7.1619, Confs: Computer models in cog ling, Computational semantics
The Linguist List
linguist at unix.tamu.edu
Sun Nov 17 18:18:40 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1619. Sun Nov 17 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 367
Subject: 7.1619, Confs: Computer models in cog ling, Computational semantics
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Assistant Editor: Sue Robinson <robinson at emunix.emich.edu>
Technical Editor: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
We'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements to 150 lines,
so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider omitting
information useful only to attendees, such as information on housing,
transportation, or rooms and times of sessions. Please do not use
abbreviations or acronyms for your conference unless you explain
them in your text. Many people outside your area of specialization
will not recognize them. Thank you for your cooperation.
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 1996 20:09:46 +1030
From: powers at ist.flinders.edu.au ("David M. W. Powers")
Subject: ICLC'97 theme session on Computer Models in Cognitive Linguistics
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 15:58:18 +0100
From: Harry.Bunt at kub.nl (Harry Bunt)
Subject: Computational Semantics (IWCS program)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 1996 20:09:46 +1030
From: powers at ist.flinders.edu.au ("David M. W. Powers")
Subject: ICLC'97 theme session on Computer Models in Cognitive Linguistics
Call for Participation:
Computer Models in Cognitive Linguistics
Amsterdam, Friday 18th July 1997
theme session of the ICLC'97, Amsterdam 14-19 July 1997, the 5th
International Cognitive Linguistics Conference under the auspices of
the ICLA (the International Cognitive Linguistics Association)
in cooperation with ACL SIGNLL (the Association for Computational
Linguistics Special Interest Group on Natural Language Learning)
organizer: David Powers, The Flinders University of South Australia
David.Powers at flinders.edu.au
Session Goals
Cognitive Linguistics is built on the hypothesis that language is an
outgrowth of general cognition and not primarily a function of modules
specific to language/speech. Metaphor is seen as a primary mechanism
in Cognitive Linguistic theory, but how does it relate to general
cognition and explain language as an emergent property?
Psycholinguists have since Piaget discovered a tight relationship
between child learning of language and ontology, but how concrete are
the theories to explain the relationship?
Computer models are a concrete way of giving expression to a theory.
Language Learning researchers have implemented programs at various
levels of detail which demonstrate that mechanisms for
discovering/learning structural relationships in the observed world
are also effective for learning language, and correspond precisely
with the kind of metaphor and paradigm relationships which we know and
love in language. But what about Poverty of the Stimulus? What about
formal results concerning learnability?
This session aims to dispel the mystery and explain the conditions and
the intuitions which underlie the formal and computational models of
language learning, whilst showing how and why language learning is
possible using metaphor-like mechanisms and that computer
implementations have already demonstrated success in learning basic
linguistic knowledge of various types.
The session is supported by the ACL Special Interest Group in Natural
Language Learning and is intended to promote a rapprochement between
the Natural Language Learning community and the Cognitive Linguistics
community by highlighting our common assumptions about language and
presenting computer learning models which provide support for the
Cognitive Linguistics framework.
2:00 Introduction to the Theme - Powers
2:05 Richness of the Stimulus - Ellison
Explains formal results and fallacies relating to language and
learning as espoused by the Principles and Parameters approach;
defines and characterizes supervised and unsupervised learning.
2:30 Metaphor and Learning - Powers
Showing how metaphor is not just ubiquitous in language and
cognition, but is the essential driving force of learning and leads to
an unsupervised model of language learning; computer results
2:50 Discussion on both presentations/Break
3:05 Exemplar-based Learning - Daelemans
Exemplar-based learning is introduced and is shown to be a
natural fit for usage-based models of language as proposed by
Langacker. It will be argued that we can go a step further and use
similarity-based reasoning and avoid having explicit rules.
3:30 Grounded Cognition - Lakoff
Cognitive linguistics as making the connection between syntax
and grounded semantics; results of computational experiments on
language learning in a primitive computer model of the physical world.
3:55 Discussion on both presentations
4:05 Prepared/Submitted discussants and General Discussion
Researchers interested in participating and presenting prepared
comments may contact David Powers <powers at acm.org> for abstracts,
indicating their interests and their qualifications to comment.
Individual comments will be limited to 3 minutes and 10 minutes will
be reserved for general discussion.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Participants are required to register for ICLC'97 and
abstracts for this session will be published in the conference
abstracts volume.
