October 1996 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Oct 1 16:48:02 UTC 1996
Ending: Thu Oct 31 05:18:22 UTC 1996
Messages: 183
- 7.1358, FYI: Degas exhibit at LSA in Chicago, New list & web page
The Linguist List
- 7.1359, Calls: Critical discourse analysis, Australasian NLP workshop
The Linguist List
- 7.1360, Jobs: Spanish, Portuguese, Tenure-track at San Diego State
The Linguist List
- 7.1361, Jobs: 3 PhD positions in Munich
The Linguist List
- 7.1362, TOC: LANGUAGE and SPEECH
The Linguist List
- 7.1363, Qs: Personal pronouns
The Linguist List
- 7.1364, Qs: German text, Lg maintenance, Words written with numbers
The Linguist List
- 7.1365, FYI: Hist of syntax, Hispanic ling at UofT URL, O-Hayo Sensei
The Linguist List
- 7.1366, Sum: Estuary English
The Linguist List
- 7.1367, Calls: Colloquium on objects, New Zealand Ling Conf
The Linguist List
- 7.1356, Calls: Ling and Literature, Congres Internat'l des Linguistes
The Linguist List
- 7.1357, Disc: ASL
The Linguist List
- 7.1368, Jobs: NLP and Information retrieval, Linguistic Anthropology
The Linguist List
- 7.1369, Jobs: Teaching position in Taiwan, Theoretical lx at Dartmouth
The Linguist List
- 7.1370, Books: Phonology, Lg acquisition
The Linguist List
- 7.1371, TOC: Journal of Slavic Linguistics, vol. 4
The Linguist List
- 7.1372, Disc: Grammaticalization
The Linguist List
- 7.1373, Disc: Ergatives in lang acq
The Linguist List
- 7.1374, Qs: Ethno list, Slavic and hist ling, PP focalizing
The Linguist List
- 7.1375, Qs: Dialects and comp, Language revival, Minimalist program
The Linguist List
- 7.1376, Calls: Cognitive/functional analysis, Phrase structure grammar
The Linguist List
- 7.1377, Calls: Formal ling, Computational ling
The Linguist List
- 7.1378, Sum: Consonant harmony
The Linguist List
- 7.1379, Sum: Epenthetic vowels
The Linguist List
- 7.1380, Sum: Hebrew word for scooter
The Linguist List
- 7.1381, Confs: Lake Erie Conf, ADS statistical workshops at LSA
The Linguist List
- 7.1382, Confs: Student conf in ling (SCIL), Comparative ling
The Linguist List
- 7.1383, Qs: Cognitive science intro book, Sample English sentences
The Linguist List
- 7.1384, Calls: ILA Conference, LACUS Forum
The Linguist List
- 7.1385, Jobs: Linguistics & ESL, 2nd Lang Acq, North American Langs
The Linguist List
- 7.1386, Jobs: Lang use and langs in contact, Japanese, French
The Linguist List
- 7.1387, FYI: October Conference Schedule, Intro Lx courses on the Web
The Linguist List
- 7.1388, FYI: New Graduate Program in Moscow, Russia
The Linguist List
- 7.1389, Sum: Mayan Decipherment
The Linguist List
- 7.1390, Jobs: Software Engineer, Phonology in Duesseldorf
The Linguist List
- 7.1391, Qs: Borgesian joke?, Lx & lit course, Short of(on, by, etc.)
