7.1633, Sum: Subject Deletion
The Linguist List
linguist at unix.tamu.edu
Wed Nov 20 16:30:49 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1633. Wed Nov 20 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 242
Subject: 7.1633, Sum: Subject Deletion
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at unix.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
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Editor for this issue: lveselin at emunix.emich.edu (Ljuba Veselinova)
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 1996 13:21:58 EST
From: dawnh at sympatico.ca (Dawn Harvie)
Subject: Sum: Subject Deletion
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 1996 13:21:58 EST
From: dawnh at sympatico.ca (Dawn Harvie)
Subject: Sum: Subject Deletion
I recently submitted a query to Linguist List regarding (1)
references for overt subject vs null subject in English and (2)
the differences/similarities between GOLDVARB and VARBRUL.
I am grateful to the following people for all their help:
Catherine N. Ball <cball at guvax.acc.georgetown.edu>
Julia Barron <jbarron at borage.win-uk.net>
Richard Cameron <U17819 at UICVM.UIC.EDU>
Sharon Cote <cote at linc.cis.upenn.edu>
Paul Hirschb=FChler <hirsch at aix1.uottawa.ca>
Elsa Lattey <Elsa.Lattey at uni-tuebingen.de>
Judith Liskin-Gasparro <judith-liskin-gasparro at uiowa.edu>
Susan Pintzuk <sp20 at york.ac.uk>
Shana Poplack <spoplack at aix1.uottawa.ca>
Patrick Schindler <patrick.schindler at uni-tuebingen.de>
Robert Sigley <Robert.Sigley at vuw.ac.nz>
Carmen Silva-Corvalan <csilva at mizar.usc.edu>
I would especially like to thank Sharon Cote for sending me a
draft of her dissertation which is not yet on-line and for useful
With regard to null subjects in English, references include:
Cameron, Richard. 1996. A community-based test of a linguistic
hypothesis. Language in Use, 25, 61-111.
Cote, Sharon. 1996. Grammatical and Discourse Properties of
Null Arguments in English. Ph.D. dissertation. University of
Pennsylvania. This will soon be available at: =
Haegeman, Liliane. 1990. Non-overt subjects in diary contexts.
In Mascaro, J. and M. Nespor (eds.). Grammar in Progress: GLOW
Essays for Henk van Riemsdijk. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.
Lattey, Elsa. 1980. Grammatical Systems Across Languages: A
Study of Participation in English, German and Spanish.
Ph.D. dissertation. City University of New York. University
Microfilms 8023716.
Massam, Diane. 1989. Middles, Tough and Recipe Constructions:
Licensing of Null Objects and Non-Thematic Subjects. Ms.,
University of Toronto.
Rizzi, Luigi. 1992. Early Null Subjects and Root Null
Subjects. Ms., University of Geneva.
Roberge, Yves. 1990. The Syntactic Recoverability of Null
Arguments. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Silva-Corvalan, Carmen. 1982. Subject expression and placement
in Mexican-American Spanish. In Amastae, J. and
L. Elias-Olivares. Spanish in the United States: Sociolinguistic
Aspects. Cambridge, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Silva-Corvalan, Carmen. 1994. Language Contact and Change:
Spanish in Los Angeles. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
With regard to VARBRUL and GOLDVARB:
**Thanks to Robert Sigley for his detailed description:
There is not much difference between GoldVarb (which I've been
using) and VARBRUL 2S (which I've seen in action), mainly because
that version of VARBRUL was used to make GoldVarb.
GoldVarb has the following properties and limitations:
* comparatively user-friendly
* one-level analysis (calculates factor effects)
* step-up/step-down regression analysis (identifies significant
factor groups)
* doesn't appear to be subject to VARBRUL's limits on data
size. (At least, I have yet to come up against any such limit,
and I'm dealing with 15000 tokens.)
* limited to binary rules
In practice, this should not affect you at all, as you are
dealing with a binary opposition (overt/ null subject).
* slow compared to VARBRUL
Running speed depends on model complexity (how many factor groups
you add in) and hardware.
