7.1471, Calls: Lang modeling, Legal systems, Humanities computing
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sat Oct 19 16:35:32 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1471. Sat Oct 19 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 256
Subject: 7.1471, Calls: Lang modeling, Legal systems, Humanities computing
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Assistant Editor: Sue Robinson <robinson at emunix.emich.edu>
Technical Editor: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms for your conference
unless you explain them in your text. Many people outside your
area of specialization will not recognize them. Thank you for
your cooperation.
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 13:31:19 PDT
From: <kornai at almaden.ibm.com> (Andras Kornai)
Subject: CFP: JNLE Special Issue on Extended Finite State Models of Language
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 13:48:34 PDT
From: bliang at pepperdine.edu (Bryan Liang)
Subject: Call for Proposals: Cultural Models in Legal Systems
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 16:07:48 EDT
From: lessard at quvinci.francais.QueensU.CA (Greg Lessard)
Subject: Reminder: ACHALLC97 (Humanities computing)
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 13:31:19 PDT
From: <kornai at almaden.ibm.com> (Andras Kornai)
Subject: CFP: JNLE Special Issue on Extended Finite State Models of Language
Extended finite state models of language
Special issue of the Journal of Natural Language Engineering
Andras Kornai, Guest Editor
In spite of the wide availability of more powerful (context-free,
mildly context-sensitive, and even Turing-equivalent) formalisms, the
bulk of the applied work on language and sublanguage modeling,
especially for the purposes of recognition and topic search, is still
performed by various finite state methods. In fact, the use of such
methods in applied work as well as in research actually increased in
the past five years. This special issue, based on the proceedings of
the W1 workshop at ECAI'96, is open to submissions on finite state
methods to text analysis, speech/OCR language modeling, and related CL
and NLP tasks, as well as to papers analyzing and possibly extending
the domain of finite-state algorithms. In keeping with the focus of
JNLE, position papers and gedanken-experiments are discouraged.
Theoretical papers would be welcome to the extent they benefit the
practicing engineer.
Papers are due December 31 1996. Electronic submissions only. Authors
will be notified by January 15 1997, with final copy due January 31
1997. The authors of papers presented at the workshop have the choice
of submitting the papers in their current format (see
http://www.cs.rice.edu/~andras/papers.html) or revising them. All
papers, including the ones invited to the workshop, will go through
the regular JNLE refereeing process. Send submissions (plain latex2e,
eps figures) to kornai at almaden.ibm.com.
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 13:48:34 PDT
From: bliang at pepperdine.edu (Bryan Liang)
Subject: Call for Proposals: Cultural Models in Legal Systems
Cultural Models in Legal Systems
Call for Proposals
In western cultures, legal systems encode a culture's pervading
attitudes in its most formal terms. Although culture-specific
meanings of "acceptable" relationships are defined and implemented
through these legal systems, the reality is that no single individual
or group's interpretations can conform completely with the norms
embodied by the system. Meaning is half in the mind of the beholder,
and half in the previous uses of a given text, to paraphrase Bakhtin,
and not inherent in the text by virtue of any semantic criteria. The
unusual nature of legal texts resides in the fact that the rules for
their interpretation are structured to force dichotomous outcomes:
Defendants are found guilty or not; the death penalty is or is not
legally sanctioned; a suspect is insane or not; and so on. On the one
hand, though, interpretation and understanding cannot take place
without bringing personal, social, and cultural presuppositions to the
interpretative act. Meaning is subjective and hence, individual. No
two people can interpret a text in precisely the same way, for the
same reasons, to lead to precisely the same conclusions. On the other
hand, neither is meaning completely unconstrained, or irrefutably
indeterminate, as the deconstructionists, including the legal critical
theorists, would have it. Rather, shared historical patterns of use
condition what is grammatical or coherent. Thus, meaning is also a
cultural legacy, and is therefore social. Because every act of
formulation or interpretation of legal texts constructs a culture's
ideology of persons, social relations, and morality, it is
consequential for how justice is carried out.
