7.1587, Calls: "Langues et grammaire 3," Cognitive technology
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sat Nov 9 15:35:22 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1587. Sat Nov 9 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 320
Subject: 7.1587, Calls: "Langues et grammaire 3," Cognitive technology
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Assistant Editor: Sue Robinson <robinson at emunix.emich.edu>
Technical Editor: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms for your conference
unless you explain them in your text. Many people outside your
area of specialization will not recognize them. Thank you for
your cooperation.
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 1996 14:13:35 +0100
From: cassian at worldnet.net ("Cassian BRACONNIER")
Subject: Call for papers (Intenational colloquium "Langues et grammaire 3")
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 1996 00:01:59 +0100
From: coschmi at ext.jussieu.fr (Colin SCHMIDT)
Subject: Humanising the Information Age: CT'97
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 1996 14:13:35 +0100
From: cassian at worldnet.net ("Cassian BRACONNIER")
Subject: Call for papers (Intenational colloquium "Langues et grammaire 3")
International Colloquium 'LANGUES ET GRAMMAIRE 3'
June 5-6-7 1997
Paris, France
Universite Paris-8
The colloquium will include two parts : 1. General session :
phonology, morphology, syntax, acquisition. 2. Special sessions : (a)
Ergativity phenomena in natural languages ; (b) Can we really do
without derivations in phonology ?
The colloquium will consist of approximately 20 papers of 30 minutes
each, plus discussion. Abstracts may not exceed 2 double-spaced pages
with 1" margin on all four sides, and should employ a font not smaller
than 12 pt. They should be sent anonymously in 10-fold, accompanied by
a camera-ready original , with author's
name, address and affiliation to :
Comite de selection 'Langues & Grammaire 3'
Departement des sciences du langage
Universite Paris-8
2 rue de la Liberte
93526 Saint-Denis Cedex 02
Speakers will receive partial reimbursement for their expenses.
Deadline for submission of abstracts : January 31, 1997
For further inquiries, please contact
Organizing Committee/Langues & Grammaire 3
telephone : 331-49 40 64 18
fax : 331-49 40 67 90
email : sdlcol at univ-paris8.fr
snailmail : see above
The Organizing Committee Jae-Yeon Jun, Makoto Kaneko, Olga Matushansky, Lea
Nash, Lelia Picabia, Alain Rouveret, Isabelle Roy, Anne Zribi-Hertz
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 1996 00:01:59 +0100
From: coschmi at ext.jussieu.fr (Colin SCHMIDT)
Subject: Humanising the Information Age: CT'97
Second International Conference on Cognitive Technology, CT'97
Humanising the Information Age
25 - 28 August 1997
Venue: The University of Aizu, Japan
supported by:
The University of Aizu, Japan
Center for Research in Journalism and Mass
Communication, University of North Carolina, USA, (host of CT'99)
Cognitive Sciences Centre, University of Southampton, UK
City University of Hong Kong (host of CT'95)
Cognitive Technology (CT) is the study of the interaction between
people and the objects they manipulate. It is concerned with how
technologically constructed tools and aids (A) bear on dynamic changes
in human perception, (B) affect natural human communication, and (C)
act to control human cognitive adaptation.
Cognitive systems must be understood not only in terms of their goals
and computational constraints, but also in terms of the external
physical and social environments that shape and afford cognition. Such
an understanding can yield not only technological solutions to real
world problems but also, and mainly, tools designed to be sensitive to
the cognitive capabilities and affective characteristics of their
CT takes a broader view of human capability than current research in
Human Computer Interface (HCI) and emphasises putting more of the
human into the interface without succumbing to the pretence that this
can be achieved simply by simulating human features on machines. It
aims to redirect progress in the Information Age away from mere
advancements in Information Technology and proposes to study
human-tool interaction to increase, primarily, human socio-cognitive
awareness and to help people fulfil their cognitive and social needs.
CT should appeal to researchers across disciplines, especially those
who are interested in the psychological and socio-cultural
implications of developments in the interface between technology and
human cognition. Any technology which provides a tool has implications
for CT; computer technology has special importance because of its
particular capacity to provide multi-sensory stimuli and emulate human
cognitive processes.
Problems and Praxis:
Exploring and formulating methods for studying Cognitive Technology.
The First International Conference on Cognitive Technology (Hong Kong,
1995) stressed the need for a radically new way of thinking about the
impact computer technology has on humans, especially on the human
mind. Our main aim at that time was a consideration of these effects
with respect to rendering the interface between people and computers
more humane.
Participants in the upcoming Second International Conference will
expand on that effort by exploring a number of related areas in
greater detail. Of primary concern is the need to establish clear and
precise methods for studying how environmental characteristics
condition the processes of cognitive formation. Within such a
framework, empirical CT inquiries can be directed towards specific
areas of problems, the more important ones of which are listed below.
