November 1996 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Nov 1 04:49:23 UTC 1996
Ending: Sat Nov 30 18:32:08 UTC 1996
Messages: 159
- 7.1539, Qs: Subj deletion, "Text type"?, Adjs with possessor Ns
The Linguist List
- 7.1540, Jobs: Japanese Language and Culture, English Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1541, Sum: Pronominal imperatives
The Linguist List
- 7.1542, Calls: Quantitative ling, Artificial intelligence
The Linguist List
- 7.1543, Qs: Children's writing, Japanese, Thesauri data
The Linguist List
- 7.1544, Sum: Children's game (all-ee, all-ee)
The Linguist List
- 7.1545, Qs: South-East-Asian lang's, Corpus development, Clicks
The Linguist List
- 7.1546, Qs: Children's lg,Semantic tasks/dementia,Cognitive stylistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1547, Jobs: Assistant Professor in ESL, Position in French Lx
The Linguist List
- 7.1548, TOC: Linguistique Africaine #16
The Linguist List
- 7.1549, FYI: Software for historical phonology, Chinese Web Sites
The Linguist List
- 7.1550, FYI: Jamming in Chicago, ERP and morphology
The Linguist List
- 7.1551, Qs: Gaston Gross, [j] coronal, Creoles and Bickerton theory
The Linguist List
- 7.1552, Disc: _Watch_, Natural language
The Linguist List
- 7.1553, Sum: Spanish grammar book
The Linguist List
- 7.1554, Sum: Nice properties
The Linguist List
- 7.1555, Sum: Philosophical aspects of corpus linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1556, Calls: Celtic lang learning, Information retrieval
The Linguist List
- 7.1557, Qs: Generativity, Classical Greek, Children's narratives
The Linguist List
- 7.1558, FYI: List on teaching ling,WWW semiotics course,O-Hayo Sensei
The Linguist List
- 7.1559, Jobs: Descriptive or psycholinguist, Spanish language
The Linguist List
- 7.1560, Jobs: Position at Georgetown U., Speech-Lang Pathology
The Linguist List
- 7.1561, Jobs: Japanese Lecturer, TESL & Applied Linguistics, Spanish
The Linguist List
- 7.1562, Qs: Rate of lg change, Language Awareness, Ling. intro courses
The Linguist List
- 7.1563, Disc: Adjectives with possessor nouns
The Linguist List
- 7.1564, Qs: Generativity, Creoloid source(s),Terms for "Circumcision"
The Linguist List
- 7.1565, Calls: Eurosla 7 in Barcelona, Optimality Theory Workshop
The Linguist List
- 7.1566, Sum: Company names and acronyms
The Linguist List
- 7.1567, Confs: Workshop on Definites, Sentence Processing
The Linguist List
- 7.1568, Qs: Often, Orthographic syntax, Minimal responses
The Linguist List
- 7.1569, Qs: Quantitative Sociolinguistics, Names
The Linguist List
- 7.1570, Jobs: Second language acquisition, Communication Studies
The Linguist List
- 7.1571, Calls: Creole Language Workshop, NACCL9 Reminder
The Linguist List
- 7.1572, TOC: Perspectives on Spanish Linguistics, Vol. 1
The Linguist List
- 7.1573, TOC: Two Sciences Of Mind
The Linguist List
- 7.1574, Sum: In the matter of "cluck" click
The Linguist List
- 7.1575, FYI: Linguistik at U. of Goettingen, New Book by J. Coats
The Linguist List
- 7.1576, TOC: On-CALL: Australian Journal of Computers & Lg Education
The Linguist List
- 7.1577, Qs: Creols, Evaluative verbs, _impossible that..._
The Linguist List
- 7.1578, Jobs: Position in German Applied Linguisticsat U. of Alberta
The Linguist List
- 7.1579, Confs: Going Romance 1996, Swahili
The Linguist List
- 7.1580, Calls: Creole lang, 11e Journees de Linguistique
The Linguist List
- 7.1581, Calls: Machine translation, Asian and African studies
The Linguist List
- 7.1582, Calls: Kentucky Foreign Lg, Conf of Doctoral Students in Ling
The Linguist List
- 7.1583, FYI: European Summer School in Logic, Lang, and Information
The Linguist List
- 7.1584, Qs: Japanese, Sanskrit, Addresses, Minorities
The Linguist List
- Cognitive Ling.Conf, Athabaskan Language 1997
The Linguist List
- 7.1586, FYI: New journal, Thesauri lists (re vol-7-1543)
The Linguist List
- 7.1587, Calls: "Langues et grammaire 3," Cognitive technology
The Linguist List
- 7.1588, Jobs: Phonology at U of Pittsburg, Graduate fellowships
The Linguist List
- 7.1589, Calls: New journal on evolution of communication
The Linguist List
- 7.1590, Disc: Salu2 - words written with numbers
The Linguist List
- 7.1591, Disc: Natural language
The Linguist List
- 7.1592, Qs: Nouns, Book by Oehrle, Medical prescriptions, National lgs
The Linguist List
- 7.1593, Jobs: Computational Linguistics, Communication Studies
The Linguist List
- 7.1594, Confs: KBCS-96, Workshop on Computational Semantics
The Linguist List
- 7.1595, FYI: The Endangered Language Fund, Inc.
