7.674, Jobs: Natural Language Processing, German, Spanish

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Thu May 9 02:51:56 UTC 1996

LINGUIST List:  Vol-7-674. Wed May 8 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  582
Subject: 7.674, Jobs: Natural Language Processing, German, Spanish
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: avaldez at emunix.emich.edu (Annemarie Valdez)
Date:  Tue, 07 May 1996 17:46:16 -0000
From:  skm at cogsci.ed.ac.uk (Suresh Manandhar)
Subject:  Research Studentship available in NLP
Date:  Tue, 07 May 1996 13:14:45 CDT
From:  batinski at homer.forlang.lsu.edu (Emily Batinski)
Subject:  job opening: German
Date:  Tue, 07 May 1996 16:53:41 CDT
From:  batinski at homer.forlang.lsu.edu (Emily Batinski)
Subject:  job opening: Spanish
Date:  Wed, 08 May 1996 10:36:25 MDT
From:  dvilla at nmsu.edu (DANIEL M VILLA)
Subject:  Job announcement
Date:  Tue, 07 May 1996 17:46:16 -0000
From:  skm at cogsci.ed.ac.uk (Suresh Manandhar)
Subject:  Research Studentship available in NLP
 [ Please post locally. ]
                                             INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS GROUP
The Intelligent Systems Group in the Department of Computer Science at
the University of York would  like to hear from exceptional candidates
interested  in  pursuing a postgraduate   research degree (MSc, MPhil,
PhD) in areas related to the Group's research interests as outlined on
the following pages.
The  Department has a  number of EPSRC-funded fellowships for doctoral
candidates and  another   fellowship that, unlike   EPSRC fellowships,
provides a stipend to nationals of any EC country.
The Department of Computer Science at  the University of York provides
an  outstanding environment for  research and postgraduate study.  The
Department is  one of the  few computer science  departments in the UK
whose research has been awarded  the  top rating  of  "5" in the  most
recent   Research Assessment Exercise  and    whose teaching has  been
awarded the top rating  of "excellent" in  the HEFCE Teaching  Quality
Assessment.  Based  on  its  evaluation of the  Department's  research
programme,  the EPSRC  has  increased the   Department's allocation of
research  studentships over the  past few years,  while nationally the
total number of studentships has  declined.  The Department's doctoral
program  has maintained an extremely  high  graduation rate: in recent
years almost  all  EPSRC-supported students  have  submitted a  thesis
within four years and earned a doctoral degree.
Further information on the Group, as well as the Department, can be be
accessed on the World Wide Web via URL
Those wishing to discuss opportunities for postgraduate studies within
the  Intelligent   Systems Group should   contact   either Alan Frisch
(frisch at minster.york.ac.uk,   +44 1904 432745),         Derek   Bridge
(dgb at minster.york.ac.uk)          or           Suresh        Manandhar
(suresh at minster.york.ac.uk) by email  or at the Department of Computer
Science, University of York, York YO1 5DD, UK.
General enquiries about the postgraduate  programmes of the Department
of Computer   Science       should   be  made    to  Maggie     Burton
(maggie at minster.york.ac.uk) by email or at the above postal address.
        ------------------------- + -------------------------
The research  of  the Intelligent Systems  Group  is concerned  with the
theoretical principles of  artificial intelligence and their application
to real-world domains. The Group's research  focuses on three core areas
of artificial  intelligence--knowledge   representation and   reasoning,
machine  learning  and  natural language  processing--though most of the
Group's projects span these areas.
KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION AND  REASONING is the  area of study  concerned
with determining what knowledge a  system requires to produce a  certain
behaviour,  how this knowledge  can be encoded  and structured for rapid
access, and how a system can reason with what it knows.
    We  have   developed  a  framework   for  enhancing  general-purpose
deductive   systems  by embedding  into  them  powerful, special purpose
constraint-solving methods.  Using this framework, we have developed and
studied  reasoning systems  for  knowledge  retrieval, constraint  logic
programming, modal   logic   deduction, parsing  feature-based grammars,
inductive learning   and  planning.   In   addition to furthering   this
research, we are investigating constraint-solving algorithms.
