7.1491, Sum: Dreams vs. nightmares
The Linguist List
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Wed Oct 23 20:06:07 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1491. Wed Oct 23 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 347
Subject: 7.1491, Sum: Dreams vs. nightmares
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
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Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 11:57:54 +0200
From: rene.schneider at dbag.ulm.DaimlerBenz.COM (Rene Schneider)
Subject: Summary: dreams vs. nightmares
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 11:57:54 +0200
From: rene.schneider at dbag.ulm.DaimlerBenz.COM (Rene Schneider)
Subject: Summary: dreams vs. nightmares
Finally, the summary for my query concerning dreams and nightmares.
I really received more information than I expected and it seems
worth to me spending more time with it.
If you'll ever find a paper with the title "Where do our nightmares
come from?", you'll know where the paper comes from.
Thanks a lot, especially to
Marion Kee <Marion_Kee at ipanema.mt.cs.cmu.edu>
Homme A. Piest <piest at pobox.leidenuniv.nl>
Jonathan Glassow <hbeng266 at email.csun.edu>
Karen S. Chung <karchung at ccms.ntu.edu.tw>
Deborah D K Ruuskanen <druuskan at cc.helsinki.fi>
Edmund Rooney <e.rooney at ed.ac.uk>
Pentti Toivakka <PENTTI.TOIVAKKA at formin.fi>
Szigetvari Peter <szigetva at osiris.elte.hu>
Philippe Mennecier <phm at cimrs1.mnhn.fr>
Marina Mc Dougall <MCDOUGAM_at_BCEPO04 at ccmail.worldcom.com>
Dag Gundersen <dag.gundersen at inl.uio.no>
Ricardo Joseh Lima <sehlimpu at centroin.com.br>
Alice Oh <alice at MIT.EDU>
Elena Bertoncini <E.Bertoncini at mail.cnuce.cnr.it>
Ron Artstein <artstein at eden.rutgers.edu>
Susana Eisenchlas <S.Eisenchlas at hum.gu.edu.au>
Ragnhild Tonnessen <ragnhilt at saturn.hifm.no>
Linda Coleman <LC22 at umail.umd.edu>
Ansgar Eilebrecht <eilebre at ldv01.uni-trier.de>
Of course, there is not a universal word for this universal
experience, but there seems to be a common semantic concept for the
phenomenon of a nightmare that is to be found in several different
cultures: an evil spirit, a demon, at least something that oppresses
people during sleep, e.g.:
- Estonian:_luupainaja_, <something that lies heavy on the bone>
- Inuit: _orumanger_ <to have a nightmare> < *uqimangiR- (same
sense) cf. *uqimangit- <to be heavy>
- Portuguese: _pesadelo_ from _pesado_ <heavy>
- Sami: _deddon_ <a dream that is pressing you (down)>
- Swahili: _jinamizi_ <to bend towards/on>
- Arabic: _kabus_ from _KaBaSa_ <to exert pressure, press, squeeze>
Names for the evil spirits bringing the bad dreams are: mare
(English), march (Welsh), mar (French), Alb (German), incubo
(Italian), mare (Scandinavian languages), mora/mura (Slavic
East asian languages (Mandarin, Japanese, Korean) use the words for
<bad dream> but sometimes the character for <demon>.
In case of Hungarian you have the negation of a good dream but also
the word _nyomocz _ = lit. <a person or thing that exerts pressure>
Thanks again from
Rene' Schneider
Department of Text Understanding Systems
Daimler-Benz Research and Technology, Ulm
rene.schneider at dbag.ulm.DaimlerBenz.COM
Underneath you will find some more detailed information for the
following languages:
English, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Dutch, Estonian, Finnish,
French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Inuit, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Portuguese, Sami, Scandinavian Languages (Danish, Norwegian,
Swedish), Slavic Languages (Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Russian,
Serbian), Swahili and finally German.