Papers relating to the theme of Computer Models in Cognitive
Linguistics and submitted to ICLC'97 in the normal way, will be
considered for grouping into a conference session earlier in the day.
powers at acm.org http://www.cs.flinders.edu.au/people/DMWPowers.html
Associate Professor David M. W. Powers David.Powers at flinders.edu.au
ACM SIGART Editor; ACL SIGNLL President Facsimile: +61-8-8201-3626
Director, AI Lab, Dept of Computer Science UniOffice: +61-8-8201-3663
The Flinders University of South Australia Secretary: +61-8-8201-2662
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide South Australia 5001 HomePhone: +61-8-8357-4220
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 15:58:18 +0100
From: Harry.Bunt at kub.nl (Harry Bunt)
Subject: Computational Semantics (IWCS program)
Second International Workshop on Computational Semantics
January 8-10, 1997, Tilburg, The Netherlands
The Tilburg University Department of Linguistics will host the Second
International Workshop on Computational Semantics, which will take
place in Tilburg, The Netherlands, from 8 - 10 January 1997. The aim
of the workshop is to bring together researchers involved in all
aspects of the computational semantics of natural language.
Program Committee:
Mario Borillo, Harry Bunt (chair), Robin Cooper, Jan van Eijck,Giacomo
Ferrari, Erhard Hinrichs, Megumi Kameyama, Daniel Kayser,Paul Mc
Kevitt, John McCarthy, Reinhard Muskens, John Nerbonne,Martha Palmer,
Stanley Peters, Manfred Pinkal, Steve Pulman, James Pustejovsky, Allan
Ramsay, Uwe Reyle, Lenhart Schubert, Jerry Seligman,Ronini Srihari,
Mark Steedman, Enric Vallduv, Wlodek Zadrozny
*** Invited speakers ***
Jerry Hobbs (SRI, Menlo Park)
Manfred Pinkal (Saarbruecken)
Lenhart Schubert (Rochester)
*** Contributed papers ***
Nicholas Asher (Austin), Tim Fernando (Stuttgart)
``Labelling representations for effective disambiguation"
Rens Bod, Remko Bonnema, Remko Scha (Amsterdam)
``Data-Oriented Semantic Interpretation}"
Robin Cooper (Goteborg)
``Using situations to reason about the interpretation of speech
Luca Dini (Saarbruecken/Pisa), Vittorio Di Tomaso (Pisa)
``Linking Theory and Lexical Ambiguity: The Case of Italian Motion
Josef Van Genabith (Dublin), Richard Crouch (Malvern)
``How to Glue a Donkey to an f-structure, or Porting a Dynamic
Meaning Representation into LFG's Linear Logic Based Glue-Language
Jonathan Ginzburg (Edinburgh)
``Semantically-based Elliptic resolution with Syntactic
Birgit Hamp (Tuebingen)
``Semantics of the German Future Form in Discourse: a DRT-based
Aaron N. Kaplan (Rochester), Lenhart Schubert (Rochester)
``Simulative Inference in a Computational Model of Belief"
Ruth Kempson, Rodger Kibble, Wilfried Meyer Viol (London)
``Indefinites as Epsilon Terms: A Labelled Deduction Account}"
Emiel Krahmer, Paul Piwek (Eindhoven)
``Presupposition Projection as Proof Construction}"
Alice Kyburgh (Oshkosh), Michael Morreau (Washington)
``Vague Utterances and Context Change}"
Leonardo Lesmo, Anna Goy (Torino)
``Integrating lexical semantics and pragmatics: The case of Italian
communication verbs}"
Marc Light (Tuebingen), Lenhart Schubert (Rochester)
``Knowledge Representation for Lexical Semantics: Is Standard First
Order Enough ?"
Susann Luperfoy (McLean, Virginia)
``An implementation of DRT and file change semantics for real-time
interpretation of total and partial anaphora}"
Patrick McGivern (Burnaby)
``Representing Generic Bare Plurals in DRT"
Allan Ramsay (Manchester)
``Dynamic and Underspecified Interpretation without Dynamic or
Underspecified Logic"
Sabine Reinhard (Tuebingen)
``A Desambiguation Approach for German Compounds with Deverbal Head"
Frank Richter, Manfred Sailer (Tuebingen)
``Underspecified Semantics in HPSG"
Michael Schiehlen (Stuttgart)
``Disambiguation of underspecified discourse representation
structures under anaphoric constraints"
Frank Schilder (Edinburgh)
``Tree Discourse Grammars or How to get attached to a discourse"
Steffen Staab, Udo Hahn (Freiburg)
``A Semantic Copying Model for Understanding Comparatives"
Matthew Stone (Philadelphia), Daniel Hardt (Villanova)
``Dynamic Discourse Referents for Tense and Modals"
Wlodek Zadrozny (New York)
``Minimum description length and compositionality"
Cornelia M. Verspoor (Edinburgh)
``Conventionality-Governed Logical Metonomy"
*** Poster sessions ***
14 posters are to be presented at the workshop.
