7.670, Confs: Lg diversity/cognitive rep., Chinese ling (1996 NACCL8)
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Tue May 7 14:53:44 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-670. Tue May 7 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 326
Subject: 7.670, Confs: Lg diversity/cognitive rep., Chinese ling (1996 NACCL8)
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
We'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements to 150 lines,
so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider omitting
information useful only to attendees, such as information on housing,
transportation, or rooms and times of sessions. Please do not use
abbreviations or acronyms for your conference unless you explain
them in your text. Many people outside your area of specialization
will not recognize them. Thank you for your cooperation.
Date: Fri, 03 May 1996 18:59:59 BST
From: afrique at cnrs-bellevue.fr (Laboratoire LLACAN)
Subject: Language Diversity and Cognitive Representations
Date: Mon, 06 May 1996 16:20:39 CDT
From: jpackar at uiuc.edu (Jerry Packard)
Subject: 1996 NACCL8 schedule
Date: Fri, 03 May 1996 18:59:59 BST
From: afrique at cnrs-bellevue.fr (Laboratoire LLACAN)
Subject: Language Diversity and Cognitive Representations
International Conference
November 8-9, 1996
Ecole Normale Superieure
Catherine Fuchs (Catherine.Fuchs at ens.fr) and Stephane Robert
(robert at cnrs-bellevue.fr)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
phone: (33)-(1)-42-53-75-87
fax: (33)-(1)-42-53-75-86
4 ter, route des Gardes
92190 MEUDON
tel : 1-45 07 58 16
fax : 1-45 07 58 27
Date: Mon, 06 May 1996 16:20:39 CDT
From: jpackar at uiuc.edu (Jerry Packard)
Subject: 1996 NACCL8 schedule
The following is a list of presentations and activities for the Eighth North
American Conference on Chinese Linguistics.
Conference Date: May 17-19, 1996
Place: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
Email Address: NACCL96 at granny.lang.uiuc.edu
Postal Address:
C. C. Cheng, NACCL96
Language Learning Laboratory
University of Illinois
G70 Foreign Languages Building
707 South Mathews
Urbana, IL 61801
Internet URL: http://www.lang.uiuc.edu/NACCL8/
Various announcements and information on the University of Illinois
are posted here.
Registration fee: US$40
Each paper (except keynote presentations) is alotted 20 minutes for
presentation, plus 10 minutes of discussion.
FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1996
Plenary Session 8:45 - 9:00 Welcome
Plenary Session 9:00 - 10:00 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION, Chair: Jerry
Packard TANG, TING-CHI - National Tsing-Hua University "On
Reduplication of Adjectives in Chinese: A Comparative Study of
Mandarin and Southern Min"
Sessions 10:30 - 12:30
Session A1 Syntax, Chair: Thomas Ernst
Paul, Waltraud - "Verb Raising in Mandarin Chinese"
Hwang, Jya-Lin - "The Emergence of Serial Verb Constructions in
Mandarin Chinese and Its X-bar Projections"
Liu, Luther Chen-sheng - "A Note on Chinese Comparatives"
Sung, Kuo-ming - "Multiple Dou-Quantification and Leftward Condition"
Session B1 Discourse, Chair: Tsai-fa Cheng
You, Yu-Ling - "Interpreting Chinese Zero-anaphora: Examining the
Recovery Rules in Text"
Su, Lily I-wen - "Anaphora and Discourse Structure in Spoken Chinese"
Chang, Chih-Ping - "Resumptive Pronouns in Chinese, Japanese, and
Korean Relative Clause Construction"
Yu, Hsiao-jung - "The Interrogatives Employed in Hongloumeng and
Their Bearing on the Problems of Authorship"
Session C1 Phonology, Chair: Margaret Yan
Zhang, Zheng-sheng - "Contrastive Stress and Focus in Mandarin
Liao, Rongrong - "The Influence of Strong Emphasis on Pitch Range
and Tonal
Duanmu, San - "Pre-juncture Lengthening and Foot Binarity"
Chan, Marjorie K.M. - "Some Thoughts on the Typology of Sound
Symbolism and The Chinese Language"
Sessions 2:00 - 3:30
Session A2 Syntax, Chair: Waltraud Paul
Wu, Mary - "Associative Phrase Revisited"
Ernst, Thomas - "Chinese Evidence For Semi-Arguments"
Zhou, Xuan - "The Mandarin Aspectual Particle Le"
Session B2 Discourse, Chair: Yen-Hwei Lin
Chang, Miao-hsia, et al - "The Preferred Information Sequence
in Chinese Written Discourse"
Wang, Yu-Fang - "How Mandarin Chinese People Use Temporal Clauses
in Conversation"
Lu, Wen-ying - "Clarifying the Speaker's Doubts: Pragmatic Use
Conditions That Distinguish Appropriate Uses of ma, ba, and a"
Session C2 Phonology
Sessions 3:45 - 5:45
Session A3 Syntax, Chair: Kuo-Ming Sung
Ting, Pang-hsin - "'Reverse' Word Order in the Morphological
Construction of Compounds in Chinese Dialects"
Hsieh, Miao-Ling - "On the Functions of Three Forms of Negation
in Chinese"
Yong, Shin - "Does Mandarin Have the Situational Alteration
Between an Activity and an Accomplishment?"