The Linguist List
- 7.1392, Jobs: Psycholinguistics, German and European Studies
The Linguist List
- 7.1393, Jobs: Harvard University, jobs in phonology and syntax
The Linguist List
- 7.1394, Calls: Comparative Germanic ling, Chinese
The Linguist List
- 7.1395, Calls: Malay/Indonesian ling, Ling typology (ALT II)
The Linguist List
- 7.1396, Calls: Math/comp ling and formal lg theory, Texas Ling Society
The Linguist List
- 7.1397, Calls: Long distance reflexives, Southeast Asian studies
The Linguist List
- 7.1398, Jobs: Dean of grad studies, Director of center for lang acq
The Linguist List
- 7.1399, Jobs: Chairperson of FL dept, City U of New York position
The Linguist List
- 7.1400, FYI: LOT Winter School, Applied ling URL, Conf URL correction
The Linguist List
- 7.1401, FYI: Ling diversity, Systemic functional ling
The Linguist List
- 7.1402, Sum: _had to_
The Linguist List
- 7.1403, FYI: Machine translation lecture, World Linguistics Day
The Linguist List
- 7.1404, Qs: Software for drawing trees, Chinese, Intro ling courses
The Linguist List
- 7.1405, Disc: Natural language
The Linguist List
- 7.1406, Qs: Dream vs. nightmare, Ling judgements, _real_
The Linguist List
- 7.1407, Confs: Lang and the Internet, Syntax of Central Romantic Langs
The Linguist List
- 7.1408, TOC: Studia Germanica Gandensia special issue
The Linguist List
- 7.1409, Qs: Non-University Uses of Slavic Linguistics Survey
The Linguist List
- 7.1410, FYI: O-Hayo Sensei #17 (10/1/96)
The Linguist List
- 7.1411, Books: Anthropology, Austronesian Lgs: Kadai, North Sulawesi
The Linguist List
The Linguist List
- 7.1413, Jobs: Semantics/Pragmatics/Comp. Lx in Spanish dept, Spanish
The Linguist List
- 7.1414, Qs: E. German advertising,Books by R. T. Lakoff, Greek online
The Linguist List
- 7.1415, Qs: South-East-Asian lgs, "thou", Inclusive/exclusive pronouns
The Linguist List
- 7.1416, FYI: 5th European Summer School for Language and Speech
The Linguist List
- 7.1417, FYI: WRITTEN LANGUAGE & LITERACY - forthcoming journal
The Linguist List
- 7.1418, Jobs: Assistant Professor of Linguistics/SLA
The Linguist List
- 7.1419, Sum: A Questionnaire "Ambiguous or Unambiguous?"
The Linguist List
- 7.1420, FYI: International Journal Of Corpus Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1421, Qs: Lg of instruction, Polarity, Character representation
The Linguist List
- 7.1422, Qs: Pronoun Usage,Length of morpho-synt. categories,Human/MT
The Linguist List
- 7.1423, Disc: Ergatives in lang acq
The Linguist List
- 7.1424, Disc: ASL (American Sign Language)
The Linguist List
- 7.1425, Jobs: English instructor, English Language and Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1426, Calls: Intonation, Generative grammar
The Linguist List
- 7.1427, Qs: Searching for journal article, Rheto-romance
The Linguist List
- 7.1428, Calls: ICHL workshop, ESCA Workshop & Call for Papers
The Linguist List
- 7.1429, Calls: Korean ling, Head-driven phrase structure grammar
The Linguist List
- 7.1430, Disc: Natural language
The Linguist List
- 7.1431, Sum: Inclusive and exclusive pronouns
The Linguist List
- 7.1432, Disc: Language in dreams
The Linguist List
- 7.1433, Sum: Cognitive science intro book
The Linguist List
- 7.1434, Jobs: Positions in multi-language speech synthesis by rule
The Linguist List
- 7.1435, Qs: Multilingual national anthems, Serbian Lx, Korean
The Linguist List
- 7.1436, Sum: Bibliography for Native North American languages
The Linguist List
- 7.1437, Jobs: Anticipated job opening at Boston University
The Linguist List
- 7.1438, FYI: URLs: Language HelpDesk FAQ, Language Conference List
The Linguist List
- 7.1439, FYI: Course announcement: SIL at University of North Dakota
The Linguist List
- 7.1440, Disc: Ergatives in lang acq