Harry Bunt, Leen Kievit, Reinhard Muskens, Margriet Verlinden.
Anne Adriaensen
Tilburg University, Dept. of Linguistics
PO Box 90153
5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-13-4663060
Fax: +31-13-4663110
Email: Computational.Semantics at kub.nl
To register, fill out the form on the IWCS Registration Web page:
http://tkiwww.kub.nl:2080/tki/Docs/IWCS/iwcsappl.html or fill out the
registration form below and send it to the organizing secretariat,
either by email or regular mail.
The regular registration fee is 275 Dutch guilders when registered
before December 1, and 325 guilders after that date. This includes
lunches and a reception on the first day.
Students can participate for a reduced fee of 40 Dutch guilders when
registered before December 1, and 50 guilders after that date. The
reduced fee covers only participation in the workshop sessions, a copy
of the proceedings, and refreshments in the breaks.
Extra copies of the proceedings can be purchased at the workshop or
ordered at the workshop secretariat for 40 Dutch guilders plus costs
of shipment.
It is also possible to make hotel reservations, see the hotel
reservation form on the IWCS Web pages, or the hotel reservation form
Second International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS II)
January 8, 9 and 10, 1997, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Fax:....................... ......................
Email address.....................................
Bank transfer in Dutch guilders to bank account 45 50 46 042 of
ABN AMRO Bank, Tilburg,
* Please mention code 800.69, Computational Semantics II,
Tilburg U, Faculty of Arts; (in Dutch: KUB, Fac. Letteren)
your name and address;
* Calculate transfer charges, as we must receive the full
registration fee. Any shortfall in fees will have to be paid
on arrival in Tilburg.
Giro transfer to Dutch Postal Giro account 23 86 602.
*Please mention code 800.69, Computational Semantics II,
Tilburg U, Faculty of Arts; (in Dutch: KUB, Fac. Letteren)
your name and address, if not printed on the form you use.
In Dutch guilders upon arrival at Tilburg University.
Please charge my credit card for the amount of Dfl ...........
0 MasterCard
0 Eurocard
0 American Express
Credit card number ...................................
Expir. date ..........................
Card holder's name ...................................
Signature: ..................................................
NOTE: VISA cards will not be accepted.
If paying with credit card, do not send this form by email but
by regular mail or fax.
Send this registration form to:
Anne Adriaensen
Tilburg University, Dept. of Linguistics
P.O. Box 90153
5000 LE TILBURG, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-13-4663060, Fax : +31 13 466 3110
Email: J.B.P.Adriaensen at kub.nl
Second International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS II)
January 8, 9 and 10, 1997, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
A number of rooms have been reserved at the following hotels:
Hotel Mercure (city center)
Dfl. 155,00 per night
Hotel Lindeboom (city center)
Dfl. 115,00 per night
Hotel De Postelse Hoeve (situated in the north of Tilburg)
Dfl. 130,00-150,00 per night (Dfl. 117,00 in case of full hotel
* 5 minutes to the university by bus (lines 46,47)
* 10 minutes to the city center by bus (lines 41,42,127)
Hotel Central (city center, very simple place)
Dfl. 60,00 per night
* All prices include breakfast
Please make a hotel reservation for the following nights:
January ......... up until January .........1997
Your name:.....................................................
Send this reservation form to:
Anne Adriaensen
Tilburg University, Dept. of Linguistics
P.O. Box 90153
5000 LE TILBURG, The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 13 466 3060, Fax : +31 13 466 3110
Email: J.B.P.Adriaensen at kub.nl
- ----------------------------------------------------
Harry C. Bunt
Professor of Linguistics and Computer Science
Tilburg University
P.O. Box 90153
5000 LE Tilburg, the Netherlands
Phone: +31 - 13 466.3060 (secretary Anne Andriaensen)
2653 (office, room B 310)
Fax: +31 - 13 466.3110
Harry.Bunt at kub.nl
WWW: http://tkiwww.kub.nl:2080/tki/Faces/Hb/Hb.html
- ---------------------------------------------------
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1619.
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