Shi, Dingxu - "On Verb Reduplication"
Session B3 Applied, Chair: Kevin Miller
Hong, Wei - "Sociopragmatics in Language Teaching: With Examples
of Chinese Requests"
Wang, Yabing - "The Two-Step Schema in Chinese Locative Phrase:
The Locative Marker 'zai' "
Crawford, William B. - "Can They Talk Their Way to Better Reading?"
- An Experiment in the Use of Oral Drill to Develop Reading Skills"
Chen, Wenzhi - "Video Images and Long-Term Retention in Learning
Session C3 Lexicon, Chair: Yang Gu
Chen, Si-Qing - "The Identification and Recovery of Chinese Acronyms"
Nielsen, Sarah - "Classifying Chinese -le and de: Cases of Lexical or
Phrasal Affixation?"
Ford, Ed - "The Metaphor "existence is possession": Linking Different
Usages of you"
Workshop 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Cheng, Chin-Chuan - Chinese Computing Workshop
SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1996
Sessions 9:00 - 10:30
Each has 20 minutes to speak and 10 minutes of discussion.
Session A4 Syntax 1, Chair: Jane Tang
Zou, Ke - "Resultative V-V Compounds and Nonpersonal Subjects"
Liu, Xianmin - "Verb-Copying Construction and Imperfectivity"
Hsieh, Kuei-lan - "Rongyi/Nan Tough Sentences in Mandarin"
Session B4
Session C4 Lexicon, Chair: Hongming Zhang
Good, Robert L. - "The Automatic Identification of Transliterated
Loanwords in Chinese"
Chen, Shu-Fen - "A Study of Sanskrit Loanwords in Chinese"
Packard, Jerome - "An X-bar System of Word Formation For Mandarin"
Session D4 Syntax 2, Chair: Hsin-I Hsieh
Li, Paul - "Some Aspect Markers in Taiwanese"
Huang, Shuanfan - "On the emergence of a definite article in
spoken Chinese"
Lin, Huei-Ling - "A Lexical-Syntactic Analysis of Resultative
Compounds in Chinese"
Sessions 10:45 - 12:15
Each has 20 minutes to speak and 10 minutes of discussion.
Session A5 Syntax, Chair: Lisa Cheng
Zhang, Ning - "Two Types of Object Shift"
Tang, Sze-Wing - "Lexical Quantifiers and Event Quantification"
Lu, Bingfu - "The Internal Structure of Chinese NP"
Session B5 Pragmatics, Chair: Chiu-Yu Tseng
Min, Hui-Tzu - "The Code-Switching Behavior of Two Chinese-English
Speaking Children"
Tseng, Miao-Fen - "An examination of Chinese invitational discourse:
How Chinese accept an invitation?"
Chen, Eileen Shu-Hui - "Pragmatic Comprehension: Development of
Mandarin-Speaking Children's Strategies for Interpretation of
Given and New"
Session C5 Chinese Characters, Chair: Ovid Tzeng
Chuang, Yuangshan - "Statistical Analyses of Characters in Primary
and Junior High School Students' Chinese Writings in Taiwan"
Chao, Ruth - "Segmentation of Chinese Characters in the Dictionary
of Chinese Character Attributes"
Lai, Chiu-Yueh - "What is Wrong with Classifying the Chinese Script
As a "Morphosyllabic" System of Writing?"