[from OldEnglish _dream_ = <noise, joy> and OldNorse _draumr_; akin
to OldHighGerman _troum_] used as verb and noun, as well used for
daydreaming, fantasies
[MiddleEnglish night+mare
_mare_ = from OldHighGerman _mara_, meaning <incubus, i.e. an evil
preternatural being that lies on persons in their sleep> or
_mare_ = from OldHighGerman _merha_, Welsh _march_, <a female
horse or other equin animal, esp. when fully mature or of breeding
age>] (Digital Webster)
related to OldIrish Mor/rigain, the queen of elves,
-(a) the more or less mainstream meaning of <unpleasant dream> and
(b) the more specific and, in English, folkloric use of the term
to refer to a set of sensations that includes a feeling of paralysis
along with a sense of <having a heavy weight on one's chest causing
an inability to breathe>. That is, I believe, the origin of both
the English _nightmare_ and the French _cauchemar_, as the feeling
of suffocating weight on the chest was attributed
to a goblin. (Linda Coleman)
- Several people pointed out that for English speakers generally
the term _bad dream_ is entirely equivalent to _nightmare_ and even
more common. (Marion Kee, E. Rooney)
dream | _XuLM_ from _XaLaMa_ <to dream, to muse, reflect, meditate,
also to attain puberty>, plural: _aXLaM_ <dreams, irreality,
nightmare | _JuTHMAM_ <incubus>, from _JaTHaMa_ <to alight, sit,
perch(bird), lie face down, to beset, opress> or
_KABUS_ <terrible vision, phantom, bugbear> from _KaBaSa_ <to exert
pressure, press, squeeze> (Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Arabic)
dream | _meng4_ or
_zuo4 meng4_ = <to make a dream>, like _you must be
dreaming_ or _you must be out of your mind_ (Karen S. Chung)
nightmare | _e-meng_
- The _e-_ prefix means _evil_ <evil dream> (Jonathan Glassow) - There
is also a rather literary term used, for example, in news writing:
_meng4 yan4_ (Taiwan) or _meng4 yan3_ (mainland China), literally,
'dream + nightmare'; this is a rather technical, even medical
term. The written character for _yan4_/_yan3_ contains a component
meaning 'demon'. (Karen S. Chung)
dream | _droom_
nightmare | _nachtmerrie_
- If I remember well, a 'mare' is some sort of impish creature
trying to suffocate sleepers by sitting on their chests. The word
itself is no longer in use, the derivation 'merrie' probably was
taken into use because of sound
resemblances ('merrie' - female horse). (Homme A. Piest)
dream | _uni_,
nightmare | _luupainaja_, <something that lies heavy on the bone>
(cf. Finnish) (Pentti Toivakka)
dream | _uni_, meaning also <sleep>
nightmare | _pahauni_ = <a bad dream> or
_painajainen_ = <something that lies heavy on smb./smth>
_painajaisuni_ = <nightmaredream>
- The Sandman is the _Unijukka_, i.e. Sleep Jack in some dialects.
and the dormouse is _unikeko_ which also means Sleepyhead! (there is
another word for sleep, _nukkua_, but it is connected with observing
someone else, while _uni_ is more personal) (Deborah D.K. Ruuskanen)
- From the word _uni_ comes the verb <Finnish:unohtaa, Estonian
unustada>; both mean <to forget>; the orginal meaning of the verb
could be: <to get in the memory not clear, obscure, like a dream>
Neither in Finnish and Estonian nor in the Slavic languages the words
which express these two concepts seem to have any etymological link to
each other. (Pentti Toivakka) - The verb is _painaa_. And the
dictionary says it means <trykke, presse, tynge> in norwegina -
exactly as the sami word _deaddit_. (cf. Sami) (Ragnhild Toennessen
and Leena Niiranen)
dream | r^eve
nightmare | cauchmar, from latin _calcare_ <to tread upon> + mar(e)
dream | _xalom_ (an old word with cognates in other Semitic
languages (cf. _xulm_ in Arabic);
nightmare | _xalom balahot_ or _siut_
As far as my knowledge goes _balahot_ appears in this construction
only; nor do I know of any other words derived from the same root,
though there are bound to be some.
I think it's probable that the construction _xalom balahot_ is a loan
translation from some other language. (Ron Artstein)
You also have a verb 'to dream' (lachlom), but not a verb for
having a nightmare, in which case you use the same expression as in
English: 'haia li siut' (I had a nightmare). (Susana Eisenchlas)
dream | _\'alom_
nightmare | _r\'em\'alom, where r\'em_ means `monster' also cf.
r\'em\'it `terrify', r\'em\_ul `be terrified'.
- \'V=acute accent on V, \_u=umlaut on V (Peter Szigetvari)
- Like in English, you would rather ask _rosszat almodtal?_
(accents on the last 2 _a_s) literally meaning <did you have a bad
dream?> (Marina McDougall)
Marina also sent me some equivalents like
_Liderc_ (accents on the i & e) = <nightmare, incubus, goblin>
_nyomocz _(accent on the second o) = lit. <a person or thing that
exerts pressure>
INUIT (East Greenland)
dream | _sinnattir_ <to dream> < *cin at k- _to sleep_ + ? suffix of
repeated action;
nightmare | _orumanger_ <to have a nightmare> < *uqimangiR- (same
sense) cf. *uqimangit- <to be heavy> (Philippe Menecier)
dream | _sogno_ from latin (somnium)
nightmare | _incubo_, from late Latin <daemon lying on> (incubare -
to lie over) (Elena Bertoncini)
dream | _yume_
nightmare | _akumu_ or _onyomi_
Japanese uses the same Chinese character for _meng4_ to write their
word for 'dream'; it is pronounced _yume_ and is a native Japanese
word (_kunyomi_). They also use the same characters as Mandarin for
_e4 meng4_ to mean 'nightmare'; the pronunciation is _akumu_ (Chinese
loan pronunciation, or _onyomi_). Then there is _muma_, also a Chinese
loan (_onyomi_), like _akumu_, except that Chinese does not now use
this expression. The characters are 'dream' (_meng4_ in Mandarin) +
'demon' (_mo2_ in Mandarin). And finally, the Mandarin _yan4_/_yan3_
character is also used in Japanese; it is pronounced _en_ or _yo_, and
is part of the verb _una(sareru)_, 'to have a nightmare'. (Karen
S. Chung) The same character for dream (chinese origin) is also used
in Korean. (Alice Oh)
dream | _koom_
nightmare | __ak_mong_
The character for _dream_ is read as _mong_ but means _koom_.
However, you would never refer to dream as _mong_ by itself. The
first syllable of _nightmare_, _ak_, means bad, or evil. There is
another word (two words, actually), for nightmare, and it is
_moo-suh-oon koom_, meaning, literally, scary dream. The first word
that I told you, _ak-mong_ is not used very often by children because
words made up of Chinese characters are more advanced and difficult
than the usual Korean words. (Alice Oh)
dream | _sonho_ from latin <somnium, somnio (accusative) >, sleep
nightmare | _pesadelo_ (like Spanish pesadilla) with no worth
explanation for
'pesadelo' except that it comes from 'pesado' (heavy) what would
make 'heavy
dreams'. (Ricardo Lima)
SAMI (Lapland)
dream | _niehkku_, also used for a kind of dream you can have
while awake
nightmare | is a _deddon_, but a deddon is not neccesarily a
nightmare, <a dream that is pressing you (down)>
Solveig Haetta said that it was made from the verb deaddit.
The dictionary says: deaddit: <a trykke , presse> (to
press), <tynge> (to weigh down). It can also mean to press
something against something (and as far as I understood her, the
word the Sami use for <underlining> is also related to the same
verb. (Ragnhild Toennessen and Solveig Haetta)
dream | _draum/drom_
nightmare | _mareridt_ DANISH
_mareritt_ NORWEGIAN
_mardr=F6m_ SWEDISH
- In all the three languages the notion is, that the _mare_ sat on
people's chests and rode them (_ritt_ = <the act of riding>). To
avoid it you should place your shoes with the toes pointing away
from your bed, not towards it. Just as you have _nightmarish_ in
English we have similar derivations, e.g.
_marerittaktig_ in Norwegian (in Danish -agtig). (Dag Gundersen)
- To give you a nightmare, the mara rides on your chest, so our word is
quite strict to the original idea. (Ragnhild Toenessen)
dream | _son/sen_, <dream and sleep>
nightmare |
RUSSIAN | _koshmar_ from French _cauchemar_, also _kikimora_
POLISH | _koszmar_ or _zmora_
BULGARIAN | _mora_
SERBIAN | _mora_
CZECH | _mura_
- All trace back to Common Slavic <mora>; in Ukrainian <mora> is
<evil spirit; devil>, in Serbian also <household gnome>; Czech
<mura> means also <night butterfly>. (Pentti Toivakka)
dream | _ndoto_ 'ndoto' 9 class noun from the verb -ota <to dream>
nightmare | <jinamizi> 5 cl. noun from the verb -inamia <to bend
towards/on> (Elena Bertoncini)
dream | _Traum_ from OldGerman _troum_, <fallacious, elusorily>
related to OldIcelandic _draugr_ <ghost>, related to OldIndian
_druhyati_ <to do harm>
nightmare | _Alptraum/Albtraum_ = _alp_ + _traum_, _alp_ <small,
often mischievous fairy, that weighs heavily upon the sleeper>,
mythical being between men, gods and dwarfs, related to OldNordic
_alfr_, OldEnglish _aelf_ NewEnglish _elf_
testimonies in OldHighGerman speak of an insidious being, as a
nightmare, that exerts pressure on the sleepers chest and takes
their breath away --> _Alpdrucken_ (1700) _Alpdruck_ (1800) Alptraum
_(1900)_(Ansgar Eilebrecht)
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1491.
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