The Linguist List
- 7.1441, FYI: UCI Dissertations in Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1442, Qs: Cumbric, Questionnaire, Chinese stop consonants
The Linguist List
- 7.1443, Qs: Turkish acq, Syntax texts, Lexicalization, Pragmatics
The Linguist List
- 7.1444, Confs: Narrative, Hist ling, Comparative ling
The Linguist List
- 7.1445, Confs: North Eastern Linguistics Society (NELS 27)
The Linguist List
- 7.1446, Sum: Borgesian joke
The Linguist List
- 7.1447, Jobs: Stanford: Semantics and Pragmatics
The Linguist List
- 7.1448, Jobs: Lg Technology Specialist, Italian(-speaking) linguist
The Linguist List
- 7.1449, All: WWW Virtual Library in Linguistics: New address
The Linguist List
- 7.1450, Qs: Etymology, School children, Punk culture, Vowels/glides
The Linguist List
- 7.1451, Review: F. J. Newmeyer (1996) by R. A. Harris
The Linguist List
- 7.1452, Calls: NLP for WWW, Central Eurasian studies
The Linguist List
- 7.1453, Calls: Germanic generative syntax, Natural lang generation
The Linguist List
- 7.1454, Sum: East German advertising language
The Linguist List
- 7.1455, Sum: Greek fonts
The Linguist List
- 7.1456, Calls: Berkeley Ling Society, Natural lang generation
The Linguist List
- 7.1457, Disc: PC dictionary
The Linguist List
- 7.1458, Sum: German spelling reform
The Linguist List
- 7.1459, Sum: Word order
The Linguist List
- 7.1460, Qs: English/Mandarin, Corpus databases, Paper by R. Hadel
The Linguist List
- 7.1461, Qs: Etymological dict, German, Spectrographic analysis
The Linguist List
- 7.1462, Qs: Ling curriculum, Tone langs, Gullah/Black English
The Linguist List
- 7.1463, Disc: Natural language
The Linguist List
- 7.1464, Calls: Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft, Italian
The Linguist List
- 7.1465, Jobs: Papua New Guinea, U of Florida, McMaster U
The Linguist List
- 7.1466, FYI: New corpus, PhD thesis, URL correction
The Linguist List
- 7.1467, Jobs: General linguistics/Applied linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1468, Confs: North Eastern Linguistics Society (reminder)
The Linguist List
- 7.1469, FYI: O-Hayo Sensei #18, International masters degree
The Linguist List
- 7.1470, Qs: French spelling reform, Fricative-->stop, Ponapean
The Linguist List
- 7.1471, Calls: Lang modeling, Legal systems, Humanities computing
The Linguist List
- 7.1472, Qs: Lang disparity, F K Erhard Voeltz, Ling and aphasia
The Linguist List
- 7.1473, Sum: Pronunciation of "thou"
The Linguist List
- 7.1474, Jobs: PhD studentship at Sheffield, ILLC graduate fellowships
The Linguist List
- 7.1475, TOC: Child Language Teaching & Therapy
The Linguist List
- 7.1476, FYI: Suggestion for LINGUIST jobs ads, ADDENDUM: Word Order
The Linguist List
- 7.1477, Books: Computers & Lx, Discourse Analysis, Bibliographies
The Linguist List
- 7.1478, Disc: Psychologism in Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1479, Qs: Light verbs, Proto-Indo-European, CALL PhD program
The Linguist List
- 7.1480, Disc: Natural language
The Linguist List
- 7.1481, Jobs: Ling at Soochow U, Reed job URL, Software engineer
The Linguist List
- 7.1482, Disc: Psychologism in Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1483, Jobs: ESL, Language Laboratory
The Linguist List
- 7.1484, Qs: British/American Engl, Orel and Stolbova, Questions
The Linguist List
- 7.1485, Disc: Cognitive science intro book
The Linguist List
- 7.1486, Calls: Concept of reference, External possession
The Linguist List
- 7.1487, Confs: Swahili, Japanese (LEJT), Comparative Germanic syntax
The Linguist List
- 7.1488, Qs: Online study, Lojban or Loglan, _watch_ as verb
The Linguist List
- 7.1489, Jobs: Arabic ling, Engl proficiency test item writing
The Linguist List
- 7.1490, Disc: Natural language
The Linguist List