The Linguist List
- 7.1596, Disc: Psychologism in linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1597, Disc: Re: 7.1563, Discussion: Adjectives with possessor nouns
The Linguist List
- 7.1598, Calls: Instruction-level parallelism, Machine vision
The Linguist List
- 7.1599, Qs: Russian, Linguistically-significant films, _All but_
The Linguist List
- 7.1600, Sum: Cognitive stylistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1601, Disc: Adjectives with possessor nouns
The Linguist List
- 7.1602, Disc: Estuary English
The Linguist List
- 7.1603, Disc: Imperative pronominals
The Linguist List
- 7.1604, Calls: Cognitive science, Interpretation conf
The Linguist List
- 7.1606, Calls: SALT 7, Pedagogical Session ICLC'97
The Linguist List
- 7.1607, Jobs: NLP & info filtering, Position in Phonology at USC
The Linguist List
- 7.1608, Jobs: New Research Center/Vienna, Research Assistant/Leeds
The Linguist List
- 7.1609, Sum: Suggestions on Texts on English world-wide
The Linguist List
- 7.1610, Sum: Replies to 'mood puzzle'
The Linguist List
- 7.1611, Sum: Words denoting temporally non-contiguous events
The Linguist List
- 7.1612, Books: Austronesian Languages, Philosophy of Language
The Linguist List
- 7.1613, Jobs: Graduate Stipends at Humboldt U., Japanese
The Linguist List
- 7.1614, Qs: Indefinite and cardinal NPs, Articles, Lancaster corpus
The Linguist List
- 7.1615, Calls: Slavic ling, AAAI Spring Symposium 1997
The Linguist List
- 7.1616, Qs: Copulas, Potters field, Dictionaries and anti-semitism
The Linguist List
- 7.1617, FYI: Baltic language study, Book reviewing
The Linguist List
- 7.1618, Disc: BUT
The Linguist List
- 7.1619, Confs: Computer models in cog ling, Computational semantics
The Linguist List
- 7.1620, Calls: Computational ling, Penn Ling Colloquium
The Linguist List
- 7.1621, Jobs: Ling/Foreign lg at Dartmouth, Phonology at U of Illinois
The Linguist List
- 7.1622, Jobs: Japanese, ESL, Multilingual Data Conversion
The Linguist List
- 7.1623, Qs: Advertising discourse, Schizophrenia, Count-mass nouns
The Linguist List
- 7.1624, Calls: SLRF '97, Yearbook of South Asian Lang and Lx
The Linguist List
- 7.1625, Qs: Myths in linguistics, ITRANS
The Linguist List
- 7.1626, Sum: Yet more greengrocers' apostrophes...
The Linguist List
- 7.1627, FYI: Chinese Language Study Programs, Linguistic software
The Linguist List
- 7.1628, Calls: NLPRS'97 & SNLP'97, Mediterranean Meeting of Morphology
The Linguist List
- 7.1629, Jobs: Australian Aboriginal Lgs, Speech Pathology
The Linguist List
- 7.1630, Books: Saussure
The Linguist List
- 7.1631, Jobs: Southeast Asian Studies
The Linguist List
- 7.1632, All: In Memoriam: Mike Hall
The Linguist List
- 7.1633, Sum: Subject Deletion
The Linguist List
- 7.1634, TOC: Cahiers de Linguistique - Asie orientale (CLAO)
The Linguist List
- 7.1635, FYI: Applied Lx Association of Australia, Articles
The Linguist List
- 7.1636, FYI: Course in Andean Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1637, Calls: Corpus linguistics seminar, Dialogue Workshop
The Linguist List
- 7.1638, Jobs: German Studies (Monash U.), Position at Keio U. (Japan)
The Linguist List
- 7.1639, Confs: Sinn und Bedeutung, L'Atelier des doctorants de ling.
The Linguist List
- 7.1640, FYI: Common Lisp Web Server, European Lg Resources Association
The Linguist List
- 7.1641, Sum: Affricates (st>ts) Part 2
The Linguist List
- 7.1642, TOC: U. of Washington Working Papers in Linguistics, v. 14
The Linguist List
- 7.1643, Calls: Dictionary Society of N. America, 30th Poznan Ling
The Linguist List
- 7.1644, Qs: English requests, Word Frequency, South Asian Lgs & Lx
The Linguist List
- 7.1645, Qs: Humor, 'Renumber' program, Moscow Linguistic Journal
The Linguist List
- 7.1646, Sum: Intro. Ling. in an undergraduate English Dept.
