,Fricatives,Fonts,Acquisition
The Linguist List
- 7.765, Sum: Modal survey
The Linguist List
- 7.766, Disc: -y, Language in dreams
The Linguist List
- 7.767, Calls: IsCLL-V Chinese Languages and Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.768, FYI: V.A.Fromkin elected to NAS, Concordance programs
The Linguist List
- 7.769, Qs: Umlauts, Case, Chinese, grammatical, etymology
The Linguist List
- 7.770, FYI: Singerman's book, Language in the Judicial Process
The Linguist List
- 7.771, Qs: Germanic, Greek Fonts, Chinese, Japanese Software
The Linguist List
- 7.772, TOC: Yearbook Language and Cognition 5
The Linguist List
- 7.773, Jobs: Yokohama National University
The Linguist List
- 7.774, Calls: COGNITIVE TECHNOLOGY, Prototype theory
The Linguist List
- 7.775, Jobs: EFL at Kwansei Gakuin University
The Linguist List
- 7.776, Calls: Optimality theory in Kansas Working Papers (correction)
The Linguist List
- 7.777, Disc: Ungrammaticality vs. Semantic Anomaly
The Linguist List
- 7.778, Disc: Umlauts
The Linguist List
- 7.779, Disc: English rhetoric/composition textbooks
The Linguist List
- 7.780, Disc: Lg & dreams, Unabomber, -y
The Linguist List
- 7.781, FYI: Corpus Wizard, Research position, Mirror site
The Linguist List
- 7.782, Calls: European Association for Machine Translation
The Linguist List
- 7.783, Books: Contrastive Ling, Pacific Ling
The Linguist List
- 7.784, TOC: Ling Society of Southern Africa 1995
The Linguist List
- 7.785, Qs: Controlled Languages, Uvular Affricate, PP-attachment
The Linguist List
- 7.786, Disc: Umlauts, Lg & dreams, LSA
The Linguist List
- 7.787, Calls: Semantics, Whorf Centenary, Literature & Ling.
The Linguist List
- 7.788, Jobs: Computational linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.789, Calls: Romance lgs, Semantics and ling theory
The Linguist List
- 7.790, Confs: 4th International Conf on Spoken Lg Processing (update)
The Linguist List
- 7.791, FYI: Journal of Comp Germanic Ling (new), Mary R. Haas memorial
The Linguist List
- 7.792, Qs: VARBRUL vs. SPSS, Fricatives, Paired transitive verbs
The Linguist List
- 7.793, Qs: "Not really", Faroese, Textbooks on pragmatics
The Linguist List
- 7.794, Sum: Adjective/noun order
The Linguist List
- 7.795, Sum: Basic grammar texts
The Linguist List
- 7.796, Books: History of Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.797, Jobs: Help needed for phonetics corpus making
The Linguist List
- 7.798, TOC: Language in the Judicial Process
The Linguist List
- 7.799, TOC: Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale
The Linguist List
- 7.800, FYI: Postgraduate Study in Computational Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.801, FYI: New Conference List, New Release from the LDC
The Linguist List
- 7.802, FYI: Multilingual Evaluation Tool
The Linguist List
Last message date:
Fri May 31 22:13:42 UTC 1996
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 07:45:36 UTC 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).