MACHINE LEARNING is the area of study concerned with how a computational
system can  acquire  knowledge  by  learning  from its  experiences  and
    Intuition tells us that a  system can learn  by generalising what it
knows or   observes.  We  have  been  studying  this intuition  and  its
computational consequences in a mathematically rigorous manner.  We have
formalised the    notion  of  generalisation,  studied   algorithms  for
computing generalisations,   and  identified   conditions   under  which
generalisation is an effective mechanism for learning.
    A major challenge of artificial intelligence  is the construction of
systems that can find efficient  plans of action for accomplishing given
tasks. We  are  developing, and studying  the complexity  of, algorithms
that learn to plan efficiently from examples of optimal plans.
    Case-based reasoning (CBR) systems  solve new problems by analogy to
past  problems.  The theoretical  framework   we are developing  answers
questions such  as  whether the accuracy  of these   systems necessarily
improves as more problems are encountered.  We are also developing novel
CBR architectures and applying CBR to a number of real domains.
NATURAL  LANGUAGE PROCESSING research investigates computational methods
for understanding and   generating  human  language  and  has  important
applications in document processing and user interfaces.
    We are developing languages for stating the morphological, syntactic
and semantic constraints central to modern grammatical theories.  We are
also developing     efficient   algorithms for   reasoning   with  these
    By  combining our  work  in  natural  language processing with   our
expertise in machine learning   we are developing methods  for  learning
large-coverage grammars (semi-)automatically  from large  collections of
text.  We   have already shown    how inductive and  deductive  learning
techniques can be combined  to give a system  that can learn parts  of a
high quality, wide-coverage natural language grammar.
The members  of the Intelligent Systems  Group have  been highly active,
supervising the completion   of six PhD students--all  of  whom now hold
university positions--patenting    an   architecture   for    generating
navigation directions in natural language, and currently producing their
third book.  The group has attracted  research grants for four projects,
one studying methods   for  representing and  reasoning   about changing
requirements,  one studying   distributed  architectures for  case-based
reasoning, and two studying applications of case-based reasoning.
The  ISG maintains close  contacts with leading researchers and research
groups,  both nationally and   internationally.  During  the  past three
years the group hosted approximately  25 visiting speakers from the  UK,
US, Canada, Germany, Australia and the Netherlands.  The ISG is a member
of ESPRIT's  COMPULOG  NET, the Network  of  Excellence in Computational
Logic. The group    co-sponsored AISB's  First   Workshop  on  Automated
Reasoning and    hosted the Fourth   European   Workshop on   Logics  in
Artificial Intelligence.
The ISG   has particularly   good links  with    the nearby  Division of
Artificial  Intelligence at the  University  of Leeds.   In addition  to
conducting collaborative research, the two groups co-sponsor a number of
events including   the Annual  Knowledge   Representation and  Reasoning
Distinguished Lecturer, inviting  a leading  international AI researcher
to visit and speak at the two universities.
At  York, the ISG  collaborates    with researchers  in  the  Dept.   of
Linguistics and in    other groups in  the  Dept.  of Computer  Science,
including   the High-Integrity Systems    Engineering Group,  the  Human
Computer  Interaction Group, and   the Advanced   Computer Architectures
Derek Bridge,  Lecturer.  (dgb at minster.york.ac.uk)   Natural    language
          processing, case-based reasoning.
David Duffy,   Research Associate.   (dad at minster.york.ac.uk)  Automated
          reasoning and requirements analysis, proof by induction.
Alan Frisch,  Reader in Intelligent Systems. (frisch at minster.york.ac.uk)
          Automated    reasoning,  constraint solving,  constraint logic
          programming, knowledge representation.
Suresh Manandhar, Lecturer. (suresh at minster.york.ac.uk) Natural language
          processing, constraint programming, knowledge representation.
Hugh Osborne,  Research   Associate.    (hugh at minster.york.ac.uk)  Novel
          applications  of  formal  methods,   especially  to case-based
Further information and  research papers  can be  accessed on  the World
Wide Web   at   URL  http://dcpu1.cs.york.ac.uk:9876/isg/home.html.   To
discuss educational and    research opportunities  contact  Alan  Frisch
(phone: +44 1904 432745) or any members of the group at either the email
address listed above  or    at The   Department  of  Computer   Science,
University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD, United Kingdom.
