7.753, Books: Lg Acquisition, Second Lg Acquisition

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Fri May 24 21:36:18 UTC 1996

LINGUIST List:  Vol-7-753. Fri May 24 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  234
Subject: 7.753, Books: Lg Acquisition, Second Lg Acquisition
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: lveselin at emunix.emich.edu (Ljuba Veselinova)
Additional information on the following books, as well as a short backlist
of the publisher's titles, may be available from the Listserv.  Instructions
for retrieving publishers' backlists appear at the end of this issue.
------------------------------New Books-------------------------------------
(edited by Andy Stringfellow, Dalia Cahana-Amitay,
Elizabeth Hughes and Andrea Zukowski)
1996            6 x 9       872 pages (2 volume paperback set)
1-57473-012-6   paperback   $50.00 plus shipping
This set contains 76 papers from the November 1994 BU Conference on
Language Development, including the plenary address by Lydia White.
A complete table of contents, as well as ordering and shipping
information, is available by e-mail or through our web site.
CASCADILLA PRESS   phone: (617) 776-2370  fax: (617) 776-2271
sales at cascadilla.com   http://www.cascadilla.com
Cook, Vivian (University of Essex, UK); Second Language Learning and
Language Teaching, 2nd Edition; PB; ISBN 0 340 65202 0; Price *12.99;
240pp; Arnold.  An introduction to all aspects of second language
acquisition research where it relates to practical language teaching
and the classroom. This second edition has been enlarged and
thoroughly updated in the light of new research. The author lays
greater emphasis on the implications of SL. A research for the classroom
and a wider range of research is taken into account. There are
exercises and expanded sections at chapter ends offering tips for
teachers approaching second language acquisition for the first time.
E-mail: arnold at hodder.mhs.compuserve.com
Interlanguage and Learnability.
	From Chinese to English.
This book investigates a set of structures characteristic of Chinese
speakers' English interlanguage (CIL) in the light of grammatical
theory and principles of learnability. As a study of CIL grammar, it
illuminates both the theory of interlanguage syntax in general and
some specific problems in the acquisition of English by Chinese L1
Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, 11  Hb: xvi, 247 pp.
US & Canada: 1-55619-249-5      US$65.00
Rest of world: 90 272 2477 3     Hfl.115,--
Learnability and the Lexicon in Second L2 Acquisition
Chinese Learner's acquisition of English argument structure
ALAN JUFFS (University of Pittsburgh)
This book provides a critical review of recent theories of
semantics-syntax correspondences and makes new proposals for
constraints on semantic structure relevant to syntax. Data from
several languages are presented which suggest that semantic structure
in root morphemes is subject to parametric variation which has effects
across a variety of verb classes, including locatives, unaccusatives,
and psych verbs.
The implications for first and second language acquisition are
discussed. In particular, it is suggested that different parametric
settings may lead to a learnability problem if adult learners do not
retain access to sensitivity to underlying semantic organization and
morphological differences between languages provided by Universal
Grammar. An experiment with Chinese-speaking learners of English is
presented which shows that learners initially transfer L1 semantic
organization to the L2, but are able to retreat from
overgeneralizations and achieve native-like grammars in this
area.Suggestions for further research in this rapidly developing area
of theory and acquisition research are also made.
Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, 12    Hb:  xi, 276 pp.
US & Canada: 1-55619-775-6   $79.00
Rest of world: 90 272 2478 1   Hfl.125,--
Lexical Issues in Language Learning.
BIRGIT HARLEY (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education)
The nine major empirical studies in this work address key issues in
the development and use of vocabulary by child bilinguals and older
second language learners. The thematic focus is on the assessment of
lexical development in bilinguals at different points in the lifespan;
the psycholinguistic factors that determine the learnability of second
language lexis; and the conditions on communication tasks that promote
the learning and retention of second language vocabulary or lead to
different strategies for handling lexical problems. The introductory
chapter presents an overview of current trends in lexical research in
