8.142, FYI: PhD positions at U of Tuebingen and HIL

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Fri Jan 31 05:08:29 UTC 1997

LINGUIST List:  Vol-8-142. Fri Jan 31 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 8.142, FYI: PhD positions at U of Tuebingen and HIL

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            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>

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Date:  Thu, 30 Jan 1997 09:56:42 +0100
From:  birgit.kaiser at uni-tuebingen.de (Birgit Kaiser)
Subject:  PhD-position at the University of Tuebingen

Date:  Thu, 30 Jan 1997 13:43:56 +0100
From:  Jeroen van de Weijer <vdweijer at rullet.LeidenUniv.nl>
Subject:  Four PhD positions at HIL

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 30 Jan 1997 09:56:42 +0100
From:  birgit.kaiser at uni-tuebingen.de (Birgit Kaiser)
Subject:  PhD-position at the University of Tuebingen

Universitaet Tuebingen

Graduiertenkolleg "Integriertes Linguistik-Studium"


Zum 1. April 1997 wird 1 Doktoranden-Stipendium im
Graduiertenkolleg "Integriertes Linguistik-Studium"
vergeben. Die thematische Zielsetzung des Kollegs besteht in der
Verbindung von Allgemeiner und Theoretischer Sprachwissenschaft
mit anderen linguistischen Disziplinen wie zum Beispiel der
Computerlinguistik, den Einzelphilologien und den relevanten
Disziplinen der Kognitionswissenschaften.

Die Foerderungsdauer betraegt im Regelfall zwei
Jahre. Voraussetzung fuer die Bewerbung ist ein qualifizierter
Studienabschluss in einem dieser Gebiete. Auch Absolventen
anderer, einschlaegiger Studiengaenge koennen bei entsprechend
qualifiziertem Abschluss Aufnahme in das Kolleg finden.

Bewerbungen sind (unter Beifuegung von Zeugniskopien,
Lebenslauf, der Skizze eines moeglichen Forschungsprojektes und
mindestens einem Gutachten) bis zum 21.2.1997 zu richten an den
Sprecher des Graduiertenkollegs:

Prof. Dr. H.-B. Drubig
Universitaet Tuebingen
Seminar f=FCr Sprachwissenschaft
Wilhelmstr. 113
D-72074 Tuebingen

Die Universitaet Tuebingen strebt eine Erhoehung des weiblichen
wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses an und fordert deshalb Frauen
ausdruecklich zur Bewerbung auf.

Anfragen per e-mail bitte an: birgit.kaiser at uni-tuebingen.de

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 30 Jan 1997 13:43:56 +0100
From:  Jeroen van de Weijer <vdweijer at rullet.LeidenUniv.nl>
Subject:  Four PhD positions at HIL

Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics

The Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics (HIL) is a
research institute of Leiden University, the Universiteit van
Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Research within
the institute focuses on generative linguistics.

HIL is part of the Dutch national graduate school in
linguistics, LOT. HIL is a training institute for linguistic
researchers. From 1 September, 1997, in this context there are
positions for

	(reference number: 7/039)

Two students will be placed at Leiden University and two at the
University of Amsterdam.

The students will receive a grant. Contingent on good progress,
the grant will be renewed for a maximum of four years. In
general, the grant will only be given to students who have
received their undergraduate degree no longer than five years
ago. For every bursary student a supervision and training
programme will be drawn up according to the HIL regulations. The
research project should result in a promotion at the
participating university.

Grant requests should be accompanied by a curriculum vitae, two
references, a copy of the doctoral diploma and grade-list, and,
if possible, other relevant written results of the candidate
(papers, articles, and the undergraduate thesis).

HIL graduate students are expected to carry out research
projects that fit in with the HIL research programme. To prepare
for an exploratory interview that HIL will invite short-list
candidates for, applicants are requested to include a short
description of the research topic they are interested in (max. 3

Students who have not yet obtained their undergraduate degree
should include a statement by their supervisor that they will
obtain this degree before 1 September, and a description of the
research topic of their undergraduate thesis (max. 3 pages).

Further information on the structure of the HIL training and
research programme can be obtained from:

	Dr. H.G. van der Hulst, director of HIL, tel. (31) 71 - 527 2105 / 2101
	E-mail: HULST at rullet.LeidenUniv.nl
	Web: http://www.leidenuniv.nl/hil

Applications, which should bear the above reference number on
envelope and letter, should be sent before *7 March, 1997* to:

	Directeur-Beheerder van de Faculteit der Letteren
	Cleveringaplaats 1
	Postbus 9515
	2300 RA  Leiden
	The Netherlands

In case candidates are of equal qualifications and eligibility,
the grant will be bestowed on a female.

LINGUIST List: Vol-8-142

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