- 7.1491, Sum: Dreams vs. nightmares
The Linguist List
- 7.1492, Qs: Taiwanese tones, WWW resources for the teaching of English
The Linguist List
- 7.1493, Qs: Vowel harmony, American epenthetic "r"
The Linguist List
- 7.1494, TOC: UCLA Working Papers in Phonology
The Linguist List
- 7.1495, Jobs: Computer Assisted Language learning, Japanese
The Linguist List
- 7.1496, Jobs: Visiting Position at Iowa, Applied Linguist's Position
The Linguist List
- 7.1497, TOC: UCLA Working Papers in Syntax and Semantics
The Linguist List
- 7.1498, Books: Computational Linguistics/NLP
The Linguist List
- 7.1499, Qs: Syntax, Imperative compounds, Phonological phrase
The Linguist List
- 7.1500, Qs: Guadeloupe Creole, Field methods teaching, Adjective Order
The Linguist List
- 7.1501, Sum: Epenthesis after final consonant clusters
The Linguist List
- 7.1502, Sum: Affricates (st>ts)
The Linguist List
- 7.1503, Confs: Comparative Germanic Syntax 12 & HIL Phonology 3
The Linguist List
- 7.1504, Calls: Digital libraries, Aviation communication
The Linguist List
- 7.1505, Calls: Student Conf in Ling (SCIL 9), Sinn und Bedeutung
The Linguist List
- 7.1506, All: URLS recently added to LINGUIST pages
The Linguist List
- 7.1507, Jobs: Applied ling/ELT at Essex, Ling/Span ling at New Mexico
The Linguist List
- 7.1508, Calls: Berkeley Ling Society, Congress of the Americas
The Linguist List
- 7.1509, Qs: Phonology, Revision of textbook, Terms of endearment
The Linguist List
- 7.1510, Qs: Parallel texts on wine, Inflectional morphology, _Ascq_
The Linguist List
- 7.1511, Sum: Drama And Discourse Analysis
The Linguist List
- 7.1512, Disc: Psychologism in Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1513, Disc: Natural language
The Linguist List
- 7.1514, Calls: Human sentence processing, Texas Ling Society
The Linguist List
- 7.1515, Qs: Statistics on neologisms, Spanish grammar
The Linguist List
- 7.1516, Confs: 20.StuTS - Programm und WWW-Page
The Linguist List
- 7.1517, TOC: Cuadernos de Linguistica
The Linguist List
- 7.1518, FYI: Speech Processing, Virtual Institute of Mambila Studies
The Linguist List
- 7.1519, FYI: UCLA Disserations in Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1520, FYI: Graduate Studies in Computational Lx at Georgetown
The Linguist List
- 7.1521, Qs: Ethnographic software, Semantic interpreters, Pragmatics
The Linguist List
- 7.1522, Jobs: Position at University of Tennessee Martin
The Linguist List
- 7.1523, Qs: NICE properties, Lang variation, Repertoires of letters
The Linguist List
- 7.1524, Disc: Natural language
The Linguist List
- 7.1525, Sum: _watch_
The Linguist List
- 7.1526, Calls: Afro-Asiatic ling, Computer-assisted lang learning
The Linguist List
- 7.1527, Qs: Imperatives, Lang of the blind, Clyne article
The Linguist List
- 7.1528, Qs: Email processing, A phrase origin,Spoken lg in caricatures
The Linguist List
- 7.1529, Confs: Second European Seminar
The Linguist List
- 7.1530, Disc: Psychologism in Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 7.1531, Sum: Pronunciation of _Ascq_
The Linguist List
- 7.1532, Sum: Salu2 - words written with numbers
The Linguist List
- 7.1533, Qs: Engl expressions, Newspapers on CDROM, Varieties of Engl
The Linguist List
- 7.1534, Disc: _watch_
The Linguist List
- 7.1535, Qs: Grammaticalization in ASL, Soda/Pop/Coke, Spanish dialects
The Linguist List
- 7.1536, FYI: LOT Winter School, Nijmegen, January 1997
The Linguist List
- 7.1537, FYI: Scholarship in Computational Linguistics(U. of Melbourne)
The Linguist List
- 7.1538, TOC: Rivista di Linguistica 7, 2 (1995)
The Linguist List
Last message date:
Thu Oct 31 05:18:22 UTC 1996
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 07:45:37 UTC 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).