        ------------------------- + -------------------------
                                             INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS GROUP
This document provides brief   descriptions of research projects  that
are representative of  those conducted within the  Intelligent Systems
Group.   For   convenience   the document    is  divided   into  three
sections--knowledge  representation and reasoning, machine   learning,
and natural language processing--although there is significant overlap
among these.
Alan Frisch
    One   of  the  most widely-used   and    successful approaches  to
increasing the    efficiency of general-purpose   automated  reasoning
systems has been that of integrating special-purpose reasoning systems
into them,  resulting   in what  are  often  called  hybrid  reasoning
systems.  Though the resulting hybrid reasoning systems are appealing,
their construction and analysis  can be difficult.  Our research helps
to remedy this problem for a particular class of hybrid reasoners that
we have identified and dubbed ``substitutional reasoners''.
    Substitutional reasoners   share  certain  architectural features;
most   notably they  (1)  operate on     a  language that contains   a
distinguished  set of   symbols for representing    constraints on the
values over which quantified variables range, and (2) employ a special
purpose reasoning   system  to   test  the  satisfiability   of  these
constraints.  One of the   distinguishing features  of  substitutional
reasoners is that  the constraints are  manipulated exclusively by the
special-purpose reasoner.
    Though the substitutional architecture   has been one of  the most
common and successful architectures for hybrid reasoning, our research
is the  first to  identify these  reasoners  as a single class  and to
investigate their common  properties  and the general principles  that
underly  them.   Our  results support  a  framework  that  enables the
systematic   production   of substitutional    reasoners    and  their
completeness proofs  from  certain kinds  of non-hybrid  reasoners and
their completeness proofs.
    Within the substitutional   framework  we have  studied  reasoning
systems for  knowledge retrieval, constraint  logic programming, modal
logic  deduction, parsing  feature-based grammars, inductive  learning
with background information and planning in temporally rich domains.
Alan Frisch
    In contrast  to our results on   deduction with constraints, which
have  been  obtained by  abstracting away from  algorithmic issues and
concentrating on  architectural  issues,   we are taking    a  growing
interest  in constraint-solving  algorithms.    Our previous work  has
studied sorted unification, an operation that lies at the heart of all
automated deduction systems for sorted logic, and which can be seen as
jointly solving membership and equational constraints.
    Our  current work  studies  the relationship  of deduction to  the
problem of simultaneously satisfying a set  of symbolic constraints on
finite   domains.   Future  efforts  will  concentrate  on integrating
deductive  methods  and traditional constraint satisfaction techniques
to effectively solve large constraint satisfaction problems.
David Duffy
    This project is  concerned with the representation of requirements
and design decisions, and the rationale associated with them, in a way
that is amenable  to automated reasoning.  The goal   is to develop  a
methodology both for   reasoning  about the implications (and    hence
costs) of changes to requirements, and for assessing the opportunities
for changes  in order to adapt and  improve system designs. Early work
concentrated on the     development  of a  goal-based  framework   for
combining  informal and  formal  representations  of requirements  and
ensuring their   integrity.   Subsequently, we   have  focused  on the
problems of extracting formal descriptions from requirements expressed
using controlled  natural languages, and the  use  of proof mechanisms
for assessing  the sensitivity  of requirements  to change. This  work
forms part  of  a broader   project (in   conjunction  with the   High
Integrity   Systems Group  at  York,  with  Newcastle and Loughborough
Universities and  with a number of  industrial partners)  on processes
for  dealing with changing    requirements, which  is  now  coming  to
Derek Bridge, Hugh Osborne
    Our early work included the use of object-orientation to structure
logic databases,  but   more recently all  our   work has taken  on  a
case-based reasoning (CBR) flavour.
    A short project with BT Plc investigated how the services provided
by Help Desks   could  be improved by    the use of  knowledge   based
techniques. We built a small prototype system which used CBR to assist
a Help Desk Operator  carry out a  partial  diagnosis of  a customer's
problem.   Subsequent  work,    carried  out   in the   Human-Computer
Interaction Group  undertook the formal specification,   using Z, of a
variety of properties of case-based systems. These specifications gave
insight into the   `space'   of  possible case-based  systems,     and
elucidated human interaction properties.