Papers may be submitted for inclusion in any of the following thematic
subgroups. They should focus on addressing the issues from a Cognitive
Technology perspective and ought to include methodological
1. Rethinking Progress: Towards a manifesto for the Information Age
There is a perceived need to change from a 'more is better',
product-driven approach to technological development to a 'better is
better' approach which responds to, rather than dictates, human
need. Papers are invited which provide a theoretical consideration of
how a Cognitive Technology approach may be formulated and applied in
order to resolve problems in the following areas:
o the relationship between current approaches to technological
development and other issues (ecological, socio-political,
psychological, and epistemological) which relate to ensuring/
improving the quality of human life
o the identification and evaluation of the goal structures implied
in various approaches to technological development
o the reconciliation of technological development with the demands
of environmentalism.
2. Cognising at the Interface
It is important to ensure that technological developments are oriented
towards affording cognition and not merely the provision of
information. Papers which are practically oriented towards methods of
design and/or demonstration of systems whose features reflect
Cognitive Technology principles, are particularly welcome. Areas to be
addressed include:
o global networking
o multi-media
o virtual reality
o robotics
o computer graphics
o databases.
3. Empowering Humans
Another concern is how Cognitive Technology can be applied to predict
the impact, positive or negative, of technological development on the
processes by which social groupings provide their members with
opportunities for growth. Areas of particular interest are:
o the design of national information infrastructures
o the provision of technology access.
4. Rethinking Education
We need to apply Cognitive Technology methods to the building of a
technology infrastructure for education, one which optimises human
development/benefit within the current context of changing educational
systems. Papers are invited which explore this idea within the context
of any of the following areas:
o computer-aided collaborative learning
o the design of self-access learning resources
o technological facilitation of student-teacher interactions
o the design of multifaceted online learning environments
o humanising and increasing the relevance of formal education
o facilitating interdisciplinary communication
o the impact of information tools on the construction of knowledge
within academic disciplines.
If you are interested in considering these issues (or other similar
ones) and want to share your thoughts and hopes with like-minded
people, please submit either 6 hard copies of an extended abstract
(approximately 1500 words) or send it by email with attached files
(preferably in Word 6.0) to:
Jonathon Marsh
The Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching
The University of Hong Kong
Pok Fu Lam Road
Hong Kong.
(TEL) 852 2859 8995
(FAX) 852 2540 9941
All abstracts will be refereed by an independent panel of experts. The
opinions of the referees will determine the list of 30 papers to be
presented at the conference.
Deadline for abstracts: 1 March 1997
Notification of acceptance: 15 April 1997
Full paper 31 May 1997
Registration fee: before 1 July 1997: US$ (to be announced)
after 1 July 1997: US$ (to be announced)
Further information can be obtained from:
Tosiyasu L. Kunii kunii at u-aizu.ac.jp
Jacob L. Mey jam at language.ou.dk
Barbara Gorayska csgoray at cityu.edu.hk
Jonathon Marsh jpmarsh at hkucc.hku.hk
Honorary President of Conference
Tosiyasu L. Kunii The University of Aizu, Japan
Co-chairs of Conference
Barbara Gorayska City University of Hong Kong, HK
Jacob L. Mey Odense University, Denmark
International Program Committee Members
The preceding, and
Hugh Applewhite Piltdown Technologies, USA
Frank Biocca The University of North Carolina, USA
Bruce L. Blum Johns Hopkins University, USA
Betty Lindsay Carter Novell Corporation, USA
Ho Mun Chan City University of Hong Kong, HK
Orville L. Clubb City University of Hong Kong, HK
Chris Colbourn The University of Southampton, UK
Kevin Cox City University of Hong Kong, HK
Will Fitzgerald IntellAgent Systems, USA
Laurence Goldstein Hong Kong University, HK
David Good Cambridge University, UK
Hartmut Haberland Roskilde University, Denmark
Stevan Harnad The University of Southampton, UK
Richard Janney The University of Munich, Germany
Benny Karpatschoff Copenhagen University, Denmark
Alex Kass Northwestern University, USA
Reinhard Keil-Slawik University of Paderborn, Germany
Robert M. Krauss Columbia University, USA
Myron W. Krueger Artificial Reality Corporation, USA
C.K. Leong University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Roger Lindsay Oxford-Brookes University, UK
Alec McHoul Murdoch University, Australia
Jonathon Marsh Hong Kong University, HK
John Nealon Oxford-Brookes University, UK
Rolf Pfeifer University Zurich-Irchel, Switzerland
Herbert Pick The University of Minnesota, USA
Tony Roberts The University of Southampton, UK
Roger Schank Institute for the Learning Sciences, USA
Colin T. Schmidt Sorbonne University, France
John Sillince The University of London, UK
John Spinks Hong Kong University, HK
Hiroshi Tamura Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
Peter Thomas The University of the West of England, UK
Steven Tripp The University of Aizu, Japan
Jacques J. Vidal The University of California at Los Angeles,
USA, & The University of Aizu, Japan
William S. Y. Wang City University of Hong Kong, HK
Yorick Wilks Sheffield University, UK
Albert Yonas The University of Minnesota, USA
mail to:
20, Place des Geants, coschmi at idf.ext.jussieu.fr
38100 Grenoble, schmidt at signal.dra.hmg.gb
France Tel. (+33) -76 22 28 42
Forum Technology, Great Malvern, UK &
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1587.
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