second language learning, and assesses the contribution of each of the
nine studies to knowledge in the field.
The volume is not only a valuable reference tool for researchers and
scholars active in this field, but also serves as excellent course
material for use in graduate seminars on the subject.
Best of Language Learning, 2  Pb: iv, 318 pp.
US & Canada: 1-55619-715-2     US$29.95
Rest of world: 90 272 2352 1   Hfl.65,--
The Current State of Interlanguage
Studies in honor of William E. Rutherford
LYNN EUBANK, (Univ of North Texas)LARRY SELINKER (Univ of London) & MICHAEL
 SHARWOOD-SMITH (Univ of Utrecht) (eds.)
This state-of-the-art volume presents an outstanding collection of 22
studies on current issues facing research in second-language
acquisition (SLA). The topics covered range from the role of
universals at various levels of second-language (L2) knowledge; the
way that linguistic knowledge is represented by L2 learners; the
changing nature of linguistic theory itself; and the definition of
usage phenomena like style shifting and code switching.
The introduction is a concise yet detailed overview of research in the
field over the past 10 years, and focuses on the present growing
consensus on a number of issues that were at one point highly
Hb:  vii, 301 pp.
US & Canada: 1 55619 506 0     US$57.00
Rest of world: 90 272 2152 9    Hfl.100,--
Second Language Acquisition in a Study Abroad Context.
BARBARA F. FREED (Carnegie Mellon Univ) (ed.)
This volume is a first-time series of studies which explore the
relationship between language learning and the study abroad
experience. The twelve individual papers, utilizing different research
methodologies (quantitative, qualitative, descriptive), address
various aspects of second language learning, including the acquisition
of sociolinguistic competence, the acquisition of fluency, the use of
communicative strategies and the development of oral and written
The studies are cross-linguistic and deal with student populations at
the secondary and college levels who had spent between three months
and one year in study abroad or exchange programs in Japan, Russia,
Spain, Mexico, France or Canada.
Studies in Bilingualism, 9  Hb: xiv, 345 pp.
US & Canada: 1-55619-542-7     US$79.00
Rest of world: 90 272 4114 7   Hfl.135,--
The Acquisition of Temporality in a Second Language.
In collaboration with Jose Coenen, Beatriz Dorriots, Henrieette
Hendricks, Korrie v. Helvert, Clive Perdue, Soeren Sjoestroem,
Marie-Therese Vasseur, Daniel Veronique and Kaarlo Voionmaa.
This is the second volume in the Studies in Bilingualism series to
present results from the European Science Foundation's project 'Second
language acquisition by adult immigrants'. It deals specifically with
the acquisition of temporality in five European languages: Dutch,
English, French, German and Swedish, providing a detailed account of
how adult learners who have little or no exposure to classroom
teaching, express temporality at any given stage of the acquisition
process, how they proceed from one stage to the next, and what factors
determine both their progress and their final levels of proficiency.
Studies in Bilingualism, 7  Hb:  xii, 288 pp.
US & Canada: 1-55619-537-0      US$59.00
Rest of world: 90 272 4109 0    Hfl.105,--
Paul Peranteau (paul at benjamins.com)
John Benjamins searchable ONLINE catalogue:
*via WWW -- gopher://Benjamins.titlenet.com:6400
*via gopher -- gopher Benjamins.titlenet.com 6400
-----------------------How to get a publisher's backlist-----------------------
Simply send a message to:
      Listserv at tamvm1.tamu.edu    (Internet)
      Listserv at tamvm1             (Bitnet)
The message should consist of the single line:
get publishername lst linguist
For example, to get more information on a book published by Mouton
de Gruyter, send the message:
       get mouton lst linguist
At the moment, the following lists are available:
      benjamin lst    (John Benjamins)
      Blackwel lst    (Blackwell Publishers) 	
      erlbaum lst     (Lawrence Erlbaum)
      kluwer lst      (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
      mouton lst      (Mouton de Gruyter)
      sil lst         (Summer Institute of Linguistics)
      ucp lst         (University of Chicago Press)
      glsa lst        (U. of Massachusetts Graduate Linguistics Association)
      osuwpl lst      (Ohio State Working Papers in Linguistics)
      cornell lst     (Cornell University Linguistics Dept.)
      USC lst         (U. of S. California Dissertation List)
      CSLI lst        (CSLI List)
      holland lst     (Holland Academic Graphics)
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-753.

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