Session D5 Syntax, Chair: Audrey Li
Chang, Miao-Hsia - "The Grammaticalization of Beh in Taiwanese Hokkian"
Chang, Alice Yin Wa - "Entailment Relations Between the Different
Interpretations of an Ambiguous Chinese Serial Verb Construction"
Hsieh, Hsin-I - "Diffusionism, Interactionism, and Dynamism: Language
as a Window on the Mind"
Sessions 2:00 - 3:30
Session A6 Syntax, Chair: James Huang
Cheng, Lisa & Tang, Jane - "On the Syntactic Projection of Tense in
Mandarin Chinese"
Ting, Jen - "A Non-Uniform Analysis of the Bei-Construction in
Mandarin Chinese"
Kuo, Shiun-Zu - "Null Objects in Chinese: Either Covert Anaphors
or Pronomials, But Not Variables Nor Silent Epithets"
Session B6 Applied, Chair: Wenzhi Chen
Chen, Dongdong - "Interesting or Interested: Do Chinese Students
Know the Difference?"
Hu, Xiaolin - "The Introduction of SOV Structure in Chinese Class:
its timing and its importance"
Jing, Tiwei - "Signboards: a Mirror of Socio-Cultural Values"
Session C6 Phonology, Chair: Majorie Chan
Zhang, Hongming - "On Directions and Tiers of Tone-Spreading: Case
study of Danyang"
Chung, Raung-fu - "The Nature of Southern Min Segments"
Lin, Yen-Hwei - "Surface Vowels and Markedness"
Session D6 Semantics, Chair: Shuan-fan Huang
Yu, Ning - "Cognitive Semantics and the State-as Location Metaphor"
Hsu, Kylie - "A Cognitively-Based Semantic Categorization of
Ongoing Situations"
Gu, Yang - "On the Lexical-Semantic and Syntactic Properties of TAKE"
SESSIONS 3:45 - 5:45
Session A7 Syntax, Chair: Ting-Chi Tang
Tai, James H-Y. - "A Relativist View of Syntax-Semantics Mismatches"
Wu, Shinian - "Effects of Chinese Syntactic Structuring on Use
Patterns of Certain Linguistic Features in Chinese and English"
Li, Yen-hui Audrey - "Definiteness Effect and Clausal Structures"
He, Yuanjian - "Feature checking: A novel approach to "A-not-AB"
questions in Mandarin Chinese"
Session B7 Classical, Chair: Pang-Hsin Ting
Reynolds, Robert - "Word Classes in Classical Chinese"
Tsai-fa Cheng - "Shanggu rencheng daici de gebian wenti"
Liu, Jia - "The Development of Adverbial Suffixes in Old Chinese
and Early Middle Chinese"
Session C7 Phonology, Chair: Raung-fu Chung
Zee, Eric - "A Palatographic, Linguagraphic, and Acoustical
Investigation of Syllable-Initial Retroflex Obstruents in
Bejing Madarin"
Yan, Margaret Mian - "Phonology and Colloquial Rhyming in Anxi
Fon, Janice - "Contextual Tonal Variation in Trisyllabic Words
in Mandarin Chinese"
Yang, Rose - "Patterns of Tonal Parsing in Taiwanese Quadrisyllabic
Session D7 Psycholinguistics, Chair: Jerry Packard
Tzeng, Ovid - "Cognitive Profiles of Reading-Disabled Chinese
Children: Why Phonemic Awareness is Critical"
Miller, Kevin - "Linguistic Structure and Cognitive Development:
Chinese/English Comparisions"
Yau, Jia-Ling - "Numerical Tasks Can Serve As A Measurement for
Determining Language Domination"
Tseng, Chiu-yu - "Impaired Chinese Speech and Its Possible
Evening Activities 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Business: NACCL9, 1997
SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1996
Session 9:00 - 10:00 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION,
Chair: Chin-Chuan Cheng
CHEN, MATTHEW Y. - University of California at San Diego
"On Tone and Accent"
Session 10:00 - 10:15 Closing Remarks
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-670.
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