Call For Proposals
Since legal systems linguistically encode what is important or salient
to at least some members of a culture, language is a critical site
through which to assess the methods by which cultural knowledge is
organized and used to define culturally acceptable relationships and
norms. We are therefore calling for paper proposals which situate the
analysis of language and law within the cultural and social context in
which they occur. Accepted works will be included in the first
anthology in the Law, Language, and Culture series titled Cultural
Models in Legal Systems, an interdisciplinary anthology which is
expected to be published next year. Suggested methods of analysis
include discourse analysis, narrative analysis, speech act theory,
pragmatics, semiotic analysis, philosophy of language, conversation
analysis, sociolinguistic approaches, among others. But we encourage
any methodological approach so long as proposals involve law,
language, and culture. In addition, potential topics include cultural
models underlying legal terminology/concepts such as justice, rights,
privacy, the individual, identity, etc., the exploration of the
relationship between free speech and criminal acts, the transmission
of information to jurors, the use of language among practitioners
(e.g., judges) in a variety of legal settings, formal and informal,
cross-cultural comparisons of legal language, the uses and abuses of
language in nonwestern legal settings.
For consideration, proposals of 1000 words (approximately four
double-spaced pages) with one page for endnotes *must be received by
NOVEMBER 15, 1996* by either of the following editors:
A. C. Liang, CPhil OR B. A. Liang, MD, PhD, JD
Department of Linguistics School of Law
2337 Dwinelle Hall Pepperdine University
University of California, Berkeley 24255 Pacific Coast Highway
Berkeley, CA 94720-2650 Malibu, CA 90263-4532
FAX: (510) 643-5688 FAX: (310) 456-4063
Please include email addresses of corresponding authors as well as
phone and FAX numbers. Authors of accepted proposals will be provided
with formatting requirments and manuscript scheduling
information. Final manuscripts are expected to be approximately 20
double-spaced pages.
For more information, please feel free to contact the above editors at
the listed addresses or by email (aliang at icsi.berkeley.edu or
bliang at pepperdine.edu).
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 16:07:48 EDT
From: lessard at quvinci.francais.QueensU.CA (Greg Lessard)
Subject: Reminder: ACHALLC97 (Humanities computing)
{Une version francaise de ce document est disponible sur le site
hypertoile indique ci-dessous, ou des organisateurs locaux
(achallc97-localorg at qucis.queensu.ca)}
(Abridged) Reminder
June 3-7, 1997
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, CANADA
ACH-ALLC97 invites submissions of between 1000 and 2000 words on any
aspect of humanities computing, broadly defined as the point of
intersection between computing methodologies and problems, both
traditional and new, in humanities research and teaching.
Appropriate areas include, but are not limited to, languages and
literature, history, philosophy, music, art, film studies,
linguistics, anthropology, archaeology, art history, creative writing,
and cultural studies. We particularly encourage submissions from
non-text-based areas, which have been under-represented in the past.
We are interested in receiving
*technical proposals that focus on new computational tools and
approaches to research in humanities disciplines;
*proposals that focus on traditional applications of computing in
humanities disciplines, including (but not limited to) text encoding,
hypertext, text corpora, computational lexicography, statistical
models, and syntactic, semantic, stylistic and other forms of text
*proposals which present and discuss applications of computing
methodologies and tools to audio and visual materials;
*proposals that focus on significant issues in the creation and
management of digital resources relevant to the humanities, including
design, documentation, storage, representation, discovery and
*proposals that either present or evaluate software applications and
uses for humanities-based teaching;
*proposals dealing with the role of humanities computing in
undergraduate and graduate training and institutional support for
humanities computing.
Graduate students are encouraged to submit proposals. Those describing
finished research should be submitted as papers. Less advanced
dissertation research or work not fully completed may be submitted
either as a poster or as part of a panel session. See below for
details. Students and young scholars should also read the note on
bursaries later in this document.
Proposals may be submitted in either English or French.
20 November 1996: Submission of proposals for papers and sessions
8 January 1997: Submission of proposals for posters and software
15 February 1997: Notification of acceptance
28 February 1997: Requests to local organizers for non-standard
For additional information on
- types of proposal
- format of submissions
- equipment availability
- publication
- program committee
- bursaries
- location
- communication with local organizers
see the conference web page:
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1471.
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