    Finally, in collaboration  with the Advanced  Architectures Group,
we are working on a project  entitled `Architectures for Heterogeneous
Knowledge  Manipulation Systems', which   is part of  the EPSRC-funded
special  research  programme Architectures for  Knowledge Manipulation
Systems.    The  knowledge-based systems   side  of  this project will
characterise functional properties of  stand alone CBR systems and the
circumstances under which these properties are preserved in integrated
systems  and  in distributed  environments.   The properties  will  be
characterised both formally and empirically.  So far we have devised a
rich set of human-interpretable similarity measures and derived normal
forms for these  that allow  their  parallel evaluation.    Industrial
support for the project comes in the form of a PARAMID multi-processor
from Transtech Ltd., and the supply of example data from a U.K.  bank.
    In the future,  we  intend to  continue to  blend both  formal and
empirical methods in our research in this area.
Derek Bridge, Robert Dormer, Klaas Schilstra
    Planning  has traditionally  been  treated  within  the artificial
intelligence community  with a focus on  search: finding a sequence of
operators which will  transform  an initial state  into a  goal state.
For complex systems, however, the  computational cost of this approach
is prohibitive. Humans on the other  hand are able  to plan in complex
environments, by  using skills and   techniques learned from analogous
situations that have been encountered previously. The aim of this work
is  to investigate the use of   learning techniques, such as inductive
logic   programming, for   improving   the  efficiency of  logic-based
planners.  We  are also looking  at  the use   of statistical learning
theories  (such  as   PAC  learning)  to  obtain   bounds on   problem
More recently, we have turned to case-based reasoning and learning as
a way of furnishing planners with knowledge of plan execution
experience that can be used to build more robust plans.
Derek Bridge, Tony Griffiths
  Using the PAC-learning model of machine  learning, we are attempting
to answer questions  such as whether the  performance  of a case-based
reasoning system necessarily  improves as more cases  are added to the
case base. In particular, we have formalised  the knowledge content of
case-based systems, shown that they often have concept spaces that are
different from  their hypothesis spaces, and  shown how the similarity
measure  encodes learning bias.  More   recently we have described two
algorithms whose average-case  learning behaviours (which we have been
able to  characterise precisely) we propose  should act  as yardsticks
against which the observed  performance of case-based learners  can be
Alan Frisch, Simon Anthony
    Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is concerned with learning logic
programs from sets of examples  and, often, some background knowledge.
Though ILP systems have been applied with great success to a number of
real-world problems, they inherit some of the shortcomings inherent in
the  traditional  logic  programming  paradigm.    In particular, with
traditional logic programming  languages it is difficult to  naturally
express computations  over domains other   than the Herbrand  universe
(the   set of variable-free  logical   terms).  Thus logic programming
languages usually require   extra-logical  constructions   to  express
operations such as arithmetic  ones.  Consequently, the  major results
of   ILP, which are  formulated  for  pure logic   programs, cannot be
applied directly to non-Herbrand domains.
    Constraint logic   programming generalises the  ideas  of ordinary
logic programming to allow  computation over non-Herbrand domains in a
principled  and  natural manner.   This  is achieved  by replacing the
unification procedure of  ordinary logic programming with more general
constraint-solving mechanisms.
    Our research is attempting to take the the major ideas and results
from   ILP and generalise them  to  the learning   of constraint logic
programs.    Our  goal   is   to   demonstrate   that  the   resulting
enterprise--Inductive Constraint  Logic   Programming--provides useful
methods  for  learning  in   non-Herbrand domains  such  as  numerical
Suresh Manandhar, Alan Frisch
    Ambiguity      arises    at   all      levels      of   linguistic
knowledge--morphology, phonology,  syntax, semantics and discourse.  A
natural   language  processing system incurs    heavy penalties if its
implementation does not   employ a   representation  that is   largely
non-committal.   Our recent  work  has    focussed  on  the  use    of
underspecified representations   to  represent and  reason efficiently
with ambiguities. We  have  developed constraint  logics that  provide
logically sound and efficient mechanisms to  represent and reason with
such underspecified structures.
    Our future work will  concentrate on formulating a general purpose
constraint-solving   scheme    suitable    for  specifying     complex
constraint-based grammars for use in  a generic parsing and generation
architecture.   We will also   attempt to develop  a hybrid constraint
logic   that   combines    constraint  reasoning   with  probabilistic
information.  Such a  logic could be  used to obtain the most probable
interpretation of  a highly ambiguous representation.   Our goal is to
specify and implement  a future proof  formalism that subsumes current
constraint-based formalisms  by  allowing development of  large hybrid
constraint-based grammars.
Suresh Manandhar, Derek Bridge
    Modern  constraint-based grammatical theories, such as Head-driven
Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), employ a complex range of constraints
for representing linguistic  knowledge. On the one  hand, such a  rich
grammatical theory makes  it possible to  write grammars that  contain
very rich linguistic knowledge. On the other hand,  it is not entirely
clear    how    constraint-based     grammars    can     be    learned
(semi-)automatically from  large corpora. This  means that  there is a
need to study  the complexity/learnability divide  and come  up with a
refined but  equally   expressive grammatical   theory  that has   the
advantage of being acquired automatically from corpora.
    Our  efforts so far have been  devoted towards combining deductive
and  inductive techniques for  learning   unification grammars in  the
style of  Generalised  Phrase-Structure  Grammar.   This  approach was
successful  in learning  grammars   that  reduced overgeneration   and
undergeneration,  and which assigned linguistically plausible analyses
to sentences.
    Future work will build on our past work and other existing work in
corpus  linguistics,     constraint-based      grammars,     knowledge
representation and machine learning with a view to learning HPSG-style
unification grammars.
Date:  Tue, 07 May 1996 13:14:45 CDT
From:  batinski at homer.forlang.lsu.edu (Emily Batinski)
Subject:  job opening: German
			Louisiana State University
		Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Assistant Professor of German, beginning August 1996.  Ph.D. in German
(concentration in linguistics) with specialization in applied
linguistics.  Native or near-native fluency in German.  Strong commitment
to research and undergraduate teaching.  Experience in undergraduate
teaching and program development desirable.  ABD candidates are welcome
to apply, but title and salary will depend upon Ph.D. status at time of
appointment.  Application deadline May 31, 1996, or until candidate is
chosen.  Please provide address and phone number where you may be
contacted after May 31.  Send curriculum vitae, three letters of
recommendation and teaching evaluations to
		Emily E. Batinski, Chair
		Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
		222 Prescott Hall
		Louisiana State University
		Baton Rouge,  LA  70806
Date:  Tue, 07 May 1996 16:53:41 CDT
From:  batinski at homer.forlang.lsu.edu (Emily Batinski)
Subject:  job opening: Spanish
			Louisiana State University
		Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Assistant Professor of Spanish (Hispanic Linguist), beginning August,
1996.  Required Qualifications: Ph.D. in Spanish (Linguistics
concentration) with specialization in applied linguistics or related
area; native or near-native fluency in Spanish; strong commitment to
research and undergraduate education;  A.B.D. candidates are welcome to
apply, but title and salary will depend upon Ph.D. status at time of
appointment.  Additional Qualifications Desired: experience in language
coordination and undergraduate/graduate teaching.  Responsibilities:
coordinate lower-level Spanish programs; oversee graduate teaching
assistants; research in Hispanic linguistics and/or related area.  Salary
will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.  Application
deadline is May 31, 1996, or until candidate is selected.  Submit letter
of application, resume and letters of recommendation to:
			Emily E. Batinski
			Foreign Languages and Literatures
			222 Prescott Hall
			Louisiana State University
			Baton Rouge, LA  70803
Date:  Wed, 08 May 1996 10:36:25 MDT
From:  dvilla at nmsu.edu (DANIEL M VILLA)
Subject:  Job announcement
                      Job announcement
Assistant Professor of Linguistics/Spanish Linguistics (non-
tenure track). ABD status required, Ph.D. preferred. One
year appointment. Successful candidate may apply for tenure
track position to be announced in 1997-1998 academic year.
Teach introductory and advanced courses in linguistics and
Spanish linguistics. Send cover letter, CV with three recent
letters of reference to: Linguistics Search Committee Chair,
Dept. of Languages and Linguistics, Box 30001, Dept. 3L, New
Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003. Deadline:
June 5, 1996.
Salary negotiable. NMSU is an equal opportunity/affirmative
action employer.
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-674.

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