The Linguist List
- 7.1647, Qs: MS by Ger Reesink, First dictionary, Comparison of adjs
The Linguist List
- 7.1648, Calls: Langues et grammaire, Lexico-Functional Grammar '97
The Linguist List
- 7.1649, Confs: Romani Linguistics Conference
The Linguist List
- 7.1650, FYI: Cognitive Science intro text
The Linguist List
- 7.1651, Books: Philosophy of Language, NLP, Syntax
The Linguist List
- 7.1652, Books: Bibliographies, Germanic Lx, English Lg Studies
The Linguist List
- 7.1653, Books: Pacific Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1654, Disc: Tonkawa, Zuni & Vocabulary Comparison
The Linguist List
- 7.1655, FYI: Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards
The Linguist List
- 7.1656, Calls: Sixth International Conference On User Modeling
The Linguist List
- 7.1657, Calls: Computer Assisted Information Searching On Internet
The Linguist List
- 7.1658, Calls: Linguistics Association of Great Britain
The Linguist List
- 7.1659, Jobs: Research Asst. at York, Phonology/Sociolx, Applied Lx
The Linguist List
- 7.1660, Sum: Language maintenance
The Linguist List
- 7.1661, Sum: Corpus design
The Linguist List
- 7.1662, Qs: Interlinear text program, French acquisition, IATEFL
The Linguist List
- 7.1663, Sum: British vs. American English
The Linguist List
- 7.1664, Qs: English & Swedish phonemes, Czech, Radio phone-ins
The Linguist List
- 7.1665, Calls: OLF '97, HPSG-97
The Linguist List
- 7.1666, Sum: Lancaster Corpus
The Linguist List
- 7.1667, Qs: Georgian Font, Eliciting utterances, Divorced Kin Terms
The Linguist List
- 7.1668, Calls: Israeli Association for Theoretical Lx, Spanish&Portug.
The Linguist List
- 7.1669, Jobs: Translator of ling. texts, Two Positions at New York U.
The Linguist List
- 7.1670, Sum: coronality of [j]
The Linguist List
- 7.1671, Calls: Aviation Communication, Israeli Association(correction)
The Linguist List
- 7.1672, Calls: Formal Approaches to Slavic Lx, Humor Studies
The Linguist List
- 7.1673, Confs: 2nd International Workshop on Computational Semantics
The Linguist List
- 7.1674, TOC: Working papers "Sprachwissenschaft in Frankfurt"
The Linguist List
- 7.1675, Sum: Renumber program
The Linguist List
- 7.1676, Qs: Bascologist Rollo, Lang. Acquisition Institutes, Ard paper
The Linguist List
- 7.1677, Qs: English rel clauses, Sign Language, German synonyms
The Linguist List
- 7.1678, Sum: Adjectives with possessor nouns
The Linguist List
- 7.1679, Sum: Computer-assisted langage learning programs
The Linguist List
- 7.1680, Qs: Lugudorese, Pennsylvania German speakers, SALSA
The Linguist List
- 7.1681, Calls: Crossing The Boundaries V, Quantitative Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1682, Calls: Southeast Asian Ling, Computational Psycholinguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1683, TOC: Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (ARAL) 19,2
The Linguist List
- 7.1684, TOC: Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Series S,13
The Linguist List
- 7.1685, Sum: "Buzz word list" vs argot vs jargon etc.
The Linguist List
- 7.1686, Sum: Personal Pronouns
The Linguist List
- 7.1687, FYI: Lang Conf. List,General Architecture for Text Engineering
The Linguist List
- 7.1688, FYI: New MS & PhD programs in Language Technologies
The Linguist List
- 7.1689, FYI: CD-ROM book: phonetics, Speech Analysis Software
The Linguist List
- 7.1690, Jobs: NLP Research Positions, Director Of Writing Program
The Linguist List
- 7.1691, Jobs: Phonology, Postdoc in Comparative Indo-European
The Linguist List
- 7.1692, Disc: Analogy
The Linguist List
- 7.1693, Jobs: Computational Lexicographer for Spanish
The Linguist List
- 7.1694, Books: Phonology
The Linguist List
- 7.1695, Calls: AI in Education, Human-Computer Conversation
The Linguist List
- 7.1696, FYI: Phonetics Lab/ Umeaa, Sweden, Lancaster Corpus-correction
The Linguist List
- 7.1697, FYI: New Ph.D. program in Japanese Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1698, Sum: Lgs with obligatory onsets & without distinctive length
The Linguist List
Last message date:
Sat Nov 30 18:32:08 UTC 1996
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 07:45:37 UTC 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).