As a sample: I have been running pathologically complicated
models (15-20 factor groups, over 100 different factors, over
3000 cells).
Mac SE - runs either don't complete or take months (literally) to run
- even one-level runs can take a day or so
Mac LC - runs complete in a week or so
- one-level runs take up to an hour
Mac LC475 - runs complete overnight (I discovered this by
accident near the end of my research )-:
Early Powermacs don't do significantly better than a plain LC.
VARBRUL 2S can do a one-level model of rules with 3 or 4 output
values, but it can't do step-up/step-down regression on these (so
you can't find out which group effects are significant, and which
are not). It is otherwise identical to GoldVarb other than in
running faster and in being harder to use. (A compromise can be
achieved by using GoldVarb to produce a cell file, and then
running this through VARBRUL.) However, the most widely available
versions have hard-coded limits on the complexity of your data
(the number of cells possible).
VARBRUL 3 - if you can get hold of it - reportedly has the following
additional features:
* calculates effects for *continuous* as well as categorical
factors There is nothing mathematically complicated about this,
as logistic regression is *supposed* to be able to handle a
mixture of categorical and continuous factor groups, and this
is its main advantage over log-linear modelling. I remain
confused as to why earlier versions of VARBRUL *didn't* allow
* (possibly?) includes some sort of cluster analysis algorithm to
identify subsets of the population who behave similarly
(Rousseau & Sankoff's (1978) account of this is not clear)
However, it is not in wide use, perhaps because of system
requirements (it presumably runs considerably slower than 2S when
performing these functions?)
Data entry into VARBRUL 3 must also be a much more harrowing
business than into GoldVarb. Whereas GoldVarb can accept
unformatted ASCII text (so in fact you could do all of your
coding within your raw dataset and import the lot into GoldVarb
if you wanted to), this probably isn't true of a program which
recognises continuous numerical data (at the very least you'd
have to mark off fields for each factor).
**Thanks to Susan Pintzuk <sp20 at york.ac.uk>, who wrote:
Re your inquiry to the Linguist List: VARBRUL is the term used
for any of the versions of the variable rule program first
developed, implemented, and used by David Sankoff, Bill Labov,
Pascale Rousseau, and Henrietta Cedergren, among very many
others. GOLDVARB is the Macintosh version, IVARB is the PC
version (it runs under DOS but not Windows). IVARB and GOLDVARB
do the same thing on different machines, so neither program is
more "sophisticated" than the other, although GOLDVARB is more
Below are the instructions for retrieving IVARB by anonymous ftp;
the same instructions have been made available by David Rand (of
GOLDVARB fame) over the World Wide Web:
Varbrul via anonymous ftp
The complete varbrul package for MS-DOS (executable code plus
documentation) is now available via anonymous ftp, as follows:
Connect to ftp.cis.upenn.edu
Go to directory pub/ldc/misc_sw
Set transfer mode to binary
Get file varbrul.tar.Z
This is a compressed UNIX tar file. When you run the command
uncompress varbrul.tar.Z
an uncompressed version, varbrul.tar, will be created. When you run the
tar xf varbrul.tar
This will create a "varbrul" directory in your current working
directory, which will contain all the files (20 of them) in the
**Judy Liskin-Gasparro <jliskin at blue.weeg.uiowa.edu> wrote:
The person to write to re. VARBRUL is Dennis Preston at Michigan STate
University: preston at pilot.msu.edu.
**Dr. Shana Poplack <spoplack at aix1.uottawa.ca> uses GOLDVARB, as
do the graduate students at the University of Ottawa. It is
considered more user friendly than VARBRUL. Dr. David Sankoff
and Dr. David Rand (e-mail: CRM at CC.UMontreal.CA - I don't know if
this is a current address) have used VARBRUL. Dr. Sankoff has a
1987 article in Sociolinguistics: An international handbook of
the science of language and society edited by Ulrich Ammon,
Norbert Dittmar and Klauss J. Mattheier regarding Variable Rules
and a brief discussion about GOLDVARB and VARBRUL.
Thank you all!
Dawn Harvie,
University of Ottawa,
dawnh at sympatico.ca
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1633.
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