8.106, FYI: Grad Program-Scandinavian Generative Lx
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Sat Jan 25 16:02:34 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-106. Sat Jan 25 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.106, FYI: Grad Program-Scandinavian Generative Lx
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 14:39:25 +0100
From: Tromso Linguistics <lorentz at isl.uit.no>
Subject: FYI: Graduate program in Scandinavian Generative Linguistics
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 14:39:25 +0100
From: Tromso Linguistics <lorentz at isl.uit.no>
Subject: FYI: Graduate program in Scandinavian Generative Linguistics
The Linguistics Section of the School of Languages and Literature at
the University of Tromsoe, Norway, offers a one year graduate program,
designed to prepare students for research in comparative generative
syntax and phonology with special attention to the Scandinavian
languages. It is open to students from all countries. Students should
have a background in linguistics corresponding roughly to a B.A. with
a major in linguistics. After completing the one year program
students may add a second year to complete a Norwegian
Cand.Phil.(roughly equivalent to a British M.Phil).
For students who wish to pursue higher studies in generative
linguistics, perhaps with a specialization in Germanic languages, this
program offers a rare opportunity to acquire a solid grounding in
recent models in generative phonology and syntax, applied to a group
of languages which have proven to be a fruitful area of research using
recently developed grammatical models.
Instruction will be in English. Proficiency in a Scandinavian language
is not required, nor is previous knowledge of Scandinavian
grammar. Those who wish may follow a course in Norwegian for
foreigners during the year.
Students pay no tuition. A limited number of grants are available for
students from Eastern Europe or developing countries.
The program will consist of lectures, seminars, and tutorials, with
examinations at the end of each term (fall and spring term). In
addition, the students are required to write a shorter thesis. In the
fall there will be one lecture series on Scandinavian syntax and
another one on Scandinavian phonology. In addition there will be
seminars, tutorials, and a crash course in Icelandic grammar. In the
spring semester there will be a lecture series on diachronic
linguistics, plus seminars and tutorials. The students will also write
their thesis during spring term.
The teachers are Tarald Taraldsen, Ove Lorentz, Thorbjoerg
Hroarsdottir, and Anders Holmberg. Teachers from other universities
will be invited to contribute at various points in the course.
The deadline for applications for 1997-98 is March 1, 1996 for those
who wish to be considered for a grant. For application forms and
further information, contact
Anders Holmberg
University of Tromsoe
N-9037 Tromsoe, Norway
phone: 47-77645616, fax: 47-77645625, e-mail: andersh at isl.uit.no
Ove Lorentz, Linguistics, ISL, University of Tromso, N-9037 Tromso,
Norway Telephone +47 7764-4267. Telefax +47 7764-5625. E-mail
lorentz at isl